The world is not ending.

20  2016-07-04 by EndlessCompassion

I know it's a nice fantasy to think the country or global economy is about to collapse. Everyone who wants this to happen has some misconception they will personally benefit in some way, they'll be the last man standing and finally reap all the rewards life or society owes them.

The unfortunate truth is society will keep chugging along and we are very fortunate to enjoy a high standard of living in the first world.

Are there problems? Fuck yeah there are: wealth inequality, a broken justice system, a monopolized 'free' market. I don't see any problem with trying to fix these things. Yet you have to be realistic about the world you live in, not pray for a collapse, or that you'll win the lottery.

Life can suck some times, it's not a fair world. Try to do the best you can to find happiness for yourself. There is huge danger in becoming mired in the seemingly significant problems of the world. Your search for truth can end up in disappointment and rob you of the peace you're trying to obtain.


The unfortunate truth is society will keep chugging along and we are very fortunate to enjoy a high standard of living in the first world.

This is the paradigm that prevents democracy from working properly.

Just because you believe you are living in a stable environment doesn't mean that you should stop paying attention.

The problem isn't the economy. The problem is that the US is transforming itself into an empire with a completely oblivious population.

The last 50 years of US foreign policy has only been destabilization, destruction, and death of innocents.

Ron Paul said that we need to be aware of blowback. What I believe he really should have told us is to beware of the government that keeps it's people ignorant in order to further the goals of a few.

When your country scoffs at international law and circumvents the peace process by forming independent coalitions in order to wage war you should start asking questions.

A Democratic country shouldn't have these type of articles about them. It's embarrassing, truly.

The actions my country takes have very little to do with the will of the people, nothing to do with me. I'm okay with that. I have no intent to change the course of the world, only to seek peace for myself.


I stand by him, you obviously don't live in our culture.

It boggles the mind that people judge me based on the name I have selected.

It is cognitive dissonantly ironic; which is funny. And a bit weird...but appropriate for these days. Selfish compassion; yeah, makes sense.

Ya know, it's not that I'm particularly selfish. I suppose we all are on some level, I'm probably near the bottom of that scale. I do however hate to see people upset about trivial things. Wasting their time and energy in a futile struggle with that which they can not change. I know from personal experience the danger to becoming entangled in empty pursuits like conspiracy.

Life is really about being content with ones self and the world around.

Many civilians in other countries of the world are victims of their own, or other government-sanctioned violence. What choice do they have to not care about the world politics? You only feel this way because you're insulated from the reality you espouse.

Firstly the users of this site are predominantly people who live fairly comfortable lifestyles in the first world.

Secondarily I was incarcerated for a period of my life and I understand how little one can effect the structure around oneself, and just how upsetting being confined or restrained can be. The only escape is through realistic contemplation of your situation and to be content in the environment you are placed.


It gave me perspective.


I don't think so. Those guys are just there working, they don't give a fuck about you unless you're an asshole.

Talk about dichotomy of text vs. response...

What are you referring to (text/response)?

Oh, just the dire hopelessness and 'fixate on others' problems, instead of fixing yourself', ego-driven responses. I just saw one, and it looks like more will come.

Don't get me wrong, I agree 100% with how you are viewing the current landscape of things, and working on oneself is the best move forward for everyone. But, I have a feeling you're going to see some serious backlash on this sub because of your empathy and sincerity (unfortunately).

I preach the opposite of "hopelessness". You are not the judge. You have labeled a community before they voiced their opinion. No one condones an economic collapse.

It hasn't yet. Look at the brexit, all it was was a buying opportunity. So much for a crash.

Yeah, that was a major unexpected economic event and though it drove a fair amount of money to commodities there wasn't/won't be a crash.

I hope you are correct, but the way tech is advancing I believe you are very wrong. Major breakthroughs are on the horizon or have already happened. And these things will not be shared with the plebs. The plebs will have to eliminated, or completely controlled.

Collapse does happen, look at Rome, the Ottomans, the Victorian Era, the Soviet Union. Venezuela is collapsing right now. Brazil is about to give us an Olympic sized collapse. There are a lot of systemic problems with the system we have how that will force change. The world isn't ending but it will be changing significantly. Everything breaks down, the US is not immune.

Wrong. It is a fair world. Find happiness for those that mean the most to you. If you worry about the self you will be eaten. You have manifested here for a purpose. Do not give up, you are so fucking strong.

You have manifested here for a purpose.

Care to elaborate?

We are all here to evolve our souls and move onto the next level of consciousness. Wether or not you believe in life after death or reincarnation or spirits, your spirit (who you truly are) chose to incarnate on this physical plane to evolve and learn and progress.

Our souls chose to be born on this earth, in certain countries, with certain parents, to learn certain things and experience scenarios that will help us learn the things we need to learn to advance our soul.

A popular saying.. We are spiritual beings experiencing a physical life.

I think these ideas, mostly taken from eastern philosophy, are a metaphor for personal devlopement and growth in the physical world. You are reincarnated constantly throughout life as your mind develops and builds upon its past knowledge. The goal to life is to achieve a state of content oneness with your surroundings before your death. Enlightenment.

