Enantiodromia: the superabundance of one thing produces its opposite. A concept that will bring socialism to america whether you like it or not.

6  2016-06-19 by 911bodysnatchers322

We've known for a long time about a widespread marxist conspiracy in the world, engineered by aristocrats to create a steady-state economy where plebs are under control.

We were introduced to this concept by the very popular book 'None Dare Call it a Conspiracy'. Or maybe we got there by reading The Secret History of the World, or Tragedy and Hope: A History of teh world in Our Time. Or maybe you put it together reading about decades long fascist freemason corporatists plot for the same in The Devil's Chessboard, The Grand Chessboard, The Essential Mae Brussell: Investigations of Fascism in America. Perhaps you would go WAY back to Proofs of a Conspiracy or HG Wells: The Open Conspiracy: What are we to do with our lives. Or maybe you want to take the social analysis approach of illiberal democracy in Chris Hedges' Empire of Illusion or the technological sytems approach in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan horse of Global Transformation

It doesn't matter by which route you take, all the above books are saying the same basic thing in their different ways and that--to my mind--acts as triangulation on a very real imperative to take us to a very orwellian future (post orwellian actually).

This Orwellianism been characterized as a fascist conspiracy culminating in the quite provable, neocon coup d'etat of 9/11 to convert constitutional governance to extrajuditional COG shadow state governance. It's been characterized as a cryptojewish degradation of culture through dumbing down of america to create a social marxist, and ultimately financially marxist state. It's been characterized as corporate power-grab of ongoing mergers, political corruption from regulatory capture and lobbying, leading to a neofeudal panopticon run by a union of public-private sectors which make america look like a militarized society not unlike OCP from 1980s Robocop.

The truth is we're headed to all those things, because they are really all the same. It's that the public sphere has become corporatized in such a way that worldwide violence and theft is a publicly-traded commodity.

You own Vanguard mutual funds and you get money by doing nothing other than putting money into a black box. You may not know that it has sub-funds that have sub-funds that contain raytheon stock. So you come onto /r/conspiracy and bitch about V2K technology developed by a company you passively support through this idea that you can get money 'from the system' itself. In this way, you're to blame as much as anyone else, although in a fractional way. Same with monsanto, with mcdonalds, nestle. The list goes on. If you play in the stock market, you're supporting the american way of life and that includes doing violence abroad to some degree.

But I didn't come here to say that but to point out the intractability of the system and why this system will win. It's designed to play off your own greed. We are funding our own future socialism by playing the market.

You may think: well if I don't play it I don't get easy money and then I don't survive. Or my kid doesn't go to college. Or I don't get a comfortable life and my wife leaves me.

See how they engineered society to put you over a barrel? It's a trap.


Enantiodromia means so much of one thing that you end up with the opposite thing. It means effectively that if you resist something so much you end up with opposite. As if you are trying to push the pendulum ever so far in one direction that you eventually slip, not unlike Sisyphus, and it swings that much further in the opposite direction. This seems to be a fundamental law of the universe, and that means it is no less applicable here.

We've been 'fighting socialism' for so long that we've spend an incredible amount of money on the military. Out of completely irrational fears over an incompatible philosophy that actually posed no real threat to us ever. People here believed in merit and hard work, and we tried to have a system that did that, and in a way, we did, and it worked. People consider this the fairest system. But then something changed. Money in politics corrupted it. Violators of the system itself were rewarded, not punished. This was a cancer and it spread. Now it seems, it's killing us.

We didn't listen to conspiracy theorists and rolled our eyes at the Illuminati. It's just unbelievable. Somehow, history doesn't come into account. Instead, we're just told that conspiracy theories are dumb and cannot be believed.

Therefore we accepted the 'cover story' of socialism and fear. So we let them continue to grow and grow and grow without bounds

In the name of fighting socialism in all forms, we've continued to spend unfathomable amounts of money on technology for spying, subverting, undermining, destroying, denigrating, mutating the enemy, but then something interesting happened.

They died on their own (well, Bush killed them economically with Brady bonds...but we'll table that for now). They died and became a market economy like us.

So .... awkward.

