Just a thought, why do all these false flags/hoaxes always point out that the FBI already knew them?

31  2016-06-19 by [deleted]



Entrapment, Manchurian candidates, patsies, plants and backfiring blunders being covered up.

If the subject(s) find out they're being set up and try to turn the tables on them or flee, they step in and "foil" the plot. If the suckers never even noticed they were being played by puppet masters, then it's a go-ahead with or without a little help.

It's fairly easy to make vulnerable people do about anything if the right pressures or incentives are applied.

Take Al Qaeda f.e. If they need a suicide bomber, they often select suicidal mental cases OR force people into doing it f.e. by threatening to murder loved ones. These are fairly rough techniques and need handlers in close proximity to the bomber. Al Qaeda didn't invent these tactics, they quite possibly learned those from those who do such things best.

Now they undermine people's lives by ruining trivial daily things and leaving marks to make a person go paranoid and to isolate them at first. The Stasi (DDR) used to f.e. empty coffee jars into the sink of political dissents or leave windows open to make 'em think they were going insane.

Imagine how they could guide a semi-psychotic person into doing stuff, making him or her think she was getting divine messages or missions by using modern technology. Playing certain songs on the radio with an emotional meaning to the person, taking over entertainment systems and lacing them with subliminals, making youtube generate selected material to push a person deeper into the rabbit hole ... slandering folks anonymously, tearing up relationships, ruining careers, using turncoats and traitors ...

The thing is: the Stasi never had to actively recruit traitors, because people would present themselves as volunteers, opportunistic sycophants trying to be part of the big club by fucking over friends or family were coming in by the truckload to denounce folks. You have no idea how many cowards and traitors are amongst us on a daily basis already.

This guy knows whats up.

The AQ suicide bomber reference needs an update. It should be considered that the bombers are not intending on a suicide attack, and the bomb is detonated remotely while they are taking it from point A to point B or planting it. This technique of an attacker not necessarily being wise (or witting if you will) could be applied to other methods I'm sure.

Damn, this is very enlightening. What is this Stasi you speak of?

The former Eastern German Secret Service, STAatsSicherheit, a spinoff of the Nazi Gestapo if you will.

Shirkey Principle = institutions will work to prolong the problem they were created to solve

It's to give themselves an excuse to broaden their powers and take more liberties. The idea they're trying to get into your head is

The FBI could have stopped this horrible act if only there weren't so many liberties being protected by the Constitution.

I think interagency war has been ongoing for a long, long time. The Petraeus and Snowden stories are really where it became obscenely obvious, though.

Snowden is a CIA plant? I had wondered about that myself.

That's my crazy conspiracy theory, anyway. Sure would explain a lot, though, wouldn't it? ;)

The FBI knows who the boss is. They do as they are told.

To increase their budgets.

Basically saying rogue agents knew. The link to the FBI = that the event is somehow federal based (blaming it on Obama basically), when really it's large scale espionage all over the planet right now. We are in a cold war.

The Zionist have agents in all sects of US government, therefore things are only going to get more messy before they get worse.

Do you know what a false flag is? Do you know that a hoax is something completely different?

The FBI works for The CIA.

I think someone is trying to make CIA/FBI look bad. Maybe to blackmail them into not indicting a certain someone. I personally hope Comey and the FBI do the right thing and uphold justice , While the CIA does their thing and roots out the traders.

Sure, because Obama just hate CIA/FBI and they are such little snowflakes with no power trying to enforce justice.

Not like Obama was basically elected by the CIA masters (oligarchs).

Have good sleep and nice dreams.

I don't think the FBI have anything to do with counter terror. I'm pretty sure that is the CIA, DOD, DHS and NSA.

I don't know why anyone would think the FBI (of all people) would be involved in CT operations, they are more like the ATF. The FBI is pretty much a group of police officers with federal standing. They investigate and apprehend felons, at least, that is how I perceive them.

From their website:

It’s our top priority—protecting the U.S. from terrorist attacks.

Working closely with a range of partners, we use our growing suite of investigative and intelligence capabilities to neutralize terrorist cells and operatives here in the U.S., to help dismantle extremist networks worldwide, and to cut off financing and other forms of support provided by terrorist sympathizers.

I guess that's from the FBI's website?

I don't do risky-click and in r/conspiracy , everything is risky-click