Hey man, thank you for the that reply, I really appreciate you being such an open and honest person.. it's truly inspirational. Anyone would be lucky to have such a compassionate, optimistic and visionary friend in real life :)

I want to make sure I'm forthcoming and honest too.. so please know that I'm still trying to understand some of the things you've said. Evolution sounds great, it's the current best estimate for how life changes and adapts over time, for how WE got to where we are today. That sounds totally cool, and I'd even go as far as to say that the universe as a whole is on some evolutionary timeline, as in, starting from point A, matter changes, energy transfers, time passes, stars are born, stars die, space expands.. all according to laws (physics) that may or may not change over time.

The part that I'm skeptical about.. is the idea that we have/are a soul/sprit. That each of us somehow chose this life in some form of predestination, maybe even free will.. it sounds really nice, purposeful, sacred, esoteric, meaningful... but how does anyone know?

The whole idea of the afterlife (or next life), the idea that I'm not my body, not my brain, not my personality. The idea that everything I've EVER experienced in my entire life, was a kind of game, a test/trial to go through for the purpose of moving my/our soul up to the "next level".. for the "next trial"..

These things are incredibly interesting to me.. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.. maybe you could shed light on where you think I am at, where you are at, why we are/appear different from eachother, with regards to these thoughts and beliefs..

I'm really glad you take an interest in this stuff man. It's truly powerful and liberating reading and learning about it.

It's a valid question to wonder where this kind of information comes from and I'm glad you asked! I have done a lot of reading on these types of subjects because it truly fascinates me. I learned a lot about these esoteric topics by reading works by Edgar Cayce (extremely gifted man that lived from 1877-1945) he was able to lie down and go into meditational states and withdraw information from the akashic records (universal records that hold all wisdom, truth, and information, about anything and everything and anyone and everyone) while in these states he was able to be a medium for people to write down his concepts while under this trance. He was able to garner information on reincarnation, the true nature of reality, the laws of karma, our past lives and incarnations etc.

He's not the only one to do so and won't be the last either. There are a multitude of books on these subjects that are truly enlightening and freeing to yourself and your soul. I highly recommend you read some of these books, they will do you such a big favor and you will want to learn more. If you have time, check out these books sometime.

  • Edgar Cayce Angels, archangels and the unseen forces
  • Conversations with God (all three books) author talks straight to God about different controversial topics
  • Seth material by Jane Roberts (she was able to be a medium for an highly intelligent entity named Seth who was able to provide a lot of esoteric answers to our world and ourselves)
  • Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
  • Journey of souls by Michael Newton. He documents work on how our souls chose to incarnate at this time at this place etc. how it feels to die, what you see and feel after death, talks about soul mates, the purpose of life etc.

These are all great books on these subjects and I HIGHLY suggest you read at least one! It is the most powerful material you can stumble across. It helps to keep an open mind with this stuff, a lot of people are ignorant and fast to jump to conclusions about these topics they have no understandings about.

In relation to our soul choosing to manifest here, your higher self (the total being of you and I) has chosen to manifest into this reality at this time for a specific purpose or several. Your soul chose everything about your current life before you were born. No one has memory of this at all unless you do a lot of meditation work. Everything from your parents, your birth place, your birth time, who you marry and meet in your life, when how and why you will die, certain life changing scenarios you experience in life, ALL HAPPEN FOR A REASON! There is no coincidence. Every person you meet in life has a gift to give you and you have a gift to give them. There are no chance encounters or meetings.

This all stems back to the fact that we are all one. We are literally God, manifested, experiencing himself, in us, through us, through millions of souls. Everything is God, and everything is a part of him. We are all fragments and shards of his consciousness. We are holy spiritual pure beings no matter how much "evil" we put into the world, or how much "light" we reflect to others.

A lot of these concepts piss people off, and rightly so, because we have all been lied to about who we are and what we are. Religion is a means of controlling and making you fear God our creator. This is not how it is supposed to be. We should all strive to be spiritual and come to our own answers and do our own thinking instead of relying on some religious institution to do it for us.

I really hope I answered your questions and I hope you read some of those books! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask :)

Peace and love friend

The world is not ending... but we need to end our current systems of control and update it with something that properly handles human equality and managing earth's resources so that we all have a much better chance at finding happiness more often than not and live in an abundant and free society utilizing smart people (scientists and scholars, not politicians) who use the scientific method and peer review (not opinions and money) to find the best answers to a positive and productive society.

The earth is 4.543 billion years old... and it's not ending anytime soon... Like all other species (so far) we can easily go as fast as we came... we just have the opportunity to last a lot longer and possibly extend our reach past our home planet.

Thanks OP for saying this.

Getting tired of the circle jerk going on in people's minds that everything is a conspiracy and the world "will end this time"

No. It won't. I remember first getting sucked into the rabbit hole and it took over my happiness and peacefulness. Conspiracies are a great way to ruin your sense of happiness.

While the world can suck and evil people do evil things, the light always wins and there will be no "world ending" scenarios.

