From 20 to 50 deaths in just 3 hours with the 'worst mass shooting ever'

14  2016-06-12 by [deleted]



I have two questions:

How did he get in the club with a long-gun?

How did he kill so many people with a semi-automatic?

Again- this smells really bad


I haven't seen video, but FYI, many high end phones take shitty video in poor/low light. OIS helps a lot with this, but not all phones have it. Even the $700 iPhone 6S doesn't have it. The 6S Plus on the other hand does. HTC phones tend to do well in most lighting conditions, but not many people have those. I'm not sure about Galaxy phones tbh, but I'd imagine they'd at least be decent. I had a Sony Z3 which has a 20mp camera and 4K recording, but it was dog shit in low/poor lit areas.

Tl;dr Most phone cameras suck in the dark.

But every business has surveillance systems. Especially a nightclub, yet not one media outlet has mentioned a thing about surveillance footage?! Perhaps because they are filming the footage now to be released later.

No, not every business has surveillance systems. Not sure where you get that from. Many cameras you see in small shops are fake. They are put there to make you think there are cameras when there really aren't. Even in department stores have many fake cameras. Only a portion of what you see are real.

As far as this club goes, I would imagine a warrant would have to be obtained since the footage is the property of the club owner. Not to mention the whole place is a massive crime scene that needs to be kept in tact for the duration.

For liability reasons, a nightclub would almost certainly have surveillance cameras in place all over the property. I do not believe a warrant would need to be issued when the location is the actual crime scene.

Even if you're right, it's only been a few hours.

I don't know how long this will be available before it gets pulled down

How do you "control an explosion" to avoid casualties? From what I have read so far, the police had only killed 1 person, that being the intended target: the shooter.

The L G B T community now has their new St one wall.

If a door is barricaded they would put charges on the door to blow it open. That is controlled. Also they could set off a flash bang which would also be an explosion meant to distract the gunman. Controlled just means they know the amount of explosives they are using and what the potential for damage is with that amount. They aren't recklessly lobbing hand grenades into the building and plugging their ears.

Cool thanks for the details.

From what I have read so far, the police had only killed 1 person, that being the intended target:

Likely translation: The police killed at least 25 people in the crossfire...

Knowing this administration's desperation for gun control I believe nothing until I see dead bodies.

If they wanted gun control why the hell would they have a terror attack? A terror attack is going to make more citizens want to arm themselves. Why wouldn't they just fake a lunatic gunman who bought his firearms using a gun show loophole? A terror attack is in no way going to help push gun control.

It's the perfect incident to call for gun control because bleeding hearts will blame guns and push the issue.

Yes, lots of people will want to arm themselves, but with a population of millions, the other half think differently. Instead of thinking logically (arm myself) they think emotionally (won't someone think of the children?!).

This administration will use this alleged shooting for a gun control push. Later today when King Obama hits the podium you watch him stand on the unseen bodies and advocate gun control. I wager the family farm on it.

EDIT: As predicted, the Bamster advocated gun control a few minutes ago live on national television.

Of course they will make political hay of this but if this was a manufactured event for the purpose of pushing gun control the easiest way to push that idea would be by having a white lunatic shoot up a building with firearms he legally purchased using a loophole. When it's an act of terror there is a counter-argument. If it was done by a white guy as a hate crime using guns that he bought legally but wouldn't have been able to buy if there was stricter gun laws then you can easily make the case for gun control and the other side can't point to terrorism as a way of explaining how no laws could have stopped it. Obama is trying to pretend that Islamic terrorism isn't even real so why the hell would he use Islamic terrorism to push gun control? That would make no sense at all. He will divert attention from the terror angle by talking about guns but if this was a manufactured event the Islamic terrorism angle wouldn't have been included in the first place.

the easiest way to push that idea would be by having a white lunatic shoot up a building with firearms he legally purchased using a loophole

I can see your point, but having an Islamic shooter also serves the purpose of further dividing the public. The anti gun crowd will blame guns regardless of the shooter's color or religion, and the other side with blame Islam.

