Hear Ye, Hear Ye, The Earth is Flat and Motionless

0  2016-06-15 by natavism

This is the most censored topic. It cannot be discussed anywhere online without armies of trolls descending and controlling the conversation. So the moderation team at /r/theworldisflat aims to provide a forum for people who have already realized that the deceptions actually begin with one of our first lessons in school - that the earth is not a spinning globe.

/r/theworldisflat is not necessarily meant to be a place for people who are new to the topic, but we certainly do encourage anyone brave enough to check it out and participate. However please familiarize yourself with the basics of the model first so we can attempt to elevate the level of conversation above the basics. This is a pro flat earth subreddit. If you do have questions, I'll address them here to the best of my ability - but if they're fairly basic don't be surprised if I direct you to a link in the OP.

Lots of basic info:

One of the beginner sections on the best aggregate sites:


IFERS - International Flat Earth Research Society - led by one of the best and first researchers in the latest iteration of the flat earth movement - I also highly recommend this few minutes of the IFERS founder speaking on this conspiracy


Good summary video (thanks to /u/Gorkildeathgod for posting) Approx 15 minutes.


Another good summary piece:


Another one of the first researchers on the scene:


List of scientific experiments which prove the flat and stationary earth and cannot be refuted (warning the explication videos can be a challenge to get through):

  • Airy's Failure (1871 - proving the stars moved, carried by ether, while earth is stationary) explication link
  • Michelson / Morley (1887 - establishes the earth is stationary)
  • Sagnac Experiment (1913 - proves ether) explication link
  • Michelson / Gale (1925 - proving the ether passes over earth over 24 hours)

Finally, another incorrect assumption that people tend to make - this is not a religious stance - I do not come from a religious background and am not religious now, nor have I ever been - it is one based solely in empirical reality. All major religions just happen to agree. I also do not claim to speak for my fellow moderators in this matter, only for myself.

There are many subreddits in the past that have been accused of instigating drama, witch-hunting, censorship, mudslinging, DDOS attacks, and real life harassment - their constituents make regular appearances here and anywhere this topic is broached. This is another reason we moderate aggressively at /r/theworldisflat. Again, I myself am happy to address most questions via PM but don't be surprised if I direct you to one of the basic links I provided here. Thanks for reading and best wishes!


Somewhere tucked away in an office at the CIA a group of the disinfo branch are sitting around laughing giving each other high fives.

You have any proof of that? Even one single shred of evidence to back that up? Or you just shooting off cause you think you're so smart?

That's addressed in the first video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VczRorWDMvI

Somewhere tucked away in an office at the CIA, clandestine recruiters are sitting around laughing and giving each other high fives.


The problem with all this bullshit you've written is that the earth is demonstrably a spinning globe. You have no explanation for Foucault pendulums because you have no explanation for anything.

That's one thing that's addressed on the IFERS forums - do you have any other proofs? Because I listed 4 in my OP.

I think you don't know what you're talking about. You list:

  • Michelson / Morley (1887 - establishes the earth is stationary)

What makes you think that the Michelson / Morley interferometer experiment establish that the earth is stationary? I am familiar with this experiment, the purpose behind it, and the results. See if you can explain the connection between this earth and your assertion -- which neither Michelson nor Morley would have agreed with, btw. Their experiment depends on the fact that the earth is moving. They took that as an assumption of their argument. So it's hard to imagine how their experiment could surprisingly "prove that the earth is stationary."

This is a hilarious misunderstanding and I'm glad you're attempting to "call me out" on it.

The lack of interference proves either that the earth is flat or that there is no ether frame. This experiment by itself is not conclusive. He didn't know there was an ether frame, so he assumed that it meant that there was none. However, this, in conjunction with the Sagnac Experiment (which proves the ether exists) proves that the earth is stationary.

Michelson / Morley proves that the earth does not move through the ether (either ether is fake or earth is stationary) - and Sagnac proves that ether is real, thus, earth is stationary.

Here's a link which explains Sagnac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWmlimH7laY

Oh my goodness, this is hilarious. I confess, I had to look up the Sagnac experiment. Imagine my surprise to learn that it relates to fiber optic gyro windings, something I have worked on in my time!

The effect Sagnac discovered isn't caused by any ether. It's caused by the light taking a slightly longer or shorter path when the winding rotates. I happen to know quite a bit about this topic in modern terms. I can see why a person from the phlogiston-and-ether days would have speculated that relativity was like an ether, but nowadays we know what it is. There's no ether.

Care to give us any proof of your expertise? That's quite an outrageous claim imho, which should require outrageous proof. Especially because you did not possess even a passing familiarity of these scientific experiments I just had to explain to you. You also seem to moderate two anti-flat earth subreddits... interesting.

