Are You people (US citizens) going to do something about your corrupt Government?

758  2016-07-06 by JUSTIN_HERGINA

What's it going to take?

Are you going to leave it up to the electronic voting machines to decide a "close win by a narrow margin"?

Cos' that what's going to happen, you know it in your hearts.

Now, what's the best course of action? How do you want to beat this shit over its head and take back your country?

Edit: Wow! I've been off reddit for a couple of days and didnt realize this got stickied and took off!

For people asking questions on my view/suggestions, please see my response to /u/Orangutan

It isn't perfect, and I have seen some other very good/better suggestions in here, I'm glad people aren't defeated.

Some of us in other parts of the world are concerned for our US brothers & sisters across the oceans.



You have to understand how bad we are brainwashed here in the US, and that most people don't even realize it. It's not their fault. We are indoctrinated from the time we begin school to stand and pledge allegiance to the greatest country that ever existed. We are taught all through school that we have the most freedom of any country on earth. Our education model is that of pre-WWI Germany's state run thought control, which was brought here by the Nazis in Operation Paperclip; true history is not instructed. Our "news" sources only run stories of distraction, division, and misdirection while we are force-fed meaningless celebrity gossip; all thanks to Operation Mockingbird, CoIntelPro, etc. We are continually pitted against one another over which party is the most patriotic. Anyone who disagrees or thinks critically against an official government report is labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and ridiculed in accordance with CIA Document #1035-960.

I could read about this all day. Are there any documentaries that you could suggest? I feel like I am talking to a brick wall when I try telling people these things.

Research the Socratic method. It may be the only way to reach people. Otherwise, people's opinions and ideas are so entrenched in their personalities that when you criticize their thoughts, they take it as an attack on their ego, and thus themselves. You have to weasel the truth in, you can't give it to them straight up.

This is so crucial and is at the root of all problems: a conflation of ego with thought and emotion. People just don't get that their thoughts and emotions aren't "who they are" and that they're just transient experiences. We've been split, mind against mind, emotion against emotion. The game and goal is division and confusion with a heavy emphasis on confusion. I'm definitely looking up the Socratic method.

People just don't get that their thoughts and emotions aren't "who they are" and that they're just transient experiences

Do you have any recommendations I could check out in relation to this? Always felt that there's more to this world than meets the eye.

Well in relation to that, the most powerful thing you can do is to actively and regularly meditate. It's literally the practice of learning to hold your attention while observing the swirling miasma that is the "monkey mind" as an objective non- judging and non-rejecting observer. It really and genuinely is a skill that takes consistent practice. Even 10 minutes a day for a while to start is great. And this skill will prove profoundly positive. A real eye opener! The benefits are technically the practice itself since one meditates as a human for the same reason birds sing. Having said that, the "benefits" are fairly well documented and fascinating in and of themselves not least of which is a less jumpy state of mind through which life is lived and not just traveled through reflexively. I highly recommend checking out the talks and books of Alan Watts (not Watt). His talks are legendary and his style is direct and even in a talk that is outwardly about, say, Hinduism, the thread of insight, perspective and wisdom he throws your way really does make you feel like he "gets it" like no one else I've heard or read. There's a lot of his talks on YouTube of varying quality but most have a backdrop of music which i personally prefer without which are also available. You can find torrents of collection of his talks also which are in their original format. There is indeed much more to this world than meets the eye, and it begins with the interconnectedness of everything and how it all interacts in the interplay of opposites; light/dark, good/bad, hot/cold, front/back, etc. Good luck investigating. I wish you all the best and if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask away.

I could listen to him talk for hours (and I have).

Stupendously powerful message in that video, thanks for the link. The music and video match it very well. I love that man and consider him a dear friend even though we've never met.

This thread is just gold. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

holy crap, i needed some of this! thanks!

Thanks for the awesome reply. I've been looking into it for the last hour and I think something like Mindfulness will be best for me, as it's possible to do in action. I think it'll be harder for me to find time to sit down and meditate so for now, I like how there's something I can do no matter what else I'm doing :).

A couple of replies I got said that by doing this regularly, by observing the mind and not getting involved in it (so I assume this means we're breaking our identification with the mind), that this leads to liberating insights and higher vibrations etc. Do you know how this works? I read something earlier about how we're always ignoring the peace and happiness that's always here by identifying with the mind, so I'm assuming that once we break that identification, we see reality for what it truly is? Or something.. :\

How has your own progression been with meditation?

Hey just wanted to chime in here with this:

I was introduced to mindfulness and meditation scientifically a few years ago but had such horrible anxiety that I could never put any of it into practice. I watched this video about 6 months ago and started thinking about some of the things he says randomly throughout the day (e.g. "when am I?") and the answers kept getting deeper. After a few weeks, with what seemed like very little effort, I was able to get into really deep meditation and reach those "liberating insights".. I can't even begin to describe how powerful it is and how it feels.

The video explains pretty well how this works on a standard scientific level i.e. the whole spiel with the default mode network. You could look into the DMN and find some pretty decent research being done on the effects of meditation on the brain.

Just watched this and really wanted to thank you for sharing. It is absolutely fascinating. I too also struggle with a lot of resistance, anxiety and blah blah blah blah (lol) so it really was a great watch.

I'm confused in terms of how to put it into practice though. You said you'd randomly start asking yourself that question ("When am I?") and the answers got deeper over time, but none of the questions he gives as examples make any sense to me. Do you consciously have to think of the answer or just sit back and let it come to you in time?

Also how is your anxiety and general state of mind now? Have you turned off a lot of the blah blah blah and has your life changed as a result?

Again, thanks a lot for the sharing. :)

Thank you for taking such an interest! I'm excited to help :) in fact, so excited that I'm gonna have to apologize profusely in advance for the long long long reply I'm leaving. I hope my ramblings don't deter you from learning more haha. Anyway...

Here's how I went about it. I began asking myself "when am I?" anytime I had a free moment. I picked this question because it seemed the hardest to just deflect since it was a little bit stranger. Each time I'd ask myself, I would focus my mind enough to make sure it didn't go off-topic, but let it wander otherwise. Kind of like one of those "there are no dumb answers" brainstorming sessions we had in school sometimes. Everyone just blurt out something. So my brain would just throw out random things, a lot of them literal, some very sarcastic, mostly nonsense. But a couple seemed to merit further thought so I wrote those down and started thinking about them individually.

Unfortunately, I don't remember the other answer candidates but the one that really got me going was looking at "when" my mind was lurking. Think of time as kind of a spatial dimension that your mind can travel through. At random times throughout the day, I'd ask "when am I?" and it'd usually turn into some variant of "am I in the past.. thinking of what happened 10 years ago? 2 years ago? 2 minutes ago? Am I thinking about the future? Am I in 2 years from now? After lunch? Or am I literally just right here, when I'm supposed to be, when my physical being is?"

Of course, I was rarely when I was supposed to be. Imagine time as a room where you're standing in the center and need "help" doing something, but your damn mind is running around like an excited dog and you can't get anything done without its cooperation. That's one of the powers of blah blah blah. Over time, it became clearer and clearer to me that being "anywhen" else is just not gonna work. I can't have my physical being trying to do one thing and my mind running all over. Not only will I not get anything done, but I'll never be happy where I am because my mind will always be thinking of that time in the past that was better, or what it can do in the future that could be better, or negative things that happened or could happen that drag me down, no matter where I am or what I'm doing.

Now here's the interesting part. Once this part clicked, it was like I had my foot in the door. My mind had freed up just enough CPU to comprehend the other questions on a deeper level. So then it became "where am I?", "what am I?", "where are these thoughts coming from?". Being able to think about these in depth turns off your DMN and that's when the real mindfulness starts. At this point, it literally starts to feel like being on psycholytic drugs and you have open access to you. Good stuff :D

Here are a few "meditation-triggering" questions that I posted somewhere else which might help get you started:

  • where do my thoughts come from?
  • from my head to toe, mind and body, what am I feeling right now?
  • what physical manifestations do these feelings have?
  • where am I? - but not the typical answer of address or country.. really what is your place on this planet, solar system, even in your room?
  • what am I? - as in what really is your nature as a person? Do you feel like you're your body, your mind, a mixture?
  • who am I? - what is my narrative and why is it so important to me?

The above is really the only useful part of this reply. The rest is just me going on about how well this works and the results I've gotten, if you need any more motivation :) feel free to jump to the tl;dr!

As for how I'm doing now generally.. it's kind of overwhelming thinking about it and trying to explain it to someone who doesn't know me, in a very good way. Altogether, I'd say I had a pretty shitty life - genetics and environment coming together to create a lot of mental issues, a nice huge shitstorm. I'm 22 and I'm dealing with/have dealt with OCD, GAD, Asperger's, borderline personality disorder, major depression, CSP, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, social anxiety, PTSD, self-harming, suicide attempts, alcoholism, and two horrible concussions (one of which happened in the US so I had zero health care) that made everything so so much worse. Darn comorbidity. And that's just the medical stuff (and I think I've actually forgotten a few things; I'm on cold medicine right now).

A little over a year ago, I had a horrible horrible nervous breakdown and moved away, far far away. I can't stress how bad I'd gotten. I moved in with a friend and he had to wait on me hand and foot otherwise I wouldn't eat or do anything; I literally needed a 24/7 nurse and would have ended up in a hospital if not for him. I was an absolute mess just waiting to get drunk enough one night to end it all. And my anxiety was the worst part of it. I can't stress how bad that was. I spent 2011-2016 in a chronic state of anxiety just teetering on a panic attack. My anxiety in itself was enough to qualify me as a "disabled student" in Canada. My mind was screaming BLAH BLAH BLAH all the time in its angriest metal voice (and not pleasant, like Halford, think death metal) and all I could do was cry and drink myself into a catatonic state just to survive.

Now I know that's probably a lot more information than you'd asked for, but I feel I had to write it to stress the potential this type of mindfulness and meditation has. So 12 months ago, I was a walking corpse; I spent 3 months just trying to catch my breath since I was finally away from a very very horribly stressful situation; then I spent 3 more months regaining basic functionality (eating, showering, sleeping) so that I didn't need 24/7 supervision (using self-administered propranolol PTSD treatment and having my friend as amazing support); come January, I moved back in with my mom and no longer had my friend with me all the time, which was incredibly scary, BUT I pushed myself and used these last 6 months for self-exploration using this kind of meditation and that's when I really started getting better.

I am now one of the calmest, most positive people I know. I feel like a 70's hippie a lot of the time cause I'm just so at peace with everything around me. My anxiety is completely gone. I've stopped drinking. I'm eating the healthiest I ever have and feel great. I'm FINALLY not afraid of sleep (always have been, since age 3 or so) and don't have anymore nightmares. My depression will always be beside me telling me to get back in bed and be sad, but I barely even hear it anymore. I've finally learned emotional regulation. No more self harm and certainly no more suicidal thoughts.. I love life (again, cold medicine probably made me forget a few other things, but you get the point). There's still a lot wrong, but I'm good with it. I'll change what I can and accept what I can't.

That being said, I'm still dealing with a couple things, mainly the social anxiety and PTSD, but those are a direct result of physical brain damage from my second concussion and TBI-related anxiety is very different from regular anxiety. It also gave me chronic neck pain which is really hard to tolerate sometimes. But even these things are just a matter of time and are getting better every day. I'm a tiny bit away from a standard definition of functional, but considering where I was just a year ago, I think that's forgivable.

The best part is, this is all despite my knowing more about the darkness of the world than ever before. I live in a country which gives me every excuse to be an angry anxious bitch (Iran) and I spend most of my day learning about the worst things humanity has ever done. I'm back in my old room (which I ran away from multiple times as a teen) with my horribly dysfunctional family, but I'm okay. And the blah blah is quiet for the most part. I know I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn, but I control the blah blah now, not the other way around.

TL;DR for the second part: My general anxiety is gone. I'm generally doing VERY well, thanks for asking. The blah blah is under control, but it can always be better. And my life is completely changed as a result.

I really hope this helps you. Lemme know if you have anymore questions, or feel free to PM me if you prefer that :) Good luck!

alan wattS is a distractor. meditation is fine as a corollary, but only if you mention that it will help you fight the elite. nothing else matters right now.

the problem with the "yin-yang, balance" thing is that we don't need evil. it isn't an "opposite" of good. it is a degradation of it, and can and should be eliminated.

alan watt, otoh, is very anti-nwo on the surface, but smacks horrible of "gatekeeper".

You could also check out the book Be Here Now by Ram Dass.

I'm the same way friend. Do some reading on esoteric topics :) here's a few I really enjoy about the true nature of reality

  • conversations with God books 1-3
  • Seth material by Jane Roberts
  • any material by Edgar Cayce
  • even bashar channelings can be informational

There's tons of books out there dealing with who and what we really are.

(Hint: we are all one)

Thanks for the info! :)

Yes, this enters into Eastern mysticism territory. I recommend the writings of Sri Nisargadatta, particularly his book "I Am That", as well as pretty much anything by Osho. And yes, take up meditation daily, and never cease. It allows you to observe the mind, emotions, and sensory input without any participation in it. This observation leads to liberating insight and transformation.

"I Am That" actually popped up quite a few times during my hour of research on this stuff earlier. Just got it for my Kindle although it wasn't on Amazon for some reason. Just one question - how does continued observation of the mind lead to liberating insights, transformation etc? I've been reading about how meditation increases our vibration or something too. That's also a part of it, right?

Also I've been looking into Mindfulness so I think I'll begin that. One of the benefits being that it's something you can do in action. Which fits me perfectly as it's hard for me to sit still haha, at least right now. But thanks for your help:)

How has your own progression been with meditation?

David Icke's new book "Phantom Self" would be good choice for more about these ideas.

I can write 20 page answers for this.

They also don't like the sarcastic, "Oh the government would never do that!" Alex Jones type speech either. Can you expand upon the Socratic method briefly for any fellow readers?

In a nutshell (my understanding) is that it involves questioning for facts, rather than simply presenting facts.

So, if you're trying to lead people to the truth, get them to question it themselves. Become the student, not the teacher. Pose questions to them, don't just present a sheet of facts. It's truly the best way to teach/learn.

