Bilderburg 2016 is happening the week. Any chance we can get a sticked post with people posting news, updates, or leaks about the meeting?

46  2016-06-08 by [deleted]



I like the idea, so you don't get countless "Bilderberg attendees" posts, but then we have almost an entire front page dedicated to the election and no sticky to contain that shit... So I vote 'no', unless we get a "Killary" sticky, a "Gutman" sticky, etc.

Dang, my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail....AGAIN! Why don't they just call me and let me know when and where to be? That would be so much easier.

My real question though, is; what do you expect to get from these posts. Nothing ever really comes out but pics of the world's top .005% having a vacation together. As much as I want to claim they are the illuminati I really doubt they are much more than the big boy's club to tell each other how awesome they are and stroke egos.

They probably have the Eyes Wide Shut type orgy too.

There's usually not much these days, but 10+ years ago, there was a lot of really interesting leaks and interesting information coming out from people sneaking in, etc.

Regardless, whenever the most powerful members of society meet together for whatever reason, it should ABSOLUTELY be covered.

I'm more interested in the powerful elite's role in the underage sex Island in the Caribbean. Bill Clinton was supposedly down there multiple times. If they are buying 14 year old girls they need to be found out and taken care of...legally of course.

Funny you should mention Bill Clinton while blowing off the Bilderberg meetings:

I know Clinton would be part of the Bilderberg Bilder-rama!

Why is there a word wrong in the title?