Ya know who gains the most from this?

0  2016-06-13 by Gawd129



and the weapon's industry.


No, America gains the most from this. Knock it off.


Trump gains from it, absolutely. That’s incidental. Americans being shown the truth is the biggest factor, however.

How is this good for America?

How is it not? They’re shown the truth about Islam.

What? That it, like Christianity, has verses that are violent and verses that are peaceful?

No, not even remotely close. Mussulmen are called to slaughter everyone on Earth who doesn’t follow Islam. Never mind the behaviors allowed by the cult.

 Exodus 32:27-29

Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.' "The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. Then Moses said, "You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day."(NIV)


So not Christianity, then.

Same God.

Yeah same God as Muslims too So you literally just posted a quote that refuted your entire argument.

Or we can look at it from a logical stand point and say Jews are old testament Christians are new testament and Muslims are the quran.

Do you know of any verses from the old or new testament that allow lying if it means spreading the religion? Does the origin story of Jesus involve him fucking any pre pubescent girls?

My argument is that they're the same. They have the same God does not refuse my argument.
Come on you can do better than that.

Yes it does refute your argument. You tried to liken certain bible versus with the Quran allowing killing of infidels. You then said they had the same god.

So if the bible versus that you quoted show their god allows for the killing of the infidels (they dont) and they have the same God. then Muslims are free to kill infidels which seems to be what you're trying to disprove.

No. I'm saying that all of this mythology is equally useful for leaders to manage "the dangerous herd". None of it is real.

To focus on the actions of the pawns is to miss the game the Kings are playing.

Kek. Yes so religion is used to rule people so what? Islam was used to oust the other rulers who weren't teaching their pawns that raping prebuscent girls and killing people who think differently gets you 72 virgins. Doesn't mean we can't shit on muslims

No, that’s not at all how it works.

So exodus isn't in the bible?

Geez, no one seems to be able to respond to what was written these days.

Yes, the whole world is failing your preconceived notions, and it's their fault. Damn you everyone else!

Or, you know, you could read and comprehend what was written instead of inventing your own bullshit.

It's amazing that you can type that without understanding how it applies to yourself in this situation. That's what that insidious thought parasite 'faith' does to your mind.

Or, you know, you could read and comprehend what was written instead of inventing your own bullshit.

what was written

Which would be?

It’s right there. You’re just embarrassing yourself.

No argument, just personal attacks. At least you're consistent.

invention of complete bullshit

At least you’re consistent.

So you've moved on to using your quotes, as if they're mine. Whatever it takes to help you sleep at night.

But it's not very consistent...

still nothing but lies



I think that's all that was left unsaid.

What’s that about Trump now?

Hillary did it.

Are we going to keep Stalin because I have to go Mao.

Your puns are Kim Jong Unacceptable, but not as much as mineochet.

Now you've melted my heart. I Genghis Khan 't believe it! I thought I would be safe, preaching from my Pol Pot.

Joshua 8:24-26

When the Israelite army finished chasing and killing all the men of Ai in the open fields, they went back and finished off everyone inside. So the entire population of Ai, including men and women, was wiped out that day—12,000 in all. For Joshua kept holding out his spear until everyone who had lived in Ai was completely destroyed.


So not Christianity, then.

Do you actually have any sort of argument at all? Read the Quran, please.

Are you suggesting that the Book of Joshua is not recognized by the Catholic Church, or any Protestant church organization, as being a "book of the Bible."

Are you suggesting

Nice strawman. You won’t be receiving a reply until you stop misrepresenting my statements.

the Catholic Church

Not Christian.

as being a “book of the Bible.”

Never stated nor implied. You don’t even know what we’re discussing.

the Catholic Church

Not Christian.

It's going to be one of those discussions. Count me out. You have fun hunting that elusive Scotsman.

It's going to be one of those discussions.

Yes, it’s going to be one that deals in fact.

Count me out.

Thanks for admitting you don’t care about the truth.


Try the fuck again. Words have definitions. Since you’ve already admitted you don’t give a fuck about the truth, feel free to leave. Your opinion has been discarded.

You won’t be receiving a reply until you stop misrepresenting my statements.