Here's some more information/

This is a good resource on the Socratic method. Jan Helfeld has been using it to question politicians for years.

His videos are very entertaining if you like to see uncomfortable politicians.

I absolutely adore this explanation of the power of the Socratic method:

In half an hour one guy was able to teach binary to 22 students just by asking questions.

Dunno if you know binary, but basically:

0001 -> 20 = 1

0010 -> 21 = 2

0100 -> 22 = 4

1000 -> 23 = 8

Here's a "more complicated" one:

1111 -> 23 + 22 + 21 + 20 = 15

I've found that I can usually blame most stuff on "crazy liberals" and get my family to agree, then after a while I've had a couple members of the family come to me with the admission that the whole thing might be a "rigged game".

That's the closest I've come to convincing anyone of the misinformation, I guess you have to work with the person's preconceived notions and help them reason through it, instead of attacking their judgment.

Personally, I hate when people use the Socratic method on me and I refuse to keep talking to them. I find it really condescending and cowardly that someone else won't just tell me what they think and try to get me to say it for them. Yes, logic is always truth preserving when founded on true premises, but it's easy to keep manipulating these premises and begging questions that only align to your particular view on a subject until you get the person to say what you want them to say and never let the other person have any say in the direction of the questions or the conversation at large. I guess on some people the method works, but it really just pisses me off personally.

Finally getting the point of the Socratic method, thanks for pointing that out!

I highly recommend this Documentary: Century of the self - Adam Curtis (August 12, 2005)

Another must watch documentary is Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It exposes the corporation's secret control of everything going back to the Second World War.

I just discovered this video the other day but only watched a little bit. Plan on watching it all this week. There are 2 parts right? I know the first part was like 3 hours long

I watched this two days ago. Absolutely mind blowing. I wish there wasn't so much nazi flag waving because it's more just money and power to the select few than nazi takeover, but damn 80% of that stuff is undeniably horrifying.

I watched that a few days ago and was hoping somebody had shared it. It's long but it's definitely worth it

Seconded. And if you like COTS, I recommend The TRAP, which I think is his best work. "It felt like a kiss" can only be fully appreciated on cannabis, but if you do that, you'll totally totally get it and it will be glorious. Power of nightmares is good for a while, but boring at times (imho). All Watched over By Machines of Loving Grace is basically the Trap redux, with some confusing stuff at the end related to AIDS and failed rocketry. Bitter Lake is his newest and it has revelations on Afghanistan that no one has said before, related to big dam projects in the mid 1900s.

This brilliant clip on nonlinear warfare will give you a sense of his hard-hitting style

this is an amazing fucking clip

I second this

I don't mean to scare you but you may want to start taking a xanax / antidepressants / antipsychotics before you start. I can tell you the monarch movie put me in a bad place for a week, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I agree, I am in a bad place. I wrote a book connecting the dots over time of all the original information from this post.

whoa, gonna check this out. Is it really that dark? I have an appetite for very thought provoking stuff, but you know when you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back at you and eventually you become the monster you set out to destroy in the first place. What are your thoughts on that?

but you know when you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back at you and eventually you become the monster you set out to destroy in the first place.

im not sure if im interpreting this correctly, but.

i always thought that happens if you admire the evilness. im sure you can appreciate its "genius" or whatever, but at the end of the day, your own original goals/ideals have to be met, otherwise you should have to meet the same fate of whatever shitty end you wish those you hate meet.

No I have a different interpretation. So if you stare at the abyss, you go through a natural progression of emotions. First you are in shock, disgust, pain. Next you want to do something to ease the pain, maybe try to reduce it by deciding to take on the monster. Next you realize that the monster wants you to play in his turf to be able to even start combating it. Once you step into the monsters turf, you are left with no choice and slowly and gradually turn into exactly like the same monster you set out to destroy in the first place. And the cycle perpetuates.

I guess it's up to the individual.

No offense, I understand what your pov is, I just think that view of it is a bit self-defeating.

Well, yes and no. For me, I have overcome the emotional (usually painful and depressing) barrier to the modus operandus of the reallity of the world we live in. If you want to do anything substantial to change the current course of humanity, you have to be willing to play tough. Moreover, nothing of much value comes to you easily anyway. But yea, my two cents, cheers!

This video series summarizes The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto, a former New York State Teacher of the Year who defected, so to speak. There's also a really short summary worth watching. I definitely recommend reading Gatto's books.

I can get your link to work for the videos. Can you separate it out for me?

Check out Carroll Quigley and Anthony C Sutton. Both of them have done tremendous work explaining the role that the US had in the rise of the Third Reich and in the Bolshevik Revolution. Even Zbignew Brzezinski gave props to Sutton's work.

Quigley's most significant works, imo Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, are available for free online at Sutton's too, but I forget where I found his. Prepare for a very long read, though :P

Joseph Plummer's "Tragedy & Hope 101" is an excellent distillation of Quigley's opus. He's got it online for free, too, because it's so damn important.

Thank you very much!

Anytime, buddy!

Thank you very much, commenting so I can read when I am off work.

If you can endure the horrendous production value- everything's a rich man's trick.

I really hope someone remakes it, limits it to 2 hours and cleans up the production, then we can start having it play in all schools, targets, and walmarts.

money masters is an old docu on YouTube which explains how the federal reserve banking system is a scam and they took over the world in 1913

The Vice guide to North Korea is also a great one. Although it is not about America, it discusses the idea of the "greatest country" which is applicable.

if you want to be overwhelmed by it all...

Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners

My wife thinks I am crazy, and I am fairly vanilla when it comes to the stuff on this sub.

Are there any documentaries that you could suggest?

Get your head put of your documentaries and just vote Trump.

He is the soultion to the insider Corruption. Why do you think everyone is voting for him!

Oh, believe me, I have already been to two rallies and I have wanted this man to run for a LONG LONG time. My wife and I voted for him in the primary and cannot WAIT to vote for him in November. No worries about that, friend!

It's fascinating stuff. There's a COINTELPRO documentary on YouTube I watched today. Other good Netflix avail films are Noam Chomsky's doc, Dirty War doc, and The Big Short

Today & yesterday there's a huge narrative shift on MSM to create the illusion of a race war between Black Americans and Police in Blue. This is just my perspective, please let me know if I'm wrong.

In a very curious come back - the Black Panther Party (BPP) has made a theatric return. And is decidedly "violent" now?? To my knowledge, hasn't been around since the 1960s.

The current string of events have all the markings of a false flag.

Look up John Dewey, the father of modern education. Modern education is a direct result of his and other's efforts.

There's a reason why the National Socialist Party of Germany looked at how the United States treated it's citizens and used it as a base for their party platform and propaganda.

Because it's very, very effective. They took it to it's logical conclusion, and now so are we.

And not only arguing between parties its among groups too. LGBT, Black Lives Matter, Trump supporters, etc... America is so divided as a country that no one stops to work together. Every group is out for their "Ideal America" and doesn't stop to realize that we are all Americans, regardless of groups, we should all stand as one.

That's the plan. Are you familiar with cultural Marxism? I wasn't either until just a few days ago but it very well explains what is happening in America and western civilization right now.

yes, "divide to conquer"

I've heard of it but I cant say I understand it. I'll definitely have to check it out.

Can you recommend any decent reads/videos on the subject?

Just google or search on YouTube.

I am so sad about the current condition of this planet. I'm not from America and have been thinking of a thread like this for so long. Once I talk to someone in America about it not being the "greatest country that ever was" I get laughed at. I'm not saying it's a bad country, it's probably great. But to so stubbornly disagree with anyone who oppose of anything your government says is just poisonous.

Hopefully we can all rise up across the globe to help bring peace, love and humanity back to our philosophies across the globe.

I like your last paragraph and reminds me of something that I've thought of before that I will explain at the very end.

This 'power structure' in place is apparently very stable. It is comprised of a group of international bankers whose fortunes and resources we, as commoners, could probably not fathom. The blight of greed and corruption came to America at an early age from across the Atlantic in England with the establishment of the Federal Reserve. This power structure is indeed international with America 'seeming' to be its headquarters. But it is also like a multi-headed hydra, another head will always replace the one just slain. It would really take a global movement to even attempt to bring it down and even then, these people have many cards up their sleeves.

You see, I believe that we are truly spiritual beings residing in a physical world. Everything conceivable in existence has a vibratory imprint as physics has come to understand. You are a vibration in the ethers. A higher vibratory rate equates to positive feelings while a lower rate reflects anger, sadness, hatred, etc.

We probably cannot fight this power structure on a physical/material level as the deck is stacked heavily in their favor as it has always been. We must as a species keep our spiritual natures elevated as I think the opposite of this is the real goal of all the negative news you hear through the networks. Every sad story of injustice or neglect, greed or what-have-you works to bring our vibratory rate down and keep it down.

This all falls into perspective when you realize that this physical reality is only a school for souls. Are you going to feed the positive aspects of your being or focus on the negative. I have to catch myself when I fantasize about Hillary coming to some fatal misfortune and remember: our worst enemies are often our greatest teachers!

You see, I believe that we are truly spiritual beings residing in a physical world. Everything conceivable in existence has a vibratory imprint as physics has come to understand. You are a vibration in the ethers. A higher vibratory rate equates to positive feelings while a lower rate reflects anger, sadness, hatred, etc.

I share this belief and have done for quite some time now. I cannot prove it but it's my belief.

I've been interested in the longest time to research what our true natures really are, but have no idea where to start looking for more information on the reality our of existence here on earth, nor for a how-to on raising our own consciousnesses. Any recommendations?


Much appreciated bud, it's an interesting place!

There's so much information about discovering your true nature out there that I'm not sure where to begin. But I would look into meditation as it is basically the mind looking at the mind and will aid in freeing yourself from fear and other negative emotions which, in turn, increases your vibratory rate or lightness of being.

As far as which type of meditation, each has their own preference but mine is Samatha or concentration meditation.

Consider this fact: that some of the best warriors throughout history have practiced meditation. Samurai, shoalin monks, and even marines and navy seals have used meditation to improve their performance and mental clarity.

Thanks for this. I've chosen Mindfulness as it's something I can do in action - it'll be hard at this stage to get myself to sit still for even a few minutes! :P How has your own progression been with meditation?

You need to 'gear down' then. I can send you a PM on how to do this.

Looking forward to it!

I like Panpsychism, now called Integrated Information Theory.

Look up these physicists: Tononi, Koch, Hoffman, Tegmark, Chalmers

Hoffman did some interesting work demonstrating that there's no evolutionary fitness benefit to perceiving true reality.

Also interesting:

  • Nick Bostrom's thought experiment about simulated universes.
  • Verlinde's derivation of gravity from entropy and the holographic universe.

Appreciate you taking the time!

DMT: The Spirit Molecule :: describes how DMT spikes are released when we're born and die and the connections the author believes are made once we understand that the pineal gland is the seat of the spirit.

The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and the End of History by Terence McKenna :: Discusses origins of mankind and the probable development of higher-consciousness through psilocybin and other entheogens. Also discusses beings in realms that closely resemble the same realms discussed in the book My Big T.O.E. below.

Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind by Graham Hancock :: Discusses how, through different culture's entheogens (natural cultural psychedelics), one can see/visit/communicate with other beings co-evolving with us through history. Just like humans are evolving in this plane, this author believes that the stories of Elves or Fairies are the same beings that have now become Greys/Aliens in today's mythos. He discusses his journeys and experiences as well as other's first-hand accounts on certain entheogens and the patterns seen.

Not In His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief by John Lamb Lash :: discusses how the current Judea-Christian god is a counterfeit-mimic deity (villain of the galaxy basically) and how we're trapped in a false-copy (matrix) of a more perfect realm. Goes through the Gnostic mythos that shows and explains how they came to write/believe such concepts.

My Big T.O.E./Theory Of Everything by Thomas Campbell :: doesn't use psychedelics to achieve other states of consciousness but uses transcendental meditation and science to map non-physical matter realities. The author is one of the early students from the Monroe Institute (of Out-of-Body experience fame).

Deep bro. I think I learnt something today.

I had a friend who commonly astral projected. He told me that in that realm he could see various "demons". Often he saw them around people. He told me he could fight them but the only way to remain safe was to use high vibration energy as a shield and a weapon. These dark enities gave have low slow pulses. If he wasn't mindfull his vibrations would synch with there's.

I've honestly thought about this concept in depth. It's difficult to explain but I think it's very very crucial.

We are the greatest country in the world. To me, at least. Im American and i love my country. The landscapes, the people, etc. I hate our government though. Yoh dont have to love your government in order to love your country. I feel like if more people stopped thinking they arent mutually exlusive then maybe they would fight it more. I think alot of us have given up. I can't blame them though., its not their fault entirely.

I think alot of us have given up. I can't blame them though., its not their fault entirely.

What exactly have got tired before you (plural) gave up?

I read it, I hear it and yet I can't never get an answer to this simple question: can anyone share same actual, hard DATA that suggest that the US is "the greatest country in the world"?

Its called opinions. If you read in my OP you would read "to me". That means its my opinion.

"Opinions" are (or should) be informed by data. How would you form an opinion unless from the analysis of a data set? How, but from looking at and evaluating facts? Maybe what you meant was "feelings". Feelings just are, they don't need objective confirmation. You're just sentimental about your country.

o·pin·ion əˈpinyən/Submit noun a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Hmmmm. Didnt know we could change definitions.

Right. "Not necessarily". So, again, you basically "feel" that America is the greatest country in the world, but you have no facts or knowledge to back it up. That was kind of my point: you're simply sentimental about your country. BTW I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with that. Just noticing that Americans throw that around a lot without backing it up with data.

I agree with you, America is a great country.

Why do you love your country? What purpose does it serve? Does it make you feel good? Do you feel like you have been coerced to love your country? Have you been taught to love your country? Would you fight for your country? Would your country fight for you? Would your country protect you? Would your country hurt you? Would your country lie to you? Would you still love your country if it lied, killed, cheated, robbed or acted maliciously to your fellow country men or people from other nations?

Don't love a country.

Those are all things the government does. And like i said, i love America but hate the government.