How is it outrageous that he works with fiber-optic gyroscopes? They're not uncommon in several industries, like surveying and aerospace, for example.

But yes, the Sagnac effect is compatible with relativity, but has a completely classical explanation, which is that which /u/sliquidsnake already gave you:

It's caused by the light taking a slightly longer or shorter path when the winding rotates.

I worked on fiber-optic gyroscopes, about 10 years ago. Ironically, it's one of two subjects that I can't really talk that much about. But I can rest assured that they do not rely on the lumineferous ether.

Yes, I do moderate two subreddits related to the shape of the earth. One of them /r/trueearth, is a place where you can propose that the earth is flat, and participate in a well-moderated discussion. The other, /r/fedo, is for discussion of the conspiracy that you have fallen victim to.

As for my experience with fiber optic gyros, no I don't care to dox myself. As for not knowing of the Sagnac experiment, who cares? The technology of fiber gyros is entrenched. People don't go study ancient history when they apply well-understood technology.

Your don't know what you're talking about

No it's not.

totes is

Man, I don't know if there's enough pot on earth to make me even consider this.

Just go ahead and start the research now and believe. Believe the cannabis will come.

edit: Believe the cannabis will come that is - the research you have to do for yourself and don't believe anything


Idk my friend I'm trying to be supportive

Wait, you have only 4 experiments that (very indirectly) prove that the earth is flat ? only 4 ? Really ?

If anything, these experiments you linked proved that light behaves in a strange way. But I don't see how it should convince me that the earth is flat.

I mean, I have seen thousands of photos of earth seen from space, hours of videos, I've looked at ships disappearing below the horizon, I've seen the sun set below the horizon, I used telescopes for my own amusement, performed myself mathematical computations about parallax and predictions of eclipses, and not a single thing was inconsistent with the globe model.

And somehow, 4 little experiments about light should convince me that everything I know about earth is a conspiracy ?

How many experiments would it take to convince you that the earth is not flat ?

None, he won't change his mind

Lol suppressed topic addressed by gatekeepers on national tv. Yeah, real suppressed topics don't even get mentioned in jest.

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this assumes the earth moves which directly opposes the results of the experiments I linked

Moves relative to whom?

Around the sun - which it provably does not. Check out the explications of Michelson / Morley (which proves that either there is no ether which light passes through, or that the earth is stationary) and then the Sagnac experiment (which proves that there is ether) - thus the earth is motionless.

Flat Earthers need to make some of the biggest logical jumps in existence in order for their theory to hold together.

  • they can't explain the Belt of Venus
  • they can't explain the mechanism behind Foucault's Pendulum
  • they can't explain lunar eclipses
  • they can't explain why boats disappear from the bottom up when sailing over the horizon
  • they can't explain why the sun is always nearly the exact same size
  • they can't explain why the sun rises moving to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and moving left in the Southern
  • they can't explain why there are different sets of stars in each of the Hemispheres

could go on and on ... but there really is no use.

Literally ALL of those are addressed in my links. You haven't done your due diligence my friend. If you could go on and on, it would be great if anything you said addressed MY post, which you are commenting in. If you'd like to start your own thread claiming flat earth is bullshit, you're free to do so.

Literally ALL of those are addressed in my links. You haven't done your due diligence my friend. If you could go on and on, it would be great if anything you said addressed MY post, which you are commenting in. If you'd like to start your own thread claiming flat earth is bullshit, you're free to do so.

The Belt of Venus is explained in your links? Can you provide me with a direct link to it being addressed? You've posted quite a bit of material.

That is related to the way light and sunlight works and wouldn't necessarily require a separate explanation under the flat model to the best of my understanding - if you think it would, why would it?

And if you can't debunk Michelson / Morley and Sagnac experiment combo then it would appear the earth is flat and motionless would it not? You didn't really address any of my materials.

That is related to the way light and sunlight works and wouldn't necessarily require a separate explanation under the flat model to the best of my understanding - if you think it would, why would it?

Because it requires the sun to drop below the horizon in order to cast the shadow of the Earth on the other side. This is visible every clear day and demonstrates that the sun does in fact fall below the horizon and doesn't simply move away due to perspective.

And if you can't debunk Michelson / Morley and Sagnac experiment combo then it would appear the earth is flat and motionless would it not? You didn't really address any of my materials.

I don't think you actually understand how these experiments were conducted. The Michelson/Morley experiment took the movement of the Earth into account, you seem unfamiliar with what it was actually supposed to demonstrate.

Can you experimentally reproduce the belt of Venus effect by making a spherical sun and having it set over a ball? Once you do I'll believe that's one potential way to cause that effect - as it stands there's no reason to believe it's caused as a byproduct of the heliocentric model.

