The most illegal drugs are illegal because they disrupt mind control programming

368  2016-06-28 by 911bodysnatchers322

Redemption Song

Everyone in college has has smoked cannabis is aware of the Marcus Garvey quote, "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds", sung cheerfully by Bob Marley in Redemption song. A song to which one is inevitably exposed, given the community. The quote is frankly the one line I remember from that song. I think that was the point. (No I don't blame pot for not remembering the rest of the lyrics--my memory has always sucked)

Cannabis breaks mind control

No, there's no NIH study or pubmed article. This is a folk belief with anecdotal evidence. However, some smart people in the past have believed this to be true, and there are so many users from a wide variety of backgrounds who believe this to be true. So I conclude from that there must be at least some truth to it.

After all, anyone who smokes cannabis and watches tv or listens to radio immediately burst into laughter in the throes of their high, simply because what they are hearing is preposterous: "what I've gotta drink your beer to be sexy...whaaaat?" As the cultural programming becomes quickly prescient to the awareness of the intoxicated, advertising is suddenly perceived as hilarious and weird--perhaps even alien. You begin to wonder who and what's behind all this applesauce. In one puff, you're a conspiracy theorist, doubting everything about the world around you. And this is a good thing.

Which is bad for the establishment that wants to keep this technology under lock and key x forever, peons.

To some degree, cannabis (thc) is considered a mild psychedelic.


Psychedelics wildly alter world-view and rewire the brain. The psychedelic experience alters chemical pathways in the brain, which is perceived as the dissolving of conceptual boundaries, basically rewiring your system as you experience it. Some could say it's the active consciousness of the dream world, or 'dreaming awake at the end of time' (mckenna).

Several non-deliriant psychedelics (tryptamines dmt,psilocybin) and dissociative ketamine have the quality of stimulating neurogenesis, which is regrowth of brain neurons. DMT plays a role in the immune system by upregulating some cytokines and downregulating others--it seems to be released during times of biological stress.[1]. This is germaine to the discussion because inflammation of the nervous system (such as from a stroke) stimulates neurogenesis (cell regeneration / turnover) in the same way as a cut stimulates scar tissue.[1][2][3][4]

You have a neuropolitical right to these substances because they are the only medicine for spiritual disorders; they also happen to be the only substances that actually, truly work for curing depression and mental illness--the other pharma drugs just 'treat' them x forever--these cure.

That's another 'secret' reason they are illegal. Because they work.


I suggest that everybody tries mushrooms at least once.

Agree or lsd

I had cleaner experiences on Mushrooms than LSD. Personally i aslo think it's important to try either of them in a calm environment, anything relating to nature works best. Forests, meadows, coast or even in your back garden at night.

Nature will resonate with you and feelings of 'oneness' aren't uncommon. Neither are deep insights into the nature of existence and reality.


I enjoy both, and feel that they each have something to offer. However, LSD, although a fascinating chemical, being a synthetic makes shrooms undoubtedly more profound in several ways, imo.

The fact that they can be found naturally occurring in the wild and can be picked and eaten as they are really says something insofar as the plant/human dynamic is concerned. Why are they here? Where did they come from? Why does eating them cause most people to have profoundly moving, life-altering spiritual experiences, with long lasting positive psychological effects? Is it just us - are the caribou tripping too? They tend to be a somewhat occulted recurring theme in ancient religious context as well..

Also, when I take a low to medium dose of shrooms, I am infused with an unmistakable feeling of 'presence' is the best way I can describe it. A warm, comforting female presence, a "shroom spirit" you might say. After the trip, I am always left feeling pleasant, with an "everything is as it should be, always was and ever will be" sort of outlook on existence, which is comforting.

On the other end of the spectrum, at 1/8th (3.5gs) to heroic doses, it is a completely different story. The rollercoaster ride up can be outright scary, and LSD is much gentler in this regard (at least for me) especially because shrooms tends to make me nauseous on the come up.

Acid tends to linger for a while after you've come down, personally I enjoy it (lots of laughter, sillyness) but shrooms, poof, they are quickly gone, and it feels like they are 100% out of your system, in fact it is a bit bewildering considering how monumentally fucked up one can be and in a few short moments feel completely sober with shrooms. It is very very clean, in fact, one feels full of vitality after the trip.

I agree fully about tripping in a natural setting. It is the way to go. I can lay back and watch the clouds all day...


How on earth do you accidentally consume a gram of molly? You might not be as bright as you claim if you are taking research chemicals and dosing them based on assumptions which are based on a beyond heroic dose of a different chemical. Good way to end up dead or worse. Sorry about being a dick but you've said some pretty dumb shit in the same post as this statement "I've escaped psychosis 3 times and, thouhg I'm a C average student, still excel and surpass ALL of my fellow students in any intelligent debate or assignments."

I've always heard about the importance of a calm environment, but now consider this nearly impossible considering our mind is a collection of memories of the past. If we find our lives mostly stressful and unwholesome, how much could a wholesome environment for that one day really help? I would think one would have to immerse oneself in such a calm environment for an extended period of time (while sober) to really be in a truly positive state of mind.

If we find our lives mostly stressful and unwholesome, how much could a wholesome environment for that one day really help?

Not enough in all honesty. If you have stressful, anxious mind you shouldn't do them anyway, it's not worth the risk of a bad trip or experience. It can also depend on your past experiences with other drugs as well however, if you have smoked cannabis, done MDMA or other substances and had no negative experiences then you could also be fine with psychedelics.

But it does honestly comes down to your frame of mind at the time in your life when you choose to try them.

I've done mushrooms twice. The first time was one of the best nights of my life and the second was one of the worst. It had to do with the state of mind I was in going into it. The first time I was just going about my life normal and was in a pretty good, happy place. The second time I had some serious issues I was dealing with and they came out during my trip.

So I wouldn't risk doing any serious mind-altering substances if you are not in a great place in life. Pot, however, I do recommend if you are dealing with some personal things. There have been many times where being high has allowed me to see things from a different perspective or to be more reasonable about something. I think it has made me a better person overall.

LSD made me feel 'separated' from God, or that it simply 'kicked me off the fence' into the land of the atheist/areligious. 0 /10 would do again. Ketamine made me a gnostic, first experience with angelic pronoia and archon paranoia. Liked it maybe too much. Mushrooms made me believe in Jesus... as an 'alien' force of good. Each mushroom experience has made me feel more, not less, sound of mind. Should be legal. Immoral that they aren't.

Iv'e been telling people exactly this after my first shroom trip. Just got to let them know its not as dangerous as they may think.

lersonally know someone who had yet to come off the trip after 5 years, so there is plenty of truth to it.

i hope to try it one day but its still a gamble if its worth it

Yeah I'm gonna need something a little more substantiated than "I know a guy", before I believe some next-level bullshit like "5 year trip, gamble responsibly".


Skeptical*, and yes.

"No one's ever experienced a bad trip because I've done it before, therefore I'm an expert."

Five years though? Come on. It's not irrational to demand some evidence for that.

There are plenty of cases of people experiencing permanent psychosis after ingesting drugs just one time.

First of all, "permanent psychosis" is literally NOT A THING, dude. Please, google the term. Educate yourself before deciding to open your mouth and spew nonsensical claims. You're gonna give us a fucking stroke, man..

Second, there are different forms of psychosis, and you may be thinking of chronic psychosis as opposed to acute psychosis. Neither of which are permanent.

Finally, if there are "plenty of cases" of this new mental illness occurring, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find one, right?

I'll be waiting patiently.

Mate, that is the laziest attempt at building and defeating a strawman I've ever seen. One sentence.

The claim comment never even mentioned any distinction between "bad trips" and "good trips", just the possibility of tripping for 5+ fucking years.. it could be bliss for 5 years, how cool would that be?!


The psychosis originates from the chemical and moral pollution of modern day society. These drugs wouldn't be as harmful if we weren't immersed in such a holistically devoid and unwholesome culture. We have impressions that are very disturbing to our soul. Be ready to face them and try to defeat them. Not everyone can kill a dragon within. Without a wholesome mindset, mushrooms will give you a rude awakening. You can either then become wholesome, or go insane.

schizophrenia could be a side symptome that your brain (pineal) produces large amounts of DMT.


I had a VERY similar experience. I lived in a fraternity and my first trip showed me how artificial my friends ("brothers"?...) were.

I ended up moving into a communal monastery where I found very deep and genuine interactions. Before I made this move, I was feeling this cognitive dissonance ("psychosis"), but I felt that it was simply a force that led me to a higher state of consciousness.


Everyone is mad! We all identify the physical body and everything related to it as the self. "I, me, and mine."

It's a grand illusion.

I have a pretty rad document you would enjoy. It speaks about the three kinds of physical and psychological qualities that, when mixed over and over, create the different varieties we see in this world. It's like the RGB of reality. It's called (in english) "The Three Modes of Nature."

Let me know if you want by PM and I'll email it to you.

I`m interested.

PM me ur email

Is there not a link to send?

I have the pdf. I've been emailing it. Unless you have a free upload suggestion.

You know a guy trying way too hard to be cool.

That sounds awesome

upvote for precaution.


I'd say the same about dmt.

