RIP Nation of Laws: July 4th, 1776 - July 5th, 2016

302  2016-07-05 by 12-23-1913


The FBI just admitted Clinton improperly stored special access programs but are letting her off because there was no willful intent to mishandle them.

Goodbye USA.

I wonder what happened to "Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law"

Well, ya see that's for people like you and me.

"But, your Honor, I didn't intend to speed and I didn't intend to get caught doing 2x the speed limit in my new Porsche..."

I keep seeing this analogy but if you read the law regarding speeding it doesnt say that going over the speed limit is against the law only that it is prima fascia (on its face looks like you are guilty) evidence that you are not acting in a reasonable and prudent manner which they equate "speeding" to. There are lots of times you could appear to be "speeding" and going 2x the number on the sign but still be acting in a reasonable and prudent manner and not hitting all of the points nessasary to constitute a speeding charge and thus be innocent. Especially if conditions on the roadway make going the posted speed limit and under more dangerous than going over it. For instance if someone is dying in you back seat and you are going to the hospital to save them, then going the posted speed is much less reasonable and prudent as someone could die on the way thus making it acceptable to speed. Or if there is a fire in the roadway and you must go faster than the posted speed to get to safety no one will charge you for acting appropriately. Unless you are unable to keep control over the car and not acting in a reasonable and prudent manner given the conditions of the roadway it becomes hard to prove that you were actually hitting all the points for a speeding charge to be valid. So while I agree that this is fucked up if you were to hire a decent lawyer you could also get out of a speeding charge on a similar technicality. The laws are set up to benefit the rich and thus there is a way out of most of them. If you can afford it you can talk your way out of anything. We just cant afford to fight it at the bottom so we get charged with things at a disproportionate rate

All I read is a bunch of shitty loopholes to get people who pay lots of money out of jail time.

Lol that was pretty much it, and gotta say I love the username


This is so lame. Any person caught having those would go to jail forever, but not Clinton somehow.

If I'm not wrong, the hacker that found this crap out is already in jail, yet, she walks like nothing happened.

Blows my mind.

Well the hacker broke the law!! /s

Fuck this shitty ass government!! Zero fucking balls!!

Fuck us. Fuck you, fuck me, and fuck all of us.

Fuck this shitty ass citizenry that takes this horrible, blatant corruption against them/us and keeps doing nothing about it.

Fuck us.

This is just a continuation of what always happens to those in power, which is nothing. The bush admin is guilty of torture at the very least, but no one was prosecuted. Each administration covers for the previous administration.

Bankers are also above the law, and always sign a check rather than pay with jail time like you and I would. It's about time people woke up to the fact that this nation is a farce.

He said no 'clear evidence'. Implies there is evidence

That one hurt today...

Lockheed Martin (James Comey) and the Clinton Foundation are part of the privatized sector that runs the U.S. government from bottom to top. People like J. Edgar Hoover and Dennis Hastert are mere stooges in the whole scheme of the power structure.


Don't forget former member of the BoD of HSBC Holdings.

How is Comey related to Lockheed, if I might ask? I wasn't aware, but I completely believe it as he is slimey as fuck. He's great at the role he's playing though, gotta admit he's an oustandingly talented actor.

I got it from here:

Maybe its wrong? Nope.

In August 2005, Comey left the DOJ and he became General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin.

Wow, literally everyone in the government that sees the public eye is corrupted already. In one way or another. That's why I gave up long ago on change through the "proper" channels.

Is anyone really surprised by this?

There is a user here that basically posts the same thing every time in every thread: "and nothing will be done about it."

And that user is/was right.

I see a lot of that sentiment. The problem is it's a reiteration of "It's somebody else's problem" - expecting that some external party will fix the things that obviously need fixing. Reality doesn't work like that.

In times past people coalesced their efforts in a contract with the understanding that if the contract is broken or fails to satisfy those who agreed to it, then the contract can be discarded. And it still works like that, today. Social contracts are no different.

If the terms of the social contract is such that it's difficult to remove yourself from it, you can certainly remove yourself from parts of it, by simply not engaging in the machinery. Limit your engagement with The Machine. (And if you have to engage, be Slack, as this seems to be the most efficient use of energy in a chaotic, unpredictable, or hostile environment.)

