If any of the English here needs one last reason why you and everyone in the EU needs a brexit, meet Melchior Wathelet, pedophile and murderer, also current advocate-general on the EU court of justice

44  2016-06-22 by [deleted]



Thanks for the info. Glad someone isnt giving up.

This is the future of EU, a single nation led by murderers and pedophiles who have covered up the abuse of tens of thousands of victims so far and are still in power, brexit is not and never has been about economy or immigration or any other issue, it's about if you are willing to allow these kind of men to stay in power, so I ask you English folks to do us all a favor here in Europe and make it all crumble.

Let me guess - you prefer to be ruled by belgish murderers and pedophiles? And this is your pro tip for the Brexit in the midst of all the UK rape scandals in the past?

Are you for real?

I could ask the same, what twisted mind would even interpret my post as supporting such?

I was simply making my case here for those not yet fully decided that a brexit is an absolute necessity both for the UK and the entire EU to reform and bring these sick psychos to justice, actual justice, because there will be no change from the inside or second chance to do so, I have laid it out here for that exact reason, to show that if such a man can get to the highest court of law in Europe, there is absolutely no future or even the slightest hope for this nation.

I could ask the same, what twisted mind would even interpret my post as supporting such?

Because, as you pointed out there are very strong indications that the belgian police and justice system turned two blind eyes on whoever was supporting/having contact with Marc Dutroux.

You even named GLADIO which, by all means, worked better in a system where it was wholly easy to build networks in the individual states and near impossible to build a investigation across borders.

My point is a different one: Every country builds up its own dark networks - favors are exchanged, positions of power maintained. In a Union of different states these networks still exists -but- it is at least a tad bit more likely that we find a opposition willing to investigate their wrongdoings...

Wathelet is simply a bad example as he did was/is better connected and did hold higher positions in Belgium than in any EU institution. And Wathelet was appointed by Belgium otherwise we would never have been a candidate..

I will now consider you an absolute and utter troll, you can not even possibly believe this when I have given you the example from below?

This was an investigation where thousands walked free and still are able to do as they please and abuse children, and you say Wathelet is a bad example?

No, he is exactly the perfect example to show the systemic cancerous core of our system, there are many more like him among the entire spectrum of political 'elite'

Are you, though? I mean, were you paid to make that comment or are you just confused? I notice that hard-to-parse, borderline nonsensical comments like this one pop up in every thread about pedophiles in high places, always with the result of muddying the waters. It really makes me wonder if there are people who are paid to divert attention from certain topics.

Must be, there's a lot to lose, because this is a huge issue regardless of what they try to say, what they covered up even back then was already massive but they were successful as no one even really knows it or remembers.

Here's some video on the case: http://fightforchildren.prochan.com/t/829_1411737326

And this page covers it all: http://fondationprincessedecroy.morkhoven.org/07-zandvoort_padophocratie_David_McGowan.htm

I think it is something people need to come to terms with quickly, that it is actually happening right now, even if it's hard to even grasp the concept because of it's very nature, but the reality is we have snuff,rape,pedophilia and everything we can't even begin to think about happening on a very large scale in our 'elite' and they're getting away with it, but it's not something that I think will be easily accepted is truly going on, even if you provide large amounts of evidence of it actually happening.

It is quite maddening to even grasp, to know that back then there were already 90000 victims.