More "American Dad" whistleblowing on cia false flags, and social commentary about dangers of forgetting history

59  2016-06-27 by 911bodysnatchers322

Notice: This analysis Contains Spoilers below

In the 13th season episode of American Dad, "Next of Pin", Stan ruminates on the idea his son Steve might grow up to be a maniac, due to his lack of paternal interaction, following a news story of Preston Carlyle, the 'prep school killer' who killed his own father.

This is interesting only because it makes you think of the 'Carlyle Group', which you'd conclude is just some random association because you're an avid reader of conspiracies. But then this happens. Francine is drinking Joe Daniello whiskey, which makes you think of Carlyle Group CEO Dan Daniello, but in reality Joe Daniello is an director for American Dad--perhaps they are related. Strange connection through double handshaked onomastics of Carlyle-Daniello alone.

Back to the story, Stan decides to take Steve to CIA's bowling alley Langley Lanes. There Steve learns fundamentals and bowls a strike, which shows up on the score monitor animation as a strange montage depicting the assassination of JFK as cartoonish bowling pins.. After which sequence, Stan and Steve laugh and high five.

Steve gets a coach and becomes lumberjack kid a famous bowling sports star. During this time, another montage of animated pins depicts the space shuttle challenger exploding, with NASA flight control operators dropping their coffee.

These two montages create an association between the CIA and these huge events that shaped history through the device of the bowling pin. They are at "Langley Lanes" bowling alley. Stan is a CIA agent. The monitor juxtaposes these terrible events with 'scoring a strike', which implies that these events were 'successes'. Stan and Steve laugh and high five each other watching the sequence, as if killing JFK were a good thing. Or that shuttle blowing up was a good thing.

McFarlane does an excellent job demonstrating shadow-state-psychopathy through his use of detournement in his embedded 'cartoon histories'.

Steve continues to rise as a bowling star, making Stan ever more apprehensive about 'losing his son to the game'

Meanwhile, Klaus the fish issues an attention-span challenge to Haley, the hippy millenial daugter, and supercilious, pansexual alien Roger, by having them watch a 10 hour Ken Burns documentary on bicycles. Klaus discovers Roger had left an inflated sack decoy of himself and traced his fluid to a closet where Roger was discovered on the computer. Haley quickly abandoned the contest to join Roger in the cat videos, upsetting Klaus.

Roger: "Yeah I got bored thats why I molted and came in here to watch yaz cat videos. Molt and bolt baby...

Haley: Oh snap is that a new lipsync?

Klaus: Look at the two of you. You're pathetic!

Roger: No klaus I realized something about 2 days into whatever it was we were watching. A short attention span is not something to be ashamed of, it's something to be proud of. Like owning SUVs and having big ole tits. Throughout history it was people with short attention spans who've been responsible for culture and inventions that -um- have changed the course of..________.......what were we talking about?

Haley: You're ... Didn't you ask me something?

Roger: I thought.

Haley: What?

Roger: I don't believe we've met. My name is Roger

This is a social commentary on the dangers of short attention span.

It's about forgetting history. Given the CIA false flag context of this episode, it's a cautionary tale that casually ignoring the proven misdeeds of the CIA will only lead to more of the same. And that rather than learning something by suffering through the boring parts (of a ken burns history documentary), we'd rather peel off our skin.

So then history will repeat itself, while we watch cat videos.

Worried he would lose Steve to fame, Stan dons a sweatsuit, hoodie and shades and sneaks back into the bowling alley where he was kicked out for fighting with other fans. He has a switchblade and stabs his son Steve in the ankle, ruining his bowling future.

Stan leaves and ditches his clothes and weapon in a dumpster.

In recover, Steve recruits Stan for another 'father and son' activity to track down the stabber. Steve runs the investigation so well, he discovers it was his dad, who has eaten all the frosting off Steve's "conTAZulations" cake he would have gotten for winning the tournament. Of course, Stan was trying to "eat away the evidence" when Steve caught him.

This, among the other 'preparatory cartoon history montages" and other 'ploys' of Stans throughout this episode and the canon of american dad set the context of false flags. Taken together, they suggest that McFarlane is constantly trying to make us think that the CIA is underhanded and certainly it's working. In this particular episode, there seems to be an outright suggestion of the CIA working with the Carlyle Group to run false flags in major world events.


I never see where all these cartoon reveals and codes are whistleblowing, but rather occult mockery...they are rubbing it in our faces.

I think you're right. That it's mockery. It turns out the two activities--whisleblowing and mockery--are a similar thing (clues), but the impact depends on the recipient's level of symbolic and occult literacy. For example, whether it's picked up on. That's the point of my post actually, to help people develop those 'eyes to see' so that the mockery doesn't become a future psychological consent or shutdown...

forum spi

Yes, I see what you're is kind of a pivot point...dark occultists saying two things at the same time, yet looking for consent, as that is their game. Besides laughing at how dumb people are...

Thank you for posting this. I've recently started watching American Dad, and it seems like there are a lot of hidden messages in it, but you're the first person I've come across that has pointed any of them out.

There's way too much to post but I'll share a couple I remember.

In the episode "Chimdale" Steve says this line:

Steve: You were right about those ribs, Justin. But I'm pretty sure the Jews didn't know about 9/11.

Unprovoked and for no reason. Definitely weird but certainly not proof of anything. There's also the 9/11 It Was Witches gag from another episode.