Love Americans! Love all people! A country doesn't do bad things because it can't.

America is fucking bad ass. We've got some of the coolest lands, vast differences of people, melting pot cities, and one of the best constitutions ever written. Much better then some places like Korea where everyone looks the same and acts the same. Diversity is the spice of life. Don't let facism and poor government ruin your view of this great place. We the people rule it, not the government. Don't let them take that from you.

But no universal healthcare....


Absolutely. It is frustrating to me who lives in a country where education and healthcare is completely free to be laughed at that person pay most likely the same or more taxes on military. I've been told the government does not have an obligation to feed the hungry or take care of the sick. Why do they feel that the government have an obligation to pay for a military bigger than the other superpowers on this planet - combined? I was of the impression that a military is suited to protect the country and people, not protect and enforce their laws on people on the other side of the globe.

Hopefully we can all rise up across the globe to help bring peace, love and humanity back to our philosophies across the globe.

Words are cheap, what are you DOing about it?

I would gladly do anything and this is one of my daily struggles. I cannot for the life of me find a way to bring my philosophies into the world. I am incredibly poor and have health issues which(at the moment) hinders me getting a job and supporting myself. I am in contact with various doctors and government agencies which will help me sew a new life, so to speak. Hopefully I'll get back on my feet and spread my gospel about peace and prosperity without constraints from a industrial military complex worth half of the planets money.

I have been looking into volunteering outside of my country(my country makes sure there are no unfed or unhealthy individuals and since I am on the bottom part of the society I live in, it's hard for me to help others when I'm struggling the most) but as of right now it's a little bit too expensive to me to find money for plane tickets and since my health is in decline, I am forced to fix that problem before I'm going anywhere.

This is not only a negative aspect, I have plenty of time to plan my future and set up a way to recover and a goal to end up in a country or society where help is needed.

If you have a computer and internet access you're Not 'poor'

Why are you making excuses? TBH they sound like a load of crap. Sounds to me if you 'think you're poor' that you're deluded. You might be 'relatively' not rich BUT you are far from 'poor'

How old are you and what type of illness?

I am sorry, I meant that I am the lowest of where I live. In my country, there are no homeless people. We have a welfare "net" which catch people who struggle in life. They receive things such as money to buy food and necessities, and a place to live. Currently I cannot support myself and that's why I live of welfare. I have roughly 930 USD per month(I am assuming you're American or can translate USD into your currency) which should cover all expenses including trips to and from the hospital, medicine and all my bills.

I am rich compared to poor people in other countries but my current position is not that I can leave the country or volunteer like I want to. I am trying to educate my close friends and family with my philosophies. Most of the people who I meet and talk to regarding this have a pretty healthy view on society and life, which is why I believe it is hard for me to help here where I live. There are far worse places and I really want to go and help.

You're right, I have a lot of excuses. I have no problem admitting this and maybe some day I can make up for this time in my life by going places I am more needed.

Thank you for such an honest reply

As an Aussie I know where you're coming from as we too have a comprehensive welfare system

what's wrong with you physically speaking?

that said, you should start taking 800-1000mgs of magnesium a day ... it stops depression and anxiety in it's tracks!

wow, Thank you for the reply! I will absolutely look into what you're talking about. Currently I am not positive I quite like the medicine we have today and am reluctant to taking it. I will absolutely try magnesium.

I am diagnosed with certain phobias and severe depression. My phobias is a large range of phobias including social anxiety etc.

If this will make my life take another turn I owe my life to you. Thank you so much :)

maaaate! You will be amazed with the Magnesium! (and thriown in some vitamin D, which really helps and especially as a scandinavian you prolly don't get enough sunlight to make enough, so supplement it.

Unfortunately most 'modern diets' are badly lacking both these compounds and as you are what you eat, it stands to reason "if you eat shit you'll feel shit'

It is far and away The Best 'anxiolitic' (anti-anxiety thing) and what's even better, you will notice it's effects in an HOUR or so! It's SO effective I'm sadly stunned that most drs don't suggest it before any other treatments

IMHO it is as good as getting smoking dope without the 'stone'! Your 'mind' just chills out ... you will notioce the things which caused you to stress out simply don't!

One guy here I told about it who suffered from BAD social anxiety pm's me to tell me that for the first time in many years he attended a family xmas party and not only was 'able to saty all night', he had the best time and was blown away at how he only had a mild twinge of anxiety at the start but it went away quickly and he found himself 'the life of the party!'

Take at least 800mgs perday, and like I said, you'll 'notice' it's effects in ~60-90mins

It changed my life, nowadays If I have a stressful situation coming up I take some and voila, no fears!

it's the best $10 you'll ever spend!

p.s and let me know how you go, like I said, so far every person I've told who's tried it has come back with BIG thanks! And as it 'works' so quickly, you'll notice it straight away (if you're stressing) It pretty much stops your brain from 'running away with itself' ... I think you'll Love it. It's Life changing.

If you read all that stuff I pm'd you you'll see it's not exceptional to have these remarkable results

In fact I expect to hear back from you with "wow!" results! ;D

also, re: that sub I suggested you check out, feel free tpo ask me anything about it via pm and I'll be happy to clarify anything and/or point you in the right direction

Hi! Just lurking.. I have magnesium oil that I use for deodorant. If it will have the same effect while absorbed through the skin, I'll start using multiple sprays (will obviously have to travel farther than the pit region hehe) to make sure I hit 800mgs+ because I've been controlled by my anxiety/depression for as long as I can remember.

I don't know if it would work via skin absorbtion ,, I guess to a degree ... I'd stick with Mg supps myself

Try kratom and kava. Those will also help with out a doubt

What he does not seem to understand is that if we all rise up, they will beat us back down into our places.

Why do you hate America!?

But at least we do forgive those who are oblivious and call us conspiracy theorists.

To play devils advocate, why would I want change when, even if I know my gov is corrupt, I can drive down to the beach and get a cup of coffee and a fancy meal and sit and read without concern for my safety?

This is the beauty of the beast. Until you are squeezed by the system you will not care. At some point though, this house of cards will fall.

Allow me to entertain the devil's advocate in you, do you own property? In my humble opinion, no man is truly free unless they own the property on which they stand. What happens if you don't pay property taxes though? Are you truly free?

Just because our corrupt government tramples on rights that we have that we are not using at the moment does not mean they are rights that we should not have. Use the 2nd as an example. ಠ_ಠ

How is that responsive to my question AT ALL?

It means just because you're chilling by the beach doing nothing and enjoying yourself does not mean our corrupt government isn't conspiring against you, stripping you slowly of your rights to a point that eventually you won't be able to enjoy your fucking coffee anymore nor be able to fight to restore that previous enjoyment. Why did I have to spell THAT out?

My corrupt government has given me better things that than 99% of the rest of the world population, so why would I want to undo that? Why would I revolt now if my life is good? Why wouldn't I let the degradation be the triggering point? Do I really care if there is a slow degradation of rights if I'm still better off like this than with whatever comes after some sort of upheaval?

What better things (better than 99% of the rest of the world like you say) have they given you?

Obviously if you enjoy your life you're free to do nothing. Many people are not enjoying their lives.

The general thought process is why wait for hitler to kill all the jews if you could prevent it from happening in the first place. Is that a wacky thought?

Have you ever been to Central or South America? I'm glad I don't live in the level of poverty that doesn't even exist here.

Your edit is absurd. Even minorities in this country would admit that they don't have to deal with terrorists or cartels or violence or rape or disease or poverty on the scale much of the rest of the world does.

Jumping straight to a third world country to validate your argument doesn't bode well.

Name another that has overthrown a government recently.


Ha, this is the example you'd like to use?

You seem to think that over throwing a government is a violent endeavor. Not sure why you think that is the case. It can be done with out violence.

And yes I think my example stands.

I agree that it's fucked up. But if we revolt, and regardless of whether or not we succeed or fail, I could instead just live my life happily and disregard the filth and corruption surrounding me. Maybe the ultimately conspiracy is that society is a construct and your mind is the center of the universe from your point of view, so doing what helps you is what matters in the end. Also, the corruption is exacerbated by how ignorant the people in this country are. In South America, everyone knows the system is fucked.

You don't know how happy or upset the other 99% are. You are only fed false information. There are many paradise locations across the world.

Well, I see where you're coming from. We don't have to deal with things that people in the Middle East do. But at the same time, there is always room for improvement. It's like telling a child that, because they get food and water, they shouldn't ask for a better quality of life. To have friends and a feeling of security.

That's no way to go, Franco Un-American...

But what are you doing for the other 6 days of the week? Stressed out and struggling for survival with a family unit that is all but disintegrating?

(Maybe hyperbole, but you get the idea.)

Struggling for survival here doesn't mean cartels terrorists or zika/ebola, so what exactly do you mean?

Struggling to continue lying to ourselves that being a slave to this machine is a fair trade off for some notion of freedom and economic prosperity. We live with the guilt of the machine we support.

happy slave


I don't have any guilt and will get involved if I become unhappy. The masses (in the US) realize they have it better than everyone else regardless of whether it is conscious of a government that is corrupt.*

  • "corrupt" is being thrown around as if they US is as or more corrupt that elsewhere.

I mean struggling as in using the majority of a person's life energy to secure sufficient food and housing as opposed to improving oneself and humanity at large. Generally, this can be observed in the shrinking American middle class. A middle class lifestyle should entail a comfortable existence with plenty of time to spare for family and personal pursuits. I might be wrong, but I think this is getting hard to come by in current times.

you really mean to say "ignorance = bliss" for you

No. I'm conscious of the corruption but also conscious that changing it would likely mean a less peaceful and cushy existence.

yes, you'd prefer to keep your 'cushy' existence for a good Life ... sigh

As some wise men have said long ago, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." or put another way "if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem"

the problem with your attitude is it's selfish and solopsistic. Ben would kick your arse to the kerb

Doubt it, he was fighting for better, not worse.

Because they ARE trampling on the rights of others all over the world, and it is only a matter of time before they do the same to you or your children.

While we (the average US citizen) are out sippin on Starbucks, watching the Kardashians and working 40+ hour weeks to barely make it by, the slithery politicians are trying to take your rights to guns, weed, speech, freedom, ect all behind our distracted backs.

God forbid someone looks over there shoulder and sees what's going on.

As devil's advocate id ask what incentive I have to start doing that when I am provided for better than the vast majority of the world, even if I am not "distracted" and know exactly how corrupt my govt is..

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.

It is our fault, and we need to take accountability. We cannot fix a problem we choose not to see.

I'd have to say that many are blinded before they can even choose to see. They have a blindfold on and don't even know it. So how is it their fault they haven't taken it off? It's very hard to awaken especially when things that help, like cannabis, are illegal.

Trouble is, it's all mirrors behind mirrors behind mirrors. Plenty of dis-information and half-truths out there. Incredibly well established and convincing gate keepers. The degree of experience and capability of critical thought required is staggering - and we're pretty much on our own since our communication has been hopelessly subverted and is being manipulated constantly. Reddit is a prime example of this.

Well said.

Commenting to save

Are there people trying to stop this and actually wanna take action

This is the most true thing I have ever read.

^ This guy gets it

You know, next time someone calls me a conspiracy theorist, I'm going to reference this document # and tell them they should at least be getting paid for following CIA protocol.

Nailed it, The people of the United States are BADLY brainwashrd. A civilization filled with people incapable of free thinking. People who only know what they have been told and stand by it firmly. I remember when I was in kindergarten, they would have us sing to our flag before ever class session. " I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" notice the line "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" We did this from Kindergarten - 5th grade. From the beginning they wanted us to think that the United States is the greatest country of all time, not only that but also the country with the most freedom. When in reality we are slowly becoming more and more enslaved by our own government. So few people can see it here. The media sways the populations opinion using fear. They controll us, and it's going to lead to our dimise. I wouldn't be surprised if there are countrys plotting and attack on US soil, or maybe I'm just crazy.

we can't keep living like this.

Lmao, if you think america is the only indoctrinated country then your wrong.

"The Donald and Hillary are 19th cousins, according to genealogy experts. According to a report in Extra TV, genealogy experts say Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton — the front-runners for the Republican and Democratic presidential nomination — share a common ancestor from England 18 generations ago. Citing’s genealogy site, the common ancestors are John of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster, and third wife Katherine Swynford at the end of the 14th century — a century before Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

These same "royals" are ruling most of this entire planet, if they find someone in their way, they just find someone close to take them out with out most commoners ever figuring out what ever happened.

"well if you trace our lineage back far enough were all related to a king or queen"

Cool, if thats the case wheres my small loan of a million dollars, oh wait thats right i dont have the family name, i dont have the family money either......

If you think the royals anywhere on this planet dont know, your pretty misinformed.

The real question is this, their "god" that gives this bloodline, the direct descendants of adam and eve, the power to rule the rest of humankind, what kind of god is it, is it a alien, is it satan, like seriously i have no idea who they really worship.

Take a guess what the queen of England's most prized possession is.... it is not the money, its not the gold and jewels and it certainly isnt the land or power.

It is their pedigree charts proving their direct relation to adam and eve, the ones appointed by god to be the ruler of their kind.

That is if you believe any of the really old stories anyway..... so much history destroyed... i would love to know what hitler destroyed in the library of books that were 1-2000 years old.

Says someone in r/conspiracy...

As someone not from the US I have always been so confused by this! It seems insane to me to be made to recite a pledge to a flag, hand on heart, especially as a child in a classroom. I did go to Catholic school and so am familiar with the concept of being made to join in with morning prayers and such but this just seems on a whole other level to me. Can any Americans give me a little more insight? Did you at any age start to question the ritual? (I know I myself became disillusioned with the religious parts of my education at quite a young age.) Did your classmates? Did anyone ever refuse? I find the whole concept really interesting and would love to hear more about it.

Excellent synopsis.

Well said.

The brainwash is real and not just in America. As a Canadian i would guess 90% of my friends and acquaintances are completely oblivious to nearly everything. You tell them anything and they believe it.

I like to think im not AS brainwashed as i dont watch television or listen to the radio. But shit is going down and it is starting right now. Has me scared shitless.

Sounds like a certain country in the Korean peninsula.

