Non-indictment of Hillary Clinton will reveal CIA trumping the FBI, a fact that will reveal Continuity of Government in the minds of the greater public. Once COG is well known, it will F the establishment.

243  2016-06-22 by 911bodysnatchers322

"Ultimate Honeypot"

Clinton broke the law. Given the many political donations from foreign nationals, it would appear more and more every day that she created her private email server in order to sell state secrets to foreign nationals.

She created a honeypot with secrets intended to be hacked. We know this because Hillary lived in the white house and everyone from her staff to secret service were very well aware that Hillary had a very strict understanding of security protocols and privacy. In fact, Hillary was widely considered very paranoid, enhancing security protocols and having routine bugsweeps in the white house. She felt her conversations (and angered verbally abusive catfights) with Bill were too sensitive and revealing, and therefore she demanded the Secret Service personnel leave their post outside the bedroom doors and stay in a room down the hall.

Kommunication Kontrol

It's just a fact that Hillary was always very mindful of carefully controlling communication and demanded the utmost of privacy and control.

So the idea that she was innocent in having her own server is TOTAL BULLSH_T. And we can PROVE IT. Through statements made on video, by quotes from her advisors and staff, from former secret service people. There's mountains of evidence that can prove this, for example, in court.

So the fact that the FBI, under the Dept of Justice is inhibited, misdirected, delayed and obstructed means that there is a standing directive to keep this from happening.

We know Obama is one source of that. But we could just as easily say that it's the CIA. Perhaps this is a CYA maneuver to avoid getting in trouble, seeing as how they must have allowed her to do it. "And we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!"

Howcome no Jail?

Once the public knew, that is, once Julian Assange of Wikileaks leaked the private server and emails, we've had to struggle to come to terms as to why Hillary is not in jail right now. It's created a deep demoralization and distrust of the government and the rule of law.

But more importantly, it's going to lead people to an inevitable conclusion when they realize "the law of the land" has been violated and is apparently suspended. They will be puzzled as to why this is happening.

Deeper Public Inquiry

They will discover a few things if they think about it some.

  • On 9/11 the pentagon was attacked but so was WTC which contained cia,nsa, fbi offices; meaning an attack on the government itself
  • Since 911 was an attack on the government, it started the Continuity of Government plan, which he renewed years later.
  • Obama renewed it twice, extending the 'state of emergency' since 9/11 into 2016 and beyond.
  • Obama SCRuBBED the wikipedia continuity of government article to hide his name, and the fact he renewed it twice.
  • COG governance means the "CIA gets what it wants" (--Obama) and the rule of law no longer applies to them; specifically the constitution.

America is no more

If America is legally defined by the Constitution as the 'Supreme Law of the Land', then COG governance makes America no longer a lawful country, because the CIA is able to act outside of the constitution and rule america 'from the shadows'. I'm using the CIA as a catchall for 'intelligence community' including but not limited to CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, NRO, DIA, DARPA, etc

No laws, constitutional or otherwise, inhibit the CIA from assassinations, secret wars, voting manipulation, declaring martial law, killing americans in false flag events, suspension of the elections and keeping Obama in a third term. No laws are applicable to the CIA.

CIA can do whatever it wants and no laws apply to it.

This is explains

  • Why illegal wiretapping and mass surveillance happens and they are not punished
  • Why PRISM and so many other nefarious domestic spying, propaganda, and subversion by the military intelligence are happening now, unpunished
  • Why were were able to legally torture and detain people without allowing them legal trial
  • Why we were able to declare people to be 'enemy combatants', removing their citizenry
  • Why we were able to create ISIS
  • Why we were able to maintain perpetual war and fund it, despite the protestations of people on both sides of the political continuum
  • Why we deal with bots and shills and forum spies on a daily basis
  • Why this post will be artificially downvoted to 67% or 33% upvoted or end up with no more than 33 post karma
  • Why congress is not allowed to talk about COG
  • Why mainstream media refuses to talk about COG
  • If Alex Jones talked about COG, then maybe you should question the assertion that he's a gatekeeper (he did, many times)

COG governance explains it all. Tell everyone you know.

