My one and only conspiracy contribution, and possibly the most important one.

0  2016-06-24 by [deleted]



This reads as solid, unintentional satire.

I do really like this sub, but it has some hardcore Poe's Law action going on in it.

What is poe's law? Is that like when you start hearing thumping noises under your floorboards, and think that liberals are under there, using their abusive liberal media to torment you...and trying to steal your tax dollars to pay black people at mcdonalds a few more dollars per hour of their miserable and pointless lives?

I think you just demonstrated it.

I agree. The feminization of America has already started. I scoff hard when I read an article that promotes men to go to salons and be pampered and such more and more, like women.

I'm not against women, salons or pampering. I'm against a slow conversion going on under the radar.

Anyway, good topic and well written. I didn't know that about sugars and the Bellevue study is hugely interesting.

Here is the study:

Two normal men volunteered to live solely on meat for one year, which gave us an unusual opportunity of studying the effects of this diet. The term “meat,” as used by us, included both the lean and the fat portions of animals. The subjects derived most of their calories from fat and the diet was quite different from what one, who uses the term “meat” as including chiefly lean muscle, would expect. Rubner (1) called attention to the fact that a man cannot live on meat alone because of the physical limitation of the apparatus of mastication. He was evidently considering only lean meat as fat offers little difficulty. It is well known that the Eskimos have lived on an almost exclusive meat diet for generat.ions. Certain explorers in the North also have subsisted for long periods on meat. Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson in particular has demonstrated that it is feasible for travelers in the arctic region to “live off the country,” which means living on meat alone. The experiences of Stefansson and his companions have been given in his book “The Friendly Arctic” (2). He spent over 11 years in arctic exploration, during 9 years of which he lived almost exclusively on meat. Stimulated by this experience, Stefansson and Andersen, the latter a member of one of the expeditions, voluntarily agreed to eat nothing but meat for 1 year while they continued their usual activities in the temperate climate of New York.

Hey! Thanks for that!

How are they being "selectively bred"? Women are free (not that you seem to like that concept) to marry who they wish, they aren't selectively breeding.

Also how are you backing up your claim that women don't like new technology? Men hate new technology often, look up the luddites

Who create technology? Nerds and scientists. Who dominate the scientific fields? Men. Who are the earliest adopters of technology? Men. Who created Reddit? Men. Who created Windows? Men. Who created Google? Men.

Who have been explorers since the beginning of time? Men. Who were the first people in space? Men.

Who talk more bollocks than anyone else? Men.

That is because for a very long time women have not been able to get into these fields without their ideas instantly being ignored.

But that was not the question I asked. Women in the past have been very willing to accept new technology as it has enabled them to not just be at home, look at washing machines and other white goods

Well, if you go ahead and read the thing, the answers to the questions you're asking are right there in it.

If by answers you mean poor science then ok

Let's see if this can muster the upvotes to penetrate /r/conspiracy's Van Allen Belt of SJW shills. A good read.

Nope, already down. Time to escape to a new territory as men have always done.

edit: Maybe I spoke too soon, maybe it has a chance afterall :)

I upvoted everyone apart from that one dude. I feel like I'm attaching helium balloons to the thread. Rise!

Sorry, I'm curious, but did you just get broken up with or something? These claims are a bit unscientific.

Anyway, salaries are so far below what they need to be to meet the cost of living right now, unless someone from the poor/working class is really lucky, it's pretty close to impossible to have only one household earner. I agree with you that we need to maintain strength and focus for revolution as well as enforcing accountability and justice. Can't let the poison (sugar/alcohol/entertainment/propaganda) make us complacent.

Actually no, I have an amazing non-feminist fit healthy girlfriend who has her masters in bioscience. My suggestion is that we make women more like men rather than vise versa, and by that I mean give them more steak and help them build some testosterone, which reduce their period pains which also make them more attractive women like Anna Nystrom

It will make them also more right wing, more capitalist, which will lead to more competition in the market place, less government, more freedom, more logical and less emotional, more science, and thus more advancement, so we can fix global warming, replace our body parts with bionic body parts so we can become immortal and evolve ourselves as per 2001 space odyssey series.