I'd give you a million upvotes if I could. Preach it!

I think I could count the number of people who actually think we definitely have the most freedom of any country on one hand. It seems to me people of most countries are simultaneously proud of their country and cynical, and the US citizens I've known are no exception.

Most of the people I know don't seem to care about meaningless celebrity gossip. And certainly I wouldn't attribute the human desire to look at the 'popular kids of adult high school' (celebrities) as entirely due to a few terrible covert ops. If that CIA document seems to imply some sinister scheme to control all conspiracy thoughts, I have news for you; bravado is human nature. No way a single agent has total power, because they're competing in a huge marketplace of powerful players, and even links between the powerful players might only imply they overlap just a little while still mostly opposing and competing.

Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it.

Google: Divide et Imperia

Well to be fair we are the greatest country that ever existed and we have the most freedom of any country on earth.

We are ranked 48/180.

Lol it didn't start with paperclip ... WWI was making the world safe for democracy remember???

Take a look at th Illuminutty Psy-Ops pros on this thread going all MKUltra COINTELPRO insane. Open societies criticize and improve. Closed societies point to the future and say, 'we're a society in transition, always expanding and contracting our borders with plenty of ppl to blame for our problems and if we're to blame we just make something up about nasty Obama or Hillary just like our man Murdoch.'

When the pros get through even the Russian government starts to look half way decent or at least an improvement over the bad old days of Stalin and Lenin purging away by the millions. When your government and politics is as broken as Russia you have to keep repeating Operation Paperclip, NSA CIA mind control, and Snowden videos. There is no comparison between the US media and state operated RT. As bad as Fox "News" and the amazing RW Republican libertarian lie (If we can hype Palin we can hype Trump) machine are, the US media is a shining beacon of light.

This right here lol. Such truth.... Much wow

please leave the memes out of this. seriously.


Disable TV...The MSM's only way into our heads.


This is turning out to be the most insane election in US history. We are witnessing the corrupt establishment appoint a sociopathic criminal bitch to the highest office of the United States...and 90% of Americans are just standing around chewing their cud like a bunch of cows out in a field.

What can you do when half the country forgot why there's an ammendment allowing you to own guns, and the other half is going crazy over which brown people they want to kick out first.

Divide and conquer.

Are you kidding? They aren't just letting it happen they are cheering her on because "it's time."

I have to politely decline all politic discussion with my "enlightened" friends because it just turns into a "why you should be progressive and vote for Hillary" intervention on me.

Very few people actually support her. Polling numbers and primary wins for her have been fabricated.

If you're watching TV, just stop already. There is nothing truthful on TV.

I pointed out this very thing last week (in this sub) and got downvoted to hell immediately. People would rather swallow a lie than accept the hard truth

So true to the human condition. It's a subconscious thing. Psyche protecting itself from reality. Until one learns and accepts that their mind will try to play tricks on them, they cannot learn the truth.

I have rejected many things I was once programmed to believe. It's not fun, easy, or enjoyable. I equate it to realizing an old friend has been stealing from you for years... Nothing about the relationship was good, it was all fraud, but YOU thought it was real for so long, you would be emotionally hurt if it was true, therefore subconsciously ignore the evidence.

Yup this is so true. The richest of the rich is getting Hillary in and then she wI'll be their puppet. The thing is that normal people and poor people are helping Hilary get in as well. It's really really SAD.


The Rose Law Firm, the ensuing Whitewater scandal along with Vince Fosters "suicide" that was connected to that whole shit storm would make a great post alone.

Your grandmother knows whats up.


Where did they come from...besides hold the power over the law of the land in the way they do? People are genuinely afraid of the Clintons...I would say even more so than the Bush's crime family. There's a trail of dead people wherever they go, the latest being John Ashe about a week ago.

Are they even noticing it?

NPR sucks.

They are, actually. I tuned into NPR the other day and heard an interview with multiple FBI officials saying if any other nobody had done what Hillary did, they would've at least gotten security clearance revoked, if not completely terminated from their position. And they (the officials) said they can't even revoke her security clearance because she'd need it if she became president, but they seem to be forgetting SHE'S NOT FUCKING PRESIDENT YET. Trump may as well have access based on that logic.

I'm glad they mentioned it. It really bothers me that high officials get away with stuff that a regular person would burn for.

Not even, the internet has a way bigger grasp on people's minds. YouTube is full of mainstream content, any "reliable" news source is owned by the mainstream. Nearly every person uses Google and if they don't, Yahoo. Both mainstream. MSN, Bing - mainstream.

Books, magazines - mainstream. You cannot escape it.

Highly recommend DuckDuckGo. I can't speak entire to how mainstream it is because I haven't used those other search engines in a very long time, but I know it doesn't track you like everyone else does. Check it out, it's part of the good guy internet.

The difference is on the Internet you aren't subjected to programmed stream, you can choose to watch or read... And then go back to read it again...

If the TV news has 10 harmless things and 1 misdirection, it's not so easy to discern.

The internet, actually.

Woah, woah, woah... As someone who drives a beer truck every day, let me be disable mine at least


Not quite sure about the NHL, or MLB for that matter, but the NFL and NBA have progressively been corrupted for several decades, and many outcomes / scores are now rigged and predetermined. It's not terribly common, but does occur in high-profile matches and in the playoffs.

The leagues fabricate news stories to fatten the amount of sports media to ingest, keeping people distracted from real-world issues. Sports are an extremely important piece of the paradigm to the Freemasons and they take great care in ensuring its exposure.

Look up Zachary K. Hubbard's recent work on the NBA Finals and, believe it or not, the string of ritual sacrifices leading up to it. The numeric connections are undeniable. I used to think the guy was nuts when I was first introduced to his videos, but as it turns out, he might be one of the sharper knives in the conspiracy drawer.

I was going to mention how the Redskins' name has been in the spotlight in the past few years and nothing ever comes from it but then you throw out "string[s] of ritual sacrifices leading up to [the NBA Finals]"

shit dude... I'm intrigued, off to check this out...

Uh yeah, it's pretty far out there. But we live in a sick world.

Anton Yelchin, the Star Trek actor who died the day of Game 7, is believed to have been sacrificed. Seems like a good chance Prince was too, and even Muhammad Ali, although when you start talking about really old people, who really knows.

Anyway, Yelchin's vehicle, which supposedly rolled backwards and crushed him, has a recall due to a counter-intuitive shifter design, which has resulted in over 100 reports of vehicle roll-aways, and over 30 injuries. However, Yelchin was the first one to have died due to the issue.

Seems like a rational explanation, however, it's also a great way to cover up his murder. I have a hard time picturing a smart, fit 27 year-old being so careless. Also, what are the odds that the vehicle would KILL him? He'd be far more likely to sustain serious injuries.

When you look at the time of his death, and the numerology surrounding his name, birthday, and Star Trek release date, it's no longer crazy to think he was the last of the sacrifices. Hard for me to wrap my head around.

But why does he need to be sacrificed? What does that have to do with the NBA finals? Please don't downvote me, I'm genuinely just curious

That's what I can't wrap my head around. I'm not an evil, sick person, so I can't relate to those who are. But there's more than enough evidence and whistleblowers to convince me that the elites really are satanists capable of deplorable stuff.

In the case of Yelchin, here you have yet another popular actor who plays a key role in an upcoming big-budget film - not unlike Heath Ledger, Paul Walker, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Those deaths didn't exactly hurt box office sales, and Star Trek's revenue is sure to go even higher.

So, there's some profit to be made. I don't think that's the only motivating factor. It's probably more of an exercise of power if anything. Interesting details on Anton:

Birthday = 3/11. Same date as Madrid attacks and Japan tsunami (3 x 11 = 33)

First name = Anton. Anton LaVey was the founder of the church of satan

"Anton Yelchin" - "Accident" - "Kill" all = 59

He died 101 days after his birthday. Philadelphia = 101 (Philly being the city named from Revelations, also the town college champs Villanova are from)

He also died 33 days before the release date of Star Trek, which comes out on 7/22. Written the other way, 22/7 is pi, representative of time and the infinite circle of life.

Also, Leonard Nimoy died on 2/27/2015, 511 days before the release date. 511 = Saturn, keeper of time. Saturn also = 93, the score the Cavs won Game 7 with. I feel all

Why do you have to go off the deep end and bring this numerology hogwash into it.

Before writing anything off as ludicrous, do review the substance. Naturally, people find various patterns or similarities in some numbers that happen to be coincidental, but there are undoubtedly connections between the birth dates, death dates, and name gematria of many of these mysterious celebrity deaths.

I guess the part that irks me is that many people constantly claim that stars are having their murders covered up (remember Randy Quaid and his mention of "starwackers"), yet when another odd, suspicious death occurs, few people seem to question it. Zachary Hubbard, back in February, found many numerical connections to Prince earlier this year and even said we need to watch for his death. Then what do you know...on the queen's birthday, and with all sorts of connections to other important dates, Prince dies a sudden and mysterious death. Just saying, if a friend of mine died by getting crushed by his vehicle, I would not be satisfied with the complete lack of any investigation into a possible homicide.

"No foul play suspected"...LMAO

Because a considerable portion of the population lives for "their" sports team, to the exclusion of everything else besides sex and food.

Sports the big distraction of the 21st century!!

The Romans knew it was the big distraction of the 1st century too

EXACTLY! Thank You!

Heinlen said it would be.

Which books by Heinlen should I read?

At least it's better reality TV than anything on Bravo.

If people cared about the condition of the world as much as they care about sports things could definitely be different.

Yeah and if green beans tasted like Cheetos everyone would be healthy, what is your point?

I made my point above...Sports are distracting us. Sports are stupid, yep I said it...

I guess you should consider your audience since I didn't exactly dispute that. All I said was that it is better than anything on bravo...

I don't even know what bravo is I haven't had TV for 10+ years. I only download what I want to watch. I will also admit that TV is a distraction one that I am aware of and trying to let go of.

It's going to take people starving in camps, sadly. And by then it will be too late. Trust me, there are plenty of Americans fed up with how bad things are. But America is full of followers. Every one is waiting for their neighbor to stand up and say "who's with me!"

And most people will stand up next to them and say "Not me, you cheered against my football team last year." or "Not me, you're the wrong color." or "Not me, I'm busy shitting out more kids."

It's a dire situation. I used to hope for a catalyzing event that would create unity, but there's far too much money spent on de-harmonizing the American public. Half of me wants to stay and fight, the other wants to just escape into the world and close the book on the American chapter of my life. I imagine a lot of other Americans are going through the same struggle.

It might not seem so from the outside, but there's no easy answers here.

It makes me sad that this hit me so close to home.

Dr e Michael jones's book, the slaughter of cities talks about the reason why suburbs were created. Back in the day there were tight knit blocks of similar race united by a church. Everyone knew each other had each others backs etc. now suburbs are all about me, pull into your garage way up the driveway and sit on the couch watching the news

Do you know people trying to stand up and unify?

yea but the government is creating a race war to dissolve that unity

That's obvious with the events in the past days but if they're really are people trying to make a change i would like the chance to talk to them

A successful uprising requires organized leadership. It requires being able to break out of the status quo group think that has engulfed us. It requires those willing to stand up without their neighbors, without recognition, without egocentricity but with unbreakable conviction. We need leaders.

Well lets start leading we need to make a stand before its to late

We need many, many leaders. Maybe a leader for every 20 people.

Any uprising will be quelled through propaganda. Patriot act is being expanded as we speak. Anyone who resists this coming....I dont fucking know what but im scared....Anyone who resists will be labeled a terrorist or insurgent.

The key to the whole thing is the ability to organize, and to get the entire country on the same page would take something like Facebook/Reddit which are both controlled, and would be shut down if things got out of hand. The problem is that were literally trying to plan this under their noses. We tell them exactly what we think, and how we might try to stop it. That is the real purpose for all the data mining going on. I'd like to believe there is an underground of "good guys" working on this shit, but they probably have tried to organize and failed. It's not in my nature to give up, but I'm really starting to think this is way to big already to stop. It would probably require 50 percent of the US to instantly realize 9/11 really was an inside job. I thought about making a youtube video kinda like the moron blacksmith that would be short, concise, and effective enough to wake even the most stubborn sheep, but I kinda decided I'd rather not get myself killed for something that probably wouldn't work anyway...

People are too worried about their precious offspring to do anything. Literally chains them to the stupid pole.

Divide and rule still alive and well in America my friend.

I'm in the process of becoming independent in terms of resource production and management. This will allow me to withdrawal from the financial system. Our corrupt government is dependent on our dependence, so I'm cutting the ties.

This is the best way.

"Vote with your wallet" they always say.

Throw the wallet out the window and don't look back.

Doesn't anyone wonder why many local governments are making it illegal to grow your own food?


Amerikan try and grow own potato, politburo come tase wife, pepper spray son, shoot dog. Take all potatos. Now only rock. Such is life.

You forgot to mention they'll shoot your dog too.

Now you're on a watchlist for questioning the government on top of having your food and livelihood destroyed.

Even commenting on the internet inspires paranoia. I'm being monitord and its kinda damn scary.

Yes. I don't see another option. Violence isn't the way. Self-defense is one thing, but we consented to the system so we can't attack it for our voluntary participation. People get mad at these politicians, but they still participate in it all.

Protip: Keep your plans off the internet.

God speed.

No, people need to hear about it. People need to know that this is the way to stop this. As scary as it can be to speak out, I don't plan to stop.

teach me thy ways.

Watch "Mark Passio Natural law Seminar" on youtube.

Take responsibility for yourself. Recognize no man's authority over you. Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Part of the problem may be we're posting on the conspiracy sub reddit. But truthfully I don't even know where would be a good place to begin having this discussion seriously anywhere else.

I have this discussion pretty much anywhere. These days even the people who are still asleep are finding themselves in a nightmare, so there is always an angle to get the dicussio started. Lots of people appreciate the notion of being self-reliant but don't feel it's possible for them personally. Lots of people recognize that the establishment is significantly corrupted. Even my grandmother is coming to terms with it.

Part of the system of controlling public opinion is making us FEEL marginalized. If we feel like outsiders, we'll keep to ourselves and the boat won't be rocked. If we were to begin to realize that we are a significant portion of the population, the boat would tip any day.