I think people just hate the way life is or their life is so they look at small problems and try to make it fit their world view of crashing and burning so we can get a reset.

Tough shit guys, quit looking for disasters to replace what we have created. We created this fucking mess, we need to get ourselves out of it instead of circle jerking each other off on this whole Armageddon worlds ending bullshit. Man the fuck up and take some responsibility guys

Right on man, couldn't have said it better myself.

This kind of 'keep calm and derp along' is really just apathy wrapped up in statusquotarianism. I have to question you and the other guys' reason for being on /r/conspiracy in the first place--it seems to cynical for your taste.

You see because although we kind of 'want the world to collapse', of course we know it won't because it hasn't yet. But we do get to complain because if we don't, then we won't be coming up with ways to ultimately escape from it for ourselves, like for example living off the grid or prepping; or if that's not your taste, creating our own damned internet and not letting the government in; or creating web apps that disintermediate the shitheads who got us to this point; agorism and diy ethic

I agree 100%. Yes the world is a dark place. It is also a great place. There are corruption and conspiracies happening everyday. Just like everyday before it. The world will keep going despite people's fear.

Keep Calm and StatusQuotarianism.

Great advice

How are you doing tonight buddy?

The world is not ending.

It's the world as we know it that's ending. What's unsure is if what's coming is going to be better or worse. I used to think the latter, but humanity is increasingly giving me hope, despite the false narrative constructed by corporate and social media.

It's the world as we know it that's ending.

That happened on 9/11/2001.

I can get behind that statement.

That was only the launch date. There is much more to happen, and its not happening the way the instigators planned.

I guess we're at a stand still in conversation there. You believe it is ending, I do not.

I guess it depends on agreeing what the word "ending" means. ;-)

Have a happy. Thanks for your response.

We are reaching, or may already have reached, the carrying capacity of the planet with respect to the resources remaining. Between peak oil, climate change and the global debt bubble, it is very unlikely we will have another 50 years of the same.

The troubling part of this is that the elite are well aware of the true situation. I have serious doubts that they will continue to allow "the useless eaters" to squander the remaining resources.

I don't believe 'they' have a choice. A small group does not control the masses, especially when the masses get hungry.

You might want to look into how international finance works. They control you on so many levels, you are likely better off not knowing at all.

They don't. I don't live in the world of finance.

Do you:

  • pay rent or a mortgage

  • pay income or sales tax

  • use paper money or credit of any kind

  • eat food, drink water, consume resources of any kind?

Then the world of finance has a direct impact on the details of your life.

It is widely admitted in the world of finance that there are people with business interests seeking to manipulate and control the cost of lending, gold, silver and many other commodities and so on; I remember reading about a case in which financial institutions found a way to manipulate the cost of warehouse storage in a particular location, in order to manipulate the cost of the price of the commodities stored in the warehouses.

The controllers of currencies control the world

You had to go and piss on his parade. He was such a happy tard, too.

Relax friend

They are still doing this with aluminum.

However, no. I do not do any of those things, except consume. I'm fortunate enough to live in a community where my labor is traded directly for goods and services.

Excellent work. This is one of the few ways to truly rebel. Using money makes the beast stronger

I've learned my lesson in the world of money. The simple fact is you are never adequately compensated for your time in that model. Everyone down the line wants their little piece of your labor. This isn't because they're necessarily aiding you, or providing a service. It's usually because they had the foresight to stand in your way unless you pay them a toll. It's absolutely unconscionable and I don't understand how fee takers justify their actions to themselves.

At this late date, ignorance is bliss. Stay happy.

I wouldn't call it ignorance, more like realistic.

The masses needs to get HUNGRY! GET MAD!!!


The stupidity of the endless growth fantasy never ceases to amaze me.

It's absolutely about how we use things. I assure you humanity will find a way to utilize the resources more efficiently when there is a reasonable demand. This often happens when difficult processes become profitable, after all money is just a representation of labor. (Fire wood was cheap, but we used all the wood near town, now it's expensive; we have to compensate someone to go get it.)

Keep telling yourself that. The world has never seen 7 billion people. The world has never had so many tools/machines of war. There has never been the kind of ecological disasters we experience before.

The world will not keep "chugging along" as you so quaintly put it. I highly doubt humanity has got 25 years without a major reset. I am sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news though.

I am sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news though.

Another smug "insider" here on this sub, who wouldve guessed?

A smug "insider"?!? No, just a logically free thinking individual that trusts his gut instincts and knows that shit isn't right. Society can't continue "chug along" as it always has, shit is crazy out there. Gotthard tunnel opening looked like a Satanic ritual of some sort. The economy, the false flags, adult/child trafficking, priests pedos, war on terror, war on drugs, executive orders, and on and on.

Change is coming...but from what? Time will tell...

The world changes all the time and has been changing for thousands of years. Your statement and the statement of the other guy who your defending are like those sham "psychics" who call out random shit in a crowd like "someone who had a family member pass recently, yes someone whos name started with a D, David Daniel Donald, etc etc" Its just vague shit and I explained that in my comments to him. No shit things are terrible, no shit things will change, they always do. Thats what youre saying. And hes saying its the end of times, and not even engaging in discussion about it, hes just acting like the vague sham I exposed him to be. And hes acting like if you dont agree with him then you dont acknowledge the shitty state of the world. No, I acknowledge it, and he might even be right that its leading to an end, but that doesnt negate any of the shit I said about him.

