Okay so what’s going to happen if Hillary Clinton becomes president?

2  2016-07-06 by no1113

Is anybody going to get together and actually do something about it? Actually stand up against it? Are any citizens actually going to form groups and fight against this absolutely, blatantly obvious level of corruption?

I don’t pretend to be some “one man army” that’s willing to go in and actually take on TPTB by myself "or die trying", but if this absolutely corrupt bitch gets in office…and we let her actually remain in office? Then come the fuck on, America. I mean come the fuck on.

Yeah. I know. Many are going to say “But they have guns and drones and will shoot you down!”

Okay…so then if we fear that to the extent that we’re not going to do anything against Clinton getting into power, then we need to just really STFU and accept that government boot in the ass.

“STFU and pick up that can, citizen.”

“Okay, boss. No problem, boss. Right away, boss.” needs to be our response from now on if we don’t do something.

TPTB are laughing in our face. They're calling our bluff...and they're fucking winning. They're winning because we're not doing anything about it. We're letting them get away with whatever tf they want to do. They're getting away with fucking us up the ass and they know they're getting away with it. It's like they're telling us "Citizen. I'm going to fuck you up your ass, and you're going to take that ass raping...and I dare you to whimper. I dare you."

And they're laughing as they unzip their pants and proceed to pump away.

And we're just taking it.

...rant over...

And seriously fuck anyone that comes in here and tries to be some "cool, sarcastic" hipster asshole saying "Hurr. You first, bro." or whatever. This is serious shit that's happening against this country...and it's kind of been time that we start being a lot more serious about what we need to be doing about it.


Where were the non-violent protests today in the streets? No demonstrations for visible disapproval?

Looks just like the day the Supreme Court installed Bush over Gore. Just a nation of television-addicts.

Just a nation of television-addicts.

I haven't owned a television in over 17 years, but I can't argue with the overall validity of this assessment.

I think a large part of the problem is when people accept the narrative that "shit is worse now" than before. By almost any metric and not looking solely at one country or bloc of countries, the world is a better place now, we are waaaay better off. Sure, you can point to sections of history where a few standards may look good for some small segment of humanity but globally, "we" are doing far better overall. Longevity, health, happiness, personal freedoms, education, etc.

The rhetoric of fear, that suddenly freedoms are on the precipice of destruction, is simplistic at best and opportunist at its worst. People succumb to this fear and vote against their own interests for a false prophet of security. Today, it is the liberal shield against a global waive of bigots and zealots. What sucks is, HRC will only perpetuate more war, more arms sales to shady countries with pro-free market policies but questionable and more often horrible civil rights records.

So, to make a long answer short, I'd rather get one year of The Donald than two terms of Hillary. I support third party candidates, I'm voting Jill Stein.

I think a large part of the problem is when people accept the narrative that "shit is worse now" than before.

In many ways, things are worse now than before.

By almost any metric and not looking solely at one country or bloc of countries, the world is a better place now, we are waaaay better off.

Not so much in terms of the manipulation the citizenry is subject to. Not even close.

The rhetoric of fear, that suddenly freedoms are on the precipice of destruction, is simplistic at best and opportunist at its worst.

Thinking that saying freedoms are being taken away is any sort of “rhetorical fear porn” seems either extremely disingenuous, or hopelessly oblivious.

HRC will only perpetuate more war, more arms sales to shady countries with pro-free market policies but questionable and more often horrible civil rights records.

This seems to show that in some ways things are indeed quite a bit worse in the world today than yesteryear.

I'd rather get one year of The Donald than two terms of Hillary.

They both beyond suck, but Clinton does indeed seem far worse.

In many ways, things are worse now than before

How so?

Overpopulation, lack of opportunities, open corruption, continuous wars, flat wages for almost everyone except the upper echelon for over 40 years, education expense increases, pollution, police brutality/corruption, global warming, housing/utility/food costs, shrinking ability to retire with dignity, shrinking ability to purchase a home, pensions/retirement have all but disappeared, rising health care costs, government surveillance and propaganda.... there's more but I'm sleepy.

The neo con agenda will remain intact. The military, financial, pharmaceutical and other cartels will thrive. The poor will be exploited and corrupted. There will be no democracy.

That's part of my whole damn point (not disagreeing with you. Just using strong language to emphasize how in accord w/what you're saying I am).