Because at this point, we've built up our economy so much it relies on the Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) that we have to keep producing tanks and planes we don't need. We have to manufacture justifications to use our military for international piracy, so we confabulate everyone with fear over the imaginary 'other' islamic terrorists, whose small time, incredibly unsophisticated pranks are suddenly elevated to international superstar status overnight. People who think in goats, sandals, vest and shoe bombs taking down 3 huge skyscrapers with an explosive that can only be manufactured by the best military in the world at extremely high cost....OK!

Once we've built-up our military with drone, satellite technologies, even nanotech against enemies that don't exist leads to a public that will eventually discover there is no 'real enemy' but ourselves. Which then leads to only one thing: the last enemy is the people themselves.

These technologies are then turned on the people they were devised to protect, and used to commodify each person as a unit of output, a 'human resource' that fits into a kind of technologically-driven beehive that serves only to sustain itself and drive wealth for those who sit comfortably, labor free at the helm of the vehicle of wealth.

We spent so much time fighting communism and socialism that we ended up creating it, worldwide. Oh well. Better luck next time.


Interesting post, thanks.

According to your theory, it is also possible that elitists pushing for further power consolidation can "slip" and cause their own efforts to produce the opposite of the intended outcome. You may laugh, but I'm applying the so-called "self-referential argument" to your theory. It true, it must potentially apply across the board. My consideration aside, this is one of the better posts I've seen on this sub. Not accustomed to well thought out conjecture here.

I would say that's certainly true and I'm counting on it.

Specifically, I'm hoping that they shill this sub more with astroturfers because the more they do it, the more people will notice it and it will cause awareness much faster, which will ultimately result in everyone seeing through the artifice of obama's ministry of truth

Thanks for thoughtful commentary and compliment.

Ya used a few words im not to sure as to what their meanings are but ya definitely seem to know what your talking about.

I have a few questions for ya though.

I am an American, born and raised. I grew up in the united states and I will most probably die in the united states.

Why is it so bad that the American way is to consume and prosper?

What makes all those trillion or quadrillions of dollars spent on ensuring national security a bad thing?

Why is America pushing to become the only world superpower a bad thing?

What is wrong with the ultra-rich staying rich while the everyday American gets what they desire? (I make that statement under the assumption that most people just want to be comfortable and entertained)

I mean don't get me wrong, America has its issues and they may even hinge on the desires of the super wealthy but I think being an American is pretty damn good in this day and age.

Technology making life easier and more enjoyable everyday. Food in great supply. Entertainment aplenty (I say that assuming everyone but me is satisfied with what today's media provides). Healthcare available in a widespread manner. Shelter or housing available to most people whether employed or disabled. The right to speech and internet access in an uncensored manner.

What am I missing?

Why is it so bad that the American way is to consume and prosper?

Because to consume is not necessarily to be happy. And the more one consumes the more he needs to be a slave cog in the system trading time for some nameless (or named) corporation on un-fulfilling shit work.

Consumerism is to fall victim to ephemeral empty pleasures in a way to dwindle the time until our death here on Earth. But it seems you haven't yet realized this.

What makes all those trillion or quadrillions of dollars spent on ensuring national security a bad thing?

You are missing that the industrial-military complex causes mass death, sickness and pain, sir.

What is wrong with the ultra-rich staying rich while the everyday American gets what they desire?

Because they are doing jack-shit for the public, and gaining more and more money. The more they have, the less the people can have. Not even accounting for the damage intentionally done through inflation which is continuing, and seemingly will continue.

Healthcare available in a widespread manner. Shelter or housing available to most people whether employed or disabled.

Nope. Just was in California and I went to school in Manhattan. Really, just no.

The right to speech and internet access in an uncensored manner.


Just one example: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/13/opinion/andrew-cuomos-anti-free-speech-move-on-bds.html?_r=0

A worse example I just read on /r/conspiracy: http://sputniknews.com/us/20160618/1041551046/florida-attorney-suspended-orlando.html

And you think the internet is uncensored? How do you know what you don't know? And even then, what say you to the exposed information (once hidden from the American public) such as the "Snowden revelations"

What is your vision of happiness if not to consume?

What world do ya live in where the death sickness and pain aren't necessary for America to retain her liberties? The united states is in a power struggle and we (Americans) intend to win. If that means we reach out in a pre-emptive manner in order to preserve the peace then so be it.

People whine about foreign affairs in the middle east to be about oil, don't ya think America needs oil to function? We are combating nations of innate terrorism in order to stop funding them. America needs something they have and The united states doesn't support terrorism. Our engagements in the middle east are our ultimatum to their people. "Fall into line or be destroyed"

The ultra-rich don't need the public, they have the only thing that matters in life, a means to have what they desire. Why would they do anything for the public? Do ya do something for them?

And as far as Snowden goes, how do ya know that ain't the government feeding ya info?

What is your vision of happiness if not to consume?

How about world peace first, then we can worry about gobbling it all up.

What world do ya live in where the death sickness and pain aren't necessary for America to retain her liberties? The united states is in a power struggle and we (Americans) intend to win. If that means we reach out in a pre-emptive manner in order to preserve the peace then so be it.

You are completely wrong and you've been fooled. Read this thing I wrote just for you.

People whine about foreign affairs in the middle east to be about oil, don't ya think America needs oil to function?

Stealing is immoral. Bullying is immoral. Oil is limited and instead of solar panels, we create eartquakes, disrupt communities to get at our domestic oil. We have millions of acres we could put solar on and it doesn't have oil's problems. Get to it.

America needs something they have and The united states doesn't support terrorism.

America is the biggest exporter of terrorism on the planet and has been since the 50s. You need to study your history, young person. See the 'list of confirmed conspiracies' on the sidebar if you need a research starting point. Or Noam Chomsky's past work, starting with 'manufacturing consent'

The ultra-rich don't need the public, they have the only thing that matters in life, a means to have what they desire. Why would they do anything for the public? Do ya do something for them?

We do everything for them. Yes at some point they can make robots that will create perpetual war but no public to buy their products and the economy collapses. Then all you have is diamond mines with diamonds spilling off a conveyor belt onto the floor with no one to buy them. They become pretty stones again. Those robots better not mess up growing your food, or you guys are fucked.

Also, the ultrarich don't know science, they hire people to do that..., so you better not get sick because robots at present cannot make new medicines or understand science in a way that can build a building.

Yes, you dont' need anything from the public except

  • talent: singers, dancers pop stars, movie actors, muscicians
  • scientists
  • writers
  • farmers
  • lawyers
  • doctors ...and about 100 other professions robots/ai can't do yet, may not ever be able to do.

Good luck outsourcing humanity

And as far as Snowden goes, how do ya know that ain't the government feeding ya info?

We don't. But you know all this inquiry has proven one thing: the fact that the government would pay you to come here and create doubt in everything we're trying to do is proof that you're not our friend

so fuck off?

I choose to support the government because I am aware of how privileged I am to be an American, saying im not your friend is like saying "you don't support our anti-government shenanigans that will ultimately lead to our demise" and im fine with that.

I'm a supporter of a great many conspiracies but not one of them are anti-government.

I believe in inner earth civilizations,

I believe in extraterrestrials engineering mankind,

I even believe that the democracy of the united states is just a pony show that gives the people the illusion of choice when in reality, the president is just a face for people rally behind. A sort of PR campaign to support America.

I do not believe the government ever goes out of its way to harm the people without a good enough reason for doing so.

Chemtrails->a solution for overpopulation and longevity or simplifying the masses so as to diminish the probability of revolt and revolution that would undeniably result in innocent lives being lost with the only outcome being the government killing its own people until they fell into line or the revolutionaries were all killed off. The government would never lose in the event of revolution and diminishing the probability is the safest route of action for all people involved.

Lies-> people need to hear what they need to hear in order to maintain America. Nobody will ever truly know everything a government does because transparency would result in loss of life and even war. America is determined to be the balance of power, not just a weight on the scale and to ensure that as a reality, America operates in a covert and pre-emptive manner oftentimes lying to everyone in order to maintain the status quo. What ya don't know won't hurt ya nearly as bad as what ya do know.

What else can I explain to ya with logic that ya don't seem to understand yourself?

I believe in inner earth civilizations,

What is your evidence

I believe in extraterrestrials engineering mankind,

What is your evidence

I even believe that the democracy of the united states is just a pony show that gives the people the illusion of choice when in reality, the president is just a face for people rally behind. A sort of PR campaign to support America.

You don't know the first thing about the government of the united states. It has never in its history been a democracy. It's a republic. At one time 'a democratically elected republic' But that disappeared with Nixon and to some degree before that as money has always been used to corrupt the process.

You need to go back to civics class. I'm betting you didn't even get your GED before you signed up for army. They were glad to have you...such soft undisturbed clay your mind was for them.

I do not believe the government ever goes out of its way to harm the people without a good enough reason for doing so.

You need to get a grip and read the List of Confirmed Conspiracies.

You are straight up denying not one, not two but over 20 factual, verified historical events. This government you're trying so desperately to protect (and failing at btw), ITSELF would disagree with what you've said.

What else can I explain to ya with logic that ya don't seem to understand yourself?

Clearly I understand FAR more than you do. All of this sub agrees not just by karma but by statements they've made. I wrote the wiki entry for the list of confirmed conpsiracies and its' the culmination of about 3 yrs of re-learing history that public school failed to teach....APPARENTLY BOTH OF US

Geezus christ.

Such a shill

You know the masons that run the world are laughing at us both. You for being a fucking moron and me for fighting with a moron. It's a shitshow. It's like ladies wrestling but we're fat

They are controlled opposition. But good on you for your answers to them. I just have to warn you, you won't win. They just want to waste your time. So I jumped in to help

Thanks for your excellent help. I had a suspicion he/she/it might be controlled opposition but I still didn't want someone new coming here and reading his either naive or paid reply without someone setting straight the fallacies of his argument.

Now I'm wondering if he'll reply to your response.

If you have any doubt, Noble_Lie, look at their followup and it will be obvious. Yes, I fed the trolls, but only because I was bored


Hah. Well in his defense, I'd presume some in-the-box enlistee or young veteran might have his view points and still not be a shill. It's awfully strange how he is here though, on a board where we at least the casual or experienced conspiracy redditors can see right through that type of mentality, shill or not.

But yea, I don't think it's a waste of time to respond to him/it since although this place might be partially compromised, I'd hate for new people to come here and read his denial and mistake it for containing even an inkling of truth.

First of all, I am convinced you are an establishment astroturfer for certain. Because no one is this out-of-touch.

But I'll answer your questions because you're probably some 20 something veteran who has returned from war, only to work for the NSA affiliate astroturf program to lie to americans and try to trick them and screw up their information. And I want to set you straight so you go home crying or feel that you've properly wasted someone's time.

Why is it so bad that the American way is to consume and prosper?

Because our consumption comes with a hidden cost of the suffering of others in the second and third worlds. We don't see the pennies paid to the sweatshop workers in guatemala making your reeboks, and therefore it doesn't exist. We just see 'oh look reeboks'. Same with the workers in China who made your iphone only to go to sleep in rabbit cage with 7 others in a huge highrise apt. As a primary consumer ( in the eco sense), we are predators on the third world, subjegating them into slavery.

What makes all those trillion or quadrillions of dollars spent on ensuring national security a bad thing?

Because the profit motive in the defense/security industry has commodified violence and human life as an expendable 'human' resource (numbers of 'boots on the ground'). This creates an incentive for perpetual war, needless war manufacture, marketing and luring people to die so that international corporations can effectively 'steal' resources from other sovereign countries.

It creates a global corporatist piracy that has no respect for country boundaries (sovereignty).

Also, it creates a culture / nation of absolute pussies who only ever needed a skyshield from nukes/skuds and their own guns to be safe. No police beyond detectives (ie: unis) were ever needed, or wanted. Military personnel are no longer needed except for extractions. We have drones now and robots. People don't need to die on our side anymore.

Why is America pushing to become the only world superpower a bad thing?

Because it disrespects the rest of the world's sovereignty. If you don't want someone to tell you to wear a burka, then stop trying to push mcdonalds on them.

If you were really a christian you'd understand the "golden rule" and you wouldn't act like a psychopathic infant that wants to own everything and control everyone,.