Wow, now who is smug? I never said I was prophesizing or some kind of physic. I actually didn't say any of that. I guess to YOU child trafficking, satanic rituals, false flag attacks, and priest child molesters are some how a vague idea?

The guy I was defending isn't even saying stuff that could be taken as "vague". Quoted:

"Keep telling yourself that. The world has never seen 7 billion people. The world has never had so many tools/machines of war. There has never been the kind of ecological disasters we experience before. The world will not keep "chugging along" as you so quaintly put it. I highly doubt humanity has got 25 years without a major reset. I am sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news though."

I called out the facts of what is happening out in the world today. Just like him. Shit needs to change, you even say that yourself. Why again are you calling me a sham?

Nothing is more vague than "gut instinct" and a "major reset". I dont know how you dont see that. After me and another commenter asked him to go any further than that, he acted like a baby. Idk why youre even defending him, his comments are there for you to read and realize what I was saying was true. I didnt mean to upset you, and yeah maybe I was smug, but my original comment was about a smug "insider", a certain type of conspiracy nut you see especially here in this sub, no emphasis on the smug part. The fact that you attack that point alone is more evidence youre not really sure what youre talking about. Is it smug to tell someone theyre wrong? If it is, that would be further proof of what Im saying. In your comment you throw out shit like child-rapists, I dont know how that has anything to do with this but it sounds almost like that crazy nuts rants where you equate throwing out random terrible events as somehow a cohesive argument.

I guess you never listen to your instincts? Because if you have you must be a physic!!! I think because there is child-molestation happening on a mass scale in this world, the whole world should be set a blaze...We don't deserve this world...

Do you think that society is just going to keep going? The same way it always has? This shit is corrupt! I've always thought I wouldn't live a long life (That's me listening to my instincts again) and that's fine because this shit is beyond fucked up!

Have you ever read the bible? I mean I'm not even religious but come on, get with the picture...

I would actually love to hear your side of this story on where you see our society going? This rant got side tracked and I don't even know what we are fighting about.

Nothing can be achieved if we don't get there all together, and I mean every fucking human being. Poor to rich, white to black, every fucking one of us...

You are arguing that you and the other guy arent just throwing out vague emotion and random facts, by throwing out vague emotion and random facts.

Like I said, you and the other guy might be right. All Im saying is that you guys havent said anything substantiative. My original comment thay started all this was calling him a smug "insider" type of conspiracy nut. Every single one of his comments in this thread proved me right. You came in and stood up for him by doing nearly the exact thing tho I will admit that you are a lot more intelligent than him. Its ok to say you believe the world is going to end, but to try to tell me statements like

Have you ever read the bible? I mean I'm not even religious but come on, get with the picture...

Arent vague and ridiculous, youre wrong.

Its hard to explain shit when you don't have time to gather all your research and prove a point. Especially while at work.

Uhh ok then that doesnt change the facts

Okay so I was only defending that one comment by him "smug". I haven't read any of his other posts. Like I asked before what is your take on society and where we are headed?

Its shitty but its also good and thats the way its been since life has existed

So you would like things to continue the way they are?

I wouldnt, but great assumption skills

Well it's hard not to assume from "It's shitty but also good, and that's the way its always been". That to me sounds like you're happy with the way it is and since it's always been this way there isn't need for any change...Yep awesome assumption skills! Count It!

Yeah, thats pretty dumb even for your standards. You asked me about the state of the world, I gave you a realistic answer. You asked me about the future, I gave you a realistic answer. I think we are always going to be in a state of good and some turmoil. If you havent bothered to check any statistics, overall crime and brutality has been declining for years. Good is winning, but there will always be some bad. You and the other idiot are so ready to make assumptions about what I believe just because Im being realistic.

Not much is good anymore. Satanic shit all over TV, movies, music...all you have to do is watch and you'll see. For me, if society continues on the same path, we're all fucked. I care about everyone on this planet, your view point is more focused on your own life(Service to Self vs Service to Others), and not looking outside that view point. I want adult/child trafficking to stop, I want water for all individuals, I want food for every human being. 46.7 million people (14.8 percent) are currently in poverty in just the US alone. You can't say everything is good when so many people are suffering.

I am a realist of over, and being more real than you are with your head up your butt not seeing what is actually going on in this world...

Not much is good anymore. Satanic shit all over TV, movies, music...all you have to do is watch and you'll see.

Im still confused how you can ask me why Im calling you vague when you literally start your comment with that sentence. Like I said, believe what you want, but dont pretend any of what youre saying is more than emotional.

For me, if society continues on the same path, we're all fucked.

I disagree, but ok.

I care about everyone on this planet,

So do I

your view point is more focused on your own life(Service to Self vs Service to Others), and not looking outside that view point.