Now the interesting one is The Missing Kink which first aired April 14, 2013. This is literally 1 day before the Boston Bombing. Here's a direct quote from the episode:

Haley: "I had a blast"

Snot: "Well call the bomb squad, cause with the blast I had, that makes two blasts"

Less than 24 hours after this aired, two bombs went off at the Boston Marathon and the bomb squad was called in. Here's a video from that episode on YouTube.

Again there's way more stuff out there but I don't have it all listed. Anyone who follows predictive programming will know MacFarlane sold out a long time ago.

I think you made a very good case. I'm going to have to go back and watch more american dad now. Thanks for posting this stuff.

I have had an inexplicable worry of explosions for a couple of months now.

Game of Thrones is one of the most widely watched shows in the country.

No spoilers, I'll stop right there.

what i want to know is... how the do "the writers" know about this stuff?? are the writers working for the cia ?? and then somehow writing this stuff into the script out of arrogant mockery -- literally?!

I think that given the theme of American Dad in having an inept father with a hot wife and 2.5 kids and pets (like Family Guy or the Simpsons) along with the father being a spy, gives fertile ground for the writers to put out conspiracy bait.

But if Seth McFarlane is deliberately calling out the CIA in these episodes can you speculate on how Seth knows about the CIA involvement? Was it being a Hollywood insider, cause who hooked him up with the proof? Did they do it before or after he started American Dad?

If he's just casting aspersions on the CIA and not accusing them, then yeah, it's kinda to be expected given the comedy show genre.

I like your work, you put a lot of effort into it. I think you should try /r/FanTheories.

I believe this fits here. This entire post is directly conspiracy related. Not only the JFK and Challenger, but the conspiracy of subliminal television programming aswell.

How would Seth know?

Well either he's in the illuminati, or he's not a complete moron.

i suppose it does imply the CIA killed JFK heh

He could be hooked up with some insiders or could be part of it. The thing about these occultish folks is that irrespective of the side they are on, whistleblowing and mockery looks the same to us. Whistleblowing is informative whereas mockery serves as bragging right as well as a means to psychologically disempower the targeted viewers by reminding them that "we killed your favorite president and there is nothing you have been able to do about it, hahaha"

So the clues that are embedded in culture are one or the other. Typically since CIA are embedded in Hollywood you have to imagine that they know what McFarlane is putting out so it must be something either approved or deemed unimportant by them. Or its possible it was so under the radar by the bowling pin device Seth used?

Aren't Seth's cartoons the most watched of all time, besides the Simpsons maybe?

I've seen enough weird and eerie shit on family guy alone to convince me the entire thing is a mockery of normal middle class people.

There's always room for Jew jokes or subliminal "Jew-aphernalia", just to let us know who controls these outrageous sitcoms we love so much.

Now South Park, on the other hand. While I don't honestly believe they are in it for the good.. A lot of their show plots will be about a current political or worldwide event.. And they will just shit on the entire charade throughout the whole episode.

Maybe just a different method - make fools out of TPTB, so that we are desensitized to the entire situation.

"Hillary's got a snuke in her snatch!"

Well either he's in the illuminati, or he's not a complete moron.

well, it would have to be the former - how else would Seth (or one of the writers?) know about the boston bombing's "double blasts" the day BEFORE it happened?

Wow, I totally forgot about that. I read a post about it a long time ago.

He is most likely a full blown Jew with magical funny powers - not even being sarcastic.

It baffles me sometimes what they can get away with.

don't confuse "Jews" with "zionist extremists with money" -- not really the same in any significant way.

Ben affleck said Hollywood is full of cia agents

can you speculate on how Seth knows about the CIA involvement?

It's likely not from him but from higher-ups in the company. I imagine word gets sent from the top-down. Producers have the ability to add in lines or request changes to a script.

Very few people in the production pipeline need to know why a line about "two bombs" was shoehorned into an episode airing one day before the Boston Bombing. These clues are likely understood by very few people. The creator of a show may not even understand.

I think Seth McFarlane is either an insider or he's a conspiracy theorist like us. Maybe he's in a unique position to be both. I think that last situation is most likely. Kind of like those comedians who perform "the aristocrats" joke and how they are whisleblowing on the satanic child rape in the basements of rich people who hired them to do a private function

With everything you know you think Seth might just be "a conspiracy theorist like us?"

The aristocrats is among many dangles. That's the thing, it is too obvious. It is meant to be.

EDIT: That Seth would be watching from the outside would be as much of an unlikely coincidence as, I don't know, Jim Morrison's father being responsible for the ground war in Viet Nam. Silly coincidence theory-level bullshit right there.

Seth a Jew? I forget.

Oh that's right. Jews have special circuitry in their brains that goyim don't have, that lets them be tapped into the joosphere hivemind at all times, completely aware of 'their nefarious global jewgenda. Also they eat christian babies and have a war on christmas because they want to stop having chinese restaurants all to themselves on that day. Feh!

huh? what a shit comment.

No, he's an american. Oh no wait, he's a sneaky jew black irish scot. he cannot be trusted. hashtag racismsatire

Interestingly enough, Seth MacFarlane was supposed to be on one of the flights on 9/11 but was late and missed it

He actually wasn't late.... My moms best friend at the time worked at the ticket booking agency and fucked up his flight. He ended up dating her a few times in thanks for saving his life haha

I think you're right. That it's mockery. It turns out the two activities--whisleblowing and mockery--are a similar thing (clues), but the impact depends on the recipient's level of symbolic and occult literacy. For example, whether it's picked up on. That's the point of my post actually, to help people develop those 'eyes to see' so that the mockery doesn't become a future psychological consent or shutdown...

forum spi