Brexit. Beginning of the Global Economic Collapse?

23  2016-06-24 by [deleted]



The EU won’t see 2020. The Netherlands will, TOMORROW, be starting the legal process to hold their own referendum. Then France. Then everyone else.

The Second Great Depression (banks, et. al. say it could begin at the end of this year) will be blamed on President Donald Trump and Nigel Farage. Globalists will double down everywhere, blaming nationalism for everything.

They’ve done it before.

I wonder, to what degree, this will affect the American economy

The US economy was already on thin ice with education, housing and consumer debt, a massive federal debt and debt for many municipalities. It also has latent debt for infrastructure and required spending.

Either people will realize that the Brexit really isn't a big deal or we will look fondly at 2008.

You're going to see U.S. get involved in some new war somewhere because isis bad guys are doing bad things and U.S. Military needs billions in tax dollars to go fight.....except the guy's we'd be fighting are alphabet agency trained/armed/funded mercenary groups.

The tax dollars continue to be stolen....

Well, hopefully it won't be a huge deal. Although I can see it breaking up the UK

This will be the excuse to let the markets crash by TPTB incite panic and grab more power. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

True. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Almost like it's planned...

This was my prediction on another thread here. I got downvoted, and now I'm giggling. Got the popcorn, this should be interesting....

You'd think on a subreddit like this, we'd all brainstorm together since no one knows the true answer and not down vote people so much

You'd think, but you have to weigh in the forces against us. I have a merry band of down voters who down vote everything I post. Methinks they have their knickers in a bunch about what I have to say, lol.

Usually the people that are ignored in what they say are closest to the truth. At least in my experience

doubt it will do much of anything

Think of it as there being two economies. The Free Economy and the Globalist's Economy. The Free Economy will rise the Globalist Economy fails. Just don't hitch your wagon to them . It's not "our" economy collapsing, it is their economy collapsing.

What about the affects on our economy. We do a lot of trade with England

The Netherlands will, TOMORROW, be starting the legal process to hold their own referendum.

No they won't

Reveals the soulution


Get the popcorn ready.

May need a lot of popcorn!

It will be the cover for forcing a collapse now. The collapse has to happen, and the power structure gets to blame Brexit for the fall, rather than poor money management.

Also, there have been reports by government agencies that bitcoin could lead to economic instability. Obviously its also an attempt to set bitcoin up as the future fall guy for future collapses, just like they blamed (and confiscated) gold back in the 1930's.

Freedom is what can avoid these pitfalls, but the sorcerers are trying to brain wash people into blaming anyone but the real culprits... the banks and the banking system.

What about the potential for bitcoin to come in and save the day and then became what leads to a singular global currency?

What happens to your bitcoins if you don't have access to electricity, much less the internet? How do you spend them?

and on top of that how is bitcoin different than any other FIAT currency exactly? i am no expert, i don't know that's why i ask because to me it doesn't solve any problem.

Thats the point; it isn't. Bitcoin gets gamed in much the same way that the traditional markets do. Its even easier to do, actually. Since all the power of the bitcoin market rests in those that have collected and hoarded the "most" and "oldest" bitcoins. If you think those are normal investors only motivated by pure greed, then feel free to flush your fiat dollars down the drain. But Ive already watched bitcoin go though obviously structured massive downturns to bleed the market and entice new investment from virgin sources. Expect another purge here in the next 3 - 4 monts, or whenever bitcoin principles think they wont get much more new money from the Brexit basket.

Our current currency has two problems: Centralized authority to print new currency is one of them. Bitcoin solves this problem.

The other problem is that our current currency is not backed by any physical assets that have any value. In essence, it is the mass delusion of value that gives our current currency its "power". Bitcoin does not solve this problem.

Don't let the BitCult fool you into being part of their delusion.

Haha I won't! I got down voted at the mention of it!

Not likely in such a short time. Bitcoin is still way to small to take care of even 1/100th of the money supply. Its going to take decades for it to be adopted (and coded) on a large enough scale to become helpful. Gold and silver would be better short term solutions.

BTW: If anyone has lots of silver and wants to pump the value of silver, work to ship silver to Venezuela to buy service or other goods. People in Venezuela are looking for any alternative to their current money system.

Good to know. I'm excited to see how all this apocalyptic stuff will unfold

I think it may only be a market overreaction but only time will tell.

The sooner the EU is destroyed, the better. The financial markets will eventually take care of themselves.

Do you think it will also affect the UK?

This very well may be a Lehman-magnitude event, I fully expect at least European markets to be suspended shortly after market open.

I hope not I want every to sell so I can buy

That's crazy. I wonder if the other nations in the UK will re-vote

At this stage it's practically certain that Scotland will have another independence referendum and they will leave the union. It's also quite possible that reunification efforts will be restarted in Ireland

Yup. Predicted a Brexit. Reverse psychology. Never let a crisis go to waste, and nothing in politics happens by chance....

I'm hearing a lot of that lately

Nothing in the world happens by chance*

Should be the r/conspiracy trademark

and then their greed will kick back in and the lust for money and power will return. They just need a plan that they can use to capitalize on the exit.

A bit of punishment to the people, in the form of economic downturn, for voting exit and ruining their overall plan but then it's back to business.

Sounds like the embers of war. It's only a matter of time before we all kill each other right?

This post is getting vote bombed into oblivion by chills & fund its (it rimes and avoids word detection algorithm).

How do you mean? You people are trying to cover up any mention of an EU economic downfall?

It won't be a collapse for the people planning it, they'll be sitting rich and pretty. It's us regular suckers who will get stiffed.

Well right now it looks like a few other nations are considering leaving the EU as well

I think the Dutch will leave. They already shut the door to refugees, and votes against a simple treaty with the Ukraine. It was good while it lasted.

Sounds like France wants the UK to take all of their refugees

Maybe Ireland and Scotland can.