Again, more assumptions coming from you that I dont care about the world just because Im being realistic in saying things are getting better.

I want adult/child trafficking to stop, I want water for all individuals, I want food for every human being. 46.7 million people (14.8 percent) are currently in poverty in just the US alone.

So do I

You can't say everything is good when so many people are suffering.

I didnt say everything was good, I said things are shitty but also good, as it always has been. But also theyre better than it used to be. Thats just a fact, by any measure.

I am a realist of over, and being more real than you are with your head up your butt not seeing what is actually going on in this world...

Again, how can anyone take you seriously when youre doing the exact same thing that this argument was started over: the smug "insider" conspiracy nut character. Anybody that doesnt agree with you is a sheep or dumb or uninformed or just willingly being blissfuly ignorant and you are one of the few thats seeing the "truth" and the "signs" that the world is ending. Its fucking hilariously sad. Again, I dont know how clear I have to be: There is bad in this world, but there is also good. We just disagree that the world is going to end or that theres some crazy massive event coming. That doesnt mean Im ignoring all the terrible things in the world, it just means Im also not ignoring all the GOOD things in this world and being fucking cynical like you.

If you think the world is ending or whatever, what are you doing to prepare? Do you have a bunker? Food? Guns? Lets say you are right. Lemme know how I can prepare

It's actually very logical. Would you rather me compile a list of links you can look at? That way I won't be too vague for you understanding?

I accidentally sent it too soon, reread my comment. That being said, im curious what info youre going to give me about Satanic symbolism. Those are always a laugh

Why are you even on a conspiracy website dude? You sounds very trollish just like other dude was talking about...

1 this isnt a conspiracy website its essentially a conspiracy forum on a website. 2 just because I believe in some conspiracies doesnt mean I am gullible and easily swayed by someone just going "Man shit is terrible the world is going to hell theres Satanic symbols all over da Television!" I come here to discuss the "truth" based on facts and logic. You say Im a troll but Im trying to call people on their bullshit in this sub cuz it looks bad when people come to this sub and see comments like that guys and yours and they laugh cuz you fit the stereotype that I originally pointed out. Its why no one takes us serious. Cuz people think if you believe in some conspiracies we have to believe in Bigfoot and aliens and reptilians cuz of people like you.

Bigfoot probably not, reptilians probably not, some form of alien life yes! I would love to know what conspiracies resonate with you? Then we can discuss/debate. But it isn't hard to see that the world is going to shit. Weather like nothing seen before all over the globe for one, Hillary Clinton not going to jail for breaking multiple laws, where as any other person would already be behind bars, Federal Reserve controlling our money supply, when our own government has the ability to print the country's money, NWO where rothchild himself admitted it he wants one world government and rule. Satanism is on the rise, have you watched the Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony? It's fucked up. etc etc...

But really man I do come here for the truth, and to debate and discuss. So lets start over shall we?

Bigfoot probably not, reptilians probably not, some form of alien life yes!

A large majority of people believe in alien life. Not everyone believes in the conspiratorial narrative of suppressed alien visitors/contact, which is what makes us look crazy.

I would love to know what conspiracies resonate with you?

Resonate with me? All of em. I think conspiracies are inevitable in society and the power structure. How many do I believe? The basic ones about the Fed, JFK, planned obsolesence and the withholding of better technology, etc

Then we can discuss/debate. But it isn't hard to see that the world is going to shit.

You mean it isnt hard to take a cynical view of the world when you dont put it into context. But go on.

Weather like nothing seen before all over the globe for one,

Nothing seen by modern humans not only because of new better technology but lack of historical data and again, context.

Hillary Clinton not going to jail for breaking multiple laws, where as any other person would already be behind bars,

Nothing new shes not the first.

Federal Reserve controlling our money supply, when our own government has the ability to print the country's money,

The 2nd part isnt new, but I actually agree with the overall sentiment here

NWO where rothchild himself admitted it he wants one world government and rule.

Whether or not this means the world is going to shit depends on whether or not you agree with 1 global government.

Satanism is on the rise, have you watched the Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony? It's fucked up. etc etc...

You got any stats there? I doubt Satanism is on the rise any more than youd expect with the population increase. When it comes to that tunnel opening, Im going to agree with you for arguments sake, and then point out that thats only 1 instance. And again, it being a sign of the end of the world is up to interpretation.

But really man I do come here for the truth, and to debate and discuss. So lets start over shall we?

Then dont be mad when people point out that youre not presenting any more than vague assertions.

Ah your one of those people that nit-picks/breaks down the comments, Okay. Well to me resonating with something means being in tune with it, so you can't have all conspiracies resonate with you. I certainly don't. Resonate = believe IMO. So with all the corruption and vileness in the world you want it to keep going the way it is? My cynical view is made up from my research not emotional. I wish it wasn't that way but that is how the world. Corruption is every where and you have to lie and cheat to even be in the game.

If you aren't mad about Clinton and all the other shit yet, then you're no help to the solution/revolution. Do you see that? You have to care about every single person in the world, you can't say "Well this doesn't effect my day-to-day life so LaLaLa".