It's funny, another poster accused me of the same thing earlier, that is, not understanding these experiments - I'll explain the experiments to you even though they are specifically given explication links in my OP

M/M: The lack of interference proves either that the earth is flat or that there is no ether frame. This experiment by itself is not conclusive. He didn't know there was an ether frame, so he assumed that it meant that there was none. However a few decades later the Sagnac experiment was performed. The Sagnac experiment conclusively proves the ether DOES exist. Michelson / Morley now effectively proves that the earth does not move through the ether (either ether is fake or earth is stationary) - and Sagnac proves that ether is real, thus, earth is stationary. Feel free to check out my explication links if you'd like a more thorough explanation.

Can you experimentally reproduce the belt of Venus effect by making a spherical sun and having it set over a ball? Once you do I'll believe that's one potential way to cause that effect - as it stands there's no reason to believe it's caused as a byproduct of the heliocentric model.

Certainly you can, download a 3D program (maybe something like Terragen) and recreate it yourself. You won't even have to set the atmospheric conditions, you can simply use a plane on the opposite side of the sun to demonstrate the effect as trying to reproduce the atmospheric effects would take far too much rendering time.

Here is an example of it actually moving upwards, which would require the sun to be going below a horizon, not simply moving further away:


You can view this yourself on a daily basis.

In terms of the other points of your post, it seems as though you've also completely rejected Special and General Relativity in order to shoehorn your claims into your poor understanding of the experiments conducted. There is really very little point in demonstrating where you are incorrect when you reject one of the most heavily tested and scrutinized scientific theories of current scientific understanding.

If you don't understand the magnificent fraud that is Einstein then you're behind the curve my friend. Einstein had nothing to do with the atomic bomb and plagiarized heavily for the achievements that are credited to him. Relativity also assumes space-time, which is not provable. He devised no experiments that proved his theories because they are unprovable - no one has ever recorded an example of time-dilation or relativity or a black hole or dark matter - they're all ghosts left by foolish scientists who chose to chase numbers instead of experimentally viable physics. The Sagnac experiment disproves relativity. Einstein plagiarized heavily from Lorentz as well.

Again with the belt of Venus - you're assuming the heliocentric model in order to prove it.

Again with the belt of Venus - you're assuming the heliocentric model in order to prove it.

No I'm not, it only works because of the heliocentric model. There is no "proving" it, you can go outside and watch it on any clear day.

There are many experiments demonstrating the validity of SR and GR, I'm surprised you haven't come across them in all of your Youtube research:



You don't seem to get it - I don't believe you about the belt of Venus being produced by the sun setting and shape of the earth casting a shadow. I don't believe you because it's speculative reasoning.

As far as the relativity "proofs" - I'm not digging through pages upon pages of your information while you stubbornly refuse to address the simple M / M and Sagnac proofs. If you'd like to present these so-called "proofs" in some sort of understandable format I'd be happy to address them :)

You don't seem to get it - I don't believe you about the belt of Venus being produced by the sun setting and shape of the earth casting a shadow. I don't believe you because it's speculative reasoning.

So now you don't even trust your eyes? Go and watch it yourself, you don't even need a visual aid. Again, what is the explanation for the Belt of Venus under the flat Earth model?

As far as the relativity "proofs" - I'm not digging through pages upon pages of your information while you stubbornly refuse to address the simple M / M and Sagnac proofs. If you'd like to present these so-called "proofs" in some sort of understandable format I'd be happy to address them :)

Certainly, here is one of the conclusions. You will have to actually read the papers if you want more details. It's quite surprising that you are so interested in disproving the theory yet are unwilling to educate yourself further regarding it:


We find that general relativity has held up under extensive experimental scrutiny. The question then arises, why bother to continue to test it? One reason is that gravity is a fundamental interaction of nature, and as such requires the most solid empirical underpinning we can provide. Another is that all attempts to quantize gravity and to unify it with the other forces suggest that the standard general relativity of Einstein is not likely to be the last word. Furthermore, the predictions of general relativity are fixed; the theory contains no adjustable constants so nothing can be changed. Thus every test of the theory is either a potentially deadly test or a possible probe for new physics. Although it is remarkable that this theory, born 90 years ago out of almost pure thought, has managed to survive every test, the possibility of finding a discrepancy will continue to drive experiments for years to come.

I'm certain the effect is real - I just doubt your conclusions as to what causes it :)

What I'm asking you is - what experiments are these that solidify relativity? What can you do to prove that it's all relative? Because the experiments I linked and linked explications in for my OP prove conclusively that relativity is and always has been bunk. If you look into Einstein's life and his rampant plagiarism it becomes very clear.

I'm certain the effect is real - I just doubt your conclusions as to what causes it :)

So what causes it in the Flat Earth model then? It is readily explained and predicted by the heliocentric model, so I'd like to see what the mechanism is under the Flat Earth model that would cause the same effect.

