Dark Journalist Return AMA, Thursday June 16th at 4PM EST

1  2016-06-11 by [deleted]



Your AMA is on my birthday. I'll be 63.

Coming up through the 1960's in the civil rights/women/Vietnam/cold war/free the people movements it seemed like we had won, the 'people' could make change happen.

But now it's more clear than ever that we lost. The 1980's/90's rise of digital technology should have been the crowning glory for freedom of the people.

Instead, in less than 2 decades, it it has become the most oppressive innovation ever invented in the history of humanity.

That which could have freed us has instead been turned against us with a vengeance.

I'm out of hope and at the end of a life which seemed full of forward motion and hope, and then turned into a bad sci-fi novel.

Thanks for posting. I've wondered about the r/conspiracy moderators who are perpetually absent.

That's great! 63 years young. I share your concern about where the future is going with our world. We will get deep into some of this on Thursday at 4PM Eastern in the AMA...

Are called Dark Journalist because your glasses are dark and your beard is dark and your hair is dark and your jacket is dark and your tie is dark?

What are the name of the song/s in the intro of your movies?

That's original and it's part of a longer piece that's called the Dark Journalist Theme...

I'm late to the thread. Just saw on the side bar.

I've watched a few of your videos. You always eem well informed and ask the questions I want answered. Thanks for that.

I'd like to ask you, what is the most interesting or shocking piece of information you've learned from these interviews?


If you could share one piece of information with the whole western world what would it be and why?

Thanks for the awesome channel.

edit: not sure if I can be online during the AMA so asked here. I'll try to make it to AMA as well.

Thank you! Ah well these are great questions, I hope you do make it to the AMA. I think the most shocking piece of information that has come up concerns the Space Fence discussion in my interview with Elana Freeland here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9HkVYiVb1E

I'll save your 2nd question for the AMA tomorrow...

What are your thoughts on Phil Schnider? Do you think he is legit?

Yes, Schneider was giving us the facts as he remembered concerning the underground bases etc. I believe that he was eliminated for going public with this very sensitive information...

So, I started watching one of your interviews and the lady starts talking about the Van Allen belt (got it), atomic bombs (I'm with you), and how we haven't been to the moon (you lost me).

What compelling evidence is there for the claim that (at that time, 1980's)(actually the 1950's) the United States had not sent people to the moon?

[edit: I'm a poor listener]

Well she doesn't say that we didn't go to the moon nor that she believes that, she's discussing the mindset of how HAARP was developed and when the decision was being made to ionize the atmosphere...

Will you ever have a monthly option to subscribe to Dark Journalist?

Please forward your question to Daniels live thread here - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4of7v9/im_dark_journalist_ama/

Hi DJ! Thank you for all of your hard work. I have 2 questions. Have you had any frightening/disturbing repercussions from your work?

There are a lot of theories of false flag events that involve faked deaths and crisis actors. IMHO these scenarios seem too complicated and involve too many people to be realistic. I wonder if the events are real, but are set up. For instance Adam Lanza could have been manipulated into committing mass murder to further the gun control agenda. What are your thoughts on this theory?

Thank you very much for your time!

Please forward your question to Daniels live thread here - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4of7v9/im_dark_journalist_ama/

Aloha Daniel- Have you ever felt personally threatened or in danger from the investigative journalism you do? How do you avoid being constantly paranoid?

Please forward your question to Daniels live thread here - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4of7v9/im_dark_journalist_ama/

Is there any government agency at any level, that hasn't either been been infiltrated by spies, or corrupted by corporate money?

Please forward your question to Daniels live thread here - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4of7v9/im_dark_journalist_ama/

Americans are being given a choice of two premier con artists (again). Bernie, who at least isn't a proven liar, seems to have been sidelined from the beginning. Yet the people continue to get all excited as if any presidential election will result in significant change for the better. We know they are both lying, saying what they think the voters want to hear. Who actually controls the candidates?

Please forward your question to Daniels live thread here - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/4of7v9/im_dark_journalist_ama/

Wow this is exciting! Dark Journalist is one of the most interesting and intelligent new researchers out there!! Can't wait...thank you!

Thank you! I look forward to your questions...

Was this a Dark Thank You?

Yay! So awesome I'm a big fan of all of your interviews and you are a really great speaker with fantastic guests! You have the best show out there by FAR!!! :)

I appreciate that Alison...!

Agreed! Best show in the field!

Here's his previously used username: https://www.reddit.com/user/darkjournalist

That's his current one so what's the point?

Just adding context and information to the thread. History of past AMA's etc.

You look like Schmidt in a bad disguise.

So we've got 3 trolls and 3 fans and 1 who's keeping score.

That's original and it's part of a longer piece that's called the Dark Journalist Theme...

Yes, Schneider was giving us the facts as he remembered concerning the underground bases etc. I believe that he was eliminated for going public with this very sensitive information...