"Shade" (Film, 2013) -- exposes the true power structure embedded in our global reality, showing the true controllers their plans to Geo-engineer our planet and control the populace. Discusses 'Global dimming' leading to vitamin D related illnesses.

26  2016-07-04 by 911bodysnatchers322

Widesweeping documentary discusses global steering, inequality, hegelian balkanization of countries, the nwo and geoengineering.

Global Dimming

Global Dimming is something never talked about in the context of climate change. But it's an observable effect and has been known about for over 2 decades.


I didn't know about this video. Thank you for giving me more knowledge to add to my arsenal.

Glad to help.

Man...Was looking at the trailer, willing to look into it, give the benefit of the doubt...and then I saw fucking loud mouth, frothing blabber jowls Alex Jones spewing his shit, and simply couldn't finish.

Couldn't do it. That dude just gives truth seeking a really bad name.

That's the reason he exists. However, controlled opposition is often filled with some truths and half-truths to make them appear legitimate, while at the same time making skeptics/government critics look like fools.

Yes. There's a bit of everything in everything. Some truth to the lies, some lies in the truth. I just get my truth/information elsewhere, however, without having to sift through Alex Jones bullshit in order to have some idea of what's going on. I've found it much easier to get a better grasp of the real truth without listening to what he has to say.

Jones doesn't lie. Fact check him.

If he's a disinfo specialist it's disinfo by what is omitted, not by what is said.

I admit though he's a sensationalizer and in that way a kind of provocateur in the 'they're gonna take our gerns!!' type of way

He distracts and deviates the truth. Purposefully. That much is more than amply obvious to anyone with a working brain. I stay far, far away from him.

I know what you mean. I just eyeroll and get through it. I don't like their choice of footage, the bullhorn stuff. That's the worst of AJ, not the best. Some of his rants, although supercilious and hysterical, are totally on point.

I feel I can get the information that's behind all the hysterical, spit-flying yelling from another source that isn't so psychotic in their delivery. Seems to me that the psychotic delivery might be indicative of an ulterior motive, so I simply don't trust that source much and get my information from other, more focused, more level-headed sources.

Excellent post - thank you for sharing

"Global Dimming" is directly tied to governments refusing to divest from fossil fuels.

They spray the aerial equivallent of sunscreen to reduce the amount of sun getting "trapped" under the greenhouse effect.

Admitting they do this would be like admitting that they (the Bush gov't and others) have known about climate change and took it seriously enough to start spraying for it.

Since they can't admit it, they spin it into a wild conspiracy and if you talk about it you get ridiculed. This is Alex Jones' bread and butter.

He distracts and deviates the truth. Purposefully. That much is more than amply obvious to anyone with a working brain. I stay far, far away from him.