What I'm asking you is - what experiments are these that solidify relativity?

I just linked you to two of them which you were unwilling to read.

What can you do to prove that it's all relative?

I just linked you to two experiments which provide answers to what you are asking, but you were unwilling to go through them.

Because the experiments I linked and linked explications in for my OP prove conclusively that relativity is and always has been bunk.

No they don't, they demonstrate a lack of understanding on your part.

Why would it be any different than the setting sun? Ballers claim the setting sun as proof of heliocentrism as well - why isn't this just perspective? You are assuming reflection and shadow, just as they assume a sinking sun as it moves away.

And I definitely tried to read your experiments - could you please explain the experimental portions which prove relativity? Cause I bet you can't :)

You'll link whatever you can to avoid dealing with the OP. How deep are we now on this derail and you've come up with two pathetic ideas you're clinging to in a sea of evidence that's washing your precious heliocentric bullshit away

Because if it were 'setting' due to perspective you would see a change in size of the sun, which obviously doesn't happen.

And I definitely tried to read your experiments - could you please explain the experimental portions which prove relativity? Cause I bet you can't :)

It seems as though you're actually using your overwhelmingly mind-boggling ignorance as a way to get people to do your physics homework for you. I've linked you to two papers, with bookmarked sections, and you are still unable to decipher the information contained therein. Nevertheless, you've found somebody who is willing to take the time to educate those that are unwilling to educate themselves, so here are some relevant sections:




Question: How high above the Earth does FE think the sun is? How fast is the sun moving over the Earth? And if the atmosphere obfuscates the sun's light as it moves away (sunset?), why does it set over the horizon instead of disappearing high in the distant sky?

By the way, all of the links under your "beginner sections on the best aggregate sites" have been deleted:


The lack of interference proves either that the earth is flat or that there is no ether frame.

Or third option, some unknown phenomenon that has nothing to do with ether frame or the shape of the earth. How can you be sure there is not some unknown force acting here ?

The Sagnac experiment conclusively proves the ether DOES exist.

Again, why isn't there a third option ?

Moreover, it seems that you are dismissing many experiments that seem to point that the earth is spherical by saying that they are "not provable". But somehow you blindly believe the Sagnac experiment, so I guess you think its conclusion is provable. I find this cognitive dissonance hard to believe ...

Did you perform the Sagnac experiment yourself to check the results ? Can you do the computations ? If not, then why should you trust the results of the Sagnac experiments more than other experiments that prove the earth is spherical ?

You should be banned.

I disagree. This gives the community an opportunity to observe a psyop first hand in the wild! It's a wonderful teaching tool and given the right amount of critical thinking can point you in the true direction.

condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance

edit: You know, if you wanted to win an argument or convince people, you could try addressing anything in my OP at all - just crying for censorship is a rather pathetic way to argue :)

Most people around here are the height of ignorance

There's a lot of evidence the world is flat and motionless. There's also a lot of evidence that NASA is fraudulent. Do yourself a favor and look into it.

I did look into it and I'm glad I did even if others don't I don't care at this point

going out for some exercise, be back in an hour or so

That's addressed in the first video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VczRorWDMvI

You have any proof of that? Even one single shred of evidence to back that up? Or you just shooting off cause you think you're so smart?

This is a hilarious misunderstanding and I'm glad you're attempting to "call me out" on it.

The lack of interference proves either that the earth is flat or that there is no ether frame. This experiment by itself is not conclusive. He didn't know there was an ether frame, so he assumed that it meant that there was none. However, this, in conjunction with the Sagnac Experiment (which proves the ether exists) proves that the earth is stationary.

Michelson / Morley proves that the earth does not move through the ether (either ether is fake or earth is stationary) - and Sagnac proves that ether is real, thus, earth is stationary.

Here's a link which explains Sagnac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWmlimH7laY

Somewhere tucked away in an office at the CIA, clandestine recruiters are sitting around laughing and giving each other high fives.


I'm certain the effect is real - I just doubt your conclusions as to what causes it :)

So what causes it in the Flat Earth model then? It is readily explained and predicted by the heliocentric model, so I'd like to see what the mechanism is under the Flat Earth model that would cause the same effect.

What I'm asking you is - what experiments are these that solidify relativity?

I just linked you to two of them which you were unwilling to read.

What can you do to prove that it's all relative?

I just linked you to two experiments which provide answers to what you are asking, but you were unwilling to go through them.

Because the experiments I linked and linked explications in for my OP prove conclusively that relativity is and always has been bunk.

No they don't, they demonstrate a lack of understanding on your part.

By the way, all of the links under your "beginner sections on the best aggregate sites" have been deleted:
