Pictures of Dead Bodies from Pulse? Has anyone seen a single corpse?

9  2016-06-15 by [deleted]



Kinda like Sandy Hook huh...

Even lines of ambulances outside would help.

If you want to see real footage of real victims you'll have to check out footage of a real mass shooting, like Columbine


No doubt about it. You'd have to be borderline retarded to believe this crap. 320 people in a club, a 3 hour standoff, and no compelling footage of anything? Bullshit



At least they showed footage of them with guns in the school. Something as basic as this could sway public opinion, but no videos of shooters on site are allowed. Same with Aurora shootngs, San Bernardino etc... Columbine was very real. Orlando? Not so much.

All they need to do is show something like this. We don't need to see live video of them shooting, but fucking something linking them to the scene would be nice.

Here is a pic France released of the Bataclan theatre less than 48 hours afterward.

I agree with you OP! Extraordinary claims of 50 people killed, requires extraordinary evidence.

Everyone who disagrees with you, just show them this. This is all the public is asking for.

that Batalcan photo doesn't make sense for what was reported. Also, the smear looks a lot like the Brussels airport logo. check out the figures in the upper balcony. Also, where is the rest of that set? only one photo? really?

(IMO) no pics of bodies will be shown.


Go look up a murder around your city/town. Look for pictures and tell me if you can find any. Stop negatively shaping weak minds and strengthen your own before shilling.


I don't think that's common practice. Shows respect for the relatives of the deceased. You know, so they don't have to see their dead kid on TV or have someone ask them "is this your dead kid?" type stuff. In my city, for no murders do I ever see anything other than tarps covering bodies.


300 rounds = 20 clips = 10 double clips = at most 30 lbs, 4 mags fit in a cargo pocket.


absolutely they do

Why do you have to see the bodies? Do you really think that there aren't any and the hundreds of first responders are all in on it? Like why do you have to see the bodies physically? 300 rounds really isn't that heavy or bulky. 10 magazines? Easily could fit in a backpack or in pockets and tucked in to your waist if you don't have a tactical vest.


How about all the family members that had to go identify the bodies? Go ask one of them and see where that gets you. Cause you're not going to see any bodies unless something gets posted to liveleak.


You are incredibly delusional if you think that nobody actually died that night. Why the hell would they show you bodies? If your family got shot up like that, you wouldn't want their mangled up bodies shown everywhere

He thinks he's owed the bodies for some reason. Because he's entitled to his proof and if he doesn't see them, then of course the whole thing is definitely fake.


The last thing on people's minds when they're getting shot at or are in the same vicinity where people are getting shot is to do a snapchat or make a status update. They're going to get the hell out of there as fast as possible.


Oh so there were hostages inside with the shooter after the shooting? Okay so put yourself in their shoes. Are you going to risk doing anything that might make the shooter upset? Or get his attention? I don't think so.


I found a few but this one looks like the guy (or girl) is dead already. Or else just very stiff. There's another one where two people are carrying a guy in red shoes, but you can't tell if he's been shot. Can't see where this person was shot if at all, but they're clearly being handled. And here's another one where she's got blood on her.


That's all I can find in like 2 minutes on mobile at work. Less than 4 days after the shooting. No idea where they are and I'm sure their funerals will be soon, probably some have happened already. And I doubt they'll be open to the public, or at least most of them.

Apparently a few of them are open because Westboro Baptist Church is in town to actively protest at a few of the funerals. But yea, it makes perfect sense. These are just fake funerals for fake people who didn't die. Perfect sense. Perfect. Fucking. Sense.

If this guy isn't trolling then it's just sad how unattached he is

I'm the unattached one. Alright.

For all you know some people did try to record or something and that's why they're dead



Mine are up voted as well.You speaking to weak minds. This is why you haven't found me any photos of anyone murdered in your town.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

This guy gets it. This is what I've been trying to tell people. People whose knee jerk reaction to every mass shooting is to scream about how it's a false flag and where are the bodies and why are people walking to the scene instead away etc etc are just as bad if not more so as the people that believe the official narrative without question. They're opposite sides of the same coin.