It's a wild experience, and it's a delight to read about the experiences others have had.

Now I'm chasing sounds I heard through various forms of synthesis, frequency modulations and waveforms.

Same boat here brother, Il-Harmor, Zebra-2, Omnisphere, and serum for me :).

Zebra is on my list! I'm using Spire and Massive (not a huge fan to be honest) and recordings. Besides Spire's ridiculous cpu usage I've never experienced FM with ease, besides ableton's operator.

Have a soundcloud or music page? here it is man, and i've never used spire, nor really heard of it... and yeah ableton's Operator is pretty nifty.

Your sounds are beautiful!

wait, do you live in new jersey?

I'm in nyc and looking for other producers to play with live, and slowly meeting other people that put together visual and video edits.

Yeah i live in NJ, on the edge of princeton. It would be great to play with some new people live. I mostly do photoshop edits, and not so much video work... but done some before. And thanks for the kind words about my sounds. Appreciate it :). Enjoying your spatial field track, sounds good, liking the harp/string pluck instru.... and your bass, and pads.... all very nice. xD. here's something im working on yo!

all I can ever do when I'm on mushrooms is feel immense amounts of compassion for others who haven't experienced them. It should be a must. words cannot describe the benefits of them.

Unless you are predisposed to mental illness... Psychedelics aren't a one size fits all solution or experience. I mean if you're manic or bipolar or schizophrenic or on SSRIs and you still want to eat shrooms or tabs of acid that's on you...

...and Salvia.

"Fly away with me, to the smokey rooms of..."

Sweat sweat! It's too hot! Sweat some more, before your head pops!

"Flying through space time. Wave at the pixel creatures emerging from the cracks in the floor. Which way is down? Why am I falling sideways?"

"I feel alive. I should drive. Why don't we dive, into another realm..."

I can't move. Why is it so hard to get going... AHHH. Now I'm on the floor.

"And let the mind wander, from here to yonder star, as that part of your brain, which you've never seen, is interacting, driving you in..."

Sane thoughts. I'm cooler now. I'm so thirsty. I think I can sit up now... OMG... That was intense. What time is it?

It's only been 13 minutes...


EDIT: If you like them, I can do more...

Damn right we like them. Do more :)

"No, I've never done more than 3 grams, at a time. Six... are you sure?"

Swallow the crispy funky crackers, a gift from the gods. Chew chew chew, but try not to spew. 
It can be gross, but it's worth a dose. Magic fungus, what will you show me today?


"I'm feeling fine. Such a responsive mind. No pain for me. I actually feel free."

The stomach gargles, spurts and cramps. Oh fuck, did I just shit my pants!? 
Just a fart... phew... that was weird. Stay calm, stay cool. It's not insanity, as you feared.


"Magic waves upon the floor. Colors I have seen before. The walls contain smooth flowing shapes. I would eat this, if I were an ape."

"But aren't you an ape?"

"Who said that?"

"It's me. The all pervasive everythingness that flows through all existence."

"I'm a Jedi!"

"Not quite. Ponder this: What makes me any more real than you?"

"What I... don't follow... the floor. Does Alex Gray know about this? They've stolen his art work..."

Everywhere I look, I see the mushroom crook, bending down to greet me, and bending back to push me, farther into a visualization, no... a feeling. I can feel you looking at me. Is this how things will always be? Have I broken my mind?

"Don't do that. Worry and fear have no place here. Leave your doubt with this iridescent trout."

"Glub glub. I lub you. We're the same. The trees, that plane. 
You are part of us, and we'll never let you go."


"Already? Time really flies... Flies... like those one's right there, leaving purple cobwebs in my hair, suddenly not there... so I relax, and they surely reappear. Wow! I have hair!"

The benevolent clouds look down upon me as I stare into the all consuming darkness that is the 
cosmos stretched above me, like a special showing of the greatest living art to have ever occurred. 
This life, this experience, this is all a gift. 

I cry tears of joy, but I feel no judgement. Surely some would call me a wuss, but I'm removed from it. 
I can't feel that self-inflicted wound?


"And I lift my mug of brew, reluctant as I do, for I can not stop my mouth, from laughing, giggling, as brew trickles south."

The music is so awesome, the atmosphere, choice. Alone, or am I?, I raise my voice. "What song is this?"

"The stereo's been off the whole time?"

Where did a chorus so fine, find a brain like mine?

It's the fungus. We're you're friend. Everything is absolutely wonderful. The perceived differences between objects are exactly that, perception. They are not as unlike as you assume. But now, we are running out of room.

And like a train slowly breaking for the upcoming station, my brain realizes with hesitation, that every journey has a bend, and likewise, an end.

"So how was your weekend? We went to see the new movie."

I ate some "bad food" and talked to a metaphysical trout about the overbearing existence of life and the interconnectedness of all things in existence. We are all one body, one mind, one experience.

"My weekend... it was fine. I stayed inside."

EDIT: Lots to edit :P Should look better now.

AWESOME! Thank yow :)

No problem. I've always liked your posts on here. I'm happy to oblige.

However, I think I still have one more that I'd like to get out. It concerns a combination of hallucinogens I DO NOT recommend. (The dosage of the plant varies wildly, much like Salvia Divinorum. You could follow what I did, to the letter, and overdose and die. I got lucky. I know a few that weren't as fortunate. I've probably caused irrepairable damage to my heart from what I did.)

So I begin:

As the human mind flexes, forever searching for a nexus (probably around the solar plexus) it decides upon a route, that is overgrown with doubt, but I have my friend, the trout.

So mix as I do. A little of the common leaf, to serve as a base, a bit of lotophagi's delight, to brighten up my face, finally the emerald sorceress, her plant has no place. But upon this night, her I do embrace.

Fire cleanses as it consumes. See through my work as it spews.
Now hold it close and don't let go. Keep it there so you will know.

Once, twice, thrice, did I kiss, but something seemed amiss.

"This isn't any different. Did I do something wrong. Perhaps I should've used a bong. I will wait, but how long."

And as I sat in solitude, my ears picked up a queer tune.

"Maynard should be wailing loud, but... what is with... the crowd."

50s big band music feels "my room." But I am not there.

"This is not my room."

No one else seems to care. In fact, they scare! Without faces anywhere!?

"Oh fuck, what have I done. I'm not here with anyone."

I see, as in, I can only see the large dance hall that was once my bedroom.
Inside, humanoid creatures twist and loom. Greyscale, no color in bloom.
I fear my world is closing in. In a panic I look again.

I see the most beautiful woman, in a golden dress, dancing in my room. Where once was grey, green has taken hold. She wears a mask of abyssal darkness. To me, she looks.

I hear nothing. But I hear her question.

"Why are you here?" Accusingly, yet pleasant.

"This is my room. Why are you here."

Without a word she spins in dance, and vanishes from my glance. I look around the room, and see my old bedroom.

"... comes back around, to show you everything. Let's you choose what you will not see and then Drags you down like a stone, or lifts you up again. Spits you out like a child, light and innocent..."

"I've tripped many times, but never have I been unable to make something go away, at will. That was real. Too real."

I retire to the implied safety of the adjoining, smokey room.
I am relieved to see it has not changed.

"Why am I here? Why are you in my room?"

As the brain counts change, trying to make sense, I feel estranged, from my common sense.
As I ponder, into my room did wander, a treat for the eyes.
For as I look about, I perceive a scorpion, of enormous size.


I leap from the chair, and secure a baseball bat. But OMG where is it at!??!
I scan around the room, certain of my doom, when it reveals itself.


I strike truly, but to my dismay, the little bastard, got away.
In an instant I receive his riposte. I feel the stinger pierce my skin.
Searing pain... Must escape... 

I fall onto the dance floor, hard wood. Smells like pine, though. I look back unable to find the room I just left.

Dread is my friend, for he stays with me, regardless of my wishes.
Oh to have my trout friend. I don't get stung by fishes.

But experience, preparation, and training save me.

"That's it. Breathe in... and out... In... and out..."
"This is not real. I am under the influence of a mind altering substance."
"This is not real. I am okay. I am fine. Everything will be okay."

I repeat my mantra to keep sane. The scorpion escapes back to the aetheral plane, from which it came. I no longer feel its imparted pain. But upon a wooden floor, I sit. The situation, it does not fit. For my room is carpeted, and this new place is... not... real...

A host of green, to complacent to be mean, make quite a scene.
Dancing across the floor, never daring to get too near a door, I sit and watch... unexpected gore?

"Why are you here?"

She has returned, but golden lace, has been replaced, with a rotting face, her mask, displaced.
I do not answer, instead I swear. Am I still in my underwear?

Like some twisted Michael Jackson video, faceless humanoids dance, zombie-like, jerking to and fro. They ignore me completely, only the woman acknowledges me. In some carnal ritual they begin devouring eachother, ripping flesh and limb with tooth and nail.

"I think I was doing better with the scorpion."

Again I wander from the dance, still in my underpants, but when I arrive I am in a trance.

I look at my surrounding, as my fears are drowning. Bigger still, everything gets. Shrinking, am I, to the size of my pets.
Like little Alice did before, I must do, once more. What potion did I quaff? Why do I feel un-safe?
Without missing a beat, my next foe desires to meet. And as I lose my mind, I pray that I will go blind.

