Since CIA/NSA are spying on people's gmail, we should store lists of their crimes, intrigues and conspiracies in google docs, outlining how they are breaking the law all the time, so they will have to read it.

32  2016-06-08 by 911bodysnatchers322

If you were an NSA / CIA employee and you were asked to spy on people (and you know who is targetted: conspiracy theorists), you'd have a real bad day if you found some documents in their cloud drive that were lists of links to documents proving pedophilia in the US government, proving that we started wars, that we gassed people, that we spread biological agents across US cities, killing a few people, that freemasons were involved in a massacre in both italy and in great britian and even here in america a few times (we can prove this--as sure as its on wikipedia and in history textbooks), that false flags happen all the time, that the clintons friend knowingly sold aids and hep c infected blood to us and canada and germany and that little kids recieved that blood and were infected an died, these kinds of things....

...I suspect that you'd either do like Snowden, or quit, or try to change things from inside. Whatever you the hypothetical agent do, you'll be at the very least aware that the US hates you and you'll know very specifically why that is.

I other words, it's how you create a dialogue with a secretive group of police who won't otherwise give you any audience any other way. (Have you ever tried contacting the fbi / cia? I have. They don't follow up. CIA responded to foia request on my own info twice and gave me absolutely nothing, saying that cannot acknowledge or deny any info they may or may not have)


I like this idea!

Maybe sprinkle in disinformation (about personal life happenings and research topics), just as they do. Might as well make the process of collecting personal information convoluted and difficult.

I do. Every pdf I find my first was secret societies and mind control. ;-) also the filings made by the Edgewood veterans lawyers. Nothing to hide nothing to fear. Amirite?


So passing out experiment awareness papers with bolded keywords,like paramilitary mind control on VA property may have got me on a list, and I am still here? Clearly there is a reason. I have been very open and do not hold back on comments. I have been calling out corrupt for years. And being a friend to many veterans. For the love of Bob fear. Speak truth to power. This incarnation ain't been so awesome, what is there really left? The illusion shall bubble until we let it pop..hopefully soon.

My Facebook page is pretty much dedicated to documenting and criticizing our government's policy of torturing people, including me.

And because I am pretty much incompetent at managing the bs and I hardly ever use Facebook, it took me over ten minutes to look up my own Facebook page. Anyway, if anyone is interested, here it is.

Lauren Unruh

It's computer systems that go through and store your communications for the most part, still a good idea though, if nothing more than for shits and giggles.

Is conspiracy theory fan fiction?