Yeah I'm all for questioning the media because obviously they all spin some sort of angle, but I'm not gonna demand to see the bodies of the victims or pretend I'm a fucking psychologist and declare that relatives are crisis actors because the smiled or laughed during an interview.


They been preparing for this for weeks


rescue helicopters?

scooping bodies up immediately in case any lives can be saved? Nope, let the bodies sit for four hours after the piggies shot 'em all up.


You get WiFi under that big rock?

Where are the drunk people, where is the panic, where is the post traumatic stress, where are the emotionally unstable? If people were getting shot around me I would not walk out in the same as when I walked in. I would not be smiling, I would probably be crying my eyes out because my friends and I almost died.

This article by "Vivian Lee" notes how due to the lack of bodies at Sandy Hook, for the Charleston psy-op they sent a body of a deceased black person on tour that was supposed to be senator pickney. The body on tour was much larger than the senator. funny shit.


Go find open casket


A doctor was on the radio talking about how he expects most of the victims will survive. If there were no victims at the hospital he works at someone would speak up and call him on his bs. Just because there are no pictures of bodies or victims doesn't mean there are none.



I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting by your comment... Do you believe these doctors, hospital admins, and patients are completely full of shit?


Holding a press conference seems like the opposite of a gag order.


Okay, so are the doctors lying about the injuries they're treating and the surgeries they're performing? And the patients are also lying about what they experienced?


Why would they lie? What motivates them? These doctors spent countless hours and years of their lives studying medicine just to come to this point where they bullshit an entire nation?


You're demanding proof all over this post but now it's your turn to provide some proof. What proof do you have of what you're suggesting, proof the doctors and patients and hospital staff are lying/being paid off?

Why do you want pictures. ITS ILLEGAL for the media to show pictures of the dead during an investigation.

And I suppose you have been checking all of their Facebook profiles?

You're hurting this entire sub's reputation when you say stupid shit like that. Can't tell if you're serious or just trolling intentionally. I get what you're trying to argue, you just need to get a lot better at arguing/debating.


I don't need any evidence of dead people to tell you that you're shit at arguing your point. Be less abrasive, less emotional, and don't immediately result to insulting anyone who disagrees with you.

If there is anyone here who needs to "shut that trap of yours" it's you, kid.


Show proof or shut the fuck up

There's some proof for you right there. You sound like a 13 year old in remedial English.

I can't watch that right now because I'm at work, what is it?

No problem. I was just posting a link to video of the doctors discussing the injuries they've been treating, for anyone who might be interested.

Ah, awesome. Thank you.

There was atleast one more of the videoer hiding behind a bar with direct sight if two bodies on the ground that lit up when the outside lights shown in, but alot of videos are buried under the snapchat video and news video, as well as injured exiting.

I'm only sharing the videos I found with a quick search. Don't shoot the messenger.

Apparently, everyone in Orlando still uses flip phones? I mean, come on, the most basic phones now have better cameras than what these videos show. Nobody with an iPhone got any footage??


That first one looked way to calm. YOu mean to tell me your inside a nightclub getting shot and the dude is just walking around?? Think i saw a dude pull out a vape lol

What you're doing is called "moving the target." You'll never be satisfied with the evidence that is contrary to your opinion or you'll set the threshold so high that nobody will be able to present good enough evidence for you.


Someone did on the comment above and you said it looked fake. You'll never believe it no matter what. You're like an ostrich with its head in the ground.

I'd wager a hefty bet that if such photos exist that you would conclude the people in the picture weren't dead enough for your liking.


Hes already done it multiple times

Its illegal you fucktard. You have never and will never seen a dead body shown on television or by the Media.


releasing evidence publicly pre-trial falls under jury tampering because it creates assumption and bias in potential jurors before they hear the evidence. O.J. got off because of Jury Tampering, everyone thought he was guilty because of news coverage and that was grounds to get him off because he would have never gotten a fair trial

Video 2 works for me. It's the bathroom, also of potato quality, but a body is shown atleast twice.