"Spiders made of serpents? WTF are you?"

"What happens if he repents?"
"Another soul for you."

As I have surely lost my mind, a moment of clarity, do I find. Somewhere deep behind, a whisper, a child.

"Piper can save you."

And so I try. I do not eat it, so gross it makes me cry. So instead it sizzles, to burn and fry.

Hurry up. Hurry up. I donh wanth... to...

So hard to sit. I am so heavy. So very heavy. Like planets crashing into one another. I am gravity.

Spidews, burble, donh wanth... noth real... Imth fine...

I lose consciousness.

I awoke the next day, on the floor of the adjacent room. Tool's lateralus was still on loop. My baseball bat survived. No more hallucinations that could not be dismissed, disbelieved. Never again.

Fantastic! Thank you :)

Here is one of mine, unfortunately though, I am not poetic. It's a tribute to DM Turner.

As for Tool's Lateralus, oh my! What a theme song to travel with.

Excellent write-up. I especially like how she pushes you. That's what it feels like. "Are you trying to stand up? Nope." and you fall into the wall.

The flying sensation as well. I've always felt that while with her. Though, I've never tried the tea... I should do that...

She is beautiful and powerful, the first time really that I felt the essence of femininity.

As for the tea, very subtle and powerful when used over a few weeks. The dream realm, wow!

I always liked how you need less potent salvia, the more you use it. It seems like you would reach a point where your Kappa Ohmoid receptors just say "Fuck it. You're tripping." Hopefully not, but I always thought that was one really interesting aspect of it, compared to other psychoactive substances.

Totally agree, the reverse tolerance is brilliant. I attribute it to becoming less toxic, I consider salvia to be a detoxing herb so it would make sense that once she does her thing for a while you become more receptive.

I also found it amazing that it made alcohol and processed foods taste putrid. After regular salvia use, taking a sip of spirits or taking a bike of a chocolate bar was insane... so wrong.

It's such a great plant. "You want to fly again? Oh, no it's only $4 this time. Tree fiddy next time."

Hmm, I never paid enough attention... but I rarely drank when I was more actively using salvia. And now I drink homebrew instead. Damn... I should make a salvia lager.

haha... if you do, let me know. I'd love to sample it. That said, it will be extremely bitter, like the most bitter bear ever.

I'm in the US. We don't get bitter anything. It will be a nice change.

I can't say I agree with you.

Many people need happiness before enlightenment if that is the actual experience you want them to have.

MDMA is what I reccomend to everyone. It leaves you with a feeling that is closer to understanding once its done with you. Things like shrooms can provide a fearful response or adverse reaction with some.


I just recently acquired some nice caps, only done L before :)

I want to but I am scared of it.

I hear mushrooms can alleviate fear. :)

At subthreshold doses they are anxiolytic similar to valium of xanax; threshold psychedelic doses and higher, the effect is canceled out by the anxiety created by the experience itself, which to some inexperienced people can be very alarming.

It's supposed to be a safer, less psychologically 'dangerous' experience than dmt or salvia. I don't speak from experience in this regard. I've never had a powerful psychedelic experience on mushrooms, only subthreshold 'cheap acid' level experiences. level 3 or lower experiences. we didn't know how to dose it.

I've always wanted to but no fucking clue where to get them. . .

I've heard you just have to grow them but disclaimer i cannot recommend anyone do anything illegal even if they are moral because 5-0 is watching you. hashtag panopticonselfcensor

I'd get them from a mailbox after the delivery guy leaves them there.

Unless there is a family history of psychosis. Then I would not recommend.


It's like entering another world; one you've never been to before and probably never will enter unless you have the experience.


No images will prepare you for the actual experience. Don't get the wrong impression from "psychedelic" imagery and art. Although i tend to appreciate & like it, it's not anything like a 1:1 map for visuals.

But regardless, psychedelics are certainly not simply about the visuals, it's about the feeling and your personal journey. Art is someone elses journey, a vicarious experience, at best, and useless at worst. I've even had trips where visuals were minimal, but the feeling and experience were still intense.

P.S I'm italicizing "feeling" because it's not like other human feeling/emotion, and I'll fail to describe with any word.

This is true.

I would imagine that 'the matrix' might be the beginning of an explanation. Or alice in wonderland. It's about completely shattering your concept of reality and experiencing other dimensions.

For example on ketamine, I embodied a brick in a wall. So I had brick-consciousness. I also was an air molecule travelling through pipes in an organ. I also was in a control room where I could see the film strip of my life, and of other people's lives, and like jorge luis borges' the aleph I was viewing the cityscape of manhattan upside down and I could zoom in and through every place there from a crack in the wall.

Sounds like some awesome, intense experiences.

Directed towards u/melmelcom, but also you: what 2D image or even 3D virtual reality experience could possibly transfer these feelings/experiences? It's just impossible. There will be no virtual reality psychedelic experience, although I am sure they will try to pass it off as one. To restate my grandparent post, these psychoactive chemicals do something to your brain other than alter your visual reality. People who haven't experienced psychedelics tend to just think you see pretty shapes and colors, and maybe see things. Such a confusion is part of the deception. If that's all it did, and there was a slight risk, I'd probably avoid them. But because I know it's so much more, psychedelics are much more attractive, especially with an admittedly slim to none risk of going insane, or whatever they say happens.

On sharing experiences:

I had a particular memorable Salvia trip where I could see an infinite number of paths my physical body and reality could play out. It was like my movement could be expressed in an infinite number of ways; a thought that probably seems easy to philosophize on sober (something along the lines of parallel worlds,) but in this trip it was really happening ... or at least I perceived it to be happening; the exploration of multiple paths of time. That is, time and it's usual steady traversal direction was completely under my control and I was free to explore different "paths" for a few minutes until I came back.

Truly mind bending.

You feel the world in an entire new way. You connect things before you assumed were unconnected. You feel one with everything and appreciate things a lot more.

I spend a lot of time reading about psilocybin and other psychedelics. The more I read, the more I feel like they're exactly what I need in my life. The majority of my waking hours are spent depressed and wholly apathetic about my own well being.

I could not agree more

Sorry, I'm not a dopehead. I don't need drugs; I'm already high on life.

"I'm high on life" is code word for desperately needs psychedelic drugs injected into face by vulgar tranny hookers

DMT was a life altering experience. I stopped being an Athiest after DMT.

There is something out there, even if we lack the tools to comprehend it.

LSD solidified my belief that organized religion is BS but a great force may be out there

Having done DMT afew times and still being Atheist. Dont worry folks, it wont send ya crazy :p

Edit: This isnt a dig sorry everyone is entitled to their own opinion. After all these years of evolution the human brain has gotten EXTREMELY complex. On a incomprehensible scale. Insane things are gonna happen when you take insane substances.

you just didnt do enough :)

100mg+ multiple times. Flying through hyper space, cities, entities, the works mate I have seen it all. Let me ask you this, for these visuals, you have to have seen the man made structure and have a concept of it in your head. If someone done DMT thousands of years ago I extremely doubt they would see these new age structures. I believe its the same for these entities/"gods" we see.We know the basics of what we imagine they are like. Fuck dude some people see memes when they are blasting off. It is all man made shenanigans. When you die DMT gets released in your brain. I believe this is something humans have developed as a coping mechanism for death. I have had near death experiences before. Your mind/body does absolutely crazy things. In terms of thoughts/feelings/emotions nothing is out of the realm of possibility. Billions of years of change/evolution will do that. An incomprehensible amount of time.

Fair enough. I see control structures through religion with roots in cosmic love, as stereotypical as that sounds. This paired with the realization we're all part of a larger simulation than we all know.

I don't know if we are alone or not. But DMT showed me how much there is I can't see on a day-to-day basis.

The DMT experience is far too organized to be a random evolutionary quirk, or at least that's how it feels to me. Unfortunately no one is studying it in detail and relation to evolution. This is far more potent than the tradition "intelligent design" argument we hear from bible thumpers. The inherent math and potency of the message is astounding.

I'm also not sure about the DMT being released in your head when you die thing, I've read that's an urban legend.

I've heard this theory that DMT/NDE is there to teach you all the things you failed to learn in this life, as a recap, before you start the next one. What do you think of this theory?

I'm not sure if it's Mckenna or Watts, JC Lilly, or someone newer like Jay Weider or Joe Rogan or something. Sorry I wish I knew the source

I dont believe in the afterlife/reincarnation of any sort. I think it is nothingness once we die just like before we were born.

I hope im wrong but no matter how I think about it or what I take, I just cant get passed that thought process.

Interestingly enough though one of my near death experiences involved a book opening with my life playing out in it. As orbs of light left my head and went up through the air duct. My room disappeared and it was an over grown bushland.

We really need to put more research into everything we can and fuck the legal status of substances, knowledge is power.


It is very illegal.

You buy it from someone, or you order the plant materials online and extract it yourself.

I only do it every few years now, but it's a few thousand years of information injected into your brain in about 10 minutes.

It's maybe the most illegal thing. It's basically Dune's spice

From the countless things I've read (but not experienced) you become Mau'dib and see the past future everything.