Finally, regardless of who is elected, he or she is not likely to be putting food on your table. That's always been your responsibility. It's no different. If you want the comfort of a stronger network, then go find it. The current system has demonstrated its nature.

I agree, but as always, it's difficult to intellectually reason with others to do the same when you hear them complaining about a Republican or a Democrat... They just don't get it.

I have to give a slow clap to the authors of the brilliant scheme that enslaves us—yet only a small percentage actually know things are as bad as they are. By voting they feel they are "being active in choosing government" when in reality they are simply legitimizing the system that has and will continue to rob us of our money, property, freedom, and eventually, our life.

I have to give a slow clap to the authors of the brilliant scheme that enslaves us—

It's a human norm, that we've been accustomed to since medieval serfdom. Power -> Greed -> Wealth Accumulation -> Accumulation of power

yet only a small percentage actually know things are as bad as they are.

I used to think this too, but its far more complex. My mother knows, but chooses to ignore it to keep her happier. Don't you ever wish you could forget about some of the stuff you've learned? - Cognitive Dissidence

By voting they feel they are "being active in choosing government" when in reality they are simply legitimizing the system that has and will continue to rob us of our money, property, freedom, and eventually, our life.

Have you seen what's going on in the UK right now ? Pretty much everyone is voting, and it's tearing our political system apart.

I'm not looking forward to the collapse at all.

I'm not looking forward to the collapse at all.

I wouldn't stress it. It's inevitable that humanity will figure out that Hierarchical systems are Bad Design. It's a flawed Hero Narrative, where the Heroes - the nodes in the hierarchy - can be coerced, bought, wrong, incompetent, etc. We're brought up to believe in authority but this is just ceding decision making to another. It never works. Its flaws are well known and well understood.

The collapse of The Hero System is inevitable and a Good Thing. It's time we use other models that don't run into these design flaws. Like the scientific method, for instance.

100% agree with everything you said and has been my position for a while now.

The user is right because it is not yet time.

Whenever revolutions have taken place, people didn't run around wondering "who's going to do the revolting". A boiling point is reached and then everything pops.

If nothing is happening, it's because there's still some ways to it.

Problem is, we, as individuals, have a bottom up view and only see the micro-level interactions and we're always in a hurry. If you step back for the macro level, things look a bit different.

On the macro level, things are very different from just a decade ago. Politicians and corruption hasn't increased much in this time. But the peoples awareness of it has grown exponentially.


Slim chance that /pol/ post the other day was hopeful. Now we know the truth.

I think that user may have been me. :) And yes, I was right.

I'm not surprised but I'm so very angry, I could cry.

I guess you were living in a bubble until today. Let's ask Thomas Drake, Jeffrey Sterling & John Kiriakou how they feel about it. This is called Selective Prosecution.

America is dying the death of corruption that has befallen so many other great powers in history.

Power corrupts, absolutely....

Not that surprised, but totally disgusted. My biggest concern is that you know they've got this whole thing gamed out because the fix is in for her so hard, same way fix was in for W.

What is it they've got planned once she's in office? My soul shudders.

After the coronation , they will have a great feast. The signing of the TPP will be in order while and those leaving the court will conspire on Wall Street. Lands and titles will be distributed and the bundlers will be rewarded.

Yeah.....I'm thinking much deeper diabolical plans than that.

TPP sounds like it's in serious trouble, though not because of anything going on in the USA. European masses not nearly as deluded and sheep-like as our countrymen and women.

Let's not forget they no longer have to lie about whatever info they get (without warrant) from your computer through hacking or listening by way of your ISP.

We can always remember SOPA as a victory I guess but we lost to a version of that bill that was far worse, neatly slipped into last December's budget bill which Obama of course signed.

The great nation, US of A died at some point in the late 90s. What you have now is a zombie state. Looks like the US from a distance; get close and you see the monster it really is.

The American dream is a dream. Honesty and hard work guarantees you will be below the poverty line. Lies, greed, deceit is the only way to success.

Granted, I just described 99% of the nations on this planet. The human race is pretty shitty.

