Anyone else love the amount of Shills out in enforce this election?

29  2016-06-06 by [deleted]



I'm not really sure they're sweating at all, the 2 presumptive nominees are two authoritarians who both ultimately want to invade Iran. If you're going to respond saying Trump wants to change foreign policy -- watch his speech to AIPAC where he tells the truth to the people who (apparently) matter. He plays right into the fervent islamophobia, which will making the ultimate war on Iran an even easier sell. Dehumanize the opposition, then launch attacks. That's how it works. So, when you say they're sweating, sorry bud -- I just don't see it.

Nothing will change.

Yeah, I was seeing 5-6 anti-Hillary posts per day on my front page feed; I finally set up a filter to weed out anything that says "Clinton."

Congratulations, you've done their job for them. Now you're in a conspiracy forum where you have filtered out subjects that were an on-going topic of conspiracy discussion for over 20 years before Hillary ran for Prez.