Go on

go on what


Injected as a metaphor. No needles needed. You smoke it.

I'm not sure. It's easy for a chem student I heard. It's not as complex as LSD.

God dammit wish I would have seen that before I jammed this needle in my skull

Prepare for blastoff.

It's easy for a chem student I heard. It's not as complex as LSD.

The following is all lies:

LSD is a PITA because finding ergot is not the hard part, it's getting enough ergot to "safely" infect your grain, so that you have a sizable amount to work with, without losing a fucking limb to gangrene." That, and it's incredibly difficult to accurately make LSD, and not one of 100 analogues near it.

DMT extraction is pretty straight forward. You need an acid, polar and non polar solvents, and time. It can take a long time to leech all the materials you want, from the plant matter.

The most dangerous part (or so I hear...) is making the best solvents for the operation. Chlorine gas is a cunt. Buy high quality masks, and don't forget to check your filter.

However, you can find DMT fucking everywhere. If I go outside, right now, I can point to 3 plants that contain at least 0.01% DMT, if not more. You can readily harvest enough plant matter to make a few grams of DMT. That should last you a year, or so.

No DMT is taken orally as ayahuaca with oral activator maoi inhibitor, or freebased (smoked) as a crystal, usually on top of marijuana (green screen)

Learn to use the deep web, for it's abundant. We'll all drugs are in the deep web.



We'll all drugs are in the deep web.

"I'm dmt cosby"

theoo was supposed to be funny.

J E L L OH MY GOD! The earth is shattering into infinite snow flakes that won't fade from my vision.

What happened during the experience?

You inhale 2-3 big puffs. Keep it in as long as possible, you should within seconds feel the on come. This is when you should just sit back and let it happen. Close your eyes and this is when it REALLY starts. Your whole body will tingle and "something" will tell you that something big is gonna happen - JUST LET GO. My experience from this point forward was basically me shooting out of my body at great speed into space. I could actually see myself leaving the atmosphere and going into space. After few seconds of intense visual stimuli - I found myself sitting on a disc? Next moment this red orb hovered closer to me and started showing me scenes. Almost like a movie that is playing at high speeds - I dont know if it was my own future, past or someone else's. Felt as if I was shown important information so I tried to remember but it is just too fast. Then I could feel the effects wore off and I could feel myself grounding back to my body. This is all happened in like 5mins.

It is one of the most crazy experiences you will ever have. No acid, mushroom trip is anything like it.

Oh, this was also not DMT - it was Changa. Changa is basically the same. Short trip but more intense than DMT - but same basic compound structure.

Actually I don't plan to try DMT or drugs but I like reading what happens during the trips, especially the encounters with entities. Thanks for your testimony

I was the same but my curiosity was too much to contain, I wanted to explore as much of this alternative dimensions as I could. If you are very interested in trip reports you should go read trip reports on

I spent months reading these website before I decided to experiment. I did all drugs I could find (except heroin - too scared of needles) for 2-3 years and stopped. Never got addicted, never stole money, never skipped work/family, had a stable job in corporate. Now I just take LSD every 6-8 months to see where I go.

I have encountered a few entities, most of the time they are unlike anything I have ever seen. No definable shape - just almost like essence/energy. Never direct communication. This DMT trip was also my first encounter.

No problem, ask away if you have any further questions.

What do you think of the hypothesis that this is how biblical figures got their inspiration? I've only smoked pot and this never given me life changing trips. But the stories I read about shrooms, lsd, dmt, etc give me reason to believe people from the Bible were possibly under the influence of these substances

Going a little deeper, there's a theory called the stoned ape theory. The principle of it is that evolution of the brain was kick-started when our ancestors (the apes) ate magic mushrooms growing in the wild and that is what helped develop human consciousness as we know it. There's some cool info on it out there if you look.

ah this is the gold I was looking for coming to this thread, thanks for the new lead :)

No problem, having tried psilocybin myself it seems plausible.

evolution is a lie, in my opinion. Maybe minor evolutions but we are human and apes are apes we have always been smart the government just hides that fact because they want to make it seem like we suddenly turned into this level of intelligence. Humanity is getting dumber.

Edit: To add more DMT, mushrooms and marijuana are all over the pyramids and hieroglyphs.

Not you again... Why the hell would they lie about evolution? What's the alternative explanation? There's too much evidence supporting evolution to ignore. I'm not saying evolution is an entire lie, I'm saying we evolve in little ways but you can't go from an ape to a human. Not possible. I also believe something makes everything.

Evolution is provable by experiment.

ate magic mushrooms growing in the wild

Generally under bovine or equine shit.

"Where do you think the term 'that's good shit' came from?"

Part of me wants to ignore animal ethics and shove drugs down an actual ape's bloodstream. Another part of me puts on a tinfoil hat and wonders whether the scientists communicating to that one famous ape already secretly used illegal drugs.

Well, there are reports of ancient civilizations (China has records of mushrooms use 6000 years ago) that used psychoactive plants as part of their rituals (as you probably already know) so I pretty sure that it played a vital role in the evolution of the human consciousness. I think we have always been "smart" - with the right catalyst (real life event, drugs, many factors can do this) you break the veil and start seeing life from a completely different perspective.

I know that is my experience at least, I am not the same person I was before I started using psychedelics.


What do you think of Marijuana?

I think marijuana is great.

I grow it, smoke it, eat it. I use it on a daily basis (small quantities).

Changa is DMT mixed with leaves traditionally one being an MAOI.

Agreed. Was an atheist, smoked that stuff, no way...there is something else.

Hmm. YMMV. It didn't change my views on god or make religion seem like a good idea. I believe it is a moment of forced self-reflection. The 'machine elves' are merely the underlying subconcious seeking some sort of classifiable existence, as our brain really wants to classify things.

I stopped being an Athiest after DMT.

You probably weren't really an atheist in the first place, or you were & just wanted not to be, so you found an excuse.

no. I was. for ten years steady.

I seriously doubt any drug has any influence on the religious beliefs a person holds unless they're incredibly susceptible to the placebo effect or are incredibly stupid. I'd prefer to think you're the former.

Have you ever done LSD or DMT?

if not, please take your shitty attitude elsewhere

Yes, I've done both. I've had dreams just as vivid & surreal as a good trip, so it's not really some earth-shattering change when you understand it's just your mind malfunctioning.

Calling it a malfunction is a copout.

How is it a copout when it's the truth? When you sleep, different parts of your brain shut-down. When you remember your dreams, enough of your brain was active that you can recall what you were thinking at the time, but so many other parts of your brain were turning off & on that it comes out as nonsensical & you struggle to understand what's going on & fail. It's similar to how optical illusions work, or the way we compensate for the blind spot in our eyes. Paranoid schizophrenia is when a person is incapable of identifying anything as being random & meaningless, so they find patterns everywhere, even when none exist.

LSD just adds "noise" to your brain's processing. It's like listening to a song you've never heard before while white-noise is playing over it. The more of the drug you take, the louder that noise gets & hallucinations are like you botching the lyrics as you try to sing along. Instead of singing, it's nearly everything your brain does.

Malfunction is a perfectly apt description.

You chose to discount the psychedelic experience, I choose to go deeper.

You're on your trip/journey. I'm on mine.

I don't feel LSD/DMT are a malfunction but rather a triggering of certain receptors that change our perception of reality.

I don't berate others for holding harmless points of view of reality.

Good luck to you.

But why do you choose to go deeper? What makes you so sure there really is anything deeper to go into? It's just a chemical, it's not magic that defies reality, it's effects are scientifically predictable.

You're just seeing what you want to see & ignoring the contradictions, like when you said you "don't berate others for holding harmless points of view of reality" after telling me "please take your shitty attitude elsewhere". You berate others, you just do so more passive-aggressively by claiming moral superiority that you've deluded yourself into thinking you actually have.

Because I believed nothing for a long time. I believed this was it.

DMT showed me a synthesis of science and spirituality. I'm not religious, I'm spiritual. One peg up from agnosticism.

You brought a shitty attitude to a neutral topic of discussion. I'm not claiming moral superiority. Just saying you're either trolling or just like being mean on the internet. Good day.

I'm not trolling or trying to be mean, I'm trying to help you understand your own mind. You believed something for a long time. Atheists believe in the world existing without magical unexplainable gods, agnostics believe in nothing, unwilling or incapable of forming a belief about the topic.

At some point the belief that material reality is all there is became scary to you, so you ran from it to something more comforting. I don't know if it's because you're starting to come to terms with your own mortality or what, but fear is the #1 motivator in life.

And, again with the passive-aggressive berating by saying you're "One peg up from agnosticism." which you imply is above atheism. A lot of spiritualists use the expression of being at a "Higher-frequency" when they're metaphorically looking down on someone. I'm sure you're not even aware that you're doing it.

Naw dude, you're just being an overbearing dick.

I'm not trying to be a dick. How am I being a dick? I'm just trying to explain how I think things work & you're jumping down my throat just for contradicting your worldviews.

Plausible, but it reeks of the 'No true Scotsman' fallacy.

