Has anyone else noticed the weird, aggressive approach to include and push women into ALL things that has been going on the last few years? Now, you see movies, tv shows, video games all over the place with women as leads for roles that were written for men. This is to condition us for Hillary.

9  2016-07-06 by i_reddit_for_lulz


I would need a lot of evidence to see a conspiracy that deep. I think the inverse is true and the push to put women in everything is why a criminal can get away with anything and be a presidential candidate.

I think the inverse is true and the push to put women in everything is why a criminal can get away with anything and be a presidential candidate.

What more proof would you need. The truth is staring before you. Even from the legal perspective where there is a massive double standard where a man can slap a woman and get thrown under a jail but a women can stab a man and get probation.

It has infiltrated every aspect of life. Now, I love women.. yes women but this is being purposely done to destroy society as a whole.

Men and Women are biologically wired differently. And to push women into roles (Company based, Presidential Based etc.,) that were created by men for men, and have attributes where the biological man's brain just works better at, what happens when you put a woman in this role.

Most fail.

Not because their dumb or anything like that. The role's and attributes are geared toward the masculine mind, not the feminine mind. And as such, it will be very difficult for a woman to sustain it.

The bigger question why a would a woman even want to any way?

There's things women can do that a man literally can only dream of doing... so what's the big push to drop all things feminine and become feminine-masculine machines destined to take over the masculine world when the feminine world has yet to be scratched? Strange... indeed.

One will say to the above.... YOU'RE JUST A MISOGYNIST! Far from. Why is it that when a woman creates a company and grows it, sustainable on a large scale, everyone gives her a standing ovation as if that is something difficult for a woman to do? Because it is. And that is why you rarely see it.

Yet men create companies all the time, and it is expected, it is no big deal. Again, because the brains are wired differently biologically.

I know for sure this is the Twilight Zone.

Your social commentary may or may not be true but I don't think all of it was organized in a grand conspiracy to convince me to vote for Hillary

We will see come the elections... propaganda is much more powerful than most of us know or would even want to believe.

I would need a lot of evidence to see a conspiracy that deep.

How deep would you like it? Are you capable of accepting that the concept of gender equality is a conspiracy? That all the social changes since the 1920s were purposely designed to bring about a genocide?

A genocide of who? And I feel hard pressed to say that allowing women to vote and work would cause a genocide, unless it has to do with the right to choose and the mass abortion of children of color, that is a genocide conspiracy that I would find somewhat convincing.

By nature, women are extremely calculating and logical when it comes to choosing the entities that will empower or support them. They also have strong in-group bias, so what one woman does, many others will follow and support. Knowing this psychology, they can be used to expand government, and thus control by the elites. This quality has made it easy to push the idea of equality, and say that women and men are equal, and that it is a virtue for a woman to attempt to copy what was previously known as a man's path. In essence, women are being turned into defacto men.

Going back to what I previously stated, women only choose the best mate (entity) to support and reproduce with. Women now being on economic par with men having chosen what was previously considered a man's path, means that they have no need for these men that otherwise would support them financially. They look to higher social status males (or males that provide benefits other than financial ones) to copulate with and attempt to lock down in commitment. Of course, having an even bigger pool of women to choose from, high status men have no desire to settle down with just one woman (this plays into male biology as well - by design males can impregnate hundreds of women, women only need one provider).

So what you end up having is a decline in offspring because of this new mass of unsexed men and hedonistic behavior of women jumping from high status male to high status male. For the women and men that do "settle" and get shacked up, divorce comes later, hence the divorce industry (divorce rates are sky high in the west).

Depression also comes to many, as seemingly decent men who did what they were told to do to become successful (there's also an element of emasculating social programming there that I didn't mention) are finding that women aren't flocking to them at all.

For women, as their bodies age and they become less fertile, their bodies scream to them "find me a mate now!" as a last ditch effort to get pregnant (before time runs out), which is of course in conflict with their social programming of equality and "I can have it all" mindset. This too leads to depression and neuroses in women.

As for the genocide part, look to the birth rates in various western countries to see who's not reproducing anymore.

This was a quick and dirty reply, but there's so much more that can be said about this whole situation.

A genocide of who?

Western civilization.

And I feel hard pressed to say that allowing women to vote and work would cause a genocide

You can't imagine that pathologizing people against having children and purposely lowering the birthrate to below replacement isn't a genocide? When everyone in government in charge of such things even admit to it?

I rarely consume movies and TV, and never video games. Examples would be good, for people like me and others who would like to know what you're seeing that would motivate you enough to point it out. I believe your conjecture to be very plausible, from what little I've seen.

It's to encourage girls to pursue the maths and sciences, to give them self esteem.


Do you want to know what build self-esteem? Accomplishments. Actually doing things.

I know I'm just telling you why it has been so "girl power" lately

The lead characters of the two new star wars films proves this along with the the TV show Madam Secretary. Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones is another example of a women rising to power.

The new Ironman is a black women !!!

The way you phrased this statement leads me to believe you've just begun to stumble upon the idea of the culture war that's been occurring for at least the last 100 years. Pitting the sexes against each other is a newer development, beginning in the 60's. Hillary is just another byproduct of the culture war, she is not the end game.

This. It's not new, op is just late to the party.

I view it as another form of divide and conquer.

I have noticed this also.

No this is cultural marxism, feminism branch. Iconoclasm of male super heroes, male heroes in general. The new Star Wars film for example. Marvel comics are entirely engaged in it. Zootopia is the most cultural marxist promoting mainstream vehicle to date. Promoting the equality issue to the point of cognitive dissonance. Victim complex assumed by the feminists and then the men patronizing the "victim complex" complex further fucks this up.

Go to r/theredpill and read users posts such as Neoreactionsafe, Illimitable Man, Legendary Peace and you will have a lot more info on this heinous plot...plus don't forget to google Yuri Bezmenov and look at his video interview from 30 years ago.

google Yuri Bezmenov

Man.... that was a excellent interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3qkf3bajd4

Thanks for the info

It goes beyond that. Women are left brain thinkers generally. A right brain thinker has a shot at figuring this out. The left brain sees information in time and as a movie. The right brain plots all the points to clearly see it's a wad of bullshit. I'm thinking women will seriously rise to power because of the left brain thinking and keeping people boxed in. With no clue what's going on in the world around them, they will be able to obey orders. The God mind will reign supreme and always does.

Women are left brain thinkers generally.

You have it mixed up. Men are LEFT brained and Women are RIGHT brained.

Left deals more with Logic while Right deals more with abstract.

Women can't comprehend abstraction, on the whole. That's completely anathema to them.

No I'm right. The truth is not logical. They are left brain thinkers who are fooled by the facts, to figure out the grand scheme you must be abstract.

For me it's another angle. Pretty girls are nice to look at. Guys like sexy women and girls like role models. So more people like to watch. I do like it when the girl isn't just 'there'. But I do hate it when the girl is supposed to be a top scientist but is only 20 something and obviously doesn't know about science. A guy can just put on a lab coat, but the girl needs to demonstrate proficiency. It shouldn't be this way but it is.

This is to condition us for Hillary.

No, it's to commit genocide on us. It has nothing to do with Hillary. She's a byproduct of the mental illness itself.

You'll want to read this. It all started almost 100 years ago... Except don't do what the title says. Women are just pawns. Blame... well, you know who to blame.

Men are superior to women and therefore have more responsibilities than women. Women are superior to children and therefore have more responsibilities than children. Superiority means “leadership over”, due to increased maturity and reason. It does not come with a connotation of hate. Women do not hate children because they’re superior to them in the same way that men do not hate women because they’re superior to them. Although plenty of men have their hang-ups with women, the reverse is just as true. Men are more mature than women, who are more mature than children. This is about hierarchy of maturity, of which men are at the top. The less mature you are, the less reasonable you are. You wouldn’t want an immature person in charge of you, and, assuming you found someone competent, you wouldn’t say you were equal to the person in charge of you.

The problem with people today is women have been told that it’s bad to let a man be in charge of them, and men have been told to treat women as equals rather than subordinate dependents for whom they care. Men are superior, and they have to be in order to be eligible. That’s reality. For the sake of ego preservation, a woman will want to think of herself the “first mate” or “partner”, but men aren’t the captain, they’re the ship. Without men, there is nothing–neither base nor foundation. Women rely on men vastly than the opposite, and any functional relationship between a man and a woman is always based on this model.

It doesn’t mean she’s not important, it means men are depended upon more than they depend on. It means the distribution of burden is disproportionate in order to reflect your difference in maturity. The male burden is greater because the female need is greater. The female need is greater because women are more immature, and by extension of being less mature, less competent. In fact, it’s dangerous for men to depend on women emotionally, but the reverse is perfectly acceptable. This is the burden that comes with being at the top of the maturity hierarchy. Emotional loneliness is accepting that men cannot confide all their deepest secrets and fears–not unless they’re schmucks who wants to see their relationships fall to shit. Women are so upset they’re not really equals that they’re completely ignorant to the fact that not being the final person on whom everyone depends is a privileged position, that when push comes to shove women want someone to lean on and someone to blame, and that true equality to men is something they could never handle. Like a child who wants to stay up late and eat unlimited amounts of candy, they only see the privileges of being a man, not the burdens.

Notice how women always go on about maturity in a way men don’t seem to care about. They’re like the damn maturity police. It reminds me of little kids who insist they’re grown-ups out of insecurity. “Women are equal to men,” touted by women is the same infantile narcissism as a child claiming “I’m not a little kid anymore!” It stems from the desire to be taken seriously by people of greater maturity and capability. This is all ego. Remember, you will find the truth in action rather than words, for in words they claim equality to man but in action they demand superiority to him. In relation to the statement “women are children” this is hyperbole. What it means is “women are childlike.” If they weren’t, men wouldn’t want them. Feminine charm comes from a certain present-orientation–feminine beauty comes from a lack of aging. Women play up innocence and play down their cunning because this is what makes them attractive to men. Innocence is an inherently childlike quality. Men don’t try to seem innocent because it’s not masculine. Things that are childlike are inherently unmasculine, but they aren’t unfeminine. Why? Because women are closer to children than men. Stop thinking this is some way of talking women down or some sad attempt at dehumanization. It isn’t. It’s a truism, regardless of whether it suits your sensibilities or feelings.

Shrewd women constantly leverage the appearance of innocence to get people to help them. Women pout, men don’t. Women have strops, men don’t. Women cry more than men. Women are less rational than men. In summary, women are more mature than children, but less mature than men.

You can teach a woman to behave well, but she is still a woman and so requires discipline in the same way a child does. She craves it. She will not “be good” because “she’s a good woman”; she will only “be good” because men convey authority. In order to convey authority, men must be superior–superior meaning more mature and more competent. This is the natural order of things. Egalitarianism is an indoctrinated ideal. It is only “normal” to you because you grew up brainwashed by jewish feminist garbage. It is not normal in nature and it is not indicative of reality.

Women’s childlike qualities are not just physical (smaller, weaker, less hair, etc.); their neonatality is echoed mentally. The most attractive women have greater neonatal traits than less attractive ones. Women and men are not psychological equals. Men can love them, care for them, and even depend on them for small things, but they are not equals and never will be.

As Schopenhauer said, “She is somewhere between a child and an adult; an adolescent, perhaps.” If you can’t accept that–if you need to believe in the feminine ego porn that she’s equal to a man in every which way–fine. Believe it. But that doesn’t mean what I’ve said is wrong. It means you’re unable to accept an aspect of reality that discomforts you.

lol who hurt you

From your username I assume you're a woman, and from that I simply ask you to either substantiate your claim or to, with all respect, fuck the hell off. Read the last paragraph of the post.

Holy shit, this is a joke, right? This has to be a joke. I don't know what happened to you or who damaged you, but your entire concept of women is the most fucked thing I've read in awhile.