All Part of the Plan

Its beyond the scope of this essay, but it turns out, the real motivation for 9/11 was to cause the COG plan to go into effect by the bush administration, coordinated for decades by bush sr. As a crowdsourced detective investigation, 911 has been proven over and over as an inside job thanks to the internet and many truth movements, but COG inhibits further action and the local police forces know this. Their orders are to STFU and take it. Just like us.

So instead of talking about 9/11, it's much more important to talk about COG. You'll see active resistance against it as it will become VERY apparent that COG is the big 9/11 secret they don't want you to know.

I hope this helps you understand 9/11. Sorry there are no sources but by all means fact check them and if you like this post, let me know you want sources and I'd be quite honored to produce them for you very quickly as they are all just a google search away.

Google " continuity of government conspiracy rummsfeld"





Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks


Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, within 90 days prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. Consistent with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register the enclosed notice, stating that the emergency declared in Proclamation 7463 with respect to the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, is to continue in effect for an additional year.

The terrorist threat that led to the declaration on September 14, 2001, of a national emergency continues. For this reason, I have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect after September 14, 2015, the national emergency with respect to the terrorist threat.



That is a VERY good find, Newsretro. Obama has now renewed it at least 3 times. He keeps hitting the snooze button on the constitution.

Sweet! Thanks for the gold, you anonymous masterblaster

You have to remember that the Clintons are insiders in the "national security" establishment. This all started FAR before 9/11.

This group of people effectively staged a coup when they murdered JFK in 63 under the leadership of Allen Dulles... all for "national security".

Dulles then passed the baton onto Dick Helms and later George HW Bush (who became director in the 1970s). They staged the Watergate incident to get rid of Nixon when he tried to go his own way and used fake media assets to break the story. Hillary was a lawyer planted in the watergate investigation.

The Bushes were running drugs through Mena Mountain Airport together with the Clintons in the 80s during Iran Contra... in the name of "national security".

It's been the same revolving group of insiders that have been running the government against the will of the people for the past 50+ years.

The coup happened long before JFK. The Dulles brothers are just the princes of the financiers of the robber barons who were in power at the time. Their relatives (Uncle in particular) were also incredibly influential during their era, using money to support the Nazi's and more. Research Sullivan & Cromwell, and Brown Brothers and Harriman. These two companies, just blocks from each other in NYC handled the fortunes/investments/lawyers of the gas, oil, rail, electric company robber barons. Their history of taking over American democracy goes back to the 1800's.

See folks this is why we need to study history. But not by using public school texts!

Nor most private school texts. Print, being a huge medium for exchange of ideas, had to be gamed and controlled. IMO, it's why a printing press to this day still costs around 1 million dollars (newspaper presses about 10-20 times as much) new. You can get a decent digital printer capable of small runs at high speed for around 20k to 40k. The internet will go this way, with the websites serving as the printing press. The websites you congregate on will be owned largely by corporations with little interest in disseminating truth and every incentive to lie to you and sell you products and carefully crafted opinion.

You have to remember that the Clintons are insiders in the "national security" establishment. This all started FAR before 9/11.

Agreed. They are cut from the same cloth. Freemasonry. Which has an antinationalist agenda while looking ultranationalist. The enabling factor is secrecy.

Which "is repugnant in a free and open society."

Thank you for your intelligent post, as someone who has noticed these connections as well, how does Obama tie into all this? He seems like the one guy that wasn't connected to Dulles, Bush, Mena, Clinton. What am I missing?

Obama was likely CIA. I'm not going to cite sources in this post, but you can go find them for yourself. Obama was likely recruited when he was at Occidental college. It is known that they were recruiting during the time period he was there.

Then you have his post-college affairs, which included a stint at Business International Corporation. This company was known to provide media training and was a CIA front.