There will be no democracy.

Feels like there is no democracy and hasn't really been in a while now.

The noticeable shift in my lifetime has been less rule of law and more money and corruption in politics, even overt corruption, for example citizens united, or the arbitrary UNaccountability of Hillary yesterday, for example. Even worse, that a former first lady is such an openly ruthless criminal. Dynastic power families that are above the law. Or selling out the workers with nafta etc., which is virtual class warfare.

Meanwhile the education system is such a grey, ugly system of bureaucracy that would make Stalin green with envy, and the propaganda system there and then in the MSM is deadening. So that any kind of waking up is a series of shocks that might progress for decades, or might settle for any ideology along the way.

All this is a result of the citizenry expecting and appointing others to do the job that they themselves/WE ourselves should be in fact doing. We appoint others to do the work of diligence and policing, etc, and then forget about it…and then we’re surprised when we come back and find out that the positions that were initially formed to be controlled by and to serve the people are now in fact maliciously in control of the people.

Again, this is what happens when we go to sleep and take our eyes off the discipline we’re supposed to be having as a citizenry.

The institutions that now appoint people to key positions are not exactly asking for independent input. They want drones that will turn their life over to authority.

But yes, too many people are willing to accept living as slaves on a plantation. A self managed plantation is a rare thing to see, but in the past it has been tried in various ways. But then you would need a level playing field. The crony capitalism doesn't allow for that.

The institutions that now appoint people to key positions are not exactly asking for independent input.

Correct - and the problem with that is that these institutions were initially created and formulated by us as a people…FOR us as a citizenry. And now they’ve ran away from us because we stopped paying enough attention to them…and let them run away from our oversight.

We need to get that direct oversight back. Not easy, for sure, but necessary nonetheless.

They want drones that will turn their life over to authority.

And we as a people need to fight to keep that from happening - fight peacefully or through armed combat, but fighting intelligently either way.

What we can expect is more of the same, a thinly veiled oligarchy/corporate state that is beholden to Israel. Personally, I believe we are in for even more war under Clinton. If you haven't seen it, I suggest watching her AIPAC speech. That is, if you have a strong stomach or a punching bag nearby. I feel the elite want the status quo more than anything. The status quo is very good for them. The only fear the elite have is the masses rising up, and with the security state intact, they know their rule is golden. But I think the tiger is very tired of being ridden, and even the lowest-information murican citizen can see that these wars never seem to end. At some point the vanity and greed of the elite will catch up to them, but I personally feel it'll be too late.

What we can expect is more of the same, a thinly veiled oligarchy/corporate state that is beholden to Israel.

Seems to me like things are getting worse and the corruption has been getting ratcheted up a bit since 2001 at least (if not further back).

Personally, I believe we are in for even more war under Clinton.

Hell yeah. If she gets “elected”, then hell yeah.

If you haven't seen it, I suggest watching her AIPAC speech.

Haven’t seen it, and likely won’t. The evil and lying spewing out of many of these politicians might induce some sort of brain rot, so I generally stay away from actually listening too much to them directly.

That is, if you have a strong stomach or a punching bag nearby.

Exactly. I actually box (used to do it professionally) and am going to go do my daily workout here shortly…but I don’t think all the punching bags in the world would be enough to deal with having watched too much of her (or really any of these corporacrats) talk.

The only fear the elite have is the masses rising up, and with the security state intact, they know their rule is golden.

What sucks is that the masses can overcome anything the state attempts - security state or not. This is a fact…if we only organize ourselves and work intelligently against the manipulation.

But I think the tiger is very tired of being ridden, and even the lowest-information murican citizen can see that these wars never seem to end. At some point the vanity and greed of the elite will catch up to them, but I personally feel it'll be too late.

I agree with this, but it really seems that we as a people are moving way too slow. The elites’ hubris is indeed being their downfall…but our apathy and ignorance (and our own hubris for that matter), is kind of being our downfall as well. :/

Good points all around.

organize ourselves

That is the key. If our reporters reported, we would have overthrown this farce a long while ago. But I don't see how we can communicate in a way that can't be easily subverted by those in power. I've read that when Egypt was in chaos, they simply cut all communications. Cell phones didn't work, internet was impossible to find... You can be certain all of these things have been studied and many layers of contingency plans have been well thought out. So how do people battle that? It'll take an enormous public freak out to awaken citizens, to jolt low information people out of their stupor. It'll take movements that even the media can't cover up. I've been waiting to see it since around 2008, and feel we may never see it. We may all be chipped with a cashless society before long, and then their power will be complete.

