Multiple Shooters at Orlando

160  2016-06-13 by [deleted]

A friend of mine was at the nightclub the night of the shooting in Orlando. Luckily he got out unhurt. And he claimed that there were two shooters at the nightclub. He said the two shooters are friends that always go to that nightclub, like always go to it almost as if they're gay themselves. He even said he recognized them because they're always walking up and down the streets near the nightclub. He said that one of the shooters put the gun in their sweater and escaped into the crowd to leave the scene while the other shooter stayed back..... He is convinced he knew what he saw. And its funny because the media is spinning off as a lone wolf event, and they're even saying its a hate crime against gays even though Omar (one of the known shooters) might even be gay himself.

edit: Oh yeah, and he said he's afraid to report this to the police because he fears the government or the other shooter might try to kill him.


Im from orlando and i heard the same thing from a friend of a friend who was at pulse when everything went down. Not sure why they would cover this up, but it seems like this is the truth.

I couldn't fathom how someone kills/injures 103 people without being stopped. Multiple shooters makes much more sense.

Well, more than likely the police killed a lot of hostages when they blew up the wall then rolled in with an armored personnel carrier. Oh and when they opened fire with over 100+ rounds to kill the gunman.

Really is that how it went down? I haven't looked much into since I have no Clue what to believe. Seems reckless

That's all police raids for you, reckless.

Possibly, but remember that this was a gun-free zone, so no one inside was armed. Then the people who were shot inside had 3 hours to bleed out before the police started the raid.

There was a man inside the club with a gun. That gun free excuse is nonsense.

Florida law says otherwise.

Obviously criminals don't care that it's a gun free zone. In fact, criminals seem to gravitate to these gun-free zones because they know that the people inside will almost certainly not be armed.

I speculate they would rather push a 'lone nut, hate crime' story, rather than reveal another multiple person Islamic terrorist cell.

Well he's got the part about him being gay and being at that night club often right.

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only thing I can think or that i thought when i saw the recent articles saying there is going to be an arrest on a second person soon, is that you think they would wait til after the arrest to announce it. Just so the person they are going after doesnt take notice and attempt to get away or try something different to hide.

its the same deal with the theater shooting. Multiple reports of multiple shooters from people inside and they spin it as lone wolf.

And Sandy Hook.

Can't forget military pants guy, or the guy running through the woods.

Exactly. Not to change the topic but I always found it unlikely that this supposedly tiny, hypersensitive kid with Aspergers could carry out such a deadly attack in a couple of minutes. Especially when the initial reports said that he was reloading way before his magazines were empty, like you would in a video game.

And ESPECIALLY, because the supposed "long gun," aka the AR-15, that CT Chief Medical Examiner said was the gun which everyone was shot with was IN HIS TRUNK the whole time and none of the guns had his DNA on them.

If we're going with the "people actually got shot angle," I think it's much more likely that it was carried out by a couple of skilled mercenary types, possibly the dude in the woods and Adam Lanza, if he even existed at all, was a patsy.

Don't forget Adam Lanza's supposed hit rate. Wasn't it something like 96%? Not even the best shooters in the world can do that.

Good call, I almost forgot about that.

154 shots fired in 5 minutes with something like 96% accuracy. Hmm...

And in addition to the accuracy, the timing is wild when you take reloading into account.

That's at least six magazines or more considering they claimed that he changed magazines multiple times, "like you would in a video game," not emptying the clip:

"Authorities determined that Lanza reloaded frequently during the shootings, sometimes firing only fifteen rounds from a thirty-round magazine. He shot all but two of his victims multiple times."

I'm not necessarily saying that I'm buying what these articles and Wikipedia are selling, but there's just so many things that don't add up or make sense.

This is what I want to know more about. Forget even witnesses saying there was more than one because they could be lying But just look at the fact that the guy would've had to reload like 6 times with video game like speed and somehow pulled it off

Can anyone explain that away?

Really? I haven't heard much about this. Haven't looked too deep tho

And jfk

That would make a lot of sense. I just hope we eventually get the truth.

"from a friend of a friend"

It never fails.

Should i have lied and said it was my friend? It actually was a friend of a friend idk what to tell you. I lived in orlando from when i was 18-31 i know a lot of people in orlando

Sworn affadavit or bust. No respect, just skeptical.

Friend of a friend.. Zzz

Would you rather i lie and say it was a friend? Im from orlando, i know a lot of people in orlando, and i heard this from a good friend whose friend was actually there. I trust the source. I posted a link yesterday with screen shots of my facebook with old coworkers grieving over paul henry, one of the victims that i knew personally. Im not making this shit up.

Friend of a friend.. Zzz

I have been doing a ton of reading about this second shooter and all signs point to there being 2. My thought is that authorities know but are playing it close to the vest. In Boston the brothers didn't go on their second rampage until their identity was released. Learning from Boston it would've smart to keep it quiet so that any additional shooters let their guard down and don't harm anyone else if they have nothing to loose. Just my 2 cents...

Brothers on a rampage hu... you sound shilly.