That is some amount of gibberish. Pull your head out of your ass.

Ok. I can get behind that. That's a great vision.

Hopefully we still aren't teaching the next generation of women to be: quiet until spoken to, ladylike, polite, coy, indirect - saying: don't get dirty, muscles are masculine and a bad thing; making fun of them for being smart and liking science and math; or tying their worth and status to sex appeal starting at a young age; etc. Tomboys in the south have a rough time growing up.


Rules 1 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Very borderline. You are lame and I wont be frequenting this sub anymore...faggot.

Rules 1 & 10. Removed. Final warning.

You are talking personal responsibility and hard work to a majority of sock puppet accounts which promote big govt and feminism. I love it man! My wife eats steak on day 1 of her period, it lasts 3 days max and then fades quickly. !!! .. You struck a chord when I read that! You had me at short periods, the longer I have to wait to get some the worse my life is. I doubt many redditors are banging hot blondes and eating steak to shorten period cycles. I be they live in fear of a relationship or any life practice which emboldens masculinity. We are dinosaurs. Have you drove in traffic in the last twenty years? People are pussyfoot Pansy's. Twenty years ago 10 Over was NORMAL now 5 under in the fast lane is typical. I pass them and get screamed at and flipped off. The pussification sickens me. It is a globalist agenda of submission.

Well said.

This post is nothing but pure unadulterated truth. Thanks for posting but most people aren't willing to accept this.

I'm sure this conspiracy is actually true, along with the flat earth and reptilians in skin suits. Maybe you should become a politician and make it illegal for women to vote. I'm sure the world would be a better place... Ima throw it way back with this one PSYCH

Left v right, what does it matter? Those labels are not just useless but divisive.

Because they obviously have meaning. Left means more government, less free market. Right means more free market, less government.

While I don't know if I agree with all points of your post, I think the feminization of men is a fact today.

I am an extremely feminine woman. I mean think girly girl. I even have gotten teased for it.

Last year I worked with men who cares more about their appearance than me. It was not just one man. This was an influx of men from 22-25.

Though this is anecdotal, it creeped me out. They were obviously good looking, but it was just so strange to me.

This is just one thing I have noticed. Check my post history. I've written a lot about this with sources.

I think your post would be better with sources.

To long, the best definition I ever heard was "Women are brain damaged" and "men are pigs". Source comedy club in LA. Don't remember the comic's name sorry.

Yes meat=more test. But red meat is inherently more unhealthy than a plant based diet.

More fat and more cholesterol=worse for your arteries long term, even though animal protein is good for building muscle/strength.

Also soy contains phytoestrogens, which is not the same as estrogen.

Phytoestrogen is just a catchall term for numerous naturally occurring plant compounds which are structurally similar to mammalian estrogen, and functionally are weakly estrogenic (weakly mimicking estrogen) or antiestrogenic (blocking estrogen’s effects). The metabolism and functionality of phytoestrogens are incredibly complex, and vary between individuals


while soy does not contain estrogen, animal foods do. Many consumers are aware that animals used for meat and dairy are commonly supplemented with synthetic growth hormones, but what they don’t consider is that animal flesh and cow milk also contain their own naturally occurring estrogen— and this is true even of “grass-fed” and “organic” animals. Furthermore, meat, dairy and eggs all contain phytoestrogens; they are pervasive in our food, both plant and animal-derived, and you are not avoiding them entirely by avoiding soy.

The article had good sources and goes a lot more in depth if you're curious.

cholesterol is not bad for you, its actually good for you. Cholesterol plugging your arteries is bad for you and this is cause by inflammation and scoring of the arterial walls. The leading cause of inflammation and scoring is processed salt (table salt). Table salt is mined and bleached so it looks white and pure, but it is 30% silica (tiny glass particles) that get absorbed into your blood stream.