The American dream is a dream. Honesty and hard work guarantees you will be below the poverty line. Lies, greed, deceit is the only way to success.

I've been saying this for years.

I've been convinced for many years that we are taught from an early age to follow the law, that good things come to those that wait, that good shall prevail, etc, with the full knowledge that that is simply not the case. The trick is to get most of society believing this, so that the corrupt can prosper.

PS, I meant to insert Disney as an example. Just look at how Disney is marketed, and how it's changed over the years. It's as much about social conditioning at an early age as it is about entertainment.

Yep. That's exactly how I see it. While we're at the wayside treating others how we would like be treated, we're constantly shit on by those that get ahead.

It is...And if you ever want a flashback to see how it was only twenty short years ago, watch the movie Se7en.

In it, there is a quaint scene, very nostalgic in fact, where Morgan Freeman is telling Brad Pitt (in a hushed voice) that he knows someone in the federal government who can get the serial killer's library book check-out records. In response, Brad Pitt goes apoplectic, loudly admonishing Freeman's character for even considering the violation of the suspect's rights even if he is believed to be responsible for several very grisly murders.

What a time it was...

there is a big difference between breaking the law and being immoral. only one puts you in jail

Lies, greed, and deceit are shortsighted. The real cake is revolution. Scattering the power from the few into the many. Trying something bold and new.

Doesn't that sound delicious to you?

The American dream is just that. You have to be asleep to believe it.

I'm honestly no longer proud to call myself an American.

Are you a bot? All of your posts are the same canned Continuity of Government (while though a dishearteningly real thing) shpiel.





Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

September 10, 2015 re: the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001

"We are a nation of laws (that are selectively enforced)."

Lol wait you think it ended today?

Did it not? Is the DoJ going to prosecute regardless?

It's been dead for decades.

I was taught the first day in college in a civics class that "it's not what you know, it's what you don't know".

so how in the FUCK do they excuse someone for KNOWINGLY doing something very illegal.

Gen. Petreus? They slaughtered that mother fucker to the wolves.

Great point. I'd really like to see a response from Gen. Petreus on the FBI response...

btw this done woke people the fuck up. they picked a weird weekend to announce it as well. people are pretty fired up, especially in the South.

I put this thread up on facebook thinking I'd get a few likes from the usual crowd and got 200+ liking it and commenting on it saying RIP. Normal story I post from here gets no likes and barely a view. So I was shocked.

It's just the typical facebook uproar, just like the gorilla thing.

Just let people get back on their meds and tv shows and all will be forgotten.

Well, we were supposed to be a Nation of Freedom. I'm not sure how we got bamboozled into accepting all these laws and then came to believe we are a nation of them.

Pretty sure they put a fork in it when they shot JFK.

It's all a show... They aren't even trying very hard to hide it anymore.

Well, we had a good run.

There are hundreds if not thousands of potential earlier dates, this Clinton thing is business as usual.

The deck is stacked... against US!

Other countries must look at us in shame!

Thanks FBI!!

OP, I think it would be more fitting if you went from June 21st, 1788 since that was when the Constitution was ratified and we were quite not a nation of laws when we were fighting for our independence. Also if you actually study history, you will come to learn that we have rarely been a nation that abided by our laws, not atleast until the Civil Rights Act was passed anyway..

American has at no point in its history been a nation where the laws applied equally to all citizens. Wealth and power has always been above the law. This is no different, and it will continue until we the people rise up and replace the government and economic system.

It actually ended on 9/11/2001* , but what difference does it make.

( * Continuity of Government (COG) governance, which meant CIA didn't have to obey the constitution 'the highest law of the land'. COG extended yearly to present by bush and obama)

100% agree with everything you said and has been my position for a while now.

I agree, but as always, it's difficult to intellectually reason with others to do the same when you hear them complaining about a Republican or a Democrat... They just don't get it.

I have to give a slow clap to the authors of the brilliant scheme that enslaves us—yet only a small percentage actually know things are as bad as they are. By voting they feel they are "being active in choosing government" when in reality they are simply legitimizing the system that has and will continue to rob us of our money, property, freedom, and eventually, our life.