Dan Armstrong, who worked with Mr. Obama at Business International Corporation in New York in 1984 and has deconstructed Mr. Obama’s account of the job on his blog,, wrote: “All of Barack’s embellishment serves a larger narrative purpose: to retell the story of the Christ’s temptation. The young, idealistic, would-be community organizer gets a nice suit, joins a consulting house, starts hanging out with investment bankers, and barely escapes moving into the big mansion with the white folks.”

Then you have the whole issue of people not really being able to account for what he was actually doing at Columbia and then as a professor at U of Chicago. He didn't really publish anything and that's just not something you do as a professor.

Then you can look at his book "Dreams of My Father". That would be known in the intelligence business as "creating the Legend".

sometimes a person with a well-prepared synthetic identity (cover background), called a legend in tradecraft, may attempt to infiltrate a target organization.


A spy's claimed background or biography, usually supported by documents and memorized details

Then look at what he did in Chicago. He took over and subverted community groups and directed their energy. Michelle Obama even had a no-show job at a local hospital that was so important that they didn't even bother to replace her when she became first lady. I don't know about you, but I would think that if she was actually doing something useful, then they would have to fill that position.

He is national security through and through. That's why you see absolutely zero change and a doubling down, in fact, of the warmongering and "security state" policies that have been developing for the past 50 years.

You should also take the time to read Mark Gorton's (Wall Street quant and creator of limewire) analysis of Obama... I found out that he also believes Obama is CIA after I developed my own ideas about him.

Intelligence asset , Maintains government secrecy and cover ups of previous crimes, tried to start war in Syria, rebooting the cold war, fully protects and enables out of control NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.

I may not be 100% accurate on some minor details, but there is enough evidence that points in the direction of him being CIA that your eyebrows should be raised.

I hope they all burn in hell for pissing all over the constitutional rule of law and acting like they have the moral high ground for doing so. Fuck em all.

See the problem is they don't believe in hell. They believe they have proof there is no hell and there even is no punishment after death (no karma). Once you understand this, then you understand the true value of law and why the law must be itself protected from subversion.

This is something the founding fathers knew well because they themselves were Deists which means Dee-ists which means John Dee ists which means alchemists/rosicrucians/masons who had the 'secret knowledge of reincarnation'...Thomas Sheridan spilled the freemasons ideological beans on this just yesterday

..that atlantean knowledge of 'no hell' / 'reincarnation is real' --whether true or not--was a guiding principle to form the checks and balances of the republic that was supposed to guard from this type of tyranny. Yes the founders were gnostics but apparently the good kind (whitehats). Not the ones we have pulling strings now (blackhats).

But like grass in a parking lot, if people are off to lunch (congress) they let incremental cracks in the asphalt happen, and then even the smallest seed of fascism falling in that crack will eventually destroy the entire lot over time.

Well operation paperclip was like jackhammering a corner and dumping in grass seed.

So this is where we are now.

You have nailed it.

Paving the road to hell, a swath of tyranny wrapped in good intentions.

Nicely put together OP. I think you hit the nail on the head here.

Thank you.

I would love some sources if you did have time to share them. This is my first time hearing about COG and I'm very interested to delve into it.

Conspiratorial citations on a god-tier post and quality vaporwave?


Excellent resources! Mods need to make a COG entry using these links and the one above to the obama white house press releases.

Historycommons is a badass site.

Great post, tied together some questions i've had. As an aside, I agree about Jones as well, he may be manic and distracted at times, but he's talked about too many counter productive topics to even be considered limited hangout... if only he could find a more respectable way to fund his show..

The game GTA V actually does a pretty accurate thread based on this COG bullshit in the main storyline. May be a bit corny, but illustrates Feds vs. Intel. Apparatus honestly enough..

GTA V actually does a pretty accurate thread based on this COG bullshit in the main storyline

Really? I'm going to have to get a console just for that game. I had so much fun with vice city.

btw--I've spent countless hours trying to figure out if AJ was a gatekeeper or not. I've still not decided. The arguments for are incredibly weak and wrought with problems.

