The average middle class income should be $98,000 a year considering everything (minus the looting of our economy)

12  2016-06-05 by LightBringerFlex

Basically, there are a handful of corporations that are destroying this economy by looting it through methods that don't help the economy whatsoever but rather damage it.

This has been going on for about 40 or 50 years now. In case you were wondering, the average middle class income would be $98.000 a year if this wasn't happening.

Fight for your rights people. I know I am. Lets do this. I believe in you. :)


Reinstitute Glass Steagal. Break up the banks. Discontinue colocated and high frequency trading. Enforce insider trading rules, especially the Congress (our sickness starts at the head of the snake). Obliterate the campaign finance as it exists. Break up the media (5 companies) monopoly. Cut defense by 5/8 or more. Eliminate TSA, Homeland Security and every cancer organization that used 911 as an excuse to exist, reverse the Patriot Act and Citizens United. Prosecute the "big boys" as they are now piratical, vulture, criminal, fascistic organization. Analyze WHO they are and act accordingly. Severely limit tax havens, off shoring, and most "public/private" associations and NGO's. This will be a start.

Boom! Excellent post. Thank you.

This is good stuff but wondering,

Cut defense by 5/8 or more. Eliminate TSA, Homeland Security and every cancer organization that used 911 as an excuse to exist, reverse the Patriot Act

How can you get the people to support those things when they're so scared? And what happens when there's another attack?

Most people I know are way more scared of government overreach than an highly unlikely terrorist event

The War is: The War OF Terror. We are the target AND victim. It has been so since the beginning. A complete disclosure and the arrest of the players is in order. Why do you think the Israelis have us on a short lease. It's because they KNOW who the actors are and are the only ones organized, with enough chutzpa to threaten them into obedience. From that perspective 98% of Congress was complicit.

Totally agree, but folks who watch cnn and all would laugh in my face if I said to get rid of those agencies. What would influence them to not be so scared?

That's successful terror in action. Terror equals fright inducing that state of being "scared". This is not the proper condition of a citizen of a normal nation. It is so in a police state. There has to be a way of punching the controllers in the mouth. I say the way is truth, disclosure, prosecution, getting a pair of balls. Us the god damn NSA machine to catch the fuckers deserving of being caught. We already paid for it. Loose the NSA on Goldman Sachs and the Fed for starters.

I agree with all of that, but there is no direct course of action to get any, let alone all, of it rolling. Correct me if I am wrong here, what are the steps to get this done? It seems to me that the very things you describe are entrenched to the point where 'the system' not only supports but is dependant on them. Think of all the jobs people would moan about losing. Again I am on board with everything you say but I have another perspective...

The system of control/economy relies on dollars as its main control mechanism. Need dollars to solve any problems you might have. Food, shelter, transport, etc... all derivatives of dollars. To enact change I submit that we the people must take direct action against the thieves' eCONomy via a general boycott.

First we must understand: why are all those systems you describe in place? Politicians. Why did politicians institute such things? Bribes. Who bribed them? Corupto-corps. Why do the corupto-corps have enough dollars to bribe them? We the people of the USA spend over 11 TRILLION dollars every year on consumer spending. We are literally financing the corruption in exchange for comfortable lifestyles.

By engaging in a general boycott we the people can simultaneously remove dollars/power from the coffers of the corps corrupting our politicians AND use those dollars to deploy infrastructure in our own lives/communities that will reduce our reliance on future dollars, thus giving the corps even less power over us. Imagine installing a garden this year and in the future, for only labor, you get dollar-free food AND Monsanto-like corps get nada.

Think back to SOPA and GoDaddy. Reddit organized a boycott and GoDaddy stopped supporting SOPA within 48 hours. Even though they were likely lying... Money Talks, Bullshit Walks.

Boycotts are superior to strikes in that no one puts anything at risk. You can get in trouble for not buying stuff. Of course keep paying taxes and mortgages, you would do no good in jail. All the Jones' stuff can be nixed. The more mandated spending (healthcare) the more people wise up to the scams. Another way to think of it is: Employers MUST pay employees. Employees need NOT purchase stuff.

Also remember that fractional reserve banking works for the people on the way down. For every dollar you keep out of the system, it will destroy at least 10 more dollars in conjured funny money. Even a few percent of American's engaging in a general boycott would be enough to send massive ripples into the eCONomy.

At this point you'd have massive corps going out of business, which would only hasten the process. Maybe the Tea Party and Occupy people finally realize they are on the same team AND that the MSM is lying about 'recoveries' and 'green shoots'. Rough times for sure, but the band-aid must be removed for us to heal. Eventually I would also expect violence, but if this must occur we the people should be wise enough to do it on our terms, force TPTB to fire the first shot. Keep our moral high ground.

At the end of the rough patch the work begins. Rebuilding, reconnecting, and at this point I don't think the institutions you mention would even be around anymore...

tl-dr; General boycott to force TPTB's hand, spend only on things that reduce your reliance on future dollars.

Sorry broken model, boycotts. This is not Cesar Chavez and San Joaquin Valley grapes. There is NO SHORTAGE of consumers. They can just as easily off shore the buyers as they off shored our jobs. Nope. It's going to take hard, strong legal prosecution of the devils, all the sons of bitches. As soon as they start ratting each other out the castles will fall one by one.

With those facts and evidence, how could I argue?

Do you need any more evidence than you already have? Just take one look at this country and think... "How did this happen?"

Let's start with where you got the number $98k from.

I am constantly landing on news information about how the elite are playing the economy in a way that damages the economy but enriches them with power and wealth. This has been going on for months and sometimes I run into a graph that shows the problem that exists with average pay. It hasn't gone up in decades although the rich keep getting richer. One of the graphs averaged itself out to depict what the middle class would be making on average if the elite didn't loot the economy, and it came up to $98,000 a year on average.

Sorry, I don't have all the evidence in front of me but we all know something is seriously fucked up at the top by now. It's like a cancer eating away at the whole body.

Yes, income inequality is an issue and even more of an issue is the stagnant middle class growth as you stated

I was just interested in something concrete to discuss. Or solutions.

Oh great. Gonna check this out. My solution is a philosophical one which people might not be quite ready to hear yet but in the meantime, we need to start by using people power so we can have a hand in politics. Nothing will change until the people put their foot down. We have many tools such as communication that we can use to maintain awareness of the problem. Its all about us, not only the politicians. Its a combo effect that can have amazing impacts on this country but we would need to conciously move into this state of being as a people.

Would everyone's average income be higher than it currently isl?

Inflation will not solve this adjustment... because businesses will raise prices

Your just repeating the lies some government agencies are spreading. It doesn't work like that. More money doesn't mean your life doesn't change only because overtime some prices go up. Its MUCH more complicated than that and in the end, everyone wins even if some item prices go up.

Do you own a business?

Yup. I'm a manufacturer with 10 employees. A good economy helps us all.

and all your employees have a 98,000 salary?

Nope. We need more money flowing in the economy so that I can pay them more.

Exactly like the big corporations... but they are on a larger scale. Next time, put your money where your mouth is. Wake up people

The big coporations have plenty of money to pay their employees a good wage. They simply decide not to. I am not a corporation nor a public company.

On paper they have money... not all are Google or Apple.. sitting on piles of cash

I'm not worried about those corporations. I'm talking about the elite here, billionaires.

Your just repeating the lies some government agencies are spreading.

No, they say the exact opposite. He’s telling the truth.

US Net exports does not win with increased prices domestically.

Lol, so you arguing against improving the economy?

No dude