That was not my intention. Having beliefs that differ significantly from the mainstream can be very ostracizing to some people, so an atheist in a rather spiritual/religious community might want to be included or at the very least not demonized for it even if they don't believe in the things the community does. Maybe he doesn't want to be labeled an atheist because he doesn't like the behavior he's seen of them. Saying "I had a life-changing experience" is usually enough of an excuse for people to say they changed their beliefs.

On the other hand, I'm sure you're familiar with the cliche of the rebellious teenager who defies their parents rules/orders or beliefs simply to shit-stir, but by that age their beliefs are probably so well ingrained into their mind that it becomes too hard to change for real. And again, once someone has labeled themselves something for long enough they might find it too hard to change without a good excuse.

That was not my intention. Having beliefs that differ significantly from the mainstream can be very ostracizing to some people, so an atheist in a rather spiritual/religious community might want to be included or at the very least not demonized for it even if they don't believe in the things the community does.

I knew better than to "profess my atheism" until I had my own place, and a stable job. I did this for reasons you mention. I didn't want to be ostracized, lose a source of income, and be the living embodiment of the prodigal son parable.

You bring up excellent points to support your argument.

When I was really interested in a catholic woman, I "wasn't an atheist" until much later in the relationship. I don't misrepresent myself that way, anymore, but I can completely understand what you mean.

Wow, you must have come from a really shitty place if you had to hide the fact that you were an atheist. Mind if I ask where?

Anywhere along the US's Bible belt. It's much more accepted today, but 2 decades ago... not so much. I would've been able to do it earlier, but I didn't want to jeopardize my relationships with other believers. So I took it slow, and let them each know personally, after I had my own living arrangements.

It stems from "when you are under my roof, you follow my rules." So, I made sure I had my own damn roof. :)

Good for you. I'm from New York & the first time I can remember anyone gave me crap about being an atheist, I was 23. But on the other hand, bringing up religion at all is pretty rare in these parts. Thanks to the internet, I learned I should probably never move to the bible belt. (although I'd love to move further south if only for a milder winter)

The Bible belt is disintegrating, so that's nice. You'll still get ostracized in certain places/work environments if you don't practice some form of religion. Some people's minds are completely blown by the idea of not worshiping something every weekend... It's odd.

Yeah, when you're isolated enough it becomes hard to understand different concepts. I know there are plenty of people who think atheists worship satan because they can't imagine not worshiping anything.

There is something out there, even if we lack the tools to comprehend it.

I don't get it, this belief doesn't conflict with atheism at all. "We don't know what's out there" is a core atheist belief, is it not?

Atheism is quite literally the opposite of theism. It's a disbelief in the presence of a God.
Agnosticism however is sort of the middle ground between atheism and theism. I don't want to label Gonzobon but he sounds agnostic to me. I too am agnostic and my first mushroom trip is what brought me here.

id say I am spiritual, but not religious.

Are you a 15 y/o girl?


Atheist literally means "not a theist", which does not necessarily imply disbelief in the existence of a god, though many people do use it this way so it is best to use the term agnostic.

"Agnostic" is just a cowardly way of calling yourself an atheist. How many atheists would really deny the existence of God if presented with irrefutable evidence? Very few.

However, the benefit of calling yourself agnostic is avoiding arguments with these sorts of retards who insist that all atheists are militant non-believers with an unshakable faith that there's nothing else out there.

Calling people cowards on the internet for being humble and honest about their world view is a really cowardly thing to do.

I think what they're getting at is that there are things that seem difficult to account for in strictly material terms (i.e., spiritual).

Atheism is a faith based belief system asserting that there is no greater consciousness than us.

Nope. Sorry, try again. Faith implies belief in some something in spite of evidence to the contrary. I don't need faith to think there is no higher power because I have seen no evidence to suggest that there is. Anyone who says atheism is a belief system has already lost the argument. There is no system; it is the exact opposite of that. It is the absence of a system.

No, its the opposite end of the spectrum to a belief in God. Same concept, different sides to same coin. The "is there a higher power" coin. How is saying "there is no god" not a belief? Saying there is nothing out there is a belief, since it cannot be proven or disproven.

The person I replied to said that atheism is a "faith-based belief system." My point is that it is not a system by any stretch of the imagination; it is a single belief. And most importantly, it is an evidence-based belief. As in, no faith required. I don't need faith to not believe in a god any more than I need it to not believe in Santa Claus or unicorns. With no evidence of those things, the default position is non-belief. The only spectrum here is between the amount of value you place on observable evidence versus value placed on wild speculation.

I think atheism is actually a belief based on a lack of evidence, which to me seems just as silly as the guy-in-the-sky. When I hear atheist, I hear "if i can't quantify it, then it must not exist" That is not an evidence based belief, its just an arrogant assertion that nothing exists until you discover it.

You call it evidence based belief... Yet your evidence is lack of evidence. Gotcha. Anything there is a lack of evidence of, automatically equals doesn't exist? That's pretty bold.

From Wikipedia:

Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.

Are you arguing that all atheists strongly believe that there are no deities based on no evidence? I would wager most atheists are open to the possibility of there being things greater than us that we don't understand. It would be highly arrogant and obviously incorrect to assert that our species even remotely understands the true nature of the universe.

You have a false notion of what atheism is. The first few paragraphs of this Wikipedia article might be helpful:

7 dried grams of psilocybin mushrooms in silent darkness was the Red Pill for me. It established firmly the Self-realization shifting paradigm that in fact our true nature is consciousness. We are the voice in the dark. We are the ones who choose. We are the ones who speak. We are the ones who create. We are the ones for which every experience is made available.

"The particular brain regions that were silenced or disconnected from each other by the drug also provided insight on the nature of psychedelic experience and the therapeutic potential of psilocybin. Two regions that showed the greatest decline in activity were the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC).

The mPFC is an area that, when dysfunctional, is linked with rumination and obsessive thinking. “Probably the most reliable finding in depression is that the mPFC is overactive,” says Carhart-Harris.

The PCC is thought to play a key role in consciousness and self-identity. “The most intriguing aspect was that the decreases in activity were in specific regions that belong to a network in the brain known as the default network,” notes Carhart-Harris. “There’s a lot of evidence that it’s associated with our sense of self — our ego or personality, who we are.”

“What’s often said about psychedelic experience is that people experience a temporary dissolution of their ego or sense of being an independent agent with a particular personality,” he says. “Something seems to happen where the sense of self dissolves, and that overlaps with ideas in Eastern philosophy and Buddhism.” This sense of being at one with the universe, losing one’s “selfish” sense and vantage point, and feeling the connectedness of all beings often brings profound peace." Source

Psilocybin (Psilocin, 4-hydroxy-DMT) actually turns of the majority of the brain as shown by fMRI scans. Yet we are far more aware, conscious, sober, clear, intuitive, loving, understanding, compassionate and creative. Consciousness is non local to this ape body. Once You realize this, all fear is vanquished forever. Also Your priorities shift from seeking materialism and accumulation to seeking novel experiences in life. The global cabal uses fear and debt to control humanity. Once fear and desire for petty sense objects is vanquished, You become a Sovereign. Sovereign spiritually and intellectually because of establishing a heart (soul) and mind (ego/personality) connection.

We are the all Eternal Individual Consciousness. The Awoken will create the new set of games and experiences on Earth.

My vote goes to Venus Project, a Resource Based Economy and becoming a type 2 civilization like the one in Star Trek.

Peace, Love & Aliens ; )

Love this.

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer.”

~Nassim Haramein

The compounds actually also occur naturally in the human body. If we want a war on drugs, than the drug law makers should be thrown in jail, because those compounds exist within us all. Great post, mate.

Sounds like everyone would end up in jail. Oh wait, we're already there!

They call them "correctional facilities" now.

Maybe we should rid them of the taboo when we finally do throw them in jail, and make sure everyone is on the same page with the official name change and indoctrinate it MK Ultra style, or something akin to clockwork orange.

What are they correcting though? Obviously not the people locked up...

They are correcting the inmates into North Korean workers.

For reference, please watch Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

What do you think is in the pinneal gland, Hunter is so obsessed with?

Then again most anti depressant and psych meds don't really work. They make the patients in to complaint zombies, work with enough of them to know how compliant and slave like attitudes. I have seen people get off those meds, smoke a little cannabis. After that they seem more alive. Those meds are turn peoples in to zombies. Favorite line from Jefferson airplane white rabbit," free your mind"

I thought they were illegal because it was a way for the government to control the trade and create huge revenues for black projects.

Is that not accurate anymore? Didn't it used to be this way?

For substances like cocaine and heroin, not mushrooms, LSD, and MDMA.

What about hallucinogens though? I thought Nixon made those illegal so he could arrest hippies, or was that only marijuana?

The CIA experimented with LSD themselves on subjects. Psychedelics are not illegal because they care about our health, they are illegal because their little modern society would collapse if large numbers of people took psychedelics; they help you see though the bullshit, how we are being fucked over by our government

They also tend to break addictions. LSD / mushrooms disrupt the wiring of the reward centers of the brain. You can facilitate no-withdrawal cessation of alcohol and heroin with psychedelics.

"Nobody knows shit from shinola" but psychedelics help you realize this. If you realize no one else knows shit, you're less likely to be sold on something useless, like being convinced you need to buy certain things to appeal to others. And how do you buy vanity objects and fashion? With the money you spend time earning.