Also, the thing about gatekeepers is not to discount the entirety of their work but to be able to identify the 'trojan horses' of rhetoric they put into their work, and then go back and fact check everything they've said while ceasing to listen to any of their new stuff, especially after the point at which they introduced the trojan horse (ie: they were 'compromised'--possibly their life or their family was threatened)

Excellent points. And yes, do check out V...story AND gameplay are both groundbreaking !

i don't get it...

as if the COG is the only thing keeping these criminals from going to prison ??

what would change if the COG was discontinued?

nothing ?

what would change if the COG was discontinued? nothing?

No, the opposite of nothing. If COG were discontinued, then immediately (as in within the hour) the Dept of Justice working with law firms like Daniel Sheenan's Christic institute would sue individuals in the CIA. They would also induce the US Marshalls Service (under DOJ) to take these offenders into custody in to a detention facility for lengthy inquests under RICO -- the racketeering act. Local police would deputize people at an amazingly fast rate, people like software engineers, IT security experts and PIs to work together to bring these people the fuck down, firstly by seizing their info and banking.

Holy hell would rain down on them like fire. They'd have to transport these criminals in special bulletproof popemobiles because there would be raining of bullets from oathkeeper types under a limited form of 'marshall law' wherein local police have deputized them and tried them locally for treason. In other words, people would legally be allowed to take shots at these criminals until such time as congress passed a law that expressly forbid local deputization and state-rights to localized marshall law

If COG were discontinued, then immediately (as in within the hour) the Dept of Justice working with law firms like Daniel Sheenan's Christic institute would sue individuals in the CIA.

sounds interesting, but... "sue" the individuals for what, exactly?

(I mean, anything they have been doing under COG would have bee permitted under COG, right?)

any thoughts? thank you for the insight. cheers.

If by some miracle you would get a court case going in the current system, they would cite COG and have you removed for trying to interfere with emergency government actions.

If COG was ended, then they would have no legal basis to do anything like that.

You see everything is planned, and it all makes sense when you take into consideration that USA has been under martial law since 9/11

USA has been under martial law since 9/11

literally or figuratively?

Well i used it as a synonym for COG, even if it by some definition would not be.

sweden has asked to meet assange inside the ecuador embassy -- for the first time -- just following assange's promise to bury clinton.

do you think hillary is negotiating assange's release from "prison" in exchange for his silence ?

/how could he guarantee anythin he may have won't be "leaked" by someone else??

Assange can't be bought. He was in a weird pedo cult growing up. He hates these fuckers. You want to know what rage looks like on a genius? Take a look at Assange. I personally love this guy.

If he doesn't, then I will be fundamentally disappointed. There does exist info that suggests he's a limited hangout but it is falsifiable. I subscribe to a theory that ignores pro/con 'limited hangout' theories and look at the results of their work to determine what I believe. Because the arguemnt going on on both side is not as helpful as looking at whether or not their leaks have caused massive damage to the reputation of governments. Kind of a litmus test.

Awesome write up!

Sorry, /u/911bodysnatchers322, but I'm still convinced Alex Jones is still a gatekeeper, and I will stand by that, simply because of the level of funding he must get in order to run his fancy studio and everything else.

It's honestly hard to believe such a large presence in the world of conspiracies would be allowed to succeed so well at what they are doing.

He also seems like someone tasked with painting conspiracy theorists as crazy maniacs.

The only explanation is that the global conspiracy simply doesn't end at some higher-authorized folks in the CIA, and that they are simply temporary managers of our country. These people might not even care if American society as we know it today falls down, because they can convince the revolt that they've already won.

They simply would break down our society, and leave the higher-authorized people on the sinking ship. This would be so that any dissidents would think the war was already won. It's a quite simple plan that would explain lots of things.

Don't get me wrong, however. This is all still good information. Thanks for your time.

I'm still convinced Alex Jones is still a gatekeeper

of course he is ;)

Your test for thinking he's a gatekeeper is a pretty solid one. This 'follow the money' approach. I've never bought a prepper filter from AJ or his expensive vitamins. Or anyone else who has. So how's he make money? Making money doing media is harder than it looks. This is why I'm suspicious of ALL alternative media, including yes even James Corbett and his buddy Sibel Edmonds.