So, I'm not misrepresenting your statements, in case the casual reader might suspect such.

Yes, it’s going to be one that deals in fact.

Fine. Reconcile the following:

Are you suggesting that the Book of Joshua is not recognized by the Catholic Church, or any Protestant church organization, as being a "book of the Bible."

Are you? I know you don't believe Catholics are Christian, which is debatable, but do you have a working definition of a Christian to base that opinion on?


Try the fuck again. Words have definitions.

This relates to what I just asked. What is a Christian to you? (No True Scotsman Fallacy.)

Are you?

Oops! You won’t be receiving a reply until you stop misrepresenting my statements.

What is a Christian to you?

“To me” is meaningless unless I follow the factual definition. All you have as an “argument” is misrepresentation of what has been said. Either this is because you don’t comprehend what has been said or because you know that you’re wrong and can’t win otherwise.

Read the Bible. See what it says a Christian is. Then compare its listing against groups that call themselves Christian and see if it matches up. If it doesn’t, they’re not actually Christian. No fallacies, no retardation. That’s just literally how a definition works.

You won’t be receiving a reply until you stop misrepresenting my statements.

Followed by a reply... so I can safely assume I'm still not misrepresenting the facts.

“To me” is meaningless unless I follow the factual definition.

Which would be?

All you have as an “argument” is misrepresentation of what has been said.

Yeah, quoting comments always leads to misrepresentation. But I haven't misrepresented anything, as you have shown.

Read the Bible.

About 2 decades ahead of you, there. A Christian is simply a person that drinks the spiritual Kool-aid and lets 'Messiah' penetrate their heart and mind, for unverifiable salvation. Just like any snake-oil salesman's mark would do.

The original argument, is that the Abrahaminic religions have the same God, which is debatable. It certainly seems to be the same jealous asshole that setup mankind in the 'Garden' just to watch us fail an impossible task.

That discussion led to other users providing proof of the demand to kill certain peoples, in the Old Testament, something you say only occurs in Islam, in the Quran (which is funny, considering how you act about the Torah.) They showed that indeed, similar statements are available in the Bible, so you claimed that those verses are somehow magically outside the scope of what a Christian is, and therefore irrelevant.

The issue was that you were using the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy to cover your ass when you were caught misrepresenting the facts.

See what it says a Christian is. Then compare its listing against groups that call themselves Christian and see if it matches up. If it doesn’t, they’re not actually Christian.

I know many Catholics who are Christian. I know many Catholics that aren't. But you would rather label an entire group, and ignore the true complexity of your definition of Christianity.

Followed by a reply...

Telling you that you’re misrepresenting facts.

Which would be?

There you go. Now you understand. Now go read the New Testament to see what a Christian believes.

But I haven’t misrepresented anything, as you have shown.

Show the exact opposite, actually. Now fuck off.

About 2 decades ahead of you, there. A Christian is simply a person that drinks the spiritual Kool-aid and lets 'Messiah' penetrate their heart and mind, for unverifiable salvation. Just like any snake-oil salesman’s mark would do.

So no, you haven’t read the Bible. Thanks for confirming.

The original argument, is that the Abrahaminic religions have the same God, which is debatable.

Nope, it’s just incorrect.

That discussion led to other users providing proof of the demand to kill certain peoples, in the Old Testament, something you say only occurs in Islam

No, I said that Islam calls its tenants to slaughter all non-believers.

which is funny, considering how you act about the Torah.

I believe in neither, so it’s hardly funny.

so you claimed that those verses are somehow magically outside the scope of what a Christian is

Nope. Definitionally outside the scope of what a Christian is, by virtue of the old covenant being annulled by Jesus.

The issue was that you were using the ‘No True Scotsman' fallacy to cover your ass when you were caught misrepresenting the facts.

The issue is that you’re shitposting like a little bitch and expecting people not to read the discussion when anyone literate can see what you’re doing. Words have definitions, kiddo. Get the fuck over it. You were wrong.

I know many Catholics who are Christian.

Then they’re not Catholic.

I know many Catholics that aren’t.

Yep, that’d be all of them.