I'm Mad As Hell:

Do YOU agree with the global government? I'd love to hear what your stance on the world as a whole is. We are pretty much on the brink of WWIII.

It doesn't matter if any information is new or not, there are new people to this forum all the time, why does that matter if something I said isn't "new" it still true...




Cern Opening Ceremony: Dance of Destruction:

I look at Satanic symbolism this way:

If you were apart of a Satanic cult and were involved in a Satanic ritual. You're not actually doing anything in the ceremony except spectating and looking fly with your nice tailored satanic robe. Would you consider that you then took part in a Satanic ritual? Yes/No? Now take that same ritual and broadcast it on TV. People watch, but are only spectating, did they take part in the ritual then? That is why they put satanic symbolism and rituals into entertainment and things like opening ceremonies.


Animal Die Off 2016:

Erupting Volcanoes:


I guess that's if for now. I really hope you actually take the time to look over all the linky-links.


I guess I'm an insider too and didn't know it because I agree with apoplecticmiscreant. I'm an outside-insider. I guess that's better than being an inside-outsider--cuz then you're just a cuck.

The smug insider character type deludes himself to having secret knowledge or to be seeing something that everyone else is either too dumb or a sheep or willingly blissfully ignorant. We are all here in the conspiracy sub, so its a given that we are "insiders" but theres a certain character type that Miscreant fit to a tee, and I can only hope you dont follow him. Its ok to believe what he believes, but dont present vague emotions like he did and try to pretend youre making a rational argument. Also, Im pretty sure if youre insinuating Im a cuck that would actually make it true for yourself. I already thoroughly proved miscreant wrong and if youre following in his footsteps it wont go well.

You took it as smug. The reality is, nothing is more sad than the failure humanity is about to face. Get as emotional as you want, it will still happen.

The problem is that you sound exactly like a teen who just found conspiracy, vague emotional exaggeration and arrogance included. The guy even presented a good counter-argument and you just plowed through it with more teen-worthy angsty rhetoric without even addressing his point. Idk, Ive heard the same shit so many times it gets annoying seeing comments like yours that are never right

The real problem is that you're an annoying bitch that complains like an angsty teen about people who complain like angsty teens instead of arguing about the actual topic. You sound like a fifty year old thats had this sub open on your desktop for years just starting shit with random people about minutia and people's opinions. Stop telling people to grow up since you've quite clearly proven that your still a hypocritical, mental infant.

Yeah you gotta be trolling. Youre an idiot

Get the fuck out of here you dumpster fire. Lash out at me like the prissy bitch that I know you are.

Lmao ur dumb

why are you being artificially upvoted for throwing adhoms around?

What do you mean by artificial? And its because I happen to be right. Read some of his replies to me and other people here. He fits a certain character type almost flawlessly and I called him out on it. Was I wrong to be a dick? Maybe. But I know a lot of people are tired of seeing comments from guys like him. If his comment was just a random comment I wouldnt have attacked him but like I said at the end of my comment Ive seen it a million times before and its annoying.

Ive heard the same shit so many times it gets annoying

Yeah, it is inconvenient, and annoying, that whole dystopic nightmare thingy. You can disagree with me, that's fine, I'd love to be wrong. But get back to me in about 25 years. This world is on the decline. As I said, you can get emotional but it won't help. It's to be expected in fact.

I for one have heard this 'world is ending' thing for the past 20 years. Hasn't happened yet.

Well, I guess I'm wrong then. I'm so glad we cleared all this up. Have a good day of rainbows and fireworks. No seriously, go ahead and make more threads like this one, if it makes you feel better. (Since I was accused of being smug here instead of realistic, I thought I'd throw in some smug.)

Hey man I never accused you of being smug or disingenuous. I can tell you strongly believe what you are saying, and I commend you for that.

Thank you. I would love to think you are right, and I am wrong. Have a good day.

Smugness total: 7.2

Hasn't happened yet.

I was under the impression that a few more things have to occur before the change, are you a conspirator of such things, because from religious to esoteric writings never does it say ends, ever!

That's because people are actively trying to save the world and if not for them the world probably would have ended a few times over. You can make the argument that the boy cried wolf too many times but that doesn't change the fact that there are still wolves.

There are people actively trying to destroy the world savers as well. If it wasn't for the resistance and their high level originations the would would be over and done with.

Example of how that argument holds no water.

Evil people (the smart ones at least) want to exploit the world and it's people, not destroy it all together. You can blindly believe that everything will be alright but that has no place in the real world. The Earth has been close to nuclear decimation if not annihilation several times in the just the past century so to say we aren't in murky waters is a pretty naive statement.

Lol youre trying to pass off emotional judgement as scientific or logical. Are you that dumb to not see it? People like you have predicted the end of the world for thousands of years. Get over yourself, grow up

For thousands of years, we haven't had nuclear weaponry.

Get over yourself, grow up

It says much more about you to say this really petty bullshit. It's not about some pissing contest, peaches. Humanity is pretty well fucked at this point. But please, continue to troll and pretend otherwise. That shows a high degree of maturity.