If our reporters reported, we would have overthrown this farce a long while ago.

Well, yes. Correct. However, TPTB made an example of Michael Hastings, so I don’t super fault them for not reporting. Ultimately, we as a people can’t rely on the reporters - on the forth state. We have to rely on each other. We can’t depend on anyone but ourselves.

But I don't see how we can communicate in a way that can't be easily subverted by those in power.

I say we can do this in the same way that those in power do it. By being intelligent, by being diligent, by being focused, by combining our efforts and forces. By being organized. TPTB didn’t just bumble about and got where they are by accident. They got there (to an extent anyway) through work and discipline. We the people can (and should) exercise the same level of organization and discipline.

I've read that when Egypt was in chaos, they simply cut all communications. Cell phones didn't work, internet was impossible to find... You can be certain all of these things have been studied and many layers of contingency plans have been well thought out. So how do people battle that?

That’s a very valid question, but I think what I said above speaks to the level of concerted cooperation that we as a population can indeed have. The idea that “all” cell phones and internet services in Egypt were taken out is simply not true. It can’t be true by virtue of the fact that the forces in power need to communicate as well, so it’s not like they cut off their own cell phone and internet communication devices. If there’s are still on, then independent hacks can figure out a way to keep the cells and internet connection of the people going.

It'll take an enormous public freak out to awaken citizens

I don’t think so because 911 happened and that didn’t wake up as many as it should have. It’s woken up a lot of us for sure, but I think that a “freak out” isn’t the only thing necessary or that can do it. I think an awakening can happen without any sort of mass chaos freak out moment. I think an awakening is already happening. I just think that it needs a further push to keep going and keep doing more still.

to jolt low information people out of their stupor.

I think the constant or at least consistent trickle of OPs like this very one here slowly begin to wake up more and more people - bit by bit, one by one - and over time (hopefully soon), more and more people are waking up without having to have had some “mass freak out” event.

Heck, all these false flags and hoaxes that have been taken place as of the past few short years (Sandy Hook, Colorado, Newton, etc) I don’t think are having the same level of mass effect that TPTB wanted them to have. That isn’t a horrible sign. At all.

It'll take movements that even the media can't cover up.

Correct and agreed…so we need to do that/make that happen. And by “we” I don’t necessarily just mean you or me individually, of course. I mean “we” as in the masses/the people.

I've been waiting to see it since around 2008, and feel we may never see it.

Occupy Wall Street was one. March Against Monsanto was another. I marched and demonstrated in both of them. The movements need to be even bigger still than those because those got quickly co-opted…but they were a start and I think pointed in the right direction.

We may all be chipped with a cashless society before long, and then their power will be complete.

Sheeit. I’m not getting chipped. I mean TPTB might be able to find some sort of covert way to put it in our food or drink and it gets done that way, but I absolutely 100% guarantee you that I will fight and kill and possibly (likely) die way before anybody gets anywhere near chipping me.

I think we all need to have this attitude (and yet more still) is what I’m saying.


I do now believe with every fiber of my being that my fellow americans simply aren't up to the task.

Yes. I understand this sentiment. However, my thinking is that people simply shouldn’t talk any shit about how bad things are in this country/world if they’re not up to the task of at least attempting or even thinking about attempting to actually do something about making it better.

I think it's being generous to say that 10% of us know what's really happening.

I don’t know that I would disagree with you there…but you know what I think? I think that we need to then find those 10% of us that think this way, and that number then needs to come together and make an intelligent effort to put forward information that the rest of the world will see and be moved and influenced by themselves.

Easier said than done, I know - and I also know that even within that 10% of us that know things are fucked, there is even a large amount of disagreement about how exactly it’s fucked and what exactly we need to be doing to make things better, so that makes the situation all the more complicated still - but it seems we have to at least make an effort to do something, because we seem to be going to hell in a hand basket pretty directly, and we need to be acting to do something about it to overcome these ignorance-and-laziness-bourn obstacles we’re faced with.

It's coming though, and stupid americans will allow it sooner or later.

Jesus I wish I had a decent argument against this comment, but I can’t say that I do. Fucking “stupid americans” is right, unfortunately.

I really enjoy talking with you, and hit the friend button which is something I rarely do. Have a good day and keep fighting the good fight.

Thank you, brother. Namaste, and see you around. :)

PS, before your work out, I still highly suggest you watch about 10 minutes of that speech. More people need to see it.

Nope. Not gonna do it. I get it. She's a Zionist-owned shill. 100%. I know that's the case. I don't need to get further validation than I already have that people like her are "kept". I know she is.

That's part of why I made this very OP.

She's a Zionist-owned shill. 100%.

I cannot agree more. I'm glad others know. It seems so few really do.

I'm glad you're outraged. Hillary Clinton is an enormous criminal.

Although she's not "elected" yet, it's not too early to start talking impeachment. I remember a time in America when that sort of remark was obviously a joke. It's still maybe a little funny, but it's no longer an exaggeration.

OK, so. If I posted that to my Facebook page, nearly everyone who saw it would infer that I'm a red voter of some sort. Republican, teabagger, whatever. I'm not. If pressed, I'll say I'm a free market communist. Hardly anyone can process that remark, which is fine with me.

Some vocal percentage of blue voters would immediately class me as some kind of fascist who just doesn't want a female President. Or they'd assume that I'm a Trump fan. All of that is the opposite of true, but nobody's going to listen to that.

The fact is that there are those on the Right who will (often literally) characterize a Democrat President as the Beast of Revelation, regardless of actual policy or conduct. So if you attack Hillary, you get lumped in with, I dunno, Fred Phelps or something.

Liberals will do the same to a Republican President. Even if his policy stance is broadly indistinguishable from that of the Democrat candidate, he's a dumb old money-grubbing warmonger. So if you criticize him, your red-voter friends will decide you must be a libtard.

That's what we're up against.

Yes, more and more Americans are becoming broadly cynical and disillusioned, but too many of them are still utterly hypnotized by the mainstream narrative, which says that a) they get to participate in the choice of which narcissistic android gets to sit in the Oval Office, and b) this choice is critically important. OMG y'all, if the other one wins, I'm leaving the country!

Try telling them the country's fucked either way. Their answer will start with "yeah but..."

Yeah but nothing. We need to dispense with this misplaced allegiance to one or the other side of a dichotomy that we all know is completely false. We say yeah, we know it's false, but... and then we fight over total bullshit.

That divide is created on purpose. Fighting each other over trivia and hallucinations keeps us down in a world of shit.

Just look at this election. A "choice" between two of the most despicable and divisive public figures in living memory. It's surreal. Can it even be remotely possible that this happened by accident? I mean, two of the most rich and powerful political parties in world history, and NEITHER of them can manage to field a Presidential candidate that isn't widely despised? Is this a joke?

And if that's not enough, let's get a peak at some of Hillary's shenanigans and then have the head of the FBI tell the country there's nothing to see here. Are you shitting me?

If that doesn't whip the partisan mob into riot mode, nothing will.

So now when we say, let's impeach Clinton, is there even a remote chance that we'll be properly understood? No, it's just asking to get a bottle thrown at your head.

All of this suits the big campaign donors just fine. I'm telling you.

They are gaslighting us.

This, I feel, is the absolute best comment in this entire OP by far up to this point. Wish I could upvote it more than once and that it was at the very top because I feel everyone should read what you posted here.

Let's argue about which one is more despicable and dangerous.

Just posted this highlighted comment. Very appropriate here as well.

Much lulz!

It doesn't really matter; it's mathematically impossible for her to win.


While it seems to me that /u/All_By_Me_Whatsy might be jumping the gun a bit, I really think people shouldn't give so much power to the idea that the masses have absolutely no power and can do absolutely nothing against whatever the state does. This is part of the reason why the state tries and gets away with so much chicanery in the first place - because people say things like "You've only got only 4 months to come to terms with the queens eventual coronation." as if we have no choice in the matter and we're powerless to do anything about it so we better just accept whatever the state decides to do and that's it.

Heck, that's a big part of the reason for my making this OP in the first place. Do you like the idea of the United States being a monarchy or some sort of autocratic state? Is that what you want? Is that what would make you feel good as an American? (assuming you are an American...you might not be/I don't know) If you are an American, then shouldn't you be, instead, absolutely disgusted with the idea of the ideals that the country was supposed to stand for being completely turned around and corrupted the way they have been? Shouldn't you be feeling like what's happening is a complete anathema to what should be the case? and if you do feel that, then shouldn't you kind of not be blithely joking or quipping about it with witty "queens coronation" comments like you did?

She's not the fucking queen nor should she ever be looked upon as such - even in an attempt at witty joking - and to give that kind of thinking power seems to breed a sort of accepted apathy in others that spreads like a disease, like a viral infection, and gets people around to go "Yeah. She'll be president. Meh. Pass the chips. What's on tv?"

I understand that TPTB have a lot of power, and the idea that the "selection took place years ago" is likely A) correct and B) manifesting itself now. However, I think that the people have even more power than TPTB, and if we as a population just grow a pair and decide to come together and not take the manipulative shit of the state (with the conviction and the unwillingness to give up that this frog has, for example), I know TPTB would go "O_o, wo." and back off. They might back off only to regroup and come back again stronger in a few more generations after the descendents of the original fighters have long forgotten what their ancestors fought so hard for, but right now it is we who are the "descendents or the original fighters who have long forgotten what their ancestors fought so hard for", and we have had an apathy and an ignorance and a sloth bred and indoctrinated into us that is causing us to go "Hillary'll be president cuz she'll be selected, not elected. Hurr durr hurr. Oh well. Pass the chips. What's on tv?" and we're not realizing just how horribly this speaks about how far we've descended into our subservience and apathy...and how badly we need to break out of that.

We need to NOT RESIGN ourselves to the horrible way things are just because "it's just the way things are/have been". It doesn't have to be "the way things are".

It could be better and we could make things better if we didn't just accept the shit that happens as "just the way things are".

Point taken, and I might add that you are right. I'm only holding a mirror up to those that deny the control we now live under. I can't help feeling hopeless at this point, hopeless that anything will change in our lifetime for the better. I think our future is very dark at this moment. It is my hope that there are millions of people such as yourself just about to emerge and bring about change, but it's a hope that feels naive at this point. Look at what this country has allowed so far: torture, citizens united, indefinite detention, censorship, police state, overt surveillance, endless wars, an out of control MIC, a stolen election in 2000, SCOTUS corruption, low approval rating for years on end with congress, propaganda used on our own citizens, etc, etc, etc... Thank you for the pep talk though. Your words are sorely needed around here.

I can't help feeling hopeless at this point, hopeless that anything will change in our lifetime for the better.

Yeah. I understand that, and I feel similar…but no sooner do I feel that, than I also feel like the God damn frog, God dammit. I’m not pretending to be any sort of Christopher Dorner “one man army” type, but I certainly won’t just lay down and willingly spread my cheeks for The Man to keep going in and doing his worst either.

I at the very least make sure and work hard to make sure and carry myself with a good semblance of respectability - and even if the whole world is going to shit around me and everyone is agreeing that “red is blue and up is down”, I will still stand - alone if need be - and still say “No. It’s not that way. It’s not what you’re saying. Things aren’t like that. Red is red, up is up, and down is down. Sorry if that makes you feel bad or angry because you’ve been taught all your life the opposite of what I’m saying, but I’m still saying it regardless.”

Yeah. It often doesn’t make you very popular, and you end up not really having many friends…but, well…I personally don’t want friends if they’re not real, honest, focused people willing to stand up and look at the world in an intelligent, focused manner.

I think our future is very dark at this moment.

I don’t disagree, but I also think that my own personal focus and determination to still do the right thing within these shit circumstances is still pretty darn forthright and strong - and I’m willing to talk to anyone about what I feel is decent regardless of whether the entire country/world is going to hell in a hand basket or not.

It is my hope that there are millions of people such as yourself just about to emerge and bring about change, but it's a hope that feels naive at this point.

I think that’s a good hope, and I hope the same thing, but what I tend to do is simply work toward being the change I wish to see in the world and in others. When I do that, I realize that that hope that I have actually isn’t really “naive” per se. It might not be an entirely realistic hope considering how difficult this planet seems, but I want to be able to say that at the end of my days, I can die knowing that I held to my convictions even if it wasn’t convenient or easy or popular. I want to say that those convictions were ultimately about trying to be a good person for myself and others, but also about not being afraid to say what I really feel even if it was an unpopular point of view. I want to be able to say that I at least TRIED to do my best, and be a critical thinker regardless of the opposition that might have been around.

Look at what this country has allowed so far: torture, citizens united, indefinite detention, censorship, police state, overt surveillance, endless wars, an out of control MIC, a stolen election in 2000, SCOTUS corruption, low approval rating for years on end with congress, propaganda used on our own citizens, etc, etc, etc...

Yeah, man. So much corruption and darkness. For real. I work hard to be as little a part of it as possible.

Thank you for the pep talk though. Your words are sorely needed around here.


She'll be popped. Bernie will be dropped. Trump cannot be stopped.


Trump has already been stopped.

Maybe you need to learn how to count.


You don't know what 'popped' is slang for, do you?

Oh, so you think she'll be killed. No she won't. If they didn't kill Obama, why would they assassinate someone even more likely to toe the line for Israel? Presidents are very well protected, unless it's the deep state that wants them gone.

Explain that please.

Hmmm...Clinton or Trump? Let's see...

This is you, really. It's pretty sad.

If that's what you think, then it really is ultimately you that's pretty sad.

But okay. Meh.

Nah, you're delusional. And you've revoked your right to complain about anything that happens from now on.


Rule 10. Removed.

most downvoted

Wow. Two downvotes. As though 1. it matters 2. I give a shit.

It says something about the validity of your points when literally no one agrees with them


Do you want to try again? That was pretty funny, though.

and everyone thinks you're an idiot.

Great argument. Maybe next time have more than one sockpuppet downvote me.

I don't know what that's signifying sorry.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

Not an argument.

Correct. It was a simple statement of fact is all.

Thanks for confirming Rule 10.

You don't understand the rule.

Ha! Again! lol. Jesus. This idiot just doesn't know when to stfu and quit. Oh well. At least your "basement-dwelling troll" hand is strong. smh

What the fuck are your links supposed to be, because they have no content.

3 sources all pointing to ONE "study" or model, claiming Trump'll win by one unknown professor in an even more unknown school of higher learning(?), "Stony Brook University". Maybe I'm wrong though. Professor Mustard speaking from the library of Pepperage Farms University also thinks Trump is going to win.

Your comments just get better and better. Of course there are no details about how this model works, or how they arrive at these conclusions.

ONE "study" or model

Which has been wrong once in 100 years.

one unknown professor

Genetic fallacy.

unknown school

Genetic fallacy.

Of course there are no details about how this model works, or how they arrive at these conclusions.

So why not do the fucking reading required to comprehend it, because it's all right there.

My, my, my, aren't we easily impressed. Let's chat again after the election. Ta ta.

Thanks for admitting that you were wrong.

Election of 1824 scenario = no candidate passes 270 electoral vote threshold = election thrown into House of Representatives.

House = Republican majority = split-vote Republicans divided over Trump = HRC wins with minority of votes in 3-way split.

But she'll be president before that, when President Biden steps down to let his unelected (like Nixon's Ford) VP take the helm. And she'll be killed by the military in less than 6 months.

mathematically impossible

How so?

organize ourselves

That is the key. If our reporters reported, we would have overthrown this farce a long while ago. But I don't see how we can communicate in a way that can't be easily subverted by those in power. I've read that when Egypt was in chaos, they simply cut all communications. Cell phones didn't work, internet was impossible to find... You can be certain all of these things have been studied and many layers of contingency plans have been well thought out. So how do people battle that? It'll take an enormous public freak out to awaken citizens, to jolt low information people out of their stupor. It'll take movements that even the media can't cover up. I've been waiting to see it since around 2008, and feel we may never see it. We may all be chipped with a cashless society before long, and then their power will be complete.

PS, before your work out, I still highly suggest you watch about 10 minutes of that speech. More people need to see it.

The noticeable shift in my lifetime has been less rule of law and more money and corruption in politics, even overt corruption, for example citizens united, or the arbitrary UNaccountability of Hillary yesterday, for example. Even worse, that a former first lady is such an openly ruthless criminal. Dynastic power families that are above the law. Or selling out the workers with nafta etc., which is virtual class warfare.

Meanwhile the education system is such a grey, ugly system of bureaucracy that would make Stalin green with envy, and the propaganda system there and then in the MSM is deadening. So that any kind of waking up is a series of shocks that might progress for decades, or might settle for any ideology along the way.