Two brothers. In a van. And then a meteor hit. And they ran as fast as they could. From giant cat-monsters. And then a giant tornado came. And that's when things got knocked into twelfth gear...

Is it just called two brothers?

Your friend should do an AMA here in /r/conspiracy. Does he/she have any proof that they were there that night?

I also hear there's a $25k reward for proving the incident was staged.

Of course not.

You know, I've seen like ten people in this sub claim to have direct ties to people they claim were at that club. That's a staggering ~0.0008%. The coincidences surrounding the event are phenomenal but this one takes the cake.

Im one of those people. I can't speak for the others, but i can promise you im a real person, and my friend Paul who is now dead was a real person. Check my post history, im no shill, just someone who wants to know the truth about what happened to my friend. I dont know if this was a government conspiracy or just some crazy muslim, all i know is the victims are real, and this whole thing sucks.

This is where conspiracy theories always go sideways in my opinion. It's totally plausible to discuss multiple shooters, media manipulation of events, censorship, scapegoating whole cultures, etc. It's not a very fruitful debate to deny that anyone actually died. I fully believe the shooting happened, and I fully believe those people died as a result.

Who organized the event, how they organized the event, and why they organized the event remains to be answered for me. One guy who did it for religious reasons doesn't seem like a legitimate motive to me, nor a feasible task. To shoot over 100 people in a matter of seconds without automatic weapons or years of marksmanship sounds highly implausible to me.

I couldn't agree more. Ive just seen a few people say that the victims were actors, and it was all staged, so i wanted to make sure people know the people who died are real.

I believe you 100%. I'm sorry for your loss with your friend. Better days will come. Keep a positive and fearless mindset!

Thanks. As hard as this has hit me, i know it's even worse for the families of the victims out there. I just hope we can find out the truth and get some justice.

That's easy to say when you're in a different state and get satisfaction from conspiracy theories. When you actually live in Orlando and personally know the first responders, what they saw, and what the local ER's had to manage, it's different. This stuff is real and horrible in every sense.

Matter of seconds? Try 3 hours

He (or they) shot into a crowded nightclub where no one was legally allowed to be armed to defend themselves. Then there were 3 hours from the time the shooting started to the time the police raided the building for all of those people to bleed out.

So the people just sat there and let him shoot them for 3 hours?

Apparently not.

OPD defends 3 hour wait to enter bathroom saying there were no shots and they were trying to negotiate with Mateen.

When you need help remember the police are only 3hrs away.

Indeed. As the saying goes,

When seconds count, the police are only minutes hours away.

I agree... obviously.

People seek out informations regarding events they were close to. It isn't shady, it's just a confirmation bias. It would be different if you started interviewing random people from around the country and they all knew someone but in a thread dedicated to the subject, of course people with relevant information are going to seek it out and share their perspective.

There's a theory that says something like every human is separated by six degrees of separation. Meaning everyone on the planet knows someone that knows someone, who knows someone that knows someone, who knows someone that knows someone connected to the incident.

Lots of people from around the country go to Disney for their college program. When you have thousands of young college people from around the country going to the same place, it's not that odd that in this age of having hundreds of "friends" on Facebook, people know someone who knows someone who was affected.

The media is reporting exactly what they are being told to report.

Sure, sounds 100% legit to me.

Accomplice doesn't mean second shooter, but ya, i wouldn't be surprised at all if they arrested more people that were involved.

How many hostages did the police kill? They admitted they did kill hostages, but never give numbers.

"We had a team of crisis negotiators that talked to the suspect, trying to get as much information as possible, what we could do to help resolve the situation ... He wasn't asking a whole lot, and we were doing most of the asking," Mina said.

Mateen soon began talking about explosives and bombs, leading Mina to decide about 5 a.m. to detonate an explosive on an exterior wall to prevent potentially greater loss of life. The explosives did not penetrate the wall completely, so an armored vehicle was used to punch a 2-foot-by-3-foot hole in the wall about 2 feet from the ground.

"We knew there would be an imminent loss of life," Mina said.

Hostages started running out, as did Mateen, who was killed in a shootout with SWAT team members. It turned out there were no explosives.

I find it really interesting they didn't breach from a door/window with a less lethal stun device or conduct a more thorough examination of the wall and build the charge more accordingly. I can see erring on the side of safety but there's such a myriad of options for breaching that I feel like this could be poor execution.

It's pretty common circumstance now due to two reasons...Waco, TX & then Columbine. At Waco, they came in guns-a-blazing and well, we know how that turned out. Columbine was such a major fuck up that they waited too long and allowed the two teens to kill way more than they should. Given the circumstances they knew (possible bomb) 2-3 hours was sufficient time to devise a plan and execute to save as much life as possible.

You kind of have to remind yourself that this is real life....not some movie where SWAT are all bad-ass, perfect soldiers. They are trained police (wo)men who are scared shitless but still running in there to save as many people as they can.

Not movies. I've done some time on a QRF and been around combat engineers and such, and had MOUT training. It'd blow your mind how creative joe can be...