And that'll get us nowhere further as far as gun control goes but it will absolutely help the Republicans and Trump which I don't see the Obama administration wanting to do. Trump will come right out and call this an act of Muslim extremism and Hillary and Obama won't. Even people on the left who aren't complete regressive pussies know this was Islamic terror and they are sick of hearing Democratic leaders refusal to label these incidents what they are.

The people behind the Democrats and Republicand benefit from shit like this. Obama, Clinton, and Trump are all puppets that give the regular folk like us the illusion of choice.

The dude's photo appears to be a mashup of people like Atta.

Who the fuck was this 'lone' gunman? This guy?

The number jumped from 20 dead to 50 dead because they were afraid of possible explosives being in the building so they wanted to sweep the building with a robot before entering to get an actual body count. The 20 dead was an estimate from what cops could see without taking a count. They saw what they thought as at least 20 bodies. After they cleared the building and were able to get inside and physically count the dead the number rose to 50.

I was watching the press conference where they announced the number was upped to 50. That is information that some members of the press were given prior to the press conference. This is how news works. Not everything is a government conspiracy. Hop on a plane and fly down to Orlando and see for yourself.

I'm sorry, but I just don't fucking understand people like you. If it was truly an elaborate conspiracy, wouldn't they have the numbers correct immediately? If anything, conflicting reports make perfect sense in a chaotic situation where literally every news station in the world is trying to break the news first.

But whatever, just keep using these tragedies to further your personal agenda that the liberal Jew space lizards are trying to take our guns to keep the flat earth prison in check. Fucking morons.

So you think things like this just happen? No foul play? No ulterior political agenda?

It being an election year, and such a corrupt one at that, turns on all my bullshit alarms.

Yes, things like this just happen, they've always happened. Humans have always killed other humans, it's tragic and unfortunately nothing new. And so far I've seen way to many people say that this shooting is either a conspiracy or proof that the "end times" are near. I get very frustrated when people take these tragedies and try to use them to push their own personal agendas.

You have your own personal agenda that you're pushing here in light of this tragedy-- trying to connect all questioning of all major events to

"it was duh liberal jooz rite?? lmao conspiritards BTFO again!!! XD"

Your post history makes me wonder why exactly you're on this board to begin with. Your comments reek of denial and insecurity-- this is a board for conspiracy theorists to question all major events.

Go back to /r/nfl or /r/conspiritard, Mr. Enlightened.

Because this is the new type of poster that sadly is infesting this subreddit. They'll willing to guzzle the MSM info as long as it agrees with their politics or worldview.

I like going to /r/conspiracy whenever anything like this happens to see what ridiculous made up shit you all come up with, so sue me. I wouldn't call myself insecure, just genuinely curious as to how there are people who truly believe all of this ridiculous stuff; if you really looked through my comment history you would know it's not exactly a subject I obsess over. I DO really like football though, thanks for noticing.

I often wonder how people can be interested in stuff like the NFL, so I understand where you're coming from.

I hope this board is thoroughly entertaining for you. All these ridiculous morons--what's not to love?

You're right, of course-- everything's exactly as it seems.

But this plays right into Trumps hands, why would the government do that?

Why? Right now I couldn't tell you. Curious to see how the candidates comment on this event...that will tell us a lot more about the "why."

Because trump is playing the fear card.

I like going to /r/conspiracy whenever anything like this happens to see what ridiculous made up shit you all come up with, so sue me. I wouldn't call myself insecure, just genuinely curious as to how there are people who truly believe all of this ridiculous stuff; if you really looked through my comment history you would know it's not exactly a subject I obsess over. I DO really like football though, thanks for noticing.

Because this is the new type of poster that sadly is infesting this subreddit. They'll willing to guzzle the MSM info as long as it agrees with their politics or worldview.