But you would rather label an entire group

By definition of the group.

your definition

You’ve learned nothing. You are worthless.

Oops! You won’t be receiving a reply until you stop misrepresenting my statements.

Can I get that as flair? It would really make my day.

“To me” is meaningless unless I follow the factual definition.

Which would be?

There you go. Now you understand. Now go read the New Testament to see what a Christian believes.

"What is a rock?"

"There you go. Now you understand. Read this bark about how to poop into your neighbor's shoe."


Show the exact opposite, actually. Now fuck off.

But you replied, which means my statements aren't misrepresenting anything. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. Which is it?

So no, you haven’t read the Bible. Thanks for confirming.

Back to your tried and true 'No True Bible Reader' fallacy. Like a dog to its puke.

Nope, it’s just incorrect.

That's your opinion. Oh, wait. That's the same thing as objective, factual evidence to you. My mistake.

No, I said that Islam calls its tenants to slaughter all non-believers.

Which is factual. However, there are similar passages in the Bible. That's what others were trying to show you, but no. You couldn't deal with any more conflicting ideas in your brain case.

Nope. Definitionally outside the scope of what a Christian is, by virtue of the old covenant being annulled by Jesus.

Finally, some meat. This is a discussion I would like to have.

The issue is that you’re shitposting like a little bitch and expecting people not to read the discussion when anyone literate can see what you’re doing. Words have definitions, kiddo. Get the fuck over it. You were wrong.

Something something Navy seal...

You make it too easy, sometimes:

I know many Catholics who are Christian.

Then they’re not Catholic.

Tell them that. They go to Catholic church for mass. They have a Catholic catechism. They confess to a Catholic priest, but they don't believe that the Pope is intercessor between Jesus and that individual.

Any group is made up of unique configurations that don't align with the entire group. That's why I try to state that making those broad, general statements, is usually an exercise in embarrassing yourself.

You’ve learned nothing. You are worthless.

I've learned much, but I've known for a long time to not value the opinions of strangers. What fruit of the spirit compels you to tell another of God's children "You are worthless."

I would surmise that you don't have a working definition of Christianity because you don't know what it means anymore. Instead you lash to an ideal monolith and cast your evil spells of hate and ignorance on any who can hear.

I love you, my brother.


Learn how to read the English language. Your shitposting is just embarrassing.

But you replied, which means my statements aren’t misrepresenting anything.

Nope. Stated otherwise.

Back to your tried and true 'No True Bible Reader' fallacy.

You’ve proven you haven’t read it by the lack of comprehension you have of the topic at hand. Thanks for confirming it yet again.

That's your opinion. Oh, wait. That's the same thing as objective, factual evidence to you. My mistake.

Enjoy your strawmen.

However, there are similar passages in the Bible.

There are not.

That’s what others were trying to show you, but no.

No; that’s right, because there are not.

You couldn’t deal with any more conflicting ideas in your brain case.

The only conflicting ideas are between your mental illness and objective truth.

This is a discussion I would like to have.

It’s not, since we’ve been having it since the start and all you have is shitposting.

You make it too easy, sometimes:

Thanks for admitting you have no refutation.

Tell them that.

You say that as though it means anything.

They confess to a Catholic priest

Then they’re not Christian.

they don’t believe that the Pope is intercessor between Jesus and that individual.

Then they’re not Catholic.

Any group is made up of unique configurations that don’t align with the entire group.

No, that’s called ‘not being part of the group’.

That’s why I try to state that making those broad, general statements, is usually an exercise in embarrassing yourself.

“Lizards are mammals because they have legs too lol see it doesn’t line up perfectly but they’re the same because i say so lol wow”

What fruit of the spirit compels you to tell another of God’s children "You are worthless."

You’re obviously being [can’t say that on Reddit!] to ignore facts when they’re proven to you. You are worthless.

I would surmise that you don’t have a working definition of Christianity because you don't know what it means anymore.

Bible tells you what it means. Try reading it once.

I love you, my brother.

Get psychological help immediately.

Learn how to read the English language. Your shitposting is just embarrassing.

In reference to your failure to use the English language. This shit is so rich I can taste the diabetes.

[What is the definition of a Christian, to you?]

“To me” is meaningless unless I follow the factual definition.

Which would be?

There you go. Now you understand. Now go read the New Testament to see what a Christian believes.

Definitely a short circuit, or blown fuse in that one. At least you aren't replying in koans and haiku, though that would be more impressive.

You’ve proven you haven’t read it by the lack of comprehension you have of the topic at hand. Thanks for confirming it yet again.

Saying something doesn’t make it true. I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.

That's your opinion. Oh, wait. That's the same thing as objective, factual evidence to you. My mistake.

Enjoy your strawmen.

I'd almost agree with you, on this, but you keep adding evidence to the contrary.

However, there are similar passages in the Bible.

There are not.

Saying something doesn’t make it true. I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.

The only conflicting ideas are between your mental illness and objective truth.

Saying something doesn’t make it true. I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.

It’s not, since we’ve been having it since the start and all you have is shitposting.

Saying something doesn’t make it true. I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.

You make it too easy, sometimes:

Thanks for admitting you have no refutation.

Oh, but you do. I know I'll have to draw the lines for you. You see, by reusing the exact same strawman, for the nth time, you make it too easy, too apparent, that it is a strawman. You set yourself up as the sole authority on what it means to be Christian. So it's pointless to argue against that self-reinforcing delusion. Instead, you are dismissed for your inability to present an actual argument.

Speaking of the devil:

They confess to a Catholic priest

Then they’re not Christian.

they don’t believe that the Pope is intercessor between Jesus and that individual.

Then they’re not Catholic.

Additional evidence of your delusional tyranny. Maybe you could help us all out, and just list all the Christians by name. Would that help?

Any group is made up of unique configurations that don’t align with the entire group.

No, that’s called ‘not being part of the group’.

I guess it was crass for me to assume you had ever been willingly accepted into a social group. I can understand why you would be ignorant of the nuances occurring in such a setting, and why that would seem like nonsense to you.

“Lizards are mammals because they have legs too lol see it doesn’t line up perfectly but they’re the same because i say so lol wow”

My favorite comparisons, are the ones where the other object, is never defined. So we're comparing lizards and ... lizards and ...


What fruit of the spirit compels you to tell another of God’s children "You are worthless."

You'll never answer this because I have exposed you to even your own ideology. You are not a Christian, by the Biblical definition. We'd know your ass by the fruits of your spirit, which are rotten.

You’re obviously being [can’t say that on Reddit!] to ignore facts when they’re proven to you.


Saying something doesn’t make it true. I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.


I love you, my brother.

Get psychological help immediately.

So, which fruit of the spirit are you expressing with that comment? Do you even experience love for your fellow human?

I'd almost agree with you, on this, but you keep adding evidence to the contrary.

evidence i won’t provide because it doesn’t exist but don’t let that get in the way of my narrative


You see, by reusing the exact same strawman, for the nth time

you’re using strawmen

not me

who can’t even reply to what was stated and has to invent a lie every time so that my bullshit isn’t instantly disproven

no it’s you i said so and i said it a lot, which makes it true


You set yourself up as the sole authority on what it means to be Christian.

[citation needed]

Speaking of the devil:

Donald Trump is here?

Additional evidence of your delusional tyranny.

Learn how to read the English language.

I guess it was crass for me to assume you had ever been willingly accepted into a social group. I can understand why you would be ignorant of the nuances occurring in such a setting, and why that would seem like nonsense to you.

lol site-wide rule

My favorite comparisons, are the ones where the other object, is never defined.

Both objects were defined.

So, which fruit of the spirit are you expressing with that comment?

The one where I don’t want people to wind up killing themselves.

Do you even experience love for your fellow human?

Yes. Whether you’re actually one is still up in the air.





And the sheep dies with a whimper, its blood cast upon the stones of my forefathers as a lone goat makes its way back into the smokey cave.

I guess it was crass for me to assume you had ever been willingly accepted into a social group. I can understand why you would be ignorant of the nuances occurring in such a setting, and why that would seem like nonsense to you.

lol site-wide rule

Yeah, the mods and admins really hate those veiled apologies. Please report it, if you feel so inclined. Bring a "higher power" in to defend your indefensible position. It's the only hope you have.

My favorite comparisons, are the ones where the other object, is never defined.

Both objects were defined.

“Lizards are mammals because they have legs too lol see it doesn’t line up perfectly but they’re the same because i say so lol wow”

The 'sentence' stands on its own. Perhaps they are defined, perhaps not. It's gibberish to me.

So, which fruit of the spirit are you expressing with that comment?

The one where I don’t want people to wind up killing themselves.

Oh, so veiled death threats is what it comes to. Glad to see your true 'fruits' showing: Hate & Apathy.

But remember guys:

lol site-wide rule

What kind of God would want to have you as a follower?

I'm done. There come a point when even the oceans' can't handle all the piss.

And the sheep dies with a whimper, its blood cast upon the stones of my forefathers as a lone goat makes its way back into the smokey cave.

Is that Exodus or Numbers?

Yeah, the mods and admins really hate those veiled apologies.

insults are apologies

Totally removed from reality, you are.

your indefensible position.

[citation needed]

The 'sentence' stands on its own. Perhaps they are defined, perhaps not. It’s gibberish to me.

Thanks for admitting, yet again, that English language comprehension escapes you.

Oh, so veiled death threats

Thanks for admitting, yet again, that English language comprehension escapes you.

I’m done.

Thanks for admitting that you were wrong all along.

There come a point when even the oceans’ can’t handle all the piss.

What kind of degenerate relieves himself right into the ocean?

Is that Exodus or Numbers?

Actually, I believe it was one of Wilde's...

Oh, so veiled death threats

It's a pretty good method of getting it across in a way that is quite easy to defend. I'm not even mad. Good one.

I’m done.

Thanks for admitting that you were wrong all along.

The only thing I was wrong about, was how much fun it is to chat with you. Oh, and your pun game is on point. I would've missed that question on the pop quiz, too.

What kind of degenerate relieves himself right into the ocean?

Fish! And they poop there too and swim around like they cleaned their room, or something. Uppity ass fish...

Is that Exodus or Numbers?

Actually, I believe it was one of Wilde's...

Oh, so veiled death threats

It's a pretty good method of getting it across in a way that is quite easy to defend. I'm not even mad. Good one.

I’m done.

Thanks for admitting that you were wrong all along.

The only thing I was wrong about, was how much fun it is to chat with you. Oh, and your pun game is on point. I would've missed that question on the pop quiz, too.

What kind of degenerate relieves himself right into the ocean?

Fish! And they poop there too and swim around like they cleaned their room, or something. Uppity ass fish...

Deuteronomy 2:32-34

Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, unto battle at Jahaz. And Jehovah our God delivered him up before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed every inhabited city, with thewomen and the little ones; we left none remaining. 


So not Christianity, then.

Same God.

No, that’s not at all how it works.

This is getting good. Please explain how Christianity is separate from its founding texts.

"Oh duh, duuteronomy is fer Judaism. Rel cristunns only need 'the Gospel.'" or some such shit. Please... there are people waiting to laugh.

its founding texts.

The Torah isn’t the founding text of Christianity. The NT is.

”Oh duh, duuteronomy is fer Judaism.

  1. Great job with the insults. People sure believe you now.

  2. Jews don’t believe in the Torah.

Rel cristunns only need ‘the Gospel.’” or some such shit.

Learn what you’re discussing before discussing it.

Please... there are people waiting to laugh.

Yes, I’m one of them. At you.

The Torah isn’t the founding text of Christianity. The NT is.

Because Christianity evolved in a vacuum, wholly separate from Judaism, or Paganism. The foundation of that religion is well documented, and rooted in the Jewish tradition.

Jews don’t believe in the Torah.

That's just asinine.

The foundation of that religion is well documented, and rooted in the Jewish tradition.

Which is why it wholly rejects said tradition and begins its own, of course. Oops.

That’s just asinine.

Well then how about you stop being asinine and educate yourself. Jews themselves admit they don’t follow the Torah.

Jews themselves admit they don’t follow the Torah.

That's not what you stated, you blind bag of ass cancer. In case you already forgot:

Jews don’t believe in the Torah.

That's just asinine.

Even non-religious people believe in the Torah. Whether they follow its instruction is a separate matter.

Which is why it wholly rejects said tradition and begins its own, of course. Oops.

Find some aspect of the Christian tradition that can't be traced to an older source. Virgin birth, star denoting that birth, wiseman from the east, descended from the line of David, born in the Bread House (Milhouse?) son of god, both divine and man, etc.

Christianity is a culmination of Paganism, with roots in Judaism. In the same way, Islam is a branch of Christianity that doesn't believe in Christ's divinity (Something they agree on with Judaism.) that has been bastardized by every imam since inception. It's all a shit show. Religion should be avoided.

That’s not what you stated

It is, indeed, exactly what I stated.

Even non-religious people believe in the Torah.

Your pedantry fails you because you don’t know what words mean. It’s really embarrassing.

Christianity is a culmination of Paganism, with roots in Judaism.

Fucking lol. Enjoy your delusions!

It’s all a shit show.

Glad you’ve come to that conclusion after your completely incorrect interpretation thereof.

It is, indeed, exactly what I stated.

Yet another lie from the 'faithful.' I won't bother quoting as it's apparent to anyone that can read. Pedantic? Probably, but technically accurate.

Your pedantry fails you because you don’t know what words mean. It’s really embarrassing.

How did it fail me? Your best comeback is ad-hominem. What words are improperly defined?

Glad you’ve come to that conclusion after your completely incorrect interpretation thereof.

How was it incorrect? Can you even answer a simple question?

Yet another lie from the 'faithful.'

Nope. But as you can’t prove it, all you have is shitposting.

How did it fail me?

Because you’re still wrong, since you didn’t know what was said.

Your best comeback is ad-hominem.

Nah. Learn what ad homs are.

How was it incorrect?

Because your interpretation thereof is incorrect.

But as you can’t prove it

No, I can. You wrote:

Jews don’t believe in the Torah.

Which is asinine for the valid reasons I have pointed out. You clarified by writing:

Jews themselves admit they don’t follow the Torah.

Which is different. The Muslims believe the Bible is divinely inspired but they do not follow it. It's a distinction worth making, for clarity's sake.

Because you’re still wrong, since you didn’t know what was said.

That would be 'ignorance.' I'm ignorant of what delusional interpretation you have conjured up in your mind... thankfully. All you have is "[Y]ou're still wrong" without any support. That's not an argument, or a rebuttal. It's just sad.

Nah. Learn what ad homs are.

Ad homs are the insects inside your fingernails that make that white shit in your nails. That's accurate because 'ad homs' aren't a thing, so I can just make up a definition for them. Ad hominem comments, however, are something you deal in readily.

How was it incorrect?

Because your interpretation thereof is incorrect.

Wow. Thanks professor. I'm incorrect because my interpretation of what is happening, something that is entirely contained in my own mind, is wrong. I'm guilty of 'wrong-think' according to your logic.

What a delusional asshole.

Which is asinine for the valid reasons I have pointed out.

No, you did no such thing. They themselves have proven you wrong.

That would be ‘ignorance.'

Willful, and so in this case idiocy, by definition of the word.

you have conjured up in your mind

And if that was true you could prove it. You can’t. It isn’t.

All you have is “[Y]ou're still wrong" without any support.

Saying something doesn’t make it true. I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.

Ad hominem comments, however, are something you deal in readily.

Please seek psychological help immediately. You have no evidence for your delusions. I rather think you are monetarily incapable of comprehending fact.

I’m incorrect because my interpretation of what is happening, something that is entirely contained in my own mind, is wrong.

Yes. You can believe all you want that giraffes are carnivores. That doesn’t make it true.

What a delusional asshole.

A rare moment of self-reflection from you!


And if that was true you could prove it. You can’t. It isn’t.

Because I can't read your mind. Always you want me to prove the impossible for you, just so you can claim 'victory' on some point. It's a common theme among the unwilling.

All you have is “[Y]ou're still wrong" without any support.

Saying something doesn’t make it true.