What if we make another sub dedicated to making positive changes and brainstorming and see where that takes us?

Thats what they want you to so as to not help fellow man.

Disagree. That's the chilling effect.

Don't post anything about your plans, especially not on social media.

Is this not social media? What are you hiding citizen? /s

Disagree. That's the chilling effect.

They 'want' your money but can certainly survive without it since they can just print whatever they want. Your independence surely helps you but does not hurt them-it just removes a good deal of control they have over you. I applaud you, hopefully I'll be there one day soon.

They can print all the money they want and it won't matter if we aren't participating. That's the trick- we participate, we consent. They've certainly made it a challenge to live this way but ultimately they cannot stop it, and if they do initiate violence to enforce your participation there are some pretty clear choices one is presented with.

We have to decide. Is it enough to just live? Or do we have to live free?

I have to live free. I cannot look at my children when they ask how the world ended up this way and tell them because I didn't do anything to stop it, but that would be the truth. This world is in its current state because we let it happen.

Best of luck to you, it's a difficult but rewarding path.

I certainly can't find fault in your logic.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, and everyone who's been saying that we can't just bend over and take this railing shit. I'm sick to the point of wanting to leave the US as soon as possible, but I still have at least a few years on that. So what can we tangibly do to fight back against all of this? There's enough money and corruption to block grassroots efforts for a frighteningly long amount of time, so what can we do? I'm not hopeless, or saying there's nothing we can do - I just genuinely don't know.

You disengage. It's a system built on participation. Don't run from your home, oust the invaders. Learn the land. Learn to live off the land. Coordinate with others who are interested in doing the same. Learn skills that are essential to self-reliance. Growing food, building structures, maintaining structures, digging wells, animal husbandry, herbal medicines, etc. You don't have to learn it all but try to learn a little about a lot and try to specialize so you have a skill worth trading. These things may seem unexciting or unimportant in light of the technological direction the world is going in, but dependence is a major tool of the tyrants. If you can learn to truly not need them then you take back your personal power and become a free man. This ties in with a spiritual revolution because to achieve these goals you have to grow as a person and overcome the conditioning that leaves 99% of people psychologically broken in some form or another.

Nothing but taking responsibility will solve this.

Learn the basics of road building. Woodworking. Basics of electricity such as wiring, making batteries, etc. If you want to incorporate technology into your life that's fine but you'd do best to understand how it works so in the event of systemic failure you know how to either deal with it or deal without it.

Consider learning about water tables as that's relevant for water sources, hydroelectric, waste runoff, etc. Learn about filtration and natural filtration.

Consider amassing books or printing information for later to prepare for loss of Internet access.

Anything that they REALLY want, they will take.

What about property tax?

They'll declare you an illegal person of some sort if you stop receiving the required monthly bills.

Or your property seized for not having an electricity hookup, even if you have solar panels that overproduce for your needs.

Yes, exactly that sort of thing.


There's an awful lot of people who go through life without anything in their name.

I've lived most of my life with nothing in my name. No credit cards, bank accounts, loans. My bills are in my fiances name currently, since he has credit built rather than none and that saved on deposits. I've never had any trouble because of it, and I'd recommend avoiding this whole idea of racking up debt to anyone.

It's certainly more difficult to live a life filled with fancy possessions, but it's not like we're forced into debt and credit.

you are lucky.

My parents went down this path and I wish I would have followed in their footsteps. I remember when we were kids they got their first credit card and just got fucked on interest, etc. so they saved and paid it off as fast as they could. They pay for everything as they go now and rarely deal with the banks except when they are forced to. When it's payday my Dad cashes his paper check (refuses to use direct deposit) and they take the amount of money they need and then the rest goes somewhere else that isn't even in our house. I don't even know where it is. He's always told me "when I die son, trust me, you'll immediately know where it is and before you go to the funeral home or hospital I want you to go get it and then you need to put it away somewhere else the same way we have."

So I really have no clue where it is, how much it is or how they plan on getting it to me but it's like he has some dead man kill switch because he doesn't trust banks.

Mind if I ask what sort of steps you are taking?

Learn how to create what you need. Find people who create things you can't and trade. This is basically what all of our ancestors did. We've forgotten how to live. We are alive, but detached from what it means to forge our own survival.

WE CANT take it anymore. They have been shitting on us for decades but this Hillary shit...WOW. They are spitting in our face and saying they are above the Law.

I feel like she is going to be one bitter bitch when/if she gets in.

Very most cruel truth is that we have no choice in this election no more than we have in any other election

There isnt even going to be an election. Martial Law. Obama extends his Presidency.

Check out my recent post and help me out with this Martial Law thing. I'm getting nervous.

I expect to see many stern Facebook posts

To be fair, facebook is an incredible tool when you think about it, and it will help create a consensus in the community that can later lead to action.

Many of my Facebook friends are incredible tools.

That would be true if it weren't heavily censored and monitored.

Even that helps in waking people up

I refused to use Facebook for years and didn't start until about 6 months ago because I was missing out on so much shit. I'd be at a party with friends (or miss a party because I wasn't on the Facebook invite and everyone uses that these days so I'd get a last minute "oh shit where is jasenlee text?" letting me know something was going on) and people would all be talking about whatever and I'd have to constantly ask them what they were referring to because I was never part of the Facebook conversation.

But back to your censorship point. I made a rather long comment on this video of Emma Watson at the UN speaking about gender equality (90 seconds) and apparently on Facebook you aren't allowed to talk about feminism and the problem with too many men being treated as predators.

Everything I wrote was deleted and then I wrote some more and that was deleted so I just gave up. I bitched about being censored on Facebook and surprisingly that hasn't been censored. I'm just waiting for that to be deleted now or get one of their famous "Your Account May Be Suspended" messages if I keep up with it.

Except it's already shaping the Party LineTM in one direction.

Lmao you actually think that anything will come from a FB post other than a shit ton of likes and shares?

Unless that consensus is set first by the government.

My S/O works as a plumber for a Master plumber who also sits on the Mayors board for water something or other. I have tried to tell people what he warned us about, that the city is attempting to posion the water supply like in Flint. No one listened, said I needed to calm down. Well, the city fucked up and the posion ended up in the suburbs and so, on the news. Still, no one that I told before hand even batted an eye. Someone even said (my own mother, in fact) "You don't need a filter, just pray over it."

Thats how brainwashed Americans are.

It's the most discouraging thing when you provide an undeniable fact, yet no one seems to care. Even if it has to do with their own safety.

Edit: To answer your question: Never.

Wow. That's terrible.

I think you guys need to think smaller. You need to bash your local incumbent members with hard questions. Smash them on social media with those hard questions. And if/when they don't answer, start a petition and demand they commit to a stance or they won't get the petition signers vote. Simple as that.

You'll never win by going head on with the government, you have to single the bastards out and use our numbers to put the pressure on THEM.

what country are you in?


You would think this is a good start. But our election machines are designed by private companies. There are stolen elections and so much trickery to get people from being allowed to vote. It's too late.

It makes me lose hope some days and angry others

This country is more concerned with what the Kardashians are doing than what our government is doing.

Every time we get organized and make highly visible protests, our government sends in agent provocateurs to make us seem like an unruly bunch of hooligans that must be dispersed. See Occupy and the Seattle WTO protests. It's been going on a lot longer but those are two more recent examples.

Also the fact that random protesting locally is mostly illegal. There are a whole host of regulations that have made protesting on certain areas ( highly visible metropolitan or near govt buildings) illegal without permits, etc. step by step our ability to protest MLK style have basically been stripped away entirely. Also, if the MSM doesn't cover a 100k person march, did it really happen? Nobody knows

They even build our college campuses so that protests can be controlled and contained. This started after the hippie generation scared the establishment.

We need people to voice the right opinions and be organized then ppl will here our voice we need to be smart about this

To answer your question in short, no. The sad truth is even if we did the government has more than enough artillery and plans in place to make sure if we even got close, that the entire country would first burn before the people ever took the power back.

The sad truth is even if we did the government has more than enough artillery

I think you're forgetting that the government consists of people, and many of those people, especially in the military, are patriots with a family and friends among the working class. If the corruption and evil gets severe enough, those patriots might not be so loyal to their NWO bosses. They might feel more loyalty to the people.

I think you're forgetting that the government consists of people, and many of those people, especially in the military, are patriots with a family and friends among the working class.

Exactly. "The Government" cannot count on their soldiers to betray their loved ones - and that is why would-be tyrants are so anxious to gut the Second Amendment and disarm the People.

Which is why they are moving to everything being robots and drones, as well as using the UN and other countries as a fallback plan if shit goes south here in America.

Yes. Whatever freedom movement made here will be cast as terrorism abroad. They will justify doing whatever must be done to subdue rebellion. This is a game and they have been perfecting their rules across generations.

That's why everything is compartmentalized. Everyone just does their job in their designated section of the "assembly line" and they're ignorant of what their coworkers are doing or what they themselves are doing for that matter. Look at all the innocent Middle Eastern people who are killed simply because they are holding a firearm or helping an injured person. You don't see people through the Infrared camera of an Apache, they are seen as combatants and treated as such.

"It's a matter of National Security" is basically the governments way of saying shut the fuck up, do your assigned tasks and keep your lips welded shut or you're no better than the terries. I wonder how many people like Snowden have tried to blow the whistle and found themselves in a black site or worse. Philip Schneider is a example of what happens when you're in "too deep".

Yes, compartmentalization is a powerful tool for maintaining control, and it works wonders in hierarchical organizations - whether they be corporate, governmental, military, or whatever.

In order to effectively insulate the soldiers from the people, all communication would have to be severed - which would not be terribly difficult these days.

Once communication is cut, the foot soldiers can be told anything - or nothing, and they would do what they are trained to do: Follow orders.

The question is whether Generals and other military men at the top ranks would be willing to cooperate with the scheme.

Remember General Smedley Butler: A group of powerful men tried to con him into participating in a coup against the US in the 1930's, and thanks to him, it failed.

The Business Plot

Butler then wrote a book: War is a Racket, exposing the shady underbelly of of a world where money and business interests us the military of the US and other countries as to enforce their will on others.

Hopefully there are still men with Butler's moral courage in the high ranks of the US military.

Oh, stop it; it isn't 1946, you're not dealing with GIs of this character, and that was one corrupt county.

First of all, please cite a single instance where a U.S. military unit refused to engage U.S. citizens when ordered to do so, ever.

Next, this fantasy about "troops refusing to fire on their friends or neighbors" was anticipated and 'solved' so long ago I can't find it, but perfectly illustrated by the Katrina response. Y'know who disarmed high-and-dry, law-abiding New Orleans? The Oklahoma National Guard and the California Highway Patrol.

Face it; as long as the U.S. is a single, sovereign country the U.S. military is going to do the bidding of the U.S. government. And GI-Joe isn't going to be operating in his home town.


I would hope you're correct.

I think that their drones with hellfire missiles will easily defeat your moral warriors. The Iraqi moral warriors were more moral.


I wish what you say is true. But, I am afraid that if they bomb one city, the response will be similar to the response when they bombed MOVE in Philadelphia in 1985.


The question will remain as to why " Those MOVE people did not have the nation behind them, they stood alone. " They were Americans too. Yes, they were black. But, they were legal citizens.

Rural people may know the score, but how will that stop the drone with the missiles? Will the rural people's guns defeat M-1 Abrams tank armor?

You're probably right, unfortunately. At least you managed to convince me. I'm not an American, I'm from one of the most peaceful countries in Europe, and I've never been to the US. So my view of the US is largely based on what I've seen, heard and read in the media, online and through movies and television.

Sorry, I thought you were a USian, or I would have included:

The activities of George S. Patton, Dwight Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur prior to WWII.

You are 100% correct here and this point is not stated enough. They will bring in units from other states to suppress the stupid Southerners or the Uppity Yankees or the stoner Californians or whatever it takes.

The military types almost never refuse orders and they are bored out of their minds 99% of the time and itching to make use of their "training".

While I hate to say it, it's possible some of the reason certain military chose to fire on New Orleans citizens was based on race. Might not be as likely in Kansas or or North Dakota or Montana.

We may be finding out, soon enough.


But I saw a Marine fight off a dragon with a sword on TV! =p

While this is technically true, they wern't allowed to fight as they wished and we're capable of in those wars, and still today.

Many many military people are ready to move on the corruption. But they need to know the people support them when the time comes.

Why do you think these fascists are constantly demonizing the militias? That is the apparatus through which citizens and military are most likely to merge.

How does a militia stop a nuke, or something bio? Face it, the time for resistance is over.

We are at their mercy.

We can only hope they choose a humane method to limit population growth while maintaining their capitalist economy.

I believe this is what the zika virus will do. If we're lucky we will all be fixed and it will be gentle, Democratic genocide. If we're not lucky, we'll see a violent genocide under the Republican wing.

Hopefully enough of them favor Hillary and keeping up the lie.

We are at their mercy.

You can live on your knees if you like.

Tell that to the people in government that jacked people's guns by force and threat of death in New Orleans during Katrina. "Is everyone ok do you have any guns????" ಠ_ಠ

The problem is that everyone has all the distractions they need to stay happy. Who cares if the government is fucking us in the day, we can all go home and look at facebook, watch Kim kardashians cry on tv, wonder what our kids next practice or game is, play video games, take care of our busy life schedule. Most Americans are normal hard working people who can barely make enough to just stay ahead. When you work 40-60 hrs a week, have kids, and take care of your shit just to stay alive, you really don't have time for a revolution. There's no threat on our front doors yet. People aren't going to quit taking care of their personal lives until it is threatened. Hence the reason we have the media and the idiot box to keep us "informed" that everything is ok! The next election will change america, just be patient folks! Those who know the bullshit that is going on are ridiculed, called crazy conspiracy theorist. I've literally almost got in violent situations because people CAN NOT handle the truth, they immediately react with vicious name calling and violence. America is fucked folks.

Edit; I would also like to add that the younger generation, for the most part, are completely worthless government brain dead babies. They all want to talk and act smart about politics and they all think that the next vote will change everything. They have never experienced hard times and typically everything is handed to them.

I lived in the US for a year and was supposed to stay there indefinitely, so I was getting used to the American lifestyle and all. Now that I look back, I find it absolutely fascinating the systems they have in place to keep you distracted. I saw intelligent people originally from other countries (and myself) resign themselves to keeping their heads down one by one.

One friend, who came from Europe and was incredibly well-educated and critical, moved to the US for college. I watched through the years as he got beat down by his professors and lost his love for knowledge, then as he took a "temporary" office job with a corrupt CEO and lost faith in doing any good for the community because such CEOs wouldn't let it happen. Now he's exactly the kind of person you described.

Same thing happened to me. Of course I wasn't gonna question anything that happened around me; I was too busy trying to find a job and preparing for all these different standardized tests I had to take to get into a school where I had to pay $70K a year. Anything I had left at the end of the day went into deciding between Hulu and Netflix and finding the best deal for video games on Amazon.

They don't even need 12 years of education to brainwash you, it literally takes a year or two.. and the worst part is, the whole time you have this empty sense of righteousness and pride for no good reason ("Oh I read an article about politics off CNN instead of going on Facebook; I'm sooooo smart"), so you don't think you need to learn or do anything anymore.

How did you leave? Where did you go? Where is it safe for transgender immigrants? I want to live in a healthy country. I feel like the government owns me, my student debt ties here, with no skills to show for it.

I don't want to become a sacrifice to the status quo, if they decide on outright fascism, if it goes to Trump.

I wish more than anything right now that I had better advice to offer you.

I left because I was trying to immigrate to the US in the first place. I have dual Iranian-Canadian citizenship, so once I decided I couldn't be there anymore I just got on a plane to Iran and left that country for good before I had any serious ties. Of course, Iran is far from safe or healthy (although there is an unusually high tolerance for transgenders here), but Canada is an entirely different story.

Have you ever looked into moving to Canada? It might be your best option

I'm sorry I couldn't be more help :(

I'm young and I figured this out five years ago.

Geeze, as part of the younger generation you speak of, I would hardly say I've had everything handed to me. Or my peers. Maybe my perspective is off but most of my peers were living in ghetto's when we were younger. Some of us are trying to come out of it through hard work and sweat. I think more can be done for me and my peers considering how much money seems to be being made off my back.

And probably all your backs too.

Everything that is happening in the world today is our responsibility...each and every one of us, without exception.

Not everyone who is active in politics is Totally Enlightened, that's for sure, but all those who are truly Totally Enlightened are most definitely active in politics.

Politics is Life. It touches the full field of living. That includes art, philosophy, science and spirituality .

The dynastic plutocratic families, the corporate oligarchs, the international banksters, many of whom are zionists (like the neocons and members of AIPAC) and/or members of secret societies, who dominate the politicians and the legal system and the financial system and the mainstream media and the corporations and the police and the military, are wreaking havoc upon the People of planet Earth and upon our beloved Mother Earth.

They have used their power to assassinate Presidents and Senators, start world wars and construct a society that suits them with little or no regard for the People or Nature.

They who are willfully ignorant and shamelessly apathetic about what they are doing in the world today are complicit in their heinous crimes against humanity.

They who are not giving their time, energy, talents and resources to the political process, to make sure that only the most Loving and most Wise individuals become our public servants, have blood on their hands and they can never ever dare speak of Love, Consciousness or Awareness.

Sorry, but I cannot accept responsibility for the actions of others. This includes the guys who shot the cops in Dallas as well as George Bush.

You're obviously not a serious person.

You are one of those who will Wake Up later, after the threshold number of individuals has Awoken.

In the meantime, you are one of the walking dead...deaf, dumb, blind, numb, insensitive, callous, stupefied, hypnotized, mesmerized, catatonic, out-of-touch, dull, cold-hearted, self-absorbed, spiritless, anesthetized, unfeeling, unresponsive and irresponsible.

Therefore, your every action is contributing to the conflict, violence and suffering in the world today.

So be it.

That is pretty strange.

I like to think of myself as a serious person.

I do not see how I can be responsible for the actions of others as I do not control the actions of others.

What part of this can't you comprehend?

You feel this way only because you are not yet Totally Enlightened.

Without Inner Total Freedom, your every perception is limited and distorted, shaped and colored, by the past conditioning of the brain.

Therefore, no Love, no Peace, no Joy, no Goodness, no Kindness, no Feeling, no Beauty, no Creativity, no Lucidity, no Truth, no Wisdom, no Communication, no Communion, no Relationship.

There is only their limitation and imitation invented by thought and emotions which are the reactions of thousands of years of past conditioning of the brain.

Without Inner Total Freedom, there is only pleasure and suffering. No Happiness, Joy, or Ecstasy.

Without Inner Total Freedom, your every action, regardless of your intention, is contributing to the conflict, violence and suffering in the the world today.

You may solve one problem but in so doing you create a 100 other ones without being aware of it.

Without Inner Total Freedom, you are not a Human Being yet.

Total Enlightenment NOW!

And why when the kid who you buy drugs from is on vacation with his mom, you dont just buy yer stuff from some rando. THIS is what happens.

I think he's just saying that literally everyone on this planet is connected through our sharing of humanity. When someone commits an atrocity, or we don't help each other, it doesn't just shame or hurt ourselves but the world. We all need to be together as people and sovereign citizens who respect each other's rights.

The interesting thing is you're all me, and I'm all you. We're all just one. And yet I'm having different experiences. I am god. So are you. We are each other. lol.

Only they who are Totally Enlightened are actually Living the Truth that All is One in daily life.

When there is True Love and True Wisdom, there is no need for respect.

U guys should see whats happening in Venezuela. They collapsed and no one has done shit, no revolution, no nothing, while the elite hide in their mansions. Same deal here, no one will do shit, it will collapse and all will go to hell, and no one will do shit because they will be busy trying to find food

Venezuela also has very little weapons in the hands of the people, as well as being brainwashed into socialism as a whole. America... has the exact opposite problem. We have been fooled into believing the illusion of democracy, and we have lots of weapons in the hands of the people. Our catalyst will result in massive bloodshed.

So scary and it is happening now ><

The awake are the minority. The only effective tactic we have here in the states is to spread the info to our family and friends. This unfortunately casts us in the role of martyrs to a minor degree. We become disrespected, ignored, unemployed, and for some unfortunate souls, shunned from those we love. However, I will not be silent, I don't care how crazy I sound because I know I am (mostly) right and I am planting seeds into the minds of the asleep. I'm just banking on a catalyzing event or events that truly exposes the depravity of the corruption; then, hopefully, those seeds will finally germinate and flourish. Beyond that, what else can we do?

Very good points, although I would add:

Hammering your local incumbent politicians about it. Beat them over the head with uncomfortable questions.

Sure, I'm going to take Friday off and march up the Capitol steps and grab those fuckers up by the collar two at a time and toss them out the door. Then I'm going to hold democratic elections.

Congratulations; you want to replace them with exactly what they want.


Please elaborate...

Constitutional Republic (rule of law).

Democracy (rule of the mob/masses/majority) which can be bought and coerced.

Republic guarantees inalienable rights to all that cannot be taken away by majority vote.

The problem there is that corporate influence has rewritten the laws of our once constitutional republic, and that too, is worthless now.

inverted totalitarianism: "inverted totalitarianism is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics.[5] In inverted totalitarianism, every natural resource and every living being is commodified and exploited to collapse as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism"

That's enlightening and depressing to know the proper name of our disease

doesn't that sound like classic liberalism aka libertarianism and another name, where globalization of the economy translates to control of the economy by a few non government, (no rules) kind of arrangement?

I wouldn't say it's useless. It provides a framework for public review of those laws and getting rid of the illegitimate ones. The problem is that the public isn't represented in our government.

Mob rule does not constitute democracy. I know that's a popular thing to say here, but it's not what any serious person ever means by the word.

Democracy guarantees inalienable individual rights, precisely as in a Constitutional Republic. That's because the sort of Constitutional Republic you're talking about is a democratic form of government.

I'm all for exactly that. And I'm against any form of government that fails to recognize and respect certain individual rights.

The US has democratic forms. It's just that they have ceased to function democratically. The people have no representation. Democratic elections are necessary to begin turning that around. But how to reform the electoral system?

Anyway, a functioning Constitutional Republic would meet most people's definition of a democratic form of government. I'd certainly take it. And the whole legal framework is already in place. It feels strange to say, but if you and I are in favor of revolution, it's a revolution that restores the rule of our highest laws according to their original purpose and intent. We are talking about replacing our current government with a legitimate and legal one. Which is really to say that a revolution has already happened, a usurpation, and all we want to do is reverse it.

It is much easier to buy the few representatives in a republic than the entire mob in a democracy.

We have now witnessed how easy it was and the public has not shifted even one tenth as far to the right as the paid for, republic, style representatives.

Democracy is defined as being "direct", meaning one vote for everyone on every issue, and the last 100 years of treason have been dedicated to destroying the republic.

The United States is set up as a representative republic. States (with their own sovereignty) have voting rights as much as the people do. As for the people, limited franchise was set up for a reason.

The Senate is supposed to be comprised of individuals chosen by their respective state legislatures. The purpose being to represent the interests of specific states in the federal government (you can thank the illegally passed Seventeenth Amendment for the FUCKING TREASON it has become). That's why Senate representation is equal for all states; no state is better than any other. The House of Representatives is the part of government designed to represent the people on a federal basis, through individuals elected to represent portions of state populations. The purpose of the House is to grant roughly the same representation for each group of people (you can thank the Apportionment Act of 1911 for the FUCKING TREASON that it has become), thus representation on the state level looks proportional–states with bigger populations have more representatives, but it's not the state being represented, it's the people.

Back to limited franchise. The Founders knew that people who had no stake in the success of the nation had no business voting. They only allowed landowners to vote. "I don't want my land to be stolen by a foreign body! I should vote to have a government that will work to defend my land!" and "I don't want my land overrun by government oversight! I will vote for people to represent me in government who will respect my right to do what I will with the land that I own!" are the arguments on the side of the person.

Today, things are different. A century of treason does a lot. The Founders would, after marveling over how good guns have become, personally run out and shoot everyone in Washington who let this happen.

The following changes should be made:

  1. Repeal the 16th, 17th, and 19th amendments.
  2. Restore voting rights to "one vote per household" and "only for net taxpayers". Period. If you take more from the government than you put in, you have no say in where that funding goes. And splitting the family unit is the cause of ALL the damage done to society. This must never be allowed to happen.

Sure, I'm going to take Friday off and march up the Capitol steps and grab those fuckers up by the collar two at a time and toss them out the door

Sounds like a Loretta Lynch mob!

Sounds like a great start.

Since you are the submitter of this post, what are your suggestions or recommendations for the types of actions you envision being effective under these circumstances?

I've been off-reddit for a couple of days, I had no idea this was stickied.

My suggestions start by looking at the cause of the problem:

Greed + blackmail + short term agendas(ie getting voted back in next election cycle)

You start by looking for a solid independant candidate in your area who openly has a policy of anti-corruption( or at least get them to state that they are) , then focus on the incumbent senator and start by asking him/her "what are your thoughts on HRC being essentially acquitted on negligence/treason, and if you cannot answer, when can we expect an answer?"

Start an online petition for those questions to be answered, then also start another petition stating that senator/local member will not get votes next election because of their lack of stance on corruption/transparency.

Hammer the incumbents social media asking these questions, over & over, eventually a conversation will gain traction and you have to be well prepared with responses/evidence, most of which you can get from /r/conspiracy & other social media/forums.

We recently had an election where I live, and I made a point of doing this same tactic, organized with a local group on social media (28 people to be precise), albeit it was about fracking/gas wells in our area and local government corruption with land developers.

"My guy" didnt win, but he did get a large increase in votes, the 'winner' only got in by the skin of his teeth, and it started a conversation about it. We only started it about 5-6 weeks ago, and I'm not sure that if I started earlier, it could've helped improve his result, but I know for sure that's going to be THE platform next election.

TL;DR use the same tactics your government uses, and use it against them. Gang up on your local incumbent and hammer them with uncomfortable questions. You'll be surprised.

I would categorize greed, blackmail, and short term agendas symptoms rather than causes. I would categorize our hierarchical and indirectly representative government as the cause. Our government promotes and enables these, and other crimes.

Rather than support candidates, why not yourself run? Instead of demanding an end to corruption, how about boycotting the government altogether?

I admire your tactics. Don't misread my suggestions as incompatible with your own. I consider you an ally. I mean to be constructively critical: indirect representation appears to favor exploitation.

Our system of government (and most likely yours as well) appears expertly designed to perpetuate plutocracy. You can't end corruption without ending the (hierarchical and indirectly representative) government.

Anyone who desires a decentralized, horizontal, and directly representative government needs to realize that, upon winning control of any government that is not so, the first order of business shall be to make it so, before they kill you.


I've got no college degree am an an anarchist. I got 51 votes (out of some 200) without campaigning one bit. Kinda ridiculous that only 1/4th of the population voted in the local election.

And now the village keeps coming after me for petty shit. Hell, I just found out my duck variance is on the agenda for Monday.

Part of me wants to flee town. I don't want to be a leader. I don't want a public office. I want to do away with public offices. To dissolve the corporate entity that claims jurisdiction over us. To communalize the various public utilities. I want my village to be a model village for the future. I don't want to run the damn thing though.

Fighting the system through legal channels is a drag. Defending yourself in a courtroom where you're unarmed and surrounded by armed guards and a lying shitheel of a judge is harrowing. Trying to convince people to speak up for themselves is like trying to rehabilitate trauma victims.

I wish you good fortune in your local endeavors.

You cannot play by the rules which are inherently in favor of the corrupt and in power. It will take action.

I wonder if your election which was one by the opposition candidate by the "skin of his teeth" was using Diebold like machines to tally the votes? Pretty hard to overcome that obstacle in this current system. But otherwise I like your suggestions and they may be all we can do at this point.

We're lucky enough to still have paper votes, I don't think there was any fuckery. My area is a weird mix of low/med/high socio economic people's.

The low order read the Murdoch bs newspapers and lap up every bit of it. They essentially vote for the same person their boss votes for.

The promise I see is the local economy is becoming less & less dependent on mining and going back to farming & domestic building, which is great.

But otherwise I like your suggestions and they may be all we can do at this point.

You won't win a head-on battle with the government, you have to single the fuckers out and make them shit or get off the pot, so to speak.

Collectively we are not in enough pain yet. Rest assured we are dumfounded, but the simple fact of life is survival of self and family often trumps ideological goals. If/when we start seeing pain like they are seeing in Venezuela, no one will be asking this question anymore.

Only when the grocery store shelves are empty will the American people rise.

We have Netflix. Once Netflix gets shut off, the revolution will begin.

Of course not. I will be making my opinion know on social media however, which should be enough to make a change. Now let me get back to my NASCAR, McDonald's, Starbucks and shopping!!

(Disclaimer: As an American you are required to have 2 jobs in order to afford any and all said items above. Credit Debt is natural; do not be alarmed. Welcome to America...bring money!!)

I have tried and tried, honestly. I've tried to "spread the word" and get others to see how bad it's getting. But they don't want to see it, I guess. If we as a country, all of the citizens put our foot down, we would have a chance, I believe. But nobody really wants to believe that their government has malicious intentions. At least where I'm from.

Don't give up.

stick to solid evidence points, and

Hammer your local incumbent politicians social media etc

A reply I sent earlier

We no longer have the power to elect politicians. Don't you get it? Our entire electoral process is fixed. Stop dreaming. You're not helping. You're just ginning people up who will go out and get themselves ostracized or tossed in jail for acting crazy.

People need to be 'ginned up', but focus on not taking the government head-on. As I said in the post text:

Same here... I think half my friends and family think I'm crazy when I talk about this stuff. One of the points I make sometimes is there has not been a single government in the history of mankind that anyone can point to that at some point has not turned on its own people.

I say that and people are respond with things like "that would never happen!"

Sometimes when I do get my point across people will say "OMG, are you serious... XYZ happened? Then I have to pull out my phone and hit google and hand it to them and say read it for yourself."

It's already over dude. Corruption is so brazen because they know they can get away with it. Riots after sporting events, more people vote on talent shows than elections. Just head for the hills and let the sheeple duke it out in the streets like a bunch of morons. Natural selection.

Best answer here.

Caution: Beware of Agent Provocateurs

This is why I'm afraid to go to BLM.

It sounds like your government isn't working. Have you tried turning it off and then back on again?

That is what it's going to take. People will begin to join, once the fucking wave starts. I just hope they are awake when it hits them.

We haven't got a switch for that. Congress is routed through Wallstreet. And yes, Wallstreet did shut down the government when the white elite were freaking out over Obama. All that did was get our credit score downgraded.

I don't know if it's the fact that we're brainwashed by the mainstream media, but I am a white woman and, at this point in history, I am terrified of the United States government. I can only imagine how scary it is as an African American citizen at this time. We are all very confused, angry, and this is way above our heads.

It would be really cool if the people of the United States came together to demand better from our government. No more career politicians, no more lobbying, no more drones, no more dirty wars, no more spending billions of tax payer dollars to build Greater Israel while our schools and infrastructure crumble. No Hillary Clinton, No Donald Trump, no privately controlled money supply, no CIA assassinations. The most powerful military's of the world are made up of the common people of the world, we don't have to accept this if we come together. American people wake up ISIS isn't the threat we are.

we need to organize.

If you organise you will be labelled terrorists, maybe you stand stronger divided?

How will you keep the CIA out of your group?

We should make a sub Reddit for this

Yes, we are going to eat Big Macs and watch the Kardashians on teevee.

Might be time for a new Declaration of Independence and a new Constitutional Convention. Of course, modern technology will change how that is actually implemented.

Besides, being near the center of empire is always a disadvantage for political innovations. Political innovation tends to happen at the fringes of empire, places like Ecuador, Iceland, etc. which should probably be considering banning corrupt and criminal US corporations from operating within their borders.

I would like that new Declaration of Independence thing except for the part where they mow us down with machine guns. But I guess you gotta take the bad with the good.

We should organise, sign people up to a movement, once we know we have numbers...

let's exercise our right to petition the government. I'm with you 100%


You will be rounded up and slaughtered

guys we have the right to petition the government. so why aren't we fucking doing it.

Can you show me a single petition in the last 30 years which has succeeded? They don't give a shit.

I kno but if we're serious about this shit WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES need to make happen

There is nothing corrupt about the US at all. It is what it is. It has fat out of shape button pushers glued to the mobile device telling them what to do and think. So as along as the rest of the world just does as they are told by the US all will be fine. Do not question just do. The US owes the rest of the world nothing and the world owes the US everything, so just give the US all your valuable resources and shut up. OR, we can all begin to understand what is driving this corrupt machine and learn what is the weakness that will bring the monster down. Is it money (the petro dollar will be destroyed soon anyways), is it the global positioning (US has all potential enemies surrounded), is it the raw need for dominance (but what is pushing the elitists to want complete omnipotent power). Honestly, living in the US, it feels like the world is hanging by a thread with a precisely timed failure and I am on the wrong side of the thread.

Hey...dont force people to stand up and take its county back! We've got things to do and things to eat.

Hold up... What do you mean you people?

Exactly, if he's not offering up suggestions of his own then he might simply be another agent provocateur that got lucky enough to have his post stickied to the top of this subreddit.


Well met, True Seeker. Congrats on finding your path. Please continue to be an example for others.

Idealogical Subversion (Active Measures):

A process in which we change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in interest of defending themselves their families and their communities and their country.

Four Steps:

1) Demoralization - 15 to 20 years. Minimum number of years to educate 1 generation of students of the country of your enemy to be exposed to the ideologies of their enemy.

A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information and authentic proof, documents, pictures...he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom when a military boot crashes him.

2) Destabilization - This time the subverter doesn't care about your ideas or what you do. Economy, foreign relations and defense systems. Marxist/Leninist ideas are astounding in the USA.

3) Crisis - May only take up to 6 weeks to bring a country to crisis.

4) Normalization - A cynical expression which may last indefinitely. If you allow the country to come to crisis by promising all kinds of goodies and the paradise of earth to everyone to eliminate the principal of free market capitalization, destabilize the economy and impose big brother government in DC.

"Your leftists all this professors all this beautiful civil rights defenders...they are instrumental in the process of subversion. Only to destabilize a nation. When they job is completed they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them when they get disillusioned when they see Marxists/Leninist come to power they obviously get offended they think they will come to power. That will never happen of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot."

--Yuri Bezmenov, 1985

Why do you think they can take the dragon's (illuminati's) head by themselves alone OP? The whole world should join the fight. No, I forgot...only if aliens attack the world will unite...we do need some type of a global cataclysm to unite.

This isn't a repeat of any previous revolution. The old media is dying, newspapers and even cable tv, are in serious trouble.

Corporations are in the middle of taking over all important functions, but the Airbnb and uber models are showing how to set up new networks almost over night and bitcoin is showing that we could even live without government currencies.

In other words, the institutions in our society are not constant, they are evolving. Washington has only evolved into a two branch mafia. But they are becoming increasingly irrelevant in terms of delivering any value to the people or the economy. So, effectively, people may let them hang on as a spectacle, but increasingly they are more of an extortion racket than a facilitator of anything. Not even justice.

People turn their life over to a lot of things, but will have second thoughts turning their life over to the government. First the churces lost power, then the kings and queens, now the nation states are in decline. What is now on the top is the richest people in the world who own the corporations and the politicians.

So, taking out the politicians is no longer the point. Now its a matter of undercutting the corporations and their mercenary enforcers. And the millions of people who have turned their lives over to their corporate overlords.

You've got something here. Decentralized economies facilitated by technology?

Yes, that's the general idea. But I think you have to optimize the rule of law to obtain or maintain a market place that reflects factors that decentralization has often tended to subvert.

In other words, part of what is included in "technology" is the information/feedback that prevents the corruption and distortions of the crony capitalist system we have had in the past. The pushing of "externalities" like air and water pollution onto tax payers might not gain traction if there was a pattern of disclosure that tends to level the playing field for all participants. When we look at the rewards and penalties of any given system of interaction, whether it be sports or market share, there has to be a pattern of regulation that places quality of life and community as a higher value than rewarding unethical competition, especially when the participants are able to take legal shelters in corporate or other artificial entities.

Even governmental and religious institutions tend to follow the bureaucratic conventions of profit making corporations, even NGO's tend to segment human "capital" into an identity that so easily overwhelms the model of a citizen participating in a democracy or even a republic.

In the biological model, the model of organisms as part of an environmental whole, in other words, an interconnected ecology, exchanges, transactions, are decentralized, but information is communicated spontaneously, not as part of a separate effort. Its harder to hide externalities. Its harder to concentrate power in an elite.

In other words, when new rules are introduced, they tend to create a new locus of information, a new center for a new database, often which had been designated as private property in the past, reinforcing the power of elites over others.

To the extent that there are private domains, competition is restricted. The nature of umpires, the domain of records, cannot remain public or unbiased when these rights are transferred out of the public domain to private players. Private players are then elevated to special status, and the meaning of a citizen is then segmented into classes of citizens, some "more equal" than others :)

There has been a lot of propaganda equating the US with free markets, democracy with capitalism. There are elites who now manage the system as a "personal" asset, in effect, a plantation.

So, at this point, the rights to privacy and secrecy among those with the greatest economic power are the real issue, and the road block to shared technology and decentralization. They have convinced us that the system of private property is capable of generating prosperity, but the system of "government funded programs" are generally a drain on the momentum of capital to create value. An ideological stand against anything that can be labeled as communism or socialism. Rather than apologize for the public domain, perhaps we should point out that to the degree its function is private, it has not actually been public domain, but rather the mercenary force of an elite.

In other words, there is a lot of disclosure and "informing" ahead of us before we will see a widening of influence from the few to the many. A lot of propaganda that has become second nature to us is going to have to be disowned, exposed, and delegitimized. And those in a movement to do so, if their motive is a free lunch at the expense of the productive class, or protection from the work of competition, then they will rightly be exposed themselves as a new form of parasite, a new dictator, a new opportunistic attempt to seize power.

Open source. Creative commons. Much of the foundational work has already started. The old ideologies are probably not going to help bring us together, but a model of ecological systems might, if the internet continues to weaken the authoritative monopoly of existing elites.


Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members, and to gather intelligence that can be used against them. In this technique in a light and positive environment a 'show you mine so me yours' posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical information can be gathered. An example is to post your 'favourite weapon' and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have. In this matter it can be determined by reverse proration what percentage of the forum community owns a firearm, and or a illegal weapon. This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favorite 'technique of operation.' From the replies various methods that the group utilizes can be studied and effective methods developed to stop them from their activities.

If you genuinely think I'm doing that ill take it down.

It sounds like a thought-stopper to me though. You could say it about all of reddit.

It is up to the individual to use logic to determine what is what. I am posting it as a reminder to do so.

IMO, the conspiracy forum is for discussing and exposing the conspiracies of the powerful, not the actions of individuals against the powerful.

If we had a leader to march with or some organization sure, but remember that our country is huuuge compared to most. We have states bigger than some European countries. Hell I just had a friend move from Texas back to Virginia and take 19 hours driving. I told her we are making one trip because that drive sucked.

Believe me when i say we want it, but need a leader. If someone had a plan, I would be on it in a second, but without 100,000 people marching the capital, it will mean nothing. I have been to DC and seen large groups of protestors. I saw a few dozen in front of the white house two weeks ago. One was a damn noble cause and I cant remember it, so you know how that went. There were 20+ people there handing out info on that too.

Basically, someone figure something out who has some power, because no one will follow a nobody and that's a damn shame.

I don't think we should be so quick to put all of our faith into a leader rather than each other or ideas.

I hear there is a protest at the DOJ in Boston at noon. Im no where near there or I would be there. Maybe leader is kinda the wrong term. I don't use social media much anymore and Twitter was never a thing I liked much, but if i tweeted and all 6 of my followers saw it, nothing would come of it. Now if some influential figure with a massive reach said they want to march at a given time and rally up, they have better odds than if you or I did it. That's more of what I meant.

A singular leader figure is a bad idea. If they can't be corrupted, they will be ass-ass-inated. Trust that.

All politics are local. That includes revolt.

It's hard to have a leader when the people who revolt internally are just put in jail and shut down. Someone like a libertarian candidate or even Bernie who is simply not corrupt doesn't even have the chance to be a leader because the system is completely rigged against that possibility. The outrage needs to occur first.

You need 3 Million to represent 1%.

Revolution is in order.

Won't happen. Too many Americans ruined by television and junk food. By the time they are ready to do anything, they will be to scared and weak to do anything other than beg the government to save them.

Too far enslaved by those and pharmaceutical drugs

It'll take American Revolution 2.0.

AmRev2 coming to a theater near you this summer.

There is nothing to be done.

Let it fall apart on it's own.

Then the plutocratic families, the corporate oligarchs, and the international banksters, many of whom are zionists and/or members of secret societies, have got you exactly where they want you.

People like you, who are doing little to nothing to end their domination, are part of the problem.

No, they want you working for them like slaves being ignorant and dependant on their system.

Not fighting back is a middle ground between trying to take them down and working for them.

But if you think you can unbrainwash and convince tens millions of people of what is actually happening, and make them courageous enough to fight back be my guest. I don't see it happening. And even if it does happen, this civilization will fall apart in less than a century from a natural "disaster" like a virus, famine, plague, solar storm, oil depletion and many other things.

They who say it can't be done should not interrupt the people doing it.

I agree. You can go ahead and waste your time, people who are smart enough should just seek to survive what is coming. There are no political solutions to a famine, solar storm, plague/virus, or depletion of oil. Go ahead and see if your waking up of people will solve those problems.

And supporting a jew leftist who is advocating stronger government isn't helping the problem either.

It is better than just sitting around waiting for disasters to happen to you.

i am here to make sure that Bernie Sanders becomes the President of the USA.

i am here to make sure that at least 2/3 of the Senate and at least 2/3 of the House are filled with true progressives.

i am here to build a movement of at least 100 million well-informed individuals, free of misinformation and disinformation, to make sure that the President and the Congress act Lovingly and Wisely for the good of all.

i am here to prevent world war 3.

i am here to prevent another false flag event (like the detonation of a weapon of mass destruction) orchestrated by the CIA, MI6 and Mossad.

i am here to Wake Up the whole world.

Even the powers that be will be transmuted and will Live the Way of Love and Wisdom.

i am here to usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

i am here to bring Peace to planet Earth.

Creating a Wonderful World.

You're a fucking lunatic arn't you?

i am waking up and mentoring around 10 new uninformed/misinformed individuals every week.

It's imperative that each and every one of us, without exception, does so too.

First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world.

Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already)

People like you are part of the problem.

Now, what's the best course of action? How do you want to beat this shit over its head and take back your country?

What would you suggest? Because talking about anything like revolution is treason punishable by death.

I suggest that they get punished in accordance with what policies they pushed.

Think policies that made them money by killing innocent people.

It's all about the messaging.

Here's my proposal--

First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world.

Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already)

and 'who' is this 'government'?

The masses are dumb fucks and TPTB know this all to well and are laughing all the way to the banks

IMO as long as Americans believe the Bullshit they're fed ... and even when they're told the Truth they 'don't want to know it' e.g. 9/11

The US is Real Life version of The King's New Clothes

We, America, is the last free bastion on earth. Once they get our guns, we all fucked. wherever you are from, your country folded a long time ago, because I know you don't have guns, but are run by a Central Bank. You're screwed essentially. We all need to take a stand, not just the US.

We, America, is the last free bastion on earth.

you dont know a lot bout earth do you?

Go on.

The bankers own America too, man. Look up the history of the federal reserve. It's fascinating.

We are waiting for them to make a push for our second amendment rights on a national level.
Then you will see a....revolution...

Hillary has said she will take our guns and she will attack Iran.

The shit will hit the fan this month though, in my opinion.

At this point, the corruption is so ingrained, pervasive, and well established that it would take a complete revolution/overhaul. Conditions would have to get very bad before enough people would be willing to "do something." We're talking financial collapse bad. It would not be pretty or quick, and history says there's a good chance it would end worse than before. The media has the majority completely blind and misinformed. It's sad to think about, really.

My guess is that we will continue to sit back with our thumbs up our asses and wallow in our own stupidity.

Maybe, if I'm not too tired after work on Monday.

Does voting for either Bernie or Jill stein and dedicating my life to discrediting hillary to everyone who will listen count? cause im doing that.

Don't forget to harass your local incumbent!

It's crazy to see not only a total lack of any indication that the people in our government are working towards a better world for all, but to suspect that they may either be deceptively doing the opposite, or are completely oblivious to their duty and/or identity as a human being. It seems like part of being alive is a desire for positive change, even at a fundamental level ie evolution. Being alive is a surprise, and with a finite lifespan we all do our best to find IT, the ever mysterious quality that we all desire and work for. Conspiracy or natural phenomenon, it's been suggested that factors in our world work to keep "IT" out of our experience. People have claimed that institutions which promise "IT" to us secretly work to eliminate IT. Government and Religion are two major forces in our lives. One steals our money resources and the other steals our spiritual resources, so conspiracy theorists say. We all want the same thing, but natural law seems to not only allow but perhaps even favor violent greed, and this election is seen as a major indicator that something is extremely wrong. Neither candidate communicates capability or even the slightest interest in anything other than lip service. Their actions and motives debatable, a mystery, but pretty definitely not what they should be, and not what we need them to be. Why? Greed, ignorance? Who knows. Can we do something about it? What we need is intelligent and moral people running the show. We need to make the cooperative spirit and pursuit of a better world for all the prime directive of humanity. We don't need violence, revolution, extinction. We need all of our fellow people to understand. We need to once and for all establish ourselves as one team, team earth, team utopia. Team positive universe. Is this asking the impossible? NO. Is this difficult? Sure. What can we do? I don't know. Hopefully this helps : /

Well said man.

The elite are at war with the american people but we're also at war with ourselves. They know this and they perpetuate this. Black vs White, Muslim vs Christian, Gay vs Straight and the big hitter, Liberal vs Conservative. We talk of revolution when we haven't even united as a people. This is step one. Yes, it sounds lame, but you need to love and forgive your neighbors, friends, family for any perceived differences.

Step 2: Get off your ass and get your friends/family of their asses. They won't like you for it but you owe it to them and to yourself to at least try. Our parents always said TV would rot your brain but it wasn't the cartoons it's the damn news and reality shows. Discourage that brainwashing garbage every chance you get. Fuck, start a kickball team. Something! Get them off their asses. Nobody can revolt if they cant even run a mile.

As OP said, you can enact change through your local government but I believe this is step 3 or 4.

edit: formatting


The more people that hear what you said, the better.

First. Stop believing in the institution of government.


Cut it down & rebuild.

I like it.

Nope we are going to eat more fast food watch more reality tv buy more apple crap and watch fox news to find out what else to think.

Organize, arm ourselves, and revolt.

So long as food is affordable, no.

I'm not sure if your being sarcastic or bitter or what. But this is exactly correct. We are the richest motherfucking nation the world has ever known. Obesity is one of our problems. People lament obvious signs of prosperity like the choices others make in their TV viewing habits. And the morons in this sub think it's time for revolution? None of them have ever seen war I'm quite sure because if they had they wouldn't want it here with their mothers and sisters. Bunch of fucking shitheads.

no, because sex propagda made us have kids and no parent will go to protest, because he may go to jail/get hurt and parent don't want to leave kids helpless

Nothing will happen

Nothing can be done. These things have to run their course.

There are 330 million people in the USA.

The number of eligible voters is 235 million.

In the 2016 primary, 61 million (26%) turned out to vote.

The number of 18-34 year olds who are eligible to vote is 94 million (40% of the total electorate).

However, only 3.6 million voted (4% of the youth electorate).

The youth need to get their act together.

Each and every one of them, without exception, needs to stop what they are doing and put their life on hold and become well-informed individuals, free of misinformation and disinformation, and get actively involved in the political process to usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

If only 80% of the youth ever decide to become well-informed and vote, then we will have a progressive President, a progressive Senate, a progressive House, and a progressive Supreme Court.

Says the old man who left this country worse off than what it was while he blames the youth. LOL if anything its not the youths fault its their parents for growing up in lavishness setting on their asses in front of the teevee, while they allowed the gov to dig us a deep ass hole to figure out how to fix after their asses got to enjoy all their freedom.

Lol. You never even considered that they might be better informed than you and thats why they don't vote. Its not like theres any lack of youth outreach.

Ok better informed person: What exactly are you doing about it all? Please present your proposal. Be as specific as possible.

Then the key is to get the young people talking.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Here's my proposal--

First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world.

Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already)

You think votes matter?

Voting has never been tried in the USA.

When was the last time that at least 80% of the People were well-informed, free of misinformation and disinformation, AND gave their time, energy, talents and resources to the political process to make sure that only the most Loving and most Wise among become our public servants?

Only 60% of the People vote in the Presidential elections. Only 20% of the People vote in the Presidential primaries. Only 40% vote in the Senate and House elections. Only 13% vote in the local elections for Mayor, City Council and the Congressional seats.

Progressive types, like artists, musicians, spiritual types, are not voting. And the ones who are voting are not well-informed and so they waste their vote not voting for the best candidate.

The 18-34 year olds are a whopping 40% (94 million) of eligible voters (235 million).

In past elections, only 24% (23 million) of them turn out to vote in the Presidential primary and only 40% (38 million) in the general election.

For Congressional seats, the turnout has been only 20% in the general election.

46% of eligible 18-24 yo are not registered to vote.

37% of eligible people with incomes under $30,000 aren't registered to vote.

In the 2016 primary, a total of 61 million (26%) turned out to vote.

The number of 18-34 year olds who are eligible to vote is 94 million (40% of the total electorate).

However, only 3.6 million voted (4% of the youth electorate). They were 12% of the total votes.

If only 80% of eligible voters invested the time and energy to be well-informed and actively involved in the political process, it would be enough to overcome any shenanigans from the dynastic plutocratic families, the corporate oligarchs, and the international banksters, many of whom are zionists and/or members of secret societies.

Based on your question, I presume you are not in the US. What is your home country?

Also, please tell us how you beat corruption in your country, and maybe we can use your methods.

I've been offline for a bit, here's a response I made earlier.

That's where I'm coming from, we haven't beaten it, but were on the right track.

i am waking up and mentoring around 10 new uninformed/misinformed individuals every week. It's imperative that each and every one of us, without exception, does so too.


Small scale, concentrated efforts are the best.

Panem et circenses

  • Juvenal. AD 100

Nailed it.

of course we are. "the peaceful-new age-non violent-truth movement" aka "waste of time movement" are gonna post twice as many youtube videos and facebook links and post on as many internet forums as we can. this corrupt pos goverment must be stopped by any means! i bought myself another computer so i can do things faster

even the masses have pulled their heads out of their asses a little bit. not much, but enough to give their kids futures some hope.

everything's fine, we can stop them!

Truth is crazier than fiction. Few truly even grasp what's happened, fewer still can comprehend what may be planned.

Quit whining, we've got this. No country on earth distrusts the very idea of government more than the United States. People in other countries sit around and talk shit on the USA, meanwhile their own governments are just as corrupt if not more. The difference is that we have a democracy founded by revolution, and the right to revolt is ingrained in our national history. The rest of the world either copied us or had revolutions for worse things than democracy. Remember: "democracy is not the best system, but it is the best we can come up with for now"

You should all be wary of calls for revolution. They typically do not work in favor of the people. Any "revolution" in America will only result in a new government that will soon be corrupted, if not corrupt from inception.

We're doomed.

What do you mean, "YOU people"?!

if nobody gets my reference...

project paperclip stuff: i have been consistently blinded by the rage i've felt while growing up in this goddess forsaken sack of shit called the usa, the "greatest country in the world". i wish i'd never stood for the pledge of allegiance, it made us look like hitler's youth, but they started us in kindergarten so i just kept standing up. stopped saying it in high school. i hate all stupid fucking flags of men's wars and i hate our flag the fucking most.

the police are not persons, they are ego-maniacal psychopaths. and yet so many say "there are some good ones" and "they're just doing their joooobbbbs". save a life, kill a cop.

i feel like luke wilson's character in idiocracy. i know that my iq is some standard deviation above average, but holy hell.. is everyone really this dumb?

i don't think so, though they certainly are dumbed down over many generations. they are SCARED. they sit there and say "bluh bluh i would dddiiiieeee for my children". but no they fucking wouldn't, or they'd they'd stick their necks out right now. and when i bring up our responsibility to fight the nwo, they say "i can't because i have kkiiiiddddsss".

well there won't be anything left for them, scaredy cat. hope the gutlessness and laziness will be worth it when you're on your deathbed - probably from pollutant-induced cancer - and you realize what you're leaving for your children. A HELL YOU HAVE REFUSED TO STAND AGAINST.

domesticated morons breeding and sucking down big gulps. and their despicableness doesn't hold a candle to that of our elite owners.

so... i am not vaccinating my child(ren) when my husband and i start a family next year. i am not giving that kid a social security number. i DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. NOT DOING IT. i've studied enough to know that none of this is real and wild horses could drag me round the world and i STILL WOULD NOT DO THAT SHIT.

in closing, i extend my middle finger heartily before the all seeing eye, poised to poke it out at the first opportunity.

i love this thread title.

i dunno wtf us Americans are doing. police murder and brutality. look at that repost on thus sub showing a collection of police murder or assaults. just holy shit.

and i bet most or all of those bad cops got off the hook. paid vacations and counseling probably.

govt and corporate corruption.

but it all stems from the monopoly on the money supply by the fed. the fed owned by unknown private bankers since 1913.

this country is fucked


Oh the irony. Says the questionable user with no comment history before 2 hours ago.

Try posting with your main account.


but it's ok I enjoy deleting my comments every 24 hours

Seems an odd type of thing to 'enjoy'.

As for your other points:

I didn't sticky this, and I didn't ask for it to be stickied. You seem to think that commenting on this post is going to change this.

The disinformation info can be found on the sidebar.

Make your own post and see if it gets stickied.

You've earned my darkest lol.

I am very proud of it

People don't do shit until their own house is on fire literally. By that time, they are pretty much fucked. That is the way it has always been. Calling on others to do what you think should be done is weak as shit too OP. Go do it, tell us what you did and people will decide whether or not to throw in with you on that.

you have to make it more inconvenient to support the govt than resist.

Maybe later, there are pokemons to collect.

nothing will be done by anyone.

How about the citizens of other quit voting in people who only intend to blow the US Govt's dick -- that would also help.

I love it.

Spread it around

You first.

Oh, wait, you can't; you don't even have firearms.

I like the argument against guns as a means of revolt that:

In the world we currently live in, if it came to using firewarms for revolt, we would be using them against: targeted attacks on instigators based on NSA data collections, Powergrid shutdowns, drone attacks, armored tanks, and barrage of crap we have no way of fighting off with just some guns.

Encryption is something we need to have a protected right to, just like guns, to protect us from NSA. But still, we've been oppressed and I dont know what we can do about it.

targeted attacks on instigators based on NSA data collections, Powergrid shutdowns, drone attacks, armored tanks, and barrage of crap we have no way of fighting off with just some guns.


The use of the ‘drones’ argument is to suggest that America’s military power is far too powerful for the people to defeat, thereby making gun ownership for defense against government tyranny unnecessary. The idea that the one with the bigger stick wins is a common mistake. People often forget how the country started and how a bunch of traitors and revolutionaries were able to defeat the immensity of the British military. If this argument was taking place in the ’60s, people would be announcing ‘napalm’ rather than ‘drones’, and yet napalm did very little to stop the US from being defeated by a bunch of rice burning, pajama wearing, tunnel dwelling Vietnamese. And speaking of pajama wearing, what about Afghanistan? You go find Al Qaeda and tell them about ‘drones’ and they will be quick to remind you that they were able to drