New to the conspiracy world and want to know about what I may be missing as a civvy pt. 2

1  2016-06-21 by [deleted]

So I had an account on reddit a little over a year ago that dissapeared. I am new to this whole conspiracy side of things, however, the last posting I made was on this thread and it suddenly was gone and I was unable to login to my account. I shrugged it off as rules I unknowingly violated and stopped going on reddit all together.

Yesterday I decided "what the hell?!" And made a new account. I remember new accounts aren't really popular around here, but if you guys would be so kind as to help out!

I'm curious about government take over and the One World Government and have read a bit but if you guys could help educate me a bit that would be awesome!

For clarification, I'm interested in all sorts of conspiracies. I've been reading about the shootings lately as well! So if you're passionate about any conspiracy in particular I'd love to learn a new point of view.


You seem too chipper to be willing to accept the truth. That’s just my impression.

People come to the truth–this particular truth–because they’re broken. Because the world has beaten them down by behaving in a way that seems unnatural to them and they have nowhere else to turn.

The truth–objective truth–is something that rejects what we’ve been told to believe nearly since birth. It affects our view of society, economics, and governance. It’s all connected, and it all came together relatively recently, in the grand scheme of things. But it’s so fundamentally different from what we’ve been told to believe (and what the majority will want to believe) that you’re going to be ostracized for it if you’re not careful about it.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. – Arthur Schopenhauer

We’re still at one and two. We will be until a societal collapse of some sort. That would have to be instigated. An economic collapse, however, is inevitable and fast approaching, and that would cause a societal collapse.

The point is to reeducate as many people as possible before that happens, because if we don’t they’ll just ‘vote’ for their own genocide, thinking it immortality.

Chipper? Maybe. I guess I'm looking to educate myself to see what other's know to see if it purports my theories that I have in my own life. I've seen a lot of odd and out of the ordinary things at work lately, so I'm just kinda looking to make sure I'm not crazy

What odd things have you seen at work?

What are your theories about things?

If you're new to this, you should probably start with disinformation, shilling, various types of propaganda techniques, and logical fallacies. That will help you to sift through conspiracy-related information without getting lost.

I'll leave some stuff here.

See The Astroturfing Information Megathread for factual information on shilling.

Awesome links. Thank you!

One World Government

If that is your interest, I would look into Skull & Bones as well as the Bush crime family. Loads of good documentaries on youtube about them. Skull and Bones is tougher to get information on. Antony Sutton is very good.

I will look into that, thank you!

The takeover will be by the international banks and the international corporations.

The international banks I refer to are the Bank for International Settlements, (BIS), The International Monetary Fund (IMF),and the World Bank. who together have just made great progress towards forming a world wide monopoly on the creation of money. The middle eastern countries that had independent central banks able to compete in the creation of money, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya Syria and Iran, have, all but two been converted to debt slavery to the western central banks and their independent banks have been for the most part taken over. Syria has been destroyed in order to force them into debt slavery to the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank. When Syria borrows money to rebuild itself they will automatically become beholden to the monopoly cartel. Thus only Iran and North Korea along with a couple of relatively tiny countries, will retain their independence at that point.

When Iran and North Korea have their independent central banks added to the control of the monopoly leaving only a couple of tiny nations like Somalia, still independent, those nations will give in to the world cartel and the 'war on terror' will be over.

The central banks will come out from the relative shadows and declare themselves the world rulers that they already are. Then they, with the help of the international mega conglomerate corporations will become the international center of power and nations like yours and mine will simply give up their sovereignty and become local jurisdictions. Money beats all competition, even military.

The acts of complicity by the various governments with this overall plot are true treason but in what kind of court are we to get that verdict?

The creation of money is the true superpower of the world and by creating a monopoly they gain a strong enough hold on power to just declare themselves the rulers of the world. the New World Order will begin.

How long do you think this takeover will last? Do you think it will eventually end in societal collapse or purely be overthrown?

If it takes hold nothing can stop it. The creation of money beats all other power, combined.

IMHO, if we cannot prevent it from happening, it will last until there is a global event capable of ending (almost) all of humanity, especially once one considers the technological power that countries and corporations currently wield.

An example of these events: large asteroid/comet, record breaking X class solar flare, supervolcano, ect. Something that would eliminate enough electronics, food, water, ect for the commoners to be able to break the hold of the elite.


The question is, if money is what they're after and they have to enforce their rules and regulations lethally, what will they do when everyone they can make money off of is dead or in prison?

Enjoy the profits/benefits/material goods that they now have. The world is a garden of Eden to those whose power and wealth is basically without limit.

Societal collapse.

There are too many sheep and agent provocateurs to form any real uprising.

While I know you are likely genuinely looking for answers, you are doing it wrong. If you ask, as you have, for a narrative, that is what you will be given, though this is not what you truly want. Seek for truth and you will find it. Do not accept the dogma platters offered to you, instead take the time to chew each idea around for yourself, maybe swallow it for a time, vomit it back up and chew the cud, see how that tastes. Trust your own senses and sensibility and form your own narrative through your own involvement in the process of your own becoming. Seek and keep seeking and ye shall find the truth.

Haha maybe I should just discuss my concerns about my workplace with someone and see if it's valid to be concerned

I had a look through your post history after something you posted earlier referring to the same, and I have to admit I am curious what breadcrumbs you may hold yourself.

Just be shrewd when showing your cards in such a climate. We all know the weather.

Well I will say that there's a lot of cross training for riot control, crowd suppression, locking down entire square miles of city in a period of a few hours to set up relief centers.

The ploy is that these situational response simulations are for private company assistance for FEMA and other relief agencies when dealing with large events like terrorist attacks and whatnot. After all, private contractors are just hired guns for DOD and DHS contracts.

There's a certain amount of ammunition, supplies and armaments kept on hand for drilling. However, the stockpiling continues. According to the older guys, we haven't had this much on hand since initial contracts went out for overseas deployment. It's slightly concerning but again, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Slightly concerning is correct.

They are preparing, as we should.

I guess just a matter of what for specifically. I mean, do I quit my job? I don't want to be put in a position of me vs civilians

I'm interested.

As you are "new" to this subculture of "truth". here are a few interesting documentaries that you might enjoy...

Money Masters

(bit old and slow, and repeats its self a little…but this is a great Documentary to help explain the history of modern money/banking)

The ultimate History lesson by John Taylor Gatto (3 times US teacher of the year. produced and interviewed by Richard Grove…who himself was a survivor from the world trade centre during 9/11. and later became a whistle blower) Highly recommend this 5 HOUR interview, with hundreds of great links to literature everyone should read.

the new pearl harbour (in depth 9/11 documentary)

Adam Curtis the century of the self

the world according to monsanto

The corporation


Great information, thank you!

How long do you think this takeover will last? Do you think it will eventually end in societal collapse or purely be overthrown?