Very Odd Comment I Found online re: Pulse Shooting Hoax. Anyone have more info on what this guy is "metaphorically" smokin'?

74  2016-06-18 by [deleted]




I think a lot of shills run this site now, thus the down votes and disinformation


All I know is it didn't happen like MSM said it did. I appreciate the post


It looks zeroed out. I'd say between that dude and the mom Anderson Cooper interviewed.. Whoo whee. It's a tossup for best actor!

I have noticed this as well. It's so consistent–a post may go negative but never above 1.


Yeah but you have to check it regularly. If you search controversial by week you get the modt controversial of the week by upvotes:downvotes x quantity of votes. That means all that got kept off early and only ever had 4 or 5 upvotes either way won't show up. You catch some in the 24 hrs that have low single digits but obscure percentages that mean there'd have to be 3 or 4 times as many votes as that actually cast one way or another. There's many missed however that go from new queue to controversial and because they're effectively quarantined, get very little for and against so won't appear til page 4 or 5 of the 24h and basically never in the by week.

I respect this thread and wouldn't down vote because you are asking for verification and in no way asserting reliability. Very reasonable and exactly what this sub should be about.

Even if the info you gave WAS just plain nonsense, given that you are asking for information, that shouldSTILL be upvoted so you, and others could learn how to think critically. (I'm not saying you don't know how to, that was just for the scenario I gave).

You are correct, i started laughing when i saw a front page post basically lumping all the most common and proveable conspiracy theorys together and all the comments were shills up-voting each other saying how stupid we must be.

I think you have something here. Hard to say what the actual death count was. 10 people, 20, 50? If they are controlling the narrative, they can assign whatever number they want without proof.

We have happy CNN mothers holding hands with Anderson fucking Cooper. So yeah.


Here you are -

Obviously you can see it has been reposted since the event. I originally saw this post mentioning it, but most of the information regarding the post has since been deleted. I still think it was interesting though. Through inspecting some of the page elements they were able to find a post ID tracing the same copied post back to Dallas shortly before the Garland shootings. The license number at the bottom of the page led to more information regarding various companies all headquarters in Ohio that also have links to the UAE.

Has anyone heard from the OP, Blackzi? He went missing from posting right after, and his reddit account was deleted.

Someone was saying should try and subpoena craigslist to get id on the person who posted it.

Same company has other posts in florida..kinda interesting The other Orlando post from 10 days ago shows a google maps location of the local govt buildings

We have happy CNN mothers holding hands with Anderson fucking Cooper. So yeah.


I just don't understand why these things would be faked. For what purpose? What's the agenda?

As I understand it the motive for faking these is supposed to be gain the public's approval of all the gun control legislation that has never passed, as Obama continues to confiscate our guns.

As spectacular a failure as this secret program of frequent false flag shootings has been, you'd think they'd try something else instead.

Spot on.

The Powers-That-Be are supposedly so competent, organised and evil that they can secretly arrange mass shootings of their own citizens, with the aim of forcing the public to hand over their guns...

...and yet they haven't managed to pass a single piece of effective gun control legislation. They can't even get terrorists' guns.

Presumably there's government guys already planning the next false flag, saying to the President "okay, okay, so that was another huge waste of resources, planning and an insane level of risk for us to take... but this time it'll definitely work!"

I agree with you.

I however do think that there are far more reasons why the alphabet gangs would do this.

It also helps maintain support for the wars in the ME.

Does public support even matter to the government? Iraq, for example, was divisive from the start, with mass protests against it in both the US and the UK, but it still went ahead.

And according to Gallup: "Since the summer of 2005, opponents of the war have tended to outnumber supporters. A majority of Americans believe the war was a mistake."

It's the difference between like 60/40 and 90/10, so I think yea it would make a difference. Maybe not though as this election schemes have been showing they do as they please.

They like doing these shootings also because of the fear and trauma it creates to the public. That's why they keep doing it despite the fact that it has not been successful in enabling gun confiscation.

Wow, that just seems like such an incredible waste on so many levels.

as Obama continues to confiscate our guns.

That quote is a perfect example of the desired false narrative. This is exactly what the NeoFascistPTB want their Tea Party of Amerikkka to that they'll hustle out and buy more guns. The goal is an armed and agitated army of ready-to-revolt Trumpeteers fed up with Communist (Obama)-sponsored, false-flag gun grabs. Mission accomplished!

That theory kind of fills in some pieces of the story that I've been struggling with. Occam's razor experts, give me a score on a likeliness scale of 1-10. I rate it a 5 but only because I have to temper myself because I believe everything, my ego gives it a 8-9.

I got you bruf:

This here links it to Deacon 10, Neal Alexander and a Saudi owned security company.



So, what they're saying is that they gave EVERYONE a gun and told them to have at it, or what? I feel I have misread.

I used to think they staged these events for gun control but now I realize that without fail gun sales go UP after these events. It's logical to assume if the events are staged, and they know gun sales go up, that the sales going up is the desired result.

I personally know first resonders who were on scene. It happened and it was bad. There are SWAT guys who are having a real tough time with what they saw. Enough with the bullshit...

Great post thanks OP, leads to some good discussion!

they just want us all talking about gays, guns and Muslims and I'm over it. They run us ragged forcing these topics down our throats.

A crazy person got a gun and shot up a club. The end.

Here you are -

Obviously you can see it has been reposted since the event. I originally saw this post mentioning it, but most of the information regarding the post has since been deleted. I still think it was interesting though. Through inspecting some of the page elements they were able to find a post ID tracing the same copied post back to Dallas shortly before the Garland shootings. The license number at the bottom of the page led to more information regarding various companies all headquarters in Ohio that also have links to the UAE.

Does public support even matter to the government? Iraq, for example, was divisive from the start, with mass protests against it in both the US and the UK, but it still went ahead.

And according to Gallup: "Since the summer of 2005, opponents of the war have tended to outnumber supporters. A majority of Americans believe the war was a mistake."

It's the difference between like 60/40 and 90/10, so I think yea it would make a difference. Maybe not though as this election schemes have been showing they do as they please.