That's crazy to think about.

They're heavily illegal because it was the easiest way to go after the blacks and the hippies in the 60's and 70's.

The reason they wanted to go against counter culture people was because they don't like those thoughts. It was the UN who effectively banned these drugs through treaties and creating the scheduling process WORLDWIDE with the Single Convention on Psychotropic Drugs.

"He gave the power to the have-nots... and then came the shot!"

That convention was in 1971. The drug war was in progress for decades prior to that.

The term was popularized by the media shortly after a press conference given on June 18, 1971, by United States President Richard Nixon—the day after publication of a special message from President Nixon to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control—during which he declared drug abuse "public enemy number one".

lol or just downvote. anything to stifle civil debate, right? why are you even here?

what? nobody downvoted you, the parent comment is at 1

So are we talking about the term "war on drugs" or are we talking about the war on drugs?


Even more to the point.

Two birds, both stoned.

Psychedelics won't kill, they can damage you if you're careless. Psychedelics are the teacher you love because you are both the student and teacher. You learn to have an independent mind which is a dangerous act when it comes to the government. Even though you don't do anything because you know efforts may be futile, how many others like you are realizing the world for what it is? That's pretty awesome in itself and soon things will change. As long as you're safe, psychedelics are the only drugs I rarely have to worry about, other than the first time lol.

Great post. I go to the woods every year for solstice with mushrooms or lsd and spend the day in nature.

It's my favorite day of the year.

I need more information on auto immune system and what works with it.

I had that day a few months ago, was very fun, wish I took more.


...or they make you believe in it.

After all, anyone who smokes cannabis and watches tv or listens to radio immediately burst into laughter in the throes of their high, simply because what they are hearing is preposterous:

This is so true. Me and my friends used to watch commercials with the sound off because they were so ridiculous, bizarre, and hilarious.

It's funny because you're seeing how the sausage is made while you're eating the sausage.

The machinery comes into view when before it was just one big marketing blowbang

"You can't smoke pot and not realize the government is full of shit." - Adam Kokesh

Great post

Counterpoint: the legalize push, while it's not originally a top-bottom movement, it now is.

This tells me that certain companies, certain legislators, certain judges, have conspired to allow certain patents on cannabis, in order to take it down the same road tobacco went down.

They want to tax it, too. That's what they always want to do with anything you own.

There are so many breeds for medical use, bred with specific effects. Maybe They finally found out how to breed out the MKUltra-nullifier?

They've certainly had the time and resources to figure that out. I'm just waiting for the "tailor made" strains that "Don't smell like pot. Tastes like Mountain Dew. Won't redden your eyes." to be advertised by some Unilever corporation. That's the only confirmation I need.

Cathy O'Brien mkultra whistleblower: "Marijuana Disrupts Mind Control Programming"

I just had a thought about this. Ever notice how the push for legalization has come at the state level, on a state by state basis? Yet, even while this has been going on, the Federal government has steadfastly continued to pursue and prosecute.

Maybe the reason for this is that, at the state level, they aren't aware of the real reason why cannabis is illegal. The Feds (and the MkUltra folks) know that cannabis negates their programming. Maybe this is why they still don't want to legalize even when individual states are doing so?

Yes and I think it's time that if the government won't fix their hypocritical legal conflicts, the nonconstitutionality of it; and they want to claim sovereign immunity so you can't sue--for example--the DEA, then another thing we can consider is this: sue the individuals.

Do individuals that happen to be government employees also have sovereign immunity? If so, in what type of lawsuits?

Where I'm going with this is: you sue the employees of the DEA, individually> You sue the director of DEA for making shit decisions. You sue him for all the reasons you have, throw everything at him. You make the injuries all the people with the illnesses like cluster headaches or migranes or mental illness that have been on 'treatments' that have not worked, costing them time, money, emotional despair, and ---you may not know this but as psychiatric patients are 'figuring out their medication', the different medications can have profoundly behavior-altering effects that can cost those individuals their jobs.

Is the DEA director going to pay for those damages, by class-action, with a potential plaintiff size of millions, with injuries spanning decades?

We're talking trillions in damages. An amount neither he nor his family could pay off for thousands of lifetimes.

If this is at all possible, by all means call Erin Brockovich and give her activism steroids and aim her squarely at DC. I'd say take them all down, even retroactively to past directors and decisions makers in the DEA all the way back to Nixon.

In America Lawsuits are how you communicate to assholes who make decisions that make your life bad.

They're illegal because they're difficult to control and easy to use as a scapegoat. Now you can sell them for a high price and then arrest the buyers and make 30k a head at your for profit prison.

Sort of along the same lines, they want busy workers who will do as their told. The illegal drugs make people more free spirited and less cooperative. Including alcohol. But They've clamped down on alcohol to make it manageable. Also it's pretty hard to be drunk at work without being caught. A lot of drugs can be used without notice. Can't have that now can we.

I do cocaine so i can work longer. so i can make more money so i can Buy more Cocaine so i can Work longer...

Sounds like a plan. I know you are pointing out addiction. But also you are happily using your favorite drug.

The psychedelics for sure. And marijuana obviously goes without saying. If I never smoked weed or took LSD when I was in college, I probably never would have woken up...

Man, there are some many poorly thought out or just plain bad theories on this sub that I forgot what being convinced was like. Thank you for have a valid point, end game and we'll explained theory overall. Honestly, I really appreciate seeing this theory and you have definitely provided food for thought.

Cannabis, cannabis oil and certain B vitamins have been proven to be nothing but medically beneficial, no harmful side effects, all even help your body destroy cancer cells, and all are illegal.

“In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.

[DEA Administrative Law Judge - 1988]”

― Francis Young

The Prophet spoke of this. By prophet I mean Bill Hicks.

I think it's interesting the two drugs that are legal, alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all, are legal, and the drugs that might open your mind up to realize how badly you're being fucked every day of your life? Those drugs are against the law. He-heh, coincidence? See, I'm glad mushrooms are against the law, 'cause I took 'em one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, "My God! I love everything." Yeah, Now, if that isn't a hazard to our country... how are we gonna justify arms dealing if we know we're all one?!

On fucking point as usual, OP.

Thank you. But wait till you see my anus of providence post

might change your mind ;)

Ha! Note I said "as usual," not "always" — nobody's perfect — but the important thing is you continuously put in the thought and the effort and churn out all these thought-provoking posts. Anyway, can't wait! ;)

EDIT: Found it, and it's glorious, whether or not it's even remotely "on point."

Uh, how about say.

Heroin? Which just knocks you the fuck out.

Or cocaine, which just speeds you up.

Its just as illegal.

those drugs most of the time have a very strong come back. Repeat buys.. so you keep those illegal because they can fund your black projects. Psychedelics are very self regulating and if you want that magic experience you should hit it no sooner than every 6 weeks.

No to mention how tolerance wil skyrocket with most psychedelics.

Because tolerance isn't a concern with opiates?

The addiction mechanism isn't present in the psychedelics, it's present in the user if it's present at all.

With heroin, the addiction mechanism is inherent to the drug.

So there's a distinct difference.

They are also a great pretext to keep large amounts of your black population locked up. The War on Drugs started under Nixon when fear of a race war, or a mass violent black uprising was very real.

Actually cocaine is a schedule two substance and cannabis is schedule one meaning cannabis is considered more dangerous.

Unless it's synthetic marijuana in pill form produced by big pharma (Marinol) then it's Schedule III

What do you think congress was doing in the 70s & 80s? Certainly not snorting powder... never.

Hell, we replaced a coke addict with Obama Jelly, so that we can replace him with one of two coke addicts. Good times.


I think there's a tangible difference between people that occasionally use and people that use on a daily basis.

People who typically use on a daily basis are escaping something they don't like. If they are the type of person that "chases the high" or typically smoke until obliterated they aren't really using the drug "as intended".

IE: If your intent is to get "beyond stoned" every time you smoke you probably have an issue. This is the same behavior you find in alcoholics or any person with an "addictive personality".

I've had 2 bosses who smoked pot daily. They were at pretty cutting edge companies and they were software managers that were very skillful at what they did:programming. They weren't the 'cto or tech mgr who has a phd in music' or anything like this. They could code. My mgr actually had to jump in and fix a problem, so he went outside with his little pocket vape pen he had just gotten and got a puff, then cranked out some seriously clever fixes.

Although he was going through a separation / divorce, he took it in stride/. I think how 'normies' would handle it: much much worse I imagine. I think as a tool, it helped him, but wasn't a crutch or a disease like someone on alcohol would be for comparison. The differnce is the alcoholic is impaired, the pot user is enchanced, calmed. Pot user can use at work because this was colorado and they trusted their employees and did not drug test them because we'd all fail in different ways.

That's a false paradigm. I've fired some quite unproductive pot users in my time.

My first experience with mushrooms was a walk from the West Village to Times Square in slippers at 2 in the morning with my friend dressed as Heath Ledger's Joker. It was one of the most awe inspiring experiences of my life. Times Square has a majesty to it that is not apparent without psychedelics. Usually try to not go anywhere near it usually.