What is wrong with the ultra-rich staying rich while the everyday American gets what they desire? (I make that statement under the assumption that most people just want to be comfortable and entertained)

If there is true abundance, true meritocracy, upward mobility without trickle-down-mobility-inhibition... without having to make people in the world suffer, then there really is no problem with this.

but I think being an American is pretty damn good in this day and age.

I think you're a low information voter, an authoritarian, and young, possibly a moron. Let's let you save face and just say 'you're young and not very knowledgeable'.

The right to speech and internet access in an uncensored manner.

Speech is increasingly not free. This comment will be downvoted by Obama's Ministry of Truth botnet. How is that 'free speech'?

The more controversial things I post have been proven to be downvoted by botnets. Not by myself but by others here who generally value my posts...they've pointed out the meddling by bots.

Bots == censorship. If you don't get that, then carry on. I mean, it's your job after all.

And YOU are the bot.

I believe in the golden rule and I think what ya said about not forcing mcdonalds on people rang true but I have to disagree with just about everything else ya said. I don't work for the NSA, I am disabled (schizophrenia, depression, ADHD, and ocd as well as cognitive impairment fro drug use in my teen years) and I live on welfare (not even the full allotment) but I do support the government in any way I can because I know that, as hard as my life is, it is that much easier because of the government. If ya want to cast me away because I speak in a manner that is pro-government, then that's fine but your not doing anything for yourself speaking against government.

I really don't need the approval of such an obvious forum spy.

Good try on the victim angle. That's new.

If you're really disabled and not a forum spy, you really need to stop fighting people here and learn more. They know a lot more than you do about ... well mostly everything. And it would seem you've got a wrenched up sense of ethics and compassion for people outside of the US. You need to clean that up, unless you're a psychopath. Then you don't need to do anything but serve yourself and your masters, because that's what you do.

I say that mostly because you think america is great yet it's failed you in many conceivable ways. Namely welfare. What's better, welfare or a job? Psychologically? And a job that lets you have your mental issues and doesn't penalize you or force you not to be yourself? In america---such a job doesn't exist because of specific ways the workplace is engineered to be optimal to industry and not to the individual.

If you really are schizophrenic you should go to mexico and do magic mushrooms with a curandera they will cure it. Medicine here will not cure it. You will stay a victim forever and as a victim you will have stockholm syndrom and continue to side with your oppressors like a victim. It's pathetic really.

You remind me of a video I saw made by a privilaged American white woman in Haiti that was trying to talk a poor farmer out of free hybrid corn seed he was given.

fascist freemason corporatists

First of all, Freemasons and fascists have historically been enemies. Freemasons have traditionally subscribed to classical liberalism. The fascist governments of Europe were notoriously anti-Masonic. The Nazis actually made an anti-Mason film about France.

Second of all, "corporatist" is a made-up word with no clear meaning. The word was based on a fake quote by Mussolini, and misunderstanding of the legal entities known as "corporations" and the the term "corporate" which simply means "unified," as well as a hazy misunderstanding of Communist anti-Fascist propaganda (likely, based on fifth-hand readings of Trotsky.)

We've been 'fighting socialism' for so long that we've spend an incredible amount of money on the military.

We haven't been using the military to "fight socialism" since the Cold War, and that wasn't really about "fighting socialism" anyway. In case you hadn't noticed, we've been fighting Muslims and every once in a while "fascists" like the Serbs, or "right wing militias" at home.

Agreed, however he does make some good points.

Well then you're wrong too if you're agreeing with jacks.


Read that and revise your understanding of history, please.

This is what fascism means


It's not a 'type' of government. It's how a government is run.

Indeed. I was in agreement with his overall characterization of Free Masonry tending to be ideologically progressive in regard to politics, and historically, a sentiment that will tend to vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, from lodge to lodge and of course from brother to brother. One historic example would be the Grand Orient and the French Revolution, the role it played in both the French and American Revolutions, primarily through the Loge des Neuf Sœurs and Jacobin Club, along with the Philadelphes, Les Amis Réunis and Society of the Friends of Truth (Amis de la Verité) in France, with the resultant Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen being another key example, as well as the role certain members of the St. Andrew’s Lodge at the Green Dragon Tavern in planning the Boston Tea Party, with the Carbonari in Italy being yet another.

