All Firefighters should refuse to enter highrise buildings for any size fire, due to sudden building collapse syndrome. Proof of sudden building collapse syndrome is the fall of 3 buildings due to fire on 9/11

35  2016-07-03 by 911bodysnatchers322

Even a small wastebasket fire could bring down the AT&T building in Nashville, TN. Because steel framed buildings are vulnerable to collapse of any small heat fluctuations from within the building. This is sceince.



Clearly you and I both have a keen understanding of the science.

As much as someone might believe in the cause economic slavery will see them enter the building for fear of losing their job. That's why most people don't buck the system in one way or another. Fear of retribution, failure, and/or unemployment.

The demolition industry could also save billions of dollars by abandoning explosives and using matches or lighters instead.

I wonder why they still use explosives. A simple office fire would suffice to bring down any skyscraper, no?

And skyscrapers should now be made from the same material that passports are made from, since that material appears to be indestructible.

I know planes are expensive, but if they just made hollow aluminum plane decoys filled with dead people, chairs and all that, and jet fuel, couldn't they just launch those at buildings like with a ballista... and recreate the same building-destruction every time? Even those times when you simply "think about using them" but no plane actually hits (or even missing them---just the act of planning on using the plane decoy should make buildings fall, right...I mean isn't that's what happened with building 7)?

Building 7 wasnt taken down by jet OP has a point

I was taken down by the thought of a jet hitting it. Consciousness is real, man. And Fire.

Conscious intent and a miniscule Fire caused Sudden building collapse disorder.

you have to say 'miniscule" like Noam Chomsky. Helps to pound your hand on a hard surface while you say it, so that they know, so they really really know, man

I get this is sarcasm but firefighters are truly brave and heroes, in my eyes. You could tell them there is a risk of the building collapsing and if there is still people alive inside, they're going to go in. That's admirable to me.

This isn't really about that. Firemen's actions are based on scientific evidence, they act according to fire safety manuals that haven't been altered as a reaction to 9/11, which if it is legitimate, should. According to the official narrative, steel-reinforced highrises should now potentially collapse as a result of fires. This changes everything. Of course it won't actually change anything, because people realize that what happened on 9/11 is not what was told on the news.

I mean, wouldnt part of the structure also have to be damaged from a large plane to fit in to that as well, not just fire?

Yep, that kind of person is the kind of person I want going into a burning building prone to collapsing at any moment. If only every person like this would go into burning buildings then over time we'd solve 9/11 eventually. Perhaps even if we run out of buildings

firefighters are truly brave and heroes, in my eyes.

No doubt about that.

You could tell them there is a risk of the building collapsing and if there is still people alive inside, they're going to go in.

Firefighters are truly brave and heroes, but they aren't stupid.

actually in the area I work only about 1 person in every hundred that apply get the job but atleast it doesn't pay that well

It almost always goes to a veteran. I don't know why people even try, regardless of their interest, commitment or athleticism

it depends on the area, we actually just went through a process and did NOT hire 3 veterans because of tatoo's, the mgmt received so much hell they changed it really quickly(policy) . It also depends on your background, I had mucho grande paramedic experience and that is the way the industry is swinging, but I got hired 23 years ago.

Simply put , I aint scared to go in a class one construction building that is unless the alphabet soup gov't resides in it.

Even then, the building could collapse. In fact the WTC complex housed CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and FEMA offices...Even housed the company that owned/leased building 7...the same company that was asked for records related to insider trading at worldcom. Such a strange coincidence.

But, I mean, no one is safe really!

seriously this is what class one construction acts like in a major fire

they don't fall down, engineers are not full of shit


Can you incorporate this into your platform?

Not sure I understand this request...are you asking jcp?

Yeah I think he is thinking about running as an independent. I said that is should be part of his campaign.

What part of this platform? Shitty what happened to the guy.

That fire protocols should be changed to include managing the risk of sudden collapse syndrome.

You should google all the new NYC building codes that were enacted after 9-11 to prevent any new structures from also collapsing in a like manner. There were about ten of them and they all concerned more lighted exit signs, wider stairwells.... but surprisingly, not one had anything to do with using unmeltable office fire steel.

I'm no expert but it seems making steel that melts at basically room temp is a bad idea.

I'm surprised they even use steel anymore. It can melt basically in your hand before chocolate even does. I'm surprised they don't just go back to something more reliable like concrete because concrete is stronger than steel. Actually they should build the whole thing out of glass or like another user suggested, a stack of us passports that are given freeley in belize to state sponsored terrorists, according to McAffee.

Yeah I think he is thinking about running as an independent. I said that is should be part of his campaign.