Everyone here needs to read up on TERENCE MCKENNA, he will change your life. Also Robert Anton Wilson (perfect for this sub). Both are information junkies about everything you have ever wondered about.

Take both those guys with a grain of salt...

Why would you suggest that? Both are loaded full of beneficial information.

I'd suggest that you take everyone with a grain of salt. Not saying your suggestion is poor, just that people need to take a critical approach to everything they read. For example, Noam Chomsky is also full of beneficial info, and you should definitely take him with a grain of salt, too. Look up the concept of "gatekeepers" — / . Most public figures, even your most beloved fonts of wisdom, function as gatekeepers on some levels.

Look, I love McKenna but I don't buy into 100% of his ideas. And R.A.W. has some fine quotes, I guess, but he had ties to spooks and other questionable sorts.

Yes. They are known assets of the intelligence community, at that time.

I over analyze everything when I smoke, to the point that it is super uncomfortable for me. So I don't smoke, not in this world. I completely agree tv and movies seem so strange.

I was so high in college when I went to see "falling down" with michael douglass. One of the most underrated movies of all time.

That movie is incredible to watch stoned. It is so nuanced and you'll catch every one. I thought the movie was good because I was high, so I watched it again for like the 8th time just a few years ago and nope, it's just a great movie.

I watched gullivers travels when I was high, after that I really started hating jack black. Lol

Great article, and until you've experienced states like this first hand, you have no idea how these substances allow you to "see the matrix"

I believe psychedelics have an important role in humanity right now when used properly and not abused, they are medicinally and spiritually beneficial to us.

I agree. Reverse the brainwash

This is undoubtedly a massive conspiracy; the smearing, the injected fear (fear of bad trips, induced schizophrenia and psychosis,) the prison time, the insane confusion between psychedelics and narcotics, opioids, amphetamines etc ... and more.

Psychedelics will free your mind if used intelligently, in a personally controlled manner, and therefore not abused. Marijuana is just a taste of it though. Salvia, LSD, and Shrooms are advised.

Never met anyone who never came out of their trip (and I know a lot of people that have tripped hard.) I presume the danger of this happening is close to zero, but I wouldn't discount it totally. You should be much more reserved in experimenting if you are confirmed to have "underlying mental problems" whatever that might entail.

I believe alot of drugs are healthy in moderation. They keep your mind open to different possibilities

Bullshit it breaks mental programming. Some of the most plugged in people I know have smoked tons of weed and done shrooms and LSD.

There are also ways out without any drugs at all. So you can save yourself the expense and potential legal liability. But the people most likely to be programmed for some reason or other aren't exactly up to doing a walkabout or going through prolonged meditation. Sleep deprivation can get you seeing and thinking about some weird things in an altered state of mind, and coming to some interesting realizations too.

Most drugs though seem to be the shortcut method of getting the brain to do similar things.

I believe that about other drugs, not marijuana so much or opioids since they've flooded the nation with that for a 'reason.' If that were true about marijuana Im sure that they would do everything in their power to stop marijuana from becoming legal anywhere if that was the case, unless it's just another big experiment.. When they started talking about legalizing marijuana I kept thinking "okay so what's their angle why would they do this, why would they let this happen ? " My conclusion was that they would make marijuana legal Nationwide because it makes people complacent, less prone to resistance if they ever declared martial law or came at people violently, it would pretty much be no contest because the majority of the people would be too high to be a serious problem for them to handle it would actually help them ... I always think about what the other probabilities why they do what they do & it's never because they're doing something nice it's unfortunately always because there's an angle.

I think it's hard to stop marijuana legalisation, it's the most widely used illegal drug in the US. And now that we have the internet and websites like Reddit, the truth about the drug is being pushed out there. In fact I see talk about marijuana daily on the internet now, how can you stop that, to keep up the lies would only show the corruption.

My conclusion was that they would make marijuana legal Nationwide because it makes people complacent, less prone to resistance

I feel like this is part of that outdated "stoner" stereotype that we've become accustomed to over the decades, but I don't buy that to be true at all. I think it can be true and is true in many cases, but it is hardly the norm. From my experience with pot and from those around me who do it, I've seen it have many effects, positive and negative. The "Heyy mannnn" stoner does exist, I believe, but I think it is more from a result of abuse rather than use, and is more related to people who were bound to abuse some substance one way or the other. If they didnt' discover pot, then it would have been alcohol, coke, sex, whatever, pick your addiction.

As for someone like me, I smoke regularly and have been doing so for many years now and I don't feel any different mentally than I did when I was younger. In fact, I think using pot recreationally, not abusing it, has made me prone to wanting to fight for what I believe in and not letting people run me over. But weed is a drug and it can be abused just like any drug. You have to be smart about it. When done under the right context, I feel that it be greatly beneficial to most people. But everyone is different, and not everyone can handle it like I could. If I had not started using pot, then I don't feel like I would have the intellectual curiosity that I have now. I love getting high and opening myself up to possible conspiracies, human history, and the future of humanity. I'll smoke and listen to a lecture because I find that stuff fascinating.

Heroin? Crack? they are pretty illegal no?

Please read this article: Drugs are a tool just like the next thing...

I think the thing with cannabis, is just that it makes you think diffrently. It gives you a new perspective on things, and it makes you able to see connections, you couldn't before.

I don't think it "breaks mindcontrol", I think it CAN allow people to stop trusting the current beliefsystem they have, and stop litsening to traditional authority

Ayyyyyoooo. Weed bro

The title is complete and utter horse shit. Drugs and alcohol change you, so if "mind control" wanted a better chance to work, drugs would only help them...typically not the target.

the internet isn't freeing our minds, it's doing the opposite. try to imagine a world where no one watches TV, reads the newspapers or browses the internet. Completely cut-off living IRL. Whatever bad happens would be known to only neighbours and witnesses on the location and they either will be or won't be able to sort it out. But millions of people won't be hearing about that one incident or 100s of such incidents. Everyone will go about their life, work and leisure without any news from unrelated people, except the occasional long distance phone call. I think if this kind of world existed, fewer bad things will happen, because the motive of the people doing the bad-things, i.e. to let the vast majority of their targets know how bad things can be, are or will be, won't be achieved.

You can call it a conspiracy, but they're just drugs. The effect you're getting is just your body processing the substance and getting that garbage out of it. Whether it's Sugar, Alcohol, THC, or Psilocybin, it's poison that needs to be purged, and people get attached to the process of purging it. Every time you take a drug you are processing something -- going through a trip -- and just like being sick it doesn't end until it's all out of you.

Cannabis becomes less and less of a psychedelic the more you use it, with chronic use it gets to the point where you're as dumb as a donkey. Psychedelics become ineffective over time. With so many people embracing cannabis it looks like it's becoming abundant and legal, THC's starting to look like the new sugar. Psychedelics are far from being the most illegal drugs, look at heroin and methamphetamine, they cause serious problems for people ...

Now spiritual insight and curing mental illness? I'll leave you with fasting and meditation. There is no need to use drugs, the real cover-up is that your body is an alchemist that provides you with everything you need. So when you go back to taking comfort in delicious food, mesmerising TV shows, and your favourite websites, and your mind wanders to who's preventing you from feeling content and complete with nothing more than your next breath, grab a mirror and have a look at the true oppressor.

Such an excellent post, I've been thinking these same thoughts lately. When I googled it, your post was the first hit. Great work

puff puff pass

Whatever you say drone bzzzzz

So let me get this right. Op didn't laugh at media manipulation until they had done drugs cause it was then they noticed it?

If that is so drugs and awakening are really not the focus here. You just want to get high. Its OK to admit it. Hell first time I did weed I wanted to get high. I fucking did too.

Then I wanted something more so I did MDMA. Then shrooms, then meth, then ketamine and so on and so fourth. It didn't awaken me to some truth it made me high which is what I wanted. Worked great too.

This culture of people today just wants to ignore the shitty aspects of reality and need an excuse to ignore it. So you find a reason. You don't need drugs to have awakening. If you do then you will never be truly enlightened. You will just be a drugie.

Hell I was but quit on my own cause I grew up. Don't really miss it either. I have a mortgage, insurance payments, and a job. Also have a family to support. That's where many of you lack that something in your life. You are just self indulgent and need to please yourself.

You never care about others. Just to get yourself fucked up.

Your whole argument is based on you defining someone else's subjective experience, and is invalid. Stop projecting.

This isn't news. People have been reporting awakenings to the reality of the human condition from psychedelic use for a very long time. If you're so basic you just cared to get high and didn't get any deeper experience, thst is a reflection of you, not everyone else.

If you need enlightment why can't you achieve it without drugs?

No one is saying they're a requirement, just a viable tool for many.

This same person tought me about elementals and how to manipulate my element.

Maybe its just me, but I was able to reach a higher plane without any substances. As was he. Drugs seemed to cloud the mind when try to interpret the meanings of visions.

I don't look for external advice on attaining enlightenment, nor do I view it as a process with a set goal, nor do I spend my time thinking about it if I can help it as I find it impedes the process.

I would personally say it is best to wait until the vision is over before attempting to interpret it.

Its been my understanding that if you can't reach enlightment without the use of mind altering chemicals then it isn't really enlightment. Its just someone getting high.

