Perhaps the people deserve to be ruled by an oppressive government

1  2016-06-07 by [deleted]



People are too god damn stupid to do anything. You have people on food stamps insulting people on food stamps calling them lazy, you have dumb ass people that make 9 dollars an hour thinking Mexicans are their problem, you have little white college boys telling people to check their privilege, you can't even put out a god damn movie poster for Xmen without a big shitstorm getting farted out of some dipshits mouth. You know what? Fuck em. We as Americans have what we deserve as a whole.

If you can't beat em' join em'.

Nothing is more frustrating to me as a "conspiracy theorist" than the apathy of the American public.

I often wonder what it will take for the masses to awake from their slumber and feel that red,white and blue dick in their asses. I really think that as long as the water is running, as long as the drive-thrus are still cranking out that food-cancer, and people still have cable television and wi-fi, nothing will change.

I guess I've become a pessimist.

Anyways, I digress, even if the elite choose to remove these luxuries incrementally they will be able to get away with it. I know I paint a bleak picture, but barring some sort of major financial collapse, which I don't see in the cards, the pitchforks will not come out like they would in Europe. I think Americans simply lack the fortitude to rise up against the upper classes. Maybe its something we were capable of in the 30's, but not anymore, the pussification of Americans is unbelievable.

You can talk about anything, except class warfare.

That's why the media has spent the last 6 months ignoring or insulting Bernie Sanders.

Honestly, the only thing that gives me hope these days, is that young people realize they are being fucked and they mobilized around an anti-establishment candidate like Sanders. I think that the DNC really screwed themselves over by so transparently putting their finger on the scale for Hillary Clinton.

It was pretty clear to young people who aren't even "conspiracy-minded" that Bernie was getting fucked over by the establishment Democrats. I saw articles make it to the front page of /r/politics calling out the Democratic establishment like I have never seen before.

Hopefully the tide is turning, we won't know for sure until the Boomers die off.

Sorry for the rant.

You do raise a good point and a good question. What do people deserve? Do people deserve an oppressive government if they don't do anything about it? If you are robbed at gunpoint or someone steals things from your home while you are away did you deserve that? You would have let the person rob you, or you would have had a house that allowed a person to break in and steal some stuff. Plus that is all if it happens to you, should you care if its someone else that gets robbed?

All of this comes down to what you define as right and what is wrong. Once you define what is right and wrong for yourself does that also apply to others? Is what is right and good and true the same for all people?

Does not caring and not standing up for people who aren't standing up for themselves compromise what is right? None of these comments and questions really answer what people really deserve but it does point more towards what we as individuals must consider for ourselves. We all have our own lines we draw in the sand and we all have our own versions of what is right, what is deserved, what is wrong, and what we will allow. The people are just a collection of these individuals. I don't know what the people deserve, but I do have some idea of what I think is right and I also don't think it is a good idea to compromise what is right.

This is why all the US homegrown militias still exist.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

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It is frustrating, isn't it? You mentioned that non-violent protesting for a day does nothing, so what do you suggest?

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I'm afraid that you're right. The soma is pretty intoxicating.

None of you understand the amount of shit the government is holding together and how frightening the truth actually is.

Now I think you're acting like a know-it-all teenager. You have no way of knowing what the veterans, or even newcomers, know. What you've said is pretty rude and will only work to alienate those who would be on your side.

I'm not here to be on anyone's side, just pointing out the fact that only the ones spreading disinformation truly know what's going on and you should put yourself in their shoes, they're the ones holding this together for reasons you can't know because if we all knew we'd just have mass suicides.

That's rich.

Like what? Fukushima? Methane escaping from melting arctic ice that will suffocate us all? What do "they" know that we haven't already been told but ignored?

Lizard People? Demon living in the earth? What are you talking about?

You should elaborate on those.

Me? You're the one who wrote:

None of you understand the amount of shit the government is holding together and how frightening the truth actually is.

So what is this "frightening truth"? I offered a couple suggestions from my perspective. But I'm not the one who made the initial claim.

So what is it you are talking about? Or is this just some wild stab in the dark? Or the hopes of a person who places perhaps too much faith in our "leaders"?

Just curious on your beliefs. I can't post mine.