But I consider that if these people are put out there to 'gatekeep' and manage the dialog, they're playing a dangerous game. They are hedging their bets on people "just accepting what's given" instead of going further. But look what you just did. You went further. you looked into it. You see, the problem with conspiracy people is it really is hard to 'manage them'. Because half of them actually are quite crazy (believing in things with no evidence whatsoever--and are therefore of different levels of nonfalsifiably). The other half are so distrusting that they even fight among themselves....all the time. (raises hand: guilty!)

So that's the key, to find common ground and try to trust each other and to some extent even partially trust (by fact-checking and critical thinking/reasoning/observing) these alleged gatekeepers. Like (iirc) Reagan said, 'trust. but verify'.

Because at the end of the day, these gatekeepers may be doing far more harm to their own masters' causes than they are to us.

Reading your post, I completely agree. I always thought that gatekeepers could still help us, if only to get people who would otherwise be mainstream drones to think something different for once, resulting in their masters ultimately losing out.

In my experience, if you are coming from a completely mainstream mindset, anti-mainstream information becomes so alluring to seek out in your spare time that it becomes a habit. This goes for and against us, as they can use this to continue to label us as obsessive, crazy "conspiracy theorists", but we are much less likely to accept even the alternate media, because we are always seeking more information.

It's actually quite true what you said, about us being half actually quite crazy and the other half being extremely distrusting. (I'm guilty of this as well)

What do we get out of all of this? Again, like you said, we need to moderate these two halves, because it's important to partially trust ourselves, and sometimes it's necessary to partially trust gatekeepers.

Otherwise, we are either too divisive (why div&conq tactics still work against us) or too trusting (why gatekeeping sometimes works).

TL;DR, I agree completely with what you said.

Thanks 911Bodysnatchers322!!!

Why this post will be artificially downvoted to 67% or 33% upvoted or end up with no more than 33 post karma


Because someone gilded it quickly. Also, it's not about freemasons or jesuits ;)

And yes, the first 2 times I posted it, it was downvoted within 2 minutes to 0.

Holy cow, thank you for all your hard work in making this incredible document. May it spread far and wide!

The principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations after a nuclear or catostrophic event....

If you are concerned that muslims will swim over the sea or take jets they don't have over here to fight us, then you're loose headed. The only middle easterners with jets are monarchs and governments, which are either with us or they don't exist anymore. Also 911 was an inside job and we've proven it about 20 times over.

It's been 15 yrs since 9/11 and the only threat we've ever had it would seem is from within. That's what happens when you beat your strongest enemy, Russia (collaps of S.U. into democratic russia), and yet at that point you had created a system that economically relies on continual warfare and spending a certain amount on the defense industry. Without a war to fund your surivval, you go autoimmune and cannabalize your own citizenry. This is what has happened.

Snatchers, which of the sources applies to "congress not allowed to discuss COG"? Thanks for your time and the effort you put into this thread and spreading the message.

The coup happened long before JFK. The Dulles brothers are just the princes of the financiers of the robber barons who were in power at the time. Their relatives (Uncle in particular) were also incredibly influential during their era, using money to support the Nazi's and more. Research Sullivan & Cromwell, and Brown Brothers and Harriman. These two companies, just blocks from each other in NYC handled the fortunes/investments/lawyers of the gas, oil, rail, electric company robber barons. Their history of taking over American democracy goes back to the 1800's.

You have to remember that the Clintons are insiders in the "national security" establishment. This all started FAR before 9/11.

Agreed. They are cut from the same cloth. Freemasonry. Which has an antinationalist agenda while looking ultranationalist. The enabling factor is secrecy.

Which "is repugnant in a free and open society."

Thank you for your intelligent post, as someone who has noticed these connections as well, how does Obama tie into all this? He seems like the one guy that wasn't connected to Dulles, Bush, Mena, Clinton. What am I missing?