Not being a dick or at least not trying to be that is my true understanding of it according to someone that explained it to me while teaching me about the rubaiyat.

Any enlightened person wouldn't give a fuck.


id say I am spiritual, but not religious.

I enjoy both, and feel that they each have something to offer. However, LSD, although a fascinating chemical, being a synthetic makes shrooms undoubtedly more profound in several ways, imo.

The fact that they can be found naturally occurring in the wild and can be picked and eaten as they are really says something insofar as the plant/human dynamic is concerned. Why are they here? Where did they come from? Why does eating them cause most people to have profoundly moving, life-altering spiritual experiences, with long lasting positive psychological effects? Is it just us - are the caribou tripping too? They tend to be a somewhat occulted recurring theme in ancient religious context as well..

Also, when I take a low to medium dose of shrooms, I am infused with an unmistakable feeling of 'presence' is the best way I can describe it. A warm, comforting female presence, a "shroom spirit" you might say. After the trip, I am always left feeling pleasant, with an "everything is as it should be, always was and ever will be" sort of outlook on existence, which is comforting.

On the other end of the spectrum, at 1/8th (3.5gs) to heroic doses, it is a completely different story. The rollercoaster ride up can be outright scary, and LSD is much gentler in this regard (at least for me) especially because shrooms tends to make me nauseous on the come up.

Acid tends to linger for a while after you've come down, personally I enjoy it (lots of laughter, sillyness) but shrooms, poof, they are quickly gone, and it feels like they are 100% out of your system, in fact it is a bit bewildering considering how monumentally fucked up one can be and in a few short moments feel completely sober with shrooms. It is very very clean, in fact, one feels full of vitality after the trip.

I agree fully about tripping in a natural setting. It is the way to go. I can lay back and watch the clouds all day...

Prepare for blastoff.

I've always heard about the importance of a calm environment, but now consider this nearly impossible considering our mind is a collection of memories of the past. If we find our lives mostly stressful and unwholesome, how much could a wholesome environment for that one day really help? I would think one would have to immerse oneself in such a calm environment for an extended period of time (while sober) to really be in a truly positive state of mind.

Five years though? Come on. It's not irrational to demand some evidence for that.

Mate, that is the laziest attempt at building and defeating a strawman I've ever seen. One sentence.

The claim comment never even mentioned any distinction between "bad trips" and "good trips", just the possibility of tripping for 5+ fucking years.. it could be bliss for 5 years, how cool would that be?!

How on earth do you accidentally consume a gram of molly? You might not be as bright as you claim if you are taking research chemicals and dosing them based on assumptions which are based on a beyond heroic dose of a different chemical. Good way to end up dead or worse. Sorry about being a dick but you've said some pretty dumb shit in the same post as this statement "I've escaped psychosis 3 times and, thouhg I'm a C average student, still excel and surpass ALL of my fellow students in any intelligent debate or assignments."

Atheist literally means "not a theist", which does not necessarily imply disbelief in the existence of a god, though many people do use it this way so it is best to use the term agnostic.

LSD made me feel 'separated' from God, or that it simply 'kicked me off the fence' into the land of the atheist/areligious. 0 /10 would do again. Ketamine made me a gnostic, first experience with angelic pronoia and archon paranoia. Liked it maybe too much. Mushrooms made me believe in Jesus... as an 'alien' force of good. Each mushroom experience has made me feel more, not less, sound of mind. Should be legal. Immoral that they aren't.

No problem. I've always liked your posts on here. I'm happy to oblige.

However, I think I still have one more that I'd like to get out. It concerns a combination of hallucinogens I DO NOT recommend. (The dosage of the plant varies wildly, much like Salvia Divinorum. You could follow what I did, to the letter, and overdose and die. I got lucky. I know a few that weren't as fortunate. I've probably caused irrepairable damage to my heart from what I did.)

So I begin:

As the human mind flexes, forever searching for a nexus (probably around the solar plexus) it decides upon a route, that is overgrown with doubt, but I have my friend, the trout.

So mix as I do. A little of the common leaf, to serve as a base, a bit of lotophagi's delight, to brighten up my face, finally the emerald sorceress, her plant has no place. But upon this night, her I do embrace.

Fire cleanses as it consumes. See through my work as it spews.
Now hold it close and don't let go. Keep it there so you will know.

Once, twice, thrice, did I kiss, but something seemed amiss.

"This isn't any different. Did I do something wrong. Perhaps I should've used a bong. I will wait, but how long."

And as I sat in solitude, my ears picked up a queer tune.

"Maynard should be wailing loud, but... what is with... the crowd."

50s big band music feels "my room." But I am not there.

"This is not my room."

No one else seems to care. In fact, they scare! Without faces anywhere!?

"Oh fuck, what have I done. I'm not here with anyone."

I see, as in, I can only see the large dance hall that was once my bedroom.
Inside, humanoid creatures twist and loom. Greyscale, no color in bloom.
I fear my world is closing in. In a panic I look again.

I see the most beautiful woman, in a golden dress, dancing in my room. Where once was grey, green has taken hold. She wears a mask of abyssal darkness. To me, she looks.

I hear nothing. But I hear her question.

"Why are you here?" Accusingly, yet pleasant.

"This is my room. Why are you here."

Without a word she spins in dance, and vanishes from my glance. I look around the room, and see my old bedroom.

"... comes back around, to show you everything. Let's you choose what you will not see and then Drags you down like a stone, or lifts you up again. Spits you out like a child, light and innocent..."

"I've tripped many times, but never have I been unable to make something go away, at will. That was real. Too real."

I retire to the implied safety of the adjoining, smokey room.
I am relieved to see it has not changed.

"Why am I here? Why are you in my room?"

As the brain counts change, trying to make sense, I feel estranged, from my common sense.
As I ponder, into my room did wander, a treat for the eyes.
For as I look about, I perceive a scorpion, of enormous size.


I leap from the chair, and secure a baseball bat. But OMG where is it at!??!
I scan around the room, certain of my doom, when it reveals itself.


I strike truly, but to my dismay, the little bastard, got away.
In an instant I receive his riposte. I feel the stinger pierce my skin.
Searing pain... Must escape... 

I fall onto the dance floor, hard wood. Smells like pine, though. I look back unable to find the room I just left.

Dread is my friend, for he stays with me, regardless of my wishes.
Oh to have my trout friend. I don't get stung by fishes.

But experience, preparation, and training save me.

"That's it. Breathe in... and out... In... and out..."
"This is not real. I am under the influence of a mind altering substance."
"This is not real. I am okay. I am fine. Everything will be okay."

I repeat my mantra to keep sane. The scorpion escapes back to the aetheral plane, from which it came. I no longer feel its imparted pain. But upon a wooden floor, I sit. The situation, it does not fit. For my room is carpeted, and this new place is... not... real...

A host of green, to complacent to be mean, make quite a scene.
Dancing across the floor, never daring to get too near a door, I sit and watch... unexpected gore?

"Why are you here?"

She has returned, but golden lace, has been replaced, with a rotting face, her mask, displaced.
I do not answer, instead I swear. Am I still in my underwear?

Like some twisted Michael Jackson video, faceless humanoids dance, zombie-like, jerking to and fro. They ignore me completely, only the woman acknowledges me. In some carnal ritual they begin devouring eachother, ripping flesh and limb with tooth and nail.

"I think I was doing better with the scorpion."

Again I wander from the dance, still in my underpants, but when I arrive I am in a trance.

I look at my surrounding, as my fears are drowning. Bigger still, everything gets. Shrinking, am I, to the size of my pets.
Like little Alice did before, I must do, once more. What potion did I quaff? Why do I feel un-safe?
Without missing a beat, my next foe desires to meet. And as I lose my mind, I pray that I will go blind.

"Spiders made of serpents? WTF are you?"

"What happens if he repents?"
"Another soul for you."

As I have surely lost my mind, a moment of clarity, do I find. Somewhere deep behind, a whisper, a child.

"Piper can save you."

And so I try. I do not eat it, so gross it makes me cry. So instead it sizzles, to burn and fry.

Hurry up. Hurry up. I donh wanth... to...

So hard to sit. I am so heavy. So very heavy. Like planets crashing into one another. I am gravity.

Spidews, burble, donh wanth... noth real... Imth fine...

I lose consciousness.

I awoke the next day, on the floor of the adjacent room. Tool's lateralus was still on loop. My baseball bat survived. No more hallucinations that could not be dismissed, disbelieved. Never again.

How is it a copout when it's the truth? When you sleep, different parts of your brain shut-down. When you remember your dreams, enough of your brain was active that you can recall what you were thinking at the time, but so many other parts of your brain were turning off & on that it comes out as nonsensical & you struggle to understand what's going on & fail. It's similar to how optical illusions work, or the way we compensate for the blind spot in our eyes. Paranoid schizophrenia is when a person is incapable of identifying anything as being random & meaningless, so they find patterns everywhere, even when none exist.

LSD just adds "noise" to your brain's processing. It's like listening to a song you've never heard before while white-noise is playing over it. The more of the drug you take, the louder that noise gets & hallucinations are like you botching the lyrics as you try to sing along. Instead of singing, it's nearly everything your brain does.

Malfunction is a perfectly apt description.