Says the guy who is acting like a spoiled 15 year old, mmhmm. No one here takes you seriously, and I doubt they do in real life. I dont know how old you are, hopefully young because it sucks when people reach adulthood with your mentality. Just read your comments and try to deny everything Ive said here about you. You sound like every doomsday predictor that Ive ever heard. Your knowledge is the best, your intuition is the best, youre seeing patterns that no one else sees and if they see it they dont wanna see it cuz theyre dumb or blissfully ignorant, etc etc. Youre a cliche at this point. And I love how every idiots last resort nowadays is to call someone a troll if theyre disagreeing with them. Again, grow the fuck up. If you interracted with people in real life youd realize its not an echo chamber like youre accustomed to online, people disagree with you, people call you on your bullshit when youre clearly an idiot which you are, theyre not "trolls." Again, Im just upset that Ive heard/read your comments a billion times before at this point it seems like copypasta. Idk, at least be original or at least present something more than "BUT DA NUKES HURR"

You may not be a real troll but you're about as stupid as a real one. I'm not looking for an argument considering how incapable you are at forming one but just know that at least one person recognized your idiocy today.

Youre not looking for an argument because you have none. Go back to the landfill with apoplectic

No I just don't argue with morons that act like cliché trolls while calling other people trolls. You're a fuckin child.

You obviously dont even know what a troll is. How can I take you seriously when you call me a troll for disagreeing with someone? Grow up. Im fine being insulted but at least use insults grounded in reality. Did you read through all of Apoplectics comments here in this thread?

I don't respect you and I expect you to die after a long, pointless, miserable life. Is that better you half-brain genetic fuck up? You're worthless.

So did you read his comments in this thread?

TLDR your drivel. You're a professional troll. Go away child.

"Professional troll"

Is that really your defense here?

Go enjoy your day sweetie.

Explain again how we are supposed to think youre an adult when you keep making a fool of yourself

Go have a good day, youreadumbfuck. Try to loosen the tight knot in your panties also.

Im having a wonderful day letting you prove your lack of credibility

Whatever you say. The world is perfect, there is no global warming. We are not over populated. The oceans are healthy and not over-fished. Ecological disasters like the gulf oil spill and Fukushima are just merely kisses on mother nature's cheek. We haven't reached peak oil. The USA is not an out of control militant empire in decline. Nuclear weapons aren't an issue, as we will only wield them. Ponies and rainbows for everyone! There ya go sweetie, now grab your favorite bedtime story and grampa will be in soon to tuck you in.

Mmkay, so since I dont believe the world is going to end then I must not believe in facts. Look, you keep doing this passive aggressive sarcasm shit and it only proves my point. I dont get how you arent seeing that. Its hilariously sad at this point. But Im an asshole so I cant wait to read your next dumb comment

Go on sticking your head in the proverbial sand. It really helps change things for the better, instead of facing reality. Baby boomers were locust with our resources, and if you were honest with yourself you would know that.

Can you tell me where I denied that?

The downvote score suggests that this whole thread is full of establishmentarian worker threads

I highly doubt humanity has got 25 years without a major reset.

Care to elaborate?

And again he responded to me in this comment instead of responding to you. Its hilarious

Haha, I am gonna have to read & catch up!

Hes max 18 y.o. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt that he can grow up

I am still curious to know what /u/Apoplecticmiscreant means by "reset."

It could mean the sixth extinction. Mass Reset means some big event that resets our way of life. You're on a conspiracy website you better know what a world wide "reset" means...

I was asking what op meant by "reset".

It means whatever you want to think it means. Have a nice forth. You two play nice now in your sand box.

Aww you couldnt answer his question either? Lol jeez you keep digging your pit lower

I bet you're simply a joy to all those around you. :)

Yes because I dont surround myself with idiots such as yourself, so when we are having a conversation and theyre asked to back up their argument they dont turn into pissy little girls

I hope you and your sock puppets have a wonderful day. Maybe you could get busy and tell another half dozen to go drink bleach today. That just might give you a woodie, if you're feeling perky.

Im always feeling perky, thanks

He wont elaborate, he cant. Hed rather respond to me since I called him out on his bullshit. Look at his replies, all he has is vague feelings

I suggest people instead look at your own post history and compare. All you do is troll. You are very clearly a very sad person, who takes joy in being an asshole.

Explain to me again why you keep calling me a troll. Disagreeing with people and being a dick doesnt = troll

But even taking that into account, it doesnt negate what we are talking about here in this thread. I can say whatever I want in other threads but if I prove you wrong here, I dont see how my posts in other subreddits affects that. 2 + 2 = 4

There's no reason to explain anything to you, but being a dick at all times on the internet does indeed make you a troll. At least admit that to yourself, because you aren't going to convince anyone who takes even one minute to look at your post history.

but being a dick at all times on the internet does indeed make you a troll.

Yeaah, no. It doesnt. Being a dick all the times makes you a dick. Just like you being an idiot all the time makes you an idiot. If anyone looks into my post history its only because they cant argue the point at hand and they are looking for some outside information to attack my character instead of my argument.