Video 1 is when swat entered and the club was being cleared. You can see a body on the ground as the light moved around.

Video 3 is from outside, and when I first watched it I thought I saw two sheets. But see now I was mistaken.

There is videos, pictures will come out I'm sure as time passes.

Again, only sharing the videos. But I h ave trouble understanding what the story is when one minute the focus is on the guy dropped off air because he mentioned someone holding the door, and the next its all a complete hoax.

You will never accept the presented evidence. Be honest.


You were given a video that showed a body. You plugged your ears and said "Nuh-uh!"


I am skeptical. You're just talking out of your ass.





Yeah man I'll be sure to take a picture of her corpse at the funeral for you


Something happened at Orlando and is off key. It's feels strange right? Same with Sandy Hook, San Bernardino and not even one photo released of Bin Laden's body - who was the most wanted man on earth.

I believe there were real victims but the agenda behind the actions could have been staged. I don't know. But to tell someone, who for all we know does know a victim at Pulse and is telling the truth, to shut up and post dead body pictures does nothing but make you look like a petulant little cunt.

Get a fucking clue and some basic social skills and then maybe the people will take you seriously.


Mosquito I think you might actually be onto something, but you should check your tone a little if you want to engage discussion rather than start flamewars.


See, you're doing it again, talking down to everyone. Get fucked, "sweetie", and wonder why everyone in this thread is yelling at you and vice versa rather than engaging in discussion.

The fact that you're not a teenager and haven't learned how to talk to people is sad. Now you being rude as fuck has turned everyone off from your point of view. Great Job!

I tried guys, sorry.


Whatever you're here to do, your shitty attitude is totally defeating your substantial efforts.

YOU need to try harder not to be a dick in everyday conversation. I'm just trying to give you an objective opinion of your failings in communication. I don't have to do shit.

It's not about making friends. It's about being your own worst enemy. You are a case study in that offense.


I'm just trying to help you not turn off your entire fucking audience. Sometimes it's hard to self-evaluate. You're the god damn case study for that too, Champ.

Way to be a dumbass, seriously. I actually hope this is a caricature and not a real person.

I was just thinking about this, aren't there any photos from the inside? how many people were inside at that time?

They have footage of Troy Ave shooting up a club less then 12hrs after it happen. it is strange.

I live in Orlando and I fully believe an "event" happened at Pulse...and people really were killed, and for that I am sorry. But, I can't help but see that things do not seem right. I'm not going to point EVERYTHING that is questionable about the whole story AGAIN, as many before me have... I have never even considered a conspiracy before in my life, but this has made me take a good hard look into things. "Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see."


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

I knew one of the people killed in the shooting, it was real, his mother's grief is very real, my grief is very real, and while I'm sure you'll have all moved on to your next crack pot bullshit by the time the funerals are held, the funerals will be very real. Some of you need to get off the computer and spend some time in the real world. Like your mind can't process the fact that bad shit happens for no reason in the world every day.

Dude. Even if photos were public they'd be immediately dismissed as a photoshop job or doctored or patently false. As someone with a decades worth experience in research and investigations, I can assure you there's no definitive proof in the world good enough to convince paranoid people who want to believe.

From the safe refuge of their insulated life they will warp the outside world to fit into the narrow delusions they hold. They'll call you a troll, a sheep, etc. They will only talk with like minded individuals. These are amateur crackpots, with no ability to cite or source their claims, no understanding of research methods or common logical fallacies.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Apparently I'm a Government shill despite having over a decade of a digital foot print with this username dating all the way back to AOL 2.5 and a game called Gemstone III.

Maybe these people should buy a plane ticket and go visit some of the open casket funerals in Florida...or just get off the computer and get into the social world like I said earlier.

I'm well aware nobody who is convinced these are "staged" or "false flags" are going to change their minds, but I'd be remiss to not state that I knew Captain Brown and have spoken directly to his family when people shit all over his memory.