You have no argument and know nothing about men or women. Read the last sentence again (or for the first time, since you obviously have no intention of posting truth).

I'd love to see you recite this to some of the high powered business women I know. Women who built empires from the ground up. They would chew you up and spit you out.

So you have no argument, then. You've no refutation and nothing to add.

Say, these women who built empires from the ground up; did they do it by hiring only women? After all, they could save 23¢ on the dollar that way. Run a cost benefit analysis and there's no argument against it! They'd have ENORMOUS headway over the competition who wastes money paying for men who do the exact same thing but more expensively!

Oh, wait, no, that's complete fucking nonsense. My mistake.

My response is that just because the inbred women in your circle dont do anything outstanding because they have been told they are useless their whole lives doesnt mean its true for all women.

Say, these women who built empires from the ground up; did they do it by hiring only women?

...no. Of course not. So, you're saying the businesses these women started and run are only successful because of their male employees?

Oh, wait, no, that's complete fucking nonsense.

My response is that just because the inbred women


doesnt mean its true for all women.

No one said anything even remotely like what you're claiming.

...no. Of course not.

At least you can do elementary mathematics.

So, you're saying the businesses these women started and run are only successful because of their male employees?

No, but now that you mention it...

I like this guy

You seem to want an argument, but you're not going to get one out of me. I came here to tell you that your hateful and archaic perspective on women is disgusting. I'm not going to waste my time teaching you about equality- this is something you shouldn't have to be taught from a stranger on the internet. You are a hopeless case, and I pity you because you are damaged beyond repair.

You seem to want an argument, but you're not going to get one out of me.

Thanks for admitting you're wrong, then. Just don't post at all next time. Save us all the trouble (and yourself the embarrassment.)

I came here to tell you that your hateful and archaic perspective on women is disgusting.

  1. There is no hate whatsoever. I love women. After all, I'm no fairy. I don't hate women for being unequal to men in the same way that I don't hate children for being unequal to women.

I'm not going to waste my time teaching you about equality

Good; you don't have a fucking clue what it is in the first place.

this is something you shouldn't have to be taught from a stranger on the internet.

Particularly when the stranger doesn't know what it is.

You are a hopeless case, and I pity you because you are damaged beyond repair.

So prove me wrong, kiddo. Otherwise this is just insults and I'll have to report it. I'll give you 24 hours.

What, are we in elementary school? I call you out without playing by your rules, so you threaten to tattle? I said nothing that is prohibited under the Reddit content policy, so go ahead and report. It's kind of laughable that you still seem to need some kind of proof from me that women and men are equal. That's like saying I need to prove to you that white and black people are equal, or that the grass is green and the sky is blue. You really need empirical evidence for a universal truth? Fuck. That.

I said nothing that is prohibited under the Reddit content policy, so go ahead and report.


It's kind of laughable that you still seem to need some kind of proof from me that women and men are equal.

So hilarious.

That's like saying I need to prove to you that white and black people are equal

I'm actually surprised that you're consistently wrong. Most of your kind just invent whatever you like.

You really need empirical evidence for a universal truth? Fuck. That.

That's my line, you fucking lunatic. I have proven they're different. Anyone who isn't legitimately mentally challenged can comprehend this.

Think critically, not emotionally.

Yeah, I've been noticing and thinking this for a while now. But I also see it happening with minority heroes replacing white ones -- Star Wars, women and black men. New hero of "24" is black. There was a huge push for James Bond to be Idris Elba or Gillian Anderson (instead it looks like they'll go for Tom Hiddleson, so instead James Bond will be played by a gay man, I guess).

I'm not sure it's only about women, as much as it is about undermining the white male patriarchy.

Wow! I must've really nailed it with this point! Look at all the down votes!

Thanks for the headsup that I'm on the right track, evil Luciferian/Satanist types. I can always know when I've hit the bullseye by your rabid response.

Wow! I must've really nailed it with this point! Look at all the down votes!

Thanks for the headsup that I'm on the right track, evil Luciferian/Satanist types. I can always know when I've hit the bullseye by your rabid response.