How does someone put a hot gun inside their sweater and not scream from getting burned by it?

It was a Ralf Lauren

Ah my mistake.

I think they are already suspecting a second gunman and close to making an arrest. At least that's what I read a few hours ago.

49 dead, 53 wounded.

Assuming one shooter, and "Dylan Roof" level of accuracy, we're looking at hundreds of rounds from a single AR-15. 30 round mags. Did he have an ammo box with him?

Nothing about this shooting makes sense in the context of a single shooter event.

...or, you're looking at 102 rounds/4 mags. He had hours, and had close ranges to work with. A single non-fatal shot per person could still cause deaths when they're bleeding out for hours.

One shot per person, with no loose rounds, even when we know he was engaged in two separate shoot outs with police and security?


Same thing happened with James Holmes and the 2012 Aurora shooting. There was evidence that he didn't act alone.

He said the two shooters are friends that always go to that nightclub, like always go to it almost as if they're gay themselves. He even said he recognized them because they're always walking up and down the streets near the nightclub.

Edit: fucked the quote when i first posted


If you are telling the truth, tell your friend to make a sworn affadavit saying everything he knows, then spread it on the Internet. A video interview (they have video affadavits, right?) would also be nice. No chance of danger if you already layed your cards on the table.

This reminds me of a scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off... Economics Teacher: [takes attendance] Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Economic Student Simone: Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious. Economics Teacher: Thank you, Simone.

In the paris attacks, 9 trained isis agents managed to kill 130 people in a sequence of well orchestrated highly coordinated attacks that included the use of three suicide bombs.

And this one guy in Orlando - not actually affiliated with any terrorist network - kills 49 all by his lonesome?

Seems very unlikely.

So this is what the Feds are resorting to these days? Sheesh

Obama is smiling about this one I'm sure. There's anti gun radicals foaming at the mouths on social media everywhere. It's all playing a part in his agenda...martial law...take away all guns and leave everyone defenseless. More targets for his little JSOC team...just wait until he starts deploying them domestically. Domestic drone strikes are getting closer and closer.

You really think he's going to accomplish all that in less than 5 months? Come on, dude.

His girl Hillary might...

I think Trump will take it in stride

Doesn't matter who wins, neither Hilary or Trump will be good for the people. If you really want someone who will (at least seriously try) to make a difference, Gary Johnson 2016!

Gary Johnson is by far the best candidate and the candidate whom my views align most with. I just wish he'd stop saying and doing such stupid things on the campaign trail. I.e., being stoned, calling Trump a racist, calling Trump a pussy, kissing the camera, etc. Everything he's doing is like the textbook opposite of the right way to run a campaign.

I'm saying Trump will pick up where Obama left off.

And I'm saying that either candidate will. Probably more so Hilary than Trump even.

but not bernie! good job america!!!

Obama has been in power for 7.5 years and has NEVER restricted gun rights. The fuck are you on about?

Yeah he did? He updated regulations in order to make it harder to acquire an FFL. And didn't he shut down NFA trusts?

Yeah but you can't say he hasn't tried and made it one of his biggest missions.

Some States did it for him. For example, New York is a pilot project. Watching Obama on gun control is a big distraction.

No need to be snooty there Mary

Sure there is. 50 people are dead. Obama may be a part of a shitty system, but to suggest he's happy about this is totally fucked up.

Not really, it's all going along with his/our government's agenda. To think he actually controls or has much influence on our government is ludicrous. He's merely the face of it.

What do you think his goal is, and what evidence do you have to support your position?

Weapons sales spike after these events.

Obama's incapable of any progress on gun safety reform.

The military industrial complex is who benefits.

And authoritarians.

gun safety reform

Is that what they're calling gun control now?

military industrial complex

Yeah this has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Neither of your comments have any substance.

What does gun control have to do with the "military industrial complex"?

Military companies (Raytheon, Boeing, etc) don't make anything from civilian gun sales.

The very few companies who make guns for the military (colt, Beretta) make very, very little of their sales from civilians. They don't give a shit either way.

The companies who actually depend on civilian sales (Ruger, Remington, Browning, Winchester, Bushmaster, DPMS, etc, etc, etc) are not part of the " military industrial complex". They are tiny by comparison, and do not supply the military.

So please, explain to me how gun sales are some conspiracy by the "military industrial complex".

Oh wow. Did I touch a nerve?

No? Is evidence a sign of aggression to you?

You really think he's going to accomplish all that in less than 5 months? Come on, dude.

Weapons sales spike after these events.

Obama's incapable of any progress on gun safety reform.

The military industrial complex is who benefits.

And authoritarians.

Obama has been in power for 7.5 years and has NEVER restricted gun rights. The fuck are you on about?

Sure there is. 50 people are dead. Obama may be a part of a shitty system, but to suggest he's happy about this is totally fucked up.

And jfk

Accomplice doesn't mean second shooter, but ya, i wouldn't be surprised at all if they arrested more people that were involved.

And Sandy Hook.

It was a Ralf Lauren