As far as the people arm chair quarterbacking, they're spineless with zero intestinal fortitude. I am content enough in knowing I've done more with my life, and seen more of the world they wish they could get into (but are too cowardly to step into) than they ever will.

It's like people jump from point A to point Z and skip all the letters in between when something doesn't add up in their head. They need to put down the Sci Fi books and drop off the conspiracy websites for a few months to clear their heads, there is no logical pattern to the way they try to connect the dots.

This is people calling that news reporter getting shot live on TV fake all over again.

Somehow I doubt a single person posting here has ever fired a gun at a human being or seen a human being hit with a firearm, let alone a hand gun - or been in a firefight, or even have any form of medical background.

I've experienced all of the above.

Bad shit happens for no reason in this world, people need to learn to accept that instead of trying to rationalize it into some over reaching axis of evil trying to shape the world into something else.

I'm done here, thank you for the condolences.


I really don't care what you believe, my statement stands, even if I had a picture of Brown's body I wouldn't show it to you just to sate your paranoid delusions.


I have a digital footprint under this username that goes back almost two decades, if I'm a "Government hack" I'm sure doing a damn good job of it and got recruited mighty young.

There are multiple issues with someone deeming a mass murder as fake just because law enforcement doesn't put out forensic evidence and the final moments of someone's lives via 911 calls to sate the delusions of a half dozen idiots on a sub reddit.

You're a huge discredit to people trying to find the truth. If you think there's anything OK with demanding pictures of dead bodies and audio recordings of people in the last moments of their lives, like it's somehow your right, when you have zero personal connection to the incident - you're a complete moron.

If you think people are going to think "Oh, there's a shooter in the building, quick, let me take a selfie and put it on Facebook." You're an idiot.

I've seen all of these arguments made that go completely off the rails of any form of rational thought or logic, and I can only assume that the people doing it spend way too much time being the atypical tin foil hat stereotype instead of getting out and socializing - so introverted from the real world that they create their own reality from the confines of their house to try and cope with their own issues.

You've already made it clear you're not here to make friends, or for discussion, which only concludes that you have some kind of borderline dis-associative disorder or a delusional mind - where in your world you're somehow owed information that you're not.

You, and the other handful of morons who down vote anyone trying to push a narrative that doesn't fit into their own little glass house of la-la land do so because you cannot handle when a person suppresses or opposes the world you've created for yourself.

Normally I don't really go out of my way to reply to people like you, or really post in this sub reddit at all, because frankly the people who are nutjobs are plainly obvious and the people who are logical and seeking answers are equally obvious - but this is a personal matter and frankly it pisses me off that even a dozen of you can make that jump from A to Z while ignoring all the information in between as to why the evidence you demand might not be readily available to the public.

You have fun being that miserable person in life.

I'm glad a majority of people in this Sub Reddit seem to be more intelligent and don't just jump from point A to point Z when trying to put two and two together.


I never said this was or wasn't a false flag, I said it wasn't a hoax.

That's what I'm "blabbering" about.

People calling this a hoax are diving way too far down the rabbit hole and need to use their critical thinking.


Rule 8. No memes. Removed.

You're a joke. Go outside. Get fresh air.


Logic & Reasoning 101.



It's easy to spout shit with no real world experience. There's a difference between being a skeptic and being an uninformed ass. You've provided no compelling argument for your arguments.

I don't think OP is delusional. I think they're just an irreverent troll. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and I can only imagine what his mother and family is going through...

you've had 3 videos shown to you, 2 of which have proof. But as usual you wont admit its enough, you just say "shit quality or not enough or not really dead"

How about all the family members that had to go identify the bodies? Go ask one of them and see where that gets you. Cause you're not going to see any bodies unless something gets posted to liveleak.

You were given a video that showed a body. You plugged your ears and said "Nuh-uh!"

Yeah man I'll be sure to take a picture of her corpse at the funeral for you