But again putting that aside and discussing just the topic at hand, you dont NEED a reason to answer me but there are several reasons why you could want to answer me. 1 is because if you have any information to back up your argument, why not present it so I can realize if I was wrong? 2 is because if you have info that could prove me wrong why not present it and make me look like an idiot? I mean I could go on and on giving you reasons, but I agree you dont necessarilt have to answer me. But not answering kinda does prove me right

Whatever you say. The world is perfect, there is no global warming. We are not over populated. The oceans are healthy and not over-fished. Ecological disasters like the gulf oil spill and Fukushima are just merely kisses on mother nature's cheek. We haven't reached peak oil. The USA is not an out of control militant empire in decline. Nuclear weapons aren't an issue, as we will only wield them. Ponies and rainbows for everyone! There ya go sweetie, now grab your favorite bedtime story and grampa will be in soon to tuck you in.

Did you copy and paste this from your other comment? If so, is this the first thread youve used it? Nobody is denying anything that you wrote in that comment, btw. We are just denying your idiocy

We are just denying your idiocy

Thanks. Have a good day. I'm afraid you're going to have to find someone else to troll now.

Again, youre misusing the word troll. When you are questioned you resort to sarcasm, When your sarcasm doesnt work, you resort to being a douche, when that doesnt work you just call me a troll and be condescendingly nice. Could you try just once to present a valid argument that doesnt sound like it came from a 15 year old girl?

You could have said the same 25 years ago when the population was 5 billion. Estimated carrying capacity is around 10 billion and we won't hit that until around 2050. Probably later, our growth will start to level off as we hit the midsection of that bell curve.

"Carrying capacity". Right. That's only 30 years, and then you think people will suddenly wake up and decide not to procreate? Numbers will just level off, then that fellowship of man can suddenly begin. When the moooon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets... It is a nice thought though.

The truth is, we are hairless, stupid apes that are actively destroying the one home we have, with overpopulation, pollution and general neglect. In only less than 200 years since the industrial revolution began, we've taken a nearly pristine planet and destroyed its natural balances.

It's not that people will decide to stop breeding, there will not be enough food or water to sustain numbers higher than that. Population growth is orgainc, humans as a whole have very little say in the matter. Consider yeast growth in alcholic beverages; they don't all decide to stop growing at 5% alcohol content, they just shit so much they die.

I agree.

Wow you sound super intelligent!

Wow you sound super emotional.

I agree.

You could have said the same 25 years ago when the population was 5 billion.

Also, thanks for bringing up the fact that our growth is parabolic. That never ends well.

every single generation has said this. They were all wrong, as are you.

Right at this moment we are saber-rattling with both China and Russia. Are you so sure of yourself?

Don't you sometimes hope that hbgary and booz allen hamilton are located in high target large metro areas? And thankful you aren't? ohgod here come the trolls they've after me now...yaarrgh!

umm yes? Did you live through the 80s by any chance? Know any history? People always think the world is ending, I have followed a nuclear apocalypse shelter group for 20 years, every few weeks they have a new reason we will be nuked. Live your life of fear if it makes you feel smug, but when you are 80 look back and think about all the stress and time you wasted worrying about things that never came to pass.

time you wasted worrying about things that never came to pass.

Those are thoughts you assume I have. I don't worry at all. I've accepted it.

Know any history?


Remembering what you did yesterday doesnt count as history. Hes talking about past major events that are very similar to events now that you are so sure are signs of endtimes

More like the 30's bub.


Another armchair politician.

??? Really strange comment that has no basis in reality.

Okay yeah see you in 25 years while I'm happy and knowing the truth, while you're depressed and sad because the world hasn't ended yet to give you an excuse to give up on life. Live your damn life and quit trying to kick the can further down the damn road.

Who said I was depressed? I'm not. I'm realistic.

There will be no end of the world.

Bullshit. Humanity is setting itself up for a big slaughter simply because resources are finite. It's just a fact.

Sorry to disappoint

What a jackass thing to say. As if I would want it this way.

You should probably study eugenics a little better.

Every human death is cause for celebration. Never fails to put a smile on my face to see one of you pieces of shit pass on to your never fantasy.

Born scum die scum.

I remember being 14 man, it will get better.

Do you feel the same about your mom and dad?

Well unless you aren't human, you just called yourself a piece of shit...WTF are you talking about?

I guess we're at a stand still in conversation there. You believe it is ending, I do not.

It's the world as we know it that's ending.

That happened on 9/11/2001.

Whatever you say. The world is perfect, there is no global warming. We are not over populated. The oceans are healthy and not over-fished. Ecological disasters like the gulf oil spill and Fukushima are just merely kisses on mother nature's cheek. We haven't reached peak oil. The USA is not an out of control militant empire in decline. Nuclear weapons aren't an issue, as we will only wield them. Ponies and rainbows for everyone! There ya go sweetie, now grab your favorite bedtime story and grampa will be in soon to tuck you in.

Excellent work. This is one of the few ways to truly rebel. Using money makes the beast stronger

Get the fuck out of here you dumpster fire. Lash out at me like the prissy bitch that I know you are.