Youre right. Inflammation is the real killer in the body. Cholesterol in food is not inherently bad, nor does eating a specific food like an egg (which has like 75mg cholesterol) raise your LDL levels. It's all about your diet as a whole.

I'm surprised you haven't been crucified for saying this (yet).

I've pretty much come to the same conclusion about women voting, too. This isn't meant as a slight to women at all. The problem is as you stated. Women on average have a whole bunch of concerns to deal with. When faced with a difficult choice they will most often pick safety over some intangible ideal. So what happens is the female vote ends up creating a society where saftey trumps liberty and high risk actions. But in order to advance as a people and a species, we do need to take risks, and we need the freedom to do so. No pain, no gain, right?

Capitalism rewards risk, those who take the risk of starting a business and become successful by bringing a good product to the market get rewarded for it. The more capitalist a nation is the faster it advances. Socialism holds men back by trying to make them equal and feminized (risk-averse).

When risk averse people vote, they're going to vote for a risk averse government (socialism), estrogen makes you risk averse and testosterone makes you a risk taker.

estrogen makes you risk averse and testosterone makes you a risk taker.

It's funny because that's about as simple as one can put it. Very testable/provable, too.

See I don't know why we can't seize the means of production? Capitalism seems outdated. Rise up comrades! :)

aggressive traits so that they become leftists

Sorry but you're completely incorrect. They are being entrained into authoritarianism and fascism, which is neither left nor right. It's a description of how people behave with regard to information and influence. Trump is evidence to the contrary of what you're saying. The dem party is imploding. dems i know (former dem here / ultraleftist) are for sanders. I've been to sanders things and everyone there is nice. You go to a trump rally and've seen the videos.

The aggressive's not on the left, it's on the right. but more to the point, it's from stupid people. And by stupid people, I mean authoritarians. People who think it's cool to cough up 15k for a noisy american made motorbike so that they have at least one thing going for them after they turn 40, when you don't have abs or hobbies or the ability to talk to girls as equals and without fear and with humor and ...well personality generally.

People are being dumbed down, but that's all of society, not just men.

Society is also valuing the manner of speaking as in demeanor and rapidity and eloquence of speech, but not the content contained therein. So loquacious females are rewarded in all areas over men, and this is translating into "girls are doing better in college". Being able to articulate ideas is a very important skill but the problem is that men excel at spacial manipulations and problem solving over articulation (males more mechanically and logically oriented, females more language oriented). So instead of the education system trying to pair males and females up so reap the benefits of their gender skillsets, they create a gender-adversarial environment and push this idea that women > men and it's clearly not so. Men still excel at STEM why is this downplayed? As an IT person, I've met very few women in the field. Those I have met have been extremely talented, but they are few. So how is it that they are better than men exactly? I mean let's pull out all the stops, men and stop making websites. Then with no websites they won't be able to post reports about how well women are doing in school. That will show em!

Anyway, my point is that OP needs to look up the frankfurt school, read about what's actually happening and realize that a lot of what we read is sensationalized drek and propaganda from obama's ministry of truth. There is no truth in it. Trust your own experience. Don't start spouting off on liberals because that sounds like the dagum unabomber when you do.

I looked up Frankfurt school

The Institute was founded, thanks to a donation by Felix Weil in 1923, with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany.

That's all I need to know.

You need to learn that man is driven by incentives. Nature gives man incentive through the use of pleasure and pain. Man chases pleasure and runs away from pain. This is what drives evolution.

Capitalism fits nicely ontop of the natural order of things, it directly aligns with the pleasure and pain system of nature but on a social level. If the market likes the value you offer, it rewards you. If the market doesn't like what you have to offer, it punishes you.

Getting rid of the free market will remove incentive for people to compete and advance, and evolve. Socialism retards men, and Capitalism evolves men.

why not just take away womens right to vote???? much more simple.