Feeling overwhelmed
45 2016-06-13 by George0fDaJungle
I spent years avoiding learning about the real facts of the world. I knew I wasn't ready for it and studied theory instead, such as economics and philosophy. Around 5 years ago something clicked when reading some Robert Anton Wilson and I realized I wasn't only ready but that I had to tune in to what was really going on in the world. The more I looked and listened, the worse everything seemed to get.
I'm not very impressed with mundane types of corruption; officials taking bribes, cronyism, and the rest. It makes me angry but I also know it's inevitable. But then I hear and read about the bigger issues - terrorists armed by the West, regime change for profit, the complete domination of minds by the manipulation of media and language...and I feel so small and helpless to do anything about it or even begin to feel like my input matters. These are not minor, petty corruptions, someone making an extra side income. These are deliberate and knowing acts, with the design of exchanging human life for money and power.
I tell myself to be patient, that a time will come where there may be a chance for a peaceful revolution. And then there are times when the 'vengeance fantasies' play out where I envision the BURN IT ALL DOWN strategy of rooting out the cancer that is so embedded in the system that it can never be extracted by going through the system. I ruminate of when a time might come where a little guy like me, who knows things but cannot act, might finally be able to contribute meaningfully to change the system. And all the while, as I preach to myself patience, I know that bombs and bullets are being used to murder people, that torture is employed, and that's it's done on my tax dollar. As I speak of what chance there might be in the future, I know that right now killing is happening, 'in my name.' Let's say, for example, I pay $20,000 in income taxes each year, and that 1/3 of the national budget is spent on the military. That means I am spending almost $7,000 a year on killing tools that will definitely be used. How many guns can my $7,000 buy? Will those guns end up in the hands of ISIS, murdering local people who just want to live and work? Will my money instead go towards a nice new missile, the investment payload to be delivered to perhaps a civilian dwelling or even a hospital? But I cannot cease paying taxes; cannot opt out of funding the violence. There is nowhere to go unless I move to some more peaceful country, that may or may not accept me as an immigrant, and in any case I'd be leaving my home and everyone I know on some principle that I cannot even see in my daily life.
In general I'm a cheerful, positive person, but once in a while all of this hits me and I feel burdened and helpless. The overwhelming nature of how much money is involved in the military/deep state, and the amount of power and secrecy there, means that I likely don't even know the half of what's really going on out there.
The real joke is that more or less all of my friends have entirely succumbed to mental programming. If something is said on the news, they think it bizarre to question whether it's true. When faced with possible alternative explanations, the challenge always comes back: "prove it to me or your claims are baseless conspiracy theories." I have friends that steadfastly claim that the government is mostly a nice organization trying to help everyone, and that sometimes it screws up but is otherwise a force for good. There seems to be no way to get through to these otherwise very intelligent people. Their reality has been so glued in that they defend it with sometimes a surprising intensity. The movie "They Live" really captured this, where a man will literally fight to the death rather than put on the glasses and see a different view of reality. The "prove it or it's nonsense" isn't a position that can be breached; it's an unbeatable defence against discussing the issues seriously. It's not like I have the NSA at my disposal to provide me with inside data. The best we ever get is interesting evidence or logical flaws in official narratives. Hard data is rarely in evidence until years after the fact when files are declassified. And even then they don't believe it really happened!
I suppose others out there feel as I do. The primaries right now seem to indicate a rebellion of sorts on both sides of the political spectrum, and yet I somehow feel that it will be met with token gestures and no real change. The best strategy I have for coping during all of this is to adopt a policy of doublethink where I basically pretend most of the time that nothing's wrong, and don't let myself think about it. Sometimes I use humor and a sardonic outlook to laugh about it. But these defence mechanisms fail sometimes and I'm left feeling how I do now - caught in the middle of a terrible machine of which I'm a minor beneficiary but which I would end in a moment if I could. But there is no "off" button to press, no vote to register, no meeting to attend, that will accomplish this in the slightest. Hamlet said it well:
"How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on't! ah fie! 'tis an unweeded garden, That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature Possess it merely. That it should come to this!"
21 1yeartogod 2016-06-13
'The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.'
2 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
The root cause of everything you have learned: Envy.
2 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
Not sure why this got downvoted. The world is screwed up because of envy...self evident?
1 potxolo 2016-06-13
What is "self evident" to you could be "a meaningless oversimplification" to others, perhaps...
1 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
More likely they misunderstood. Probably thought I was referring to OP. After I explained it, they undownvoted
1 potxolo 2016-06-13
Just because you "explained" it doesn't mean people have to agree with you, or that you are even remotely correct. E.g. You apparently don't seem to understand the difference between jealousy and envy.
1 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
Please help me understand then.
1 potxolo 2016-06-13
Jealousy is when you don't want people to have something you have. Envy applies when you covet something you don't have.
So IMO both terms/factors, among many others, are at play in shaping the state of affairs of the human condition. Not just envy.
1 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
Jealousy is not what you have defined. What you defined as envy is actually jealousy.
Jealousy is when you don't have something, someone else does, and you want it. When you can't have it and want to destroy it for everyone because of this, it is called envy.
1 potxolo 2016-06-13
"Jealousy is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of status or something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. In its original meaning, jealousy is distinct from envy, though the two terms have popularly become synonymous in the English language, with jealousy now also taking on the definition originally used for envy alone. Jealousy is a typical experience in human relationships. It has been observed in infants five months and older.[1][2][3][4] Some claim that jealousy is seen in every culture;[5][6][7] however, others claim jealousy is a culture-specific phenomenon.[8]" Source.
1 George0fDaJungle 2016-06-13
FWIW I don't think the dominant emotion powering the deep state is envy or jealousy. I think it's the unchanging fact from history that some people feel they have an innate right to rule and enslave others, and they will do so through whatever system they can in any way they can. If that means literal slavery then so be it, but if they must employ debt slavery, Matrix-worker slavery, or oligarchy, that is what they'll do. I don't think there is any reasoning with it. I'm not sure if it's rooted in childhood abuse/bad education, or whether some people are just born like this. Some of them are psychopaths but I suspect not all.
1 BigBrownBeav 2016-06-13
How you figure?
0 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
Wanting something you don't have that someone else has.
This is jealousy.
And if you can't get that thing, you destroy that thing so no one can have it.
This is envy. The opposite of love.
3 BigBrownBeav 2016-06-13
The opposite of love is fear. Jealousy and envy are attached to fear.
Speaking for myself I have no envy whatsoever towards people who have a lot of money. Do research into deathbed regrets of the rich and famous. Money, power and material things are the last thing on their mind. Everything they missed while under the spell of money comes front and center. It's an illusion to keep you from a truly rich life my friend. Cheers.
0 [deleted] 2016-06-13
1 Conditioned_Soul 2016-06-13
I think you misunderstood. I'm saying the worlds corruption is caused by envy, not the OP's feelings...
Ah yes I did, in that case I have made an ass out of you and me!
1 RowdyRoddyPiper 2016-06-13
No, Usury
2 dmt-intelligence 2016-06-13
Keep your head up, OP. Have you tried getting your friends to read RAW? What about educating them about CIA involvement in the drug trade?
2 big_sassy_GIRL 2016-06-13
Hi, what is RAW? I am genuinely curious.
1 pjvex 2016-06-13
I'm also unfamiliar. Please explain.
1 omenofdread 2016-06-13
robert anton wilson
1 dmt-intelligence 2016-06-13
Robert Anton Wilson. It's a common thing to say it like that (sorry).
1 George0fDaJungle 2016-06-13
I do try to collect some data that I have accessible to me, but they are principally in the "the CIA are the good guys" mentality, like we see in most film and TV. They don't even accept that the CIA engages in regime change, so I doubt they'll even entertain the notion of outright criminal enterprise. Like the poster above quoting the Matrix said, they don't want the wake-up pill.
2 dmt-intelligence 2016-06-13
Weed or psychedelics is often the only thing that wakes people up. There are some good documentaries on nasty history of the CIA that you could try showing them, though....
I'm sure glad my friends are awake.
1 Isis13rules 2016-06-13
Soooo exactly this!! Thank you for voicing your concern and disappointment. Thanks for admitting your fear and confusion. There were moments reading this that I thought I was reading my own words. We don't have all the answers. They will come in due time. Everyone is on their own journey to seek the truth, and we may not all have the same truths. You are learning and understanding at a faster scale than some of your family or peers, and that is okay. Hit the nail on the head about not having a meeting, a button, a vote, etc. You can plant seeds though: offer a possibility with a few facts, your opinion with the numbers to back it up, whatever. Just plant the seed though, and they may allow that thought to grow and hopefully harvest their own knowledge. We all had to start somewhere. I started age 9 with an old book my mom got in a collection of books for free from someone, called mysteries of the unexplained, lol it started with ufo sightings, loch Ness, human combustion, frogs falling from the sky and a host of ghost stories.... I came to my own conclusions or set of beliefs on various things and if I could not put a finger on it one way or the other I just let it be, chalked it up to a real life mystery. People don't want a mystery, they want facts. Good thing of course too or we would still think the earth was flat. It took many many many years for the discovery of ( Magellan was it?) the earth being round, to convince enough of those close to him and word Spread, was met with criticism and conflict then acceptance as a whole ( probably by default since many people went to their graves not giving in). That's all a little much. The point is, plant the seeds, and dont worry about it. Warn those worth the warnings if necessary, hopefully they heed. I am a little ashamed that when a group of coworkers are arguing their opinions, taking a side but not looking outside the box, I don't have a dog in that fight so I may Do one of two things. A: share my belief or opinion knowing it will be at least laughed and joked about (or worse, shot down or ignored). B. Shut up. There is so much disinformation out right now, if anyone just used whatever Google search pops up without having a recommended source, they will just give up. They will see all the nutty stuff and be like yep that is some nutty shit, c-ya. I really believe in this awakening process going on, but I can't help but think maybe the window of opportunity has passed for so many.
2 George0fDaJungle 2016-06-13
I also wonder about the window of opportunity. I 'woke up' in my 30's, which is kind of late, but then again I never really bought into the system in the first place. I always kind of knew something was wrong, even though I didn't know what.
You can see the difference in other people between those who don't know about certain things but are willing to learn, and others who defiantly do not want to change their worldview. America has turned "knowing the right answer" into a kind of religion, and when the "correct answer" is what the MSM says, then you've "aced the test", which makes people proud of themselves. Why would they entertain an alternate version of events which would make them (temporarily) feel like fools? The entire school system is based around the principle of one correct answer, that answer being the one given by the authorities/teacher.
1 Isis13rules 2016-06-13
Agreed! In my experience, I don't take anything at face value, i learn and do my own research, taking what i want for my beliefs and leave the rest. I wish there was a subreddit, maybe there is, but for people to recommend books, YouTube videos or websites they find helpful.
1 potxolo 2016-06-13
If it makes you feel any better, that is not exclusive to America in the least.
It's just part of the indoctrination process, selective bias, and cognitive dissonance trifecta. And it affects the "sheep" as much as most of the people in this sub who consider themselves "enlightened."
In the end, IMO, people fear uncertainty a big deal. Which is why most people police themselves, and don't really take the reality of the system they live under to its ultimate logical conclusions. Because the prospect of not having a system that structures their lives, to them, is a worse subconscious possibility. In the same vein, many conspiracy theorist will cling to theories without considering/understanding their ultimate logical conclusions either, because "fake" closure is more appealing than the uncertainty of a reality that is not knowable/understandable by them....
2 mahatma_arium_nine 2016-06-13
Earth = Prison
1 deepspace2015 2016-06-13
We have plenty of nsa data. Even if you had more, you think it would help?
3 George0fDaJungle 2016-06-13
The problem isn't so much the data itself, but whether it comes through 'official' channels. I can somehow produce data myself, or get it through Wikileaks, or however else, and people may raise an eyebrow but it somehow won't register as being "part of reality" to them. But if the same data comes 'officially' from the NSA, or is mentioned in MSM, well that's a different story. So it's not so much that it would be nice to have data the NSA has, but rather that it would be nice to have an organization people would see as 'legitimate' that could dispense accurate information just as the NSA can.
2 Kcbedo 2016-06-13
There is no way the powers that be will let us have the real data. It's the MSM's job to convince us that the news they portray is real. I feel your frustration!
1 OneHitter_NotAQuiter 2016-06-13
America actually uses 60% of its budget on military. So almost 2/3
1 red13blue4 2016-06-13
We haven't figured out to beat the Babylonian money magic yet. Their power is strong.
2 George0fDaJungle 2016-06-13
Never heard this term before so I'm reading up on it. Interesting!