So another case of I know moar than you and I won't tell cause I know what's best for you. Maybe if dotgov didn't think they were dotgod we wouldn't be so far out of kilter. This whole country is a cesspool of corruption and immorality, pretty sure it didn't get that way on accident. So maybe the selfdesignated keepers of the secrets just need to go.

Definitely not, I wish I could do more but you know what they do to people like us. Luckily I'm at a stalemate with them so I'm allowed to have a life. Make sure you have lots of audio and video recording devices with you 24/7 and not just your phone.

Care to share your opinions ?

You are showing me why. People like us should fear. Fuck that. If they didn't want me telling my truth they shouldn't have made it so shitty. They already know who and what and how the abuses against us all have been committed, why cover for any part of it? I see no benefit in silence. Not that there are many in speaking out. Other than that I sleep well at night .

Who says they made it this way ?

Well, in my particular case, I know for a fact that dotgov experiments, that were lied about until the Rockefeller Commission, and had all the documents shredded by a now exec dir of a nsa linked surveillance CO had a direct and definite negative impact on my life and on many, many others. The people that are affected by some of our dotgov crap are the ones suffering. I will leave it at project paperclip, Edgewood arsenal and the wonderful science they were engaging in. You are no dummy. They perfected the dark arts and unleashed them. Good thing we have plenty more innocents lining up for that better life, or dotgov might just dissolve. That would really be a shame. Or, maybe not. BTW family links to many events and places in ww2 so my family history is probably a factor. I refused to join dotgov, or any part of the MIC, and still do. Until the rot is removed the liberty tree can't grow. The fuck them ,we are special mentality is a symptom. Make your paper but know who you work for. Coersion and subversion seem to be how dotgov gets shit done. Not in my name, and not with my help. At least not with my consent. Autofuckingincorrect , the bane of my existance, next to psychopathic scientists.

Psychotic scientists ? Edgewood and "dark arts" ? Can you elaborate? You seem stressed in your comments.


Nah, the distress went away. Turns out when scientist use actual magick for profit there are unintended consequences. I am not able to walk you through my process, but will say that we have completely and utterly disfinctional government and governing for a reason. You are another really smart and well read sort. Mae Brussel has stuff on paperclip. And the various mk___ programs. And from what I am reading digging deeper they were doing a lot of the same things they did here in konzentration camps, and learning hospitals In Germany before they got brought here. For science or something. Interestingly when I used my googlefoo to see what comes up on certain key words I was given on paper some thirty yrs ago I found interesting and distressing things. I just tried it again, but when googling paramilitary mind control about a month ago this is what.cameup as my second listing right below the ad I don't mean to burst your bubble, but at this point it is safe to say that the things they were testing worked. Apparently very well. Just not for those in the families of the test subjects.

you can make excuses and apologies for current circumstances all you want after the fascists are purged because they deserve it

you'll never be invited to join them

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get over it they won't let you join even if you are a sympathizer

since you're willing to work your way up to be part of the problem (no different than being a traitor) you have fun being a slave to your precious fascists

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you are literally admitting to treason so nothing you accuse me of is going to be worse than that. try harder.

Have you tried to kill these fascists yet? If not, then you are just as much of a "slave" as I am.

I guess all mods have their own triggers, but one of mine is people coming here suggesting that violence and specifically, killing people (be it Hillary, Trump, Jews, Muslims, blacks, whites whoever) is a legitimate or viable solution to their grievances. Cut that shit out, or I will excise you from this sub.

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You know, even IF the people were able to get organized enough and attempt to take back power from the Oligarchs, the Oligarchs are fully prepared to quell the people and make an example out of those who rebelled to make sure the complicit ones don't do the same. What do you think the militarized police are for? Same for the "anti terrorism laws." They worked for so long to get to where they are now. They won't give up what they stole regardless of how much we protest. "It's a giant club and you're not in it."

"Deserve" has nothing to do with anything. Pull your head out of your ass OP.

you are literally admitting to treason so nothing you accuse me of is going to be worse than that. try harder.

Have you tried to kill these fascists yet? If not, then you are just as much of a "slave" as I am.

I guess all mods have their own triggers, but one of mine is people coming here suggesting that violence and specifically, killing people (be it Hillary, Trump, Jews, Muslims, blacks, whites whoever) is a legitimate or viable solution to their grievances. Cut that shit out, or I will excise you from this sub.

You should elaborate on those.