It would be more accurate to regard Free Masonry, on the occasion it has been used or exploited for political aims, as a subversive at times revolutionary (or pro-revolutionary) organization, that is to say when used in service of advancing the interests of elite and their agenda. I would certainly not consider Masonry to be explicitly pro-socialist, nor pro-fascist, though at times there have been certain lodges, and primarily members within these certain lodges pursuing of their own agendas as well as those of the elite (in the process of a Hegelian dialectic, or in support of a revolution with the intent of regime change, for example) who have taken matters into their own hands and gone 'against the grain' of traditional Masonry so to speak in the pursuit of goals contrary to much of their Brethren (in other lodges), with the majority of their brethren being largely oblivious to their undertakings. The P2 lodge would be one of the more profound if not revealing examples of this, however an objectively rare occurrence in contrast to the thousands of lodges engaged in little more than mundane ritual and tradition, much of which having been profaned for the masses over the centuries, with few among their brethren grasping the depth of the esoteric symbolism and knowledge contained therein.

For further reading on the subject, I recommend:

  • Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, by Nesta Webster

  • Occult Theocrasy, by Lady Queenborough

  • Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked, by Monsignor George F. Dillon

You know, you're really, really fond of that one rogue Lodge (that was kicked out of Italian Freemasonry in 1976) but you seem not to mention any of the other thousands upon thousands of Lodges around the world... I wonder why that is.

I don't hear you talk about the charity work in the aftermath of just about any natural disaster typically will involve a few local and remote Lodges just pitching in because it's the right thing to do. I imagine that you'll say that those are just "low level" Lodges that aren't at the top of the Masonic power structure (as if there was such a thing, which in a decentralized collection of autonomous authorities, there isn't) but then you'd have to acknowledge that neither was P2, or they wouldn't have been kicked out of the Grand Orient of Italy. So, I have to admit... I wouldn't want to mention them either!

Still, it seems odd that you're so laser-focused on one Lodge from forty years ago. Let's hear what you think of some modern Lodges that are highly active in their jurisdictions and which their leadership acknowledge represent the ideals and aspirations of their Grand Lodges. That would be a more representative example of what the Fraternity is.

I use it because it's a good example. You've done a great job creating a fracture point and creating doubtability with a logical fallacy of generalization bias. Good job forum spy. You get a cookie.

But that's what you do, because you're a TYLER (a tyler is a term for a freemason gatekeeper)

I noticed another thing. It's always Putin loves cats and myself against Jacks and Tyler-zoro. Whenever your buddy Jacks gets pissed off dealing with us, he summons his golem, TylerZORO whom we've already blacklisted as a freemasonic gatekeeper in previous posts.

If you recall, your ass got downvoted to negatives in that. Do you remember Tylers?

Tell Michael Aquino I said hi.

I use it because it's a good example.

A good example is one that is representative of the whole. I see no evidence to suggest that your implicit conclusion is accurate. This is why I don't consider it to be a good example.

you're a TYLER (a tyler is a term for a freemason gatekeeper)

Eh... close enough I guess. I chose this name because, when I joined reddit, I was Tyler of my Lodge. But haven't we had that conversation in the past?

I noticed another thing. It's always Putin loves cats and myself against Jacks and Tyler-zoro.

Well, I haven't seen a whole lot of his posts until very recently, but yeah, he seems to have much the same "oh good God, more of this nonsense?" response that I do.

If you recall, your ass got downvoted to negatives...

You ... you care about imaginary Internet points?!

You don't have a clue what you're talking about Jacks.

Google propaganda due. Licio Gelli was head of a secret freemason lodge in italy and he worked with the mob to create a fascist deep state in Italy.

I take issue with 'historically' because you're just wrong. Don't know any other way to say it. Fact check me, bro. You'll learn something,.

The fascist governments of Europe were notoriously anti-Masonic.

That doesn't mean they weren't themselves fascists of a different brand! The government of Italy was against them because they were a fucking criminal syndicate. Figure out first of all what fascism means, ok? Then you'll understand why I characterize freemasons as fascists. https://ideologicalart.wordpress.com/fascism/

transformed into a clandestine, pseudo-Masonic, ultraright[1][2][3] organization operating in contravention of Article 18 of the Constitution of Italy t