Possible motivation behind Florida shooting...

0  2016-06-14 by no1113

I know there are a lot of possibilities, but this one seems to make at least some sense to me. I'm not following this anywhere near as closely as some others, so feel more than free to chime in with thoughts. I'm of coursed not saying that this is "the" theory of what happened, but - again - it does seem to make at least some sense to me.

After reading this article in an OP in this sub, this is what I posted as a response:

This seems like a situation where a Muslim guy was gay, but - because of his upbringing, religion, because of society in general, etc - he absolutely hated being gay; a totally self-hating gay man who was trying his hardest to not be gay...and ultimately A) he got to the point that he just hated himself so much for being gay that he ended up hating gay people as much as he hated himself for being what they were/he was. In addition to all this, B) somehow the FBI got a hold of his ass (not literally - he probably wouldn't have liked an FBI man holding his ass while he was still in the closet), and they subtly (or not so subtly) "radicalized" him.

Seems like he might have been just another pawn in the West's continued attempts to A) take away guns/undermine the 2nd Amendment ("OMG we have to do something to protect the citizens against all these crazies with guns! Uncle Sam will help the citizens!"), and B) continue to villanize Islam so as to add more propaganda fuel in the West's attempts to take over the middle East.


Gun sales skyrocket after every shooting and zero legislation ever comes to debate following these events. Can someone please explain how this is a conspiracy to take away peoples guns and not a conspiracy by gun manufacturers?

I also don't see how this help Obama. If anything this helps Trump take the nomination away from Hillary (Obama regime successor.) What ever tiny thing they gained by this is eclipsed by showing Trump as the candidate that was "right." I'd love peoples insight, but I don't get how this helps them over all.

This is projected propaganda, the target is not the Second Amendment, it's the First.

While Republicans are frothing at the mouth over an attack on the Second Amendment from the Democrats, they are themselves attacking the First Amendment by wanting restrictions placed on Muslims. By placing restrictions on Muslims, you conveniently also create a precedent to put restrictions on the rest of the things in the First Amendment. That's the sort of thing that gives Alphabet Agencies a hard-on.

It should also be noted that while people are obsessing over what might possibly maybe happen to the Second Amendment, they don't seem to care that the Fifth Amendment has been increasingly bent and ignored over the last 15+ years.

Can someone please explain how this is a conspiracy to take away peoples guns and not a conspiracy by gun manufacturers?

Perhaps someone else has talked about this issue, but this is besides the point of this particular OP, as this topic never even crossed my mind actually.

That being said, what kind of "gun legislation" are you suggesting? The second amendment should by absolutely no means whatsoever be undermined. You want TPTB in America to have even more power than they already do? Allow them to activate this "gun legislation" you talk about.

Seems like he might have been just another pawn in the West's continued attempts to A) take away guns/undermine the 2nd Amendment

Literally nothing ever happens after these shootings. if they are false flags, they are the most ineffective conspiracy ever designed.

Literally nothing ever happens after these shootings.

Apparently you've never heard of the Totalitarian Tip Toe.

Slippery Slope is a logical fallacy

The Totalitarian Tip Toe =/= Slippery Slope fallacy.

Shooting? I'm sorry you mean Hoax.

Lol, you're very suspicious. Loud mouth, incredibly young account. You couldn't be an alt for someone avoiding a ban, could you? Thanks for all of your in depth analysis and discussion starters. You totally haven't been acting like one of those YouTubers yelling "Fake!" and "Yeah right!" while circling things I'm supposed to be looking at on Microsoft paint.

Wow imagine if you applied such skepticism to your media or government, who knows what you'd discover!

I do. You literally believe nothing has ever happened. Your mind is already made before the next one even happens, no matter where it happens.

cctv video or it didn't happen

Prove your birth. Right now. Immediately. No time to figure out how to get video of it, or if I even should see it. No time to examine it. I demand it right now. Im a random on the Internet, but I demand it now dammit. Give it to me. You're a robot until I see you squirm out.

Prove Obama's birth, I guess he's a robot too ;)

Don't change topics. Prove you were born. Right away. You're a hoax.

What? And Obama gets the benefit of a doubt... do I sense a bias here?

Man, you're insufferable. It's a shame you're trolling at this point. I think you see what I was getting at, though.

Actually, I really don't see what you were getting at. You require absolutely no proof of your claims but demand proof of mine, which is fine in itself, but then you go around touting like you're some kind of critical analyst when you are just as dogmatic as anyone.

The point is that you're incredibly unrealistic. And bloodthirsty. And a liar. You want evidence, and you want it right now. No time for debate. Right now. It's very early in this thing, and you're already talking in absolutes.

But it's pretty clear that you're one of those people who won't be satisified either way. Photoshop, CGI, special effects, whatever the fuck you've got in your arsenal, you'll use.

This is totally untrue and rather absurd for you to make these accusations of me considering you don't have a single piece of proof defending your claims.

Are you done with your character assassinations or are you going to continue to try to attack me personally rather than present actual evidence?

You fail to realize that YOU have not presented any actual evidence. Step it up, alt account.

Character assassination? You mean what you've done to every victim in all of these events? Again, you're argument is essentially "Ha, yeah right!" Good shit.

Sure. Hoax, shooting, hoax-shooting...whatever word you want to use. I just ran across the above information and made this OP as a result.

Got it, sounds good.

Got it, sounds good.

I do. You literally believe nothing has ever happened. Your mind is already made before the next one even happens, no matter where it happens.

Actually, I really don't see what you were getting at. You require absolutely no proof of your claims but demand proof of mine, which is fine in itself, but then you go around touting like you're some kind of critical analyst when you are just as dogmatic as anyone.

The point is that you're incredibly unrealistic. And bloodthirsty. And a liar. You want evidence, and you want it right now. No time for debate. Right now. It's very early in this thing, and you're already talking in absolutes.

But it's pretty clear that you're one of those people who won't be satisified either way. Photoshop, CGI, special effects, whatever the fuck you've got in your arsenal, you'll use.