Now, you fucking believe that.

I’ve already proven you wrong, as seen above.

Literally the same thing I just called you out on. Where is your proof? (I made it bold so you don't miss it.)

Please seek psychological help immediately.

"Have you exposed yourself as an arrogant, ignorant windbag? Don't fret! We have just the solution for you. It's called 'Blame the other guy.' Never again will you be in fear of losing an argument due to factual evidence. No sir. Just push this button, and the screen will show you a random sentence to help you out."

<Push the Button>

You have no evidence for your delusions.

...That's the quality I have come to expect. "You don't have evidence that I'm not a unicorn!" Anymore grade-school enlightenment from the lower brow?

I rather think you are monetarily incapable of comprehending fact.

No cents for sense?

Yes. You can believe all you want that giraffes are carnivores. That doesn’t make it true.

Another sensible statement among the insanity.

A rare moment of self-reflection from you!

Not surprised it zipped right over your head. If I'm looking at a reflection, is that not a reflection of the observer? Are reflections not, by nature, self-reflections? But that's a different topic.

Because I can't read your mind.

You can read what was written, though. Ah, wait, no you can’t; otherwise you would have.

Now, you fucking believe that.

Always have. Try to keep up.

Where is your proof?

As. Seen. Above.

That’s the quality I have come to expect.

So maybe stop believing in unicorns, then?

No cents for sense?

Cents for no sense, rather.

Another sensible statement among the insanity.

I’m happy to be an island of sensibility in your sea of insanity.

You can read what was written, though.

Jesus Christ, man. Anyone can read what was written, but who can interpret it without 'misrepresenting' your 'facts?' No one, because we can't determine your interpretation. That is what remains inside your jelly jar, separate from us.

Where is your proof?

As. Seen. Above.

So none. At least you're honest.

Anymore grade-school enlightenment from the lower brow?

So maybe stop believing in unicorns, then?


No cents for sense?

Cents for no sense, rather.

You think your argument would even be worth such? Who the fuck would pay someone to argue against someone so removed from reality. They don't pay people to call Louis Farrakhan 'extreme' because it's apparent. No one needs to be paid to discredit you because you have your Doctorate in Foot-n-Mouth Social Sciences.

I’m happy to be an island of sensibility in your sea of insanity.

As long as I control your waterways, I'm happy. Have fun on the peninsula you forcibly separated from the main continent. We'll still tell you you're an 'independent island.' The snickering you may here is ... from some rats in the air ducts... we're working on that.

Anyone can read what was written, but who can interpret it without ‘misrepresenting' your 'facts?'

Anyone who is actually capable of reading it. Facts have no ownership.

we can’t determine your interpretation.

There’s no interpretation. There’s only fact.

So none.

Yes, you’re blind. Thank you.


For everything else, there’s Masturbatory Delusions of Accuracy.

You think your argument would even be worth such?

You’re arguing from the inverse now.

Who the fuck would pay someone to argue against someone so removed from reality.

I wish I was being paid to argue with you–who is so removed from reality–you’re right.

They don’t pay people to call Louis Farrakhan 'extreme' because it's apparent.

Here’s the only place your relativistic bullshit actually matters. Situational extremity is relative. Slaughtering everyone who disagrees with you isn’t radical under a leftist government, but it is under a traditionalist one, for example.

As long as I control your waterways, I'm happy. Have fun on the peninsula you forcibly separated from the main continent. We'll still tell you you're an 'independent island.' The snickering you may here is ... from some rats in the air ducts... we’re working on that.

Seek psychological help immediately.

Anyone who is actually capable of reading it. Facts have no ownership.

Did you recently receive a blow to the head?

Absolutely no one can accurately know your interpretation, that's why I keep asking for clarification. I can only surmise that your dancing and posturing is done to avoid the fact that you have no real argument that isn't invalidated by your own statements.

There’s no interpretation. There’s only fact

And now it conveniently doesn't exist. More posturing towards your false facts that you keep hidden from us.

For everything else, there’s Masturbatory Delusions of Accuracy.

"Mr. Kettle, I'd like you to meet Mr. Black..."

You’re arguing from the inverse now.

Better fill in the appropriate Bingo square.

I wish I was being paid to argue with you–who is so removed from reality–you’re right.

Coherent, much?

Slaughtering everyone who disagrees with you isn’t radical under a leftist government

More of that Christian self-righteous hate. Feel the love.

Seek psychological help immediately.

"I'll keep saying that because it makes him look crazy... Yeah."

Don't get a bruise from all that back patting.

Absolutely no one can accurately know your interpretation

There’s no interpreting.

And now it conveniently doesn't exist.

Whatever you want to believe. “Everything is true”, after all.

"Mr. Kettle, I'd like you to meet Mr. Black...”

Still waiting for a citation.

More of that Christian self-righteous hate. Feel the love.

So marxists didn’t slaughter a quarter of a billion people last century.


"I'll keep saying that because it makes him look crazy... Yeah.”

What you say makes you look crazy. Being told to get help for it is the opposite.

There’s no interpreting.

That's just patently false. You can't help but have interpretation. Hell, the protestant reformation was (also) about the common man's ability to interpret scripture for themselves (Helps when it's not in Latin.) You interpret the interface you use to reply on reddit, constantly, as you use it.

Don't tell me there's no interpreting. I invented interpreting. If anyone's interpreting, it's me baby.

"Mr. Kettle, I'd like you to meet Mr. Black...”

Still waiting for a citation.

It started with your claim that:

You have no evidence for your delusions.

I replied with:

...That's the quality I have come to expect. "You don't have evidence that I'm not a unicorn!"

In short, of course I don't have evidence to support a delusion because I recognize what it is. A false belief. Why would I need evidence to support a false belief? Do you need me to cite the definition of 'delusion' for you?

So marxists didn’t slaughter a quarter of a billion people last century.

No one is even disputing that. You claimed that the act was not radical. I claim that it can be interpreted as a radical act, and that most people would.

Being told to get help for it is...

...condescending, as you are aware. You can do better.

Bitch at yah tomorrow.

Don't tell me there's no interpreting. I invented interpreting. If anyone’s interpreting, it's me baby.

Who’s not interpreting! I’m interpreting! If everyone who was interpreting had to go to a mental institution... not that this is a mental institution...


Help is condescending. How far liberals have fallen.

Don't tell me there's no interpreting. I invented interpreting. If anyone’s interpreting, it's me baby.

My quote was not exact...

Who’s not interpreting! I’m interpreting! If everyone who was interpreting had to go to a mental institution... not that this is a mental institution...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

How far liberals have fallen.

Don't put me on that bus. It reeks of hummus!

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

No interpretations for you! You come back; one queer!

Don't put me on that bus. It reeks of hummus!

And suicide bombing.

No interpretations for you! You come back; one queer!

Fine! Take him!

Now where is my Mulligatawny?

And suicide bombing.

The tense smell of sweat, industrial solvents, and fear. Reminds me of Disneyland.

Damn double posts!

But this allows me to enlighten the steadfast reader:

The Torah isn’t the founding text of Christianity. The NT is.

That's right. The testament that didn't even exist as a codified set of books... that is what founded Christianity. Many of those books were not even in existence at that time, but somehow, they were able to become the founding documents of Christianity. I never knew the Bible also traveled backwards through time. That would explain how some of its followers behave.

And yet you still know nothing whatsoever about Judean texts, the Talmud, or Christianity.

That's nice. Do you have an actual rebuttal, or are you accepting defeat.

Yep, gave the rebuttal. Thanks for accepting defeat, by the way.

I'm sorry, I don't have any microfiche equipment to view your rebuttal, which is invisible to the naked eye.

Thanks for accepting defeat, by the way.

Classy. " I won because I said I did. I'm so smart. " How long have you been an MBA?

Classy. " I won because I said I did. I’m so smart. "

Your words, not mine.


Rule 8. Removed.

Fair enough. It looks nice though.

All these cults use the same tactics to control their people.

Who's truth?

There is only one truth. Don’t act like a moron.

But I am a moron.

I'm just guessing, here.

No, that’s not at all how it works.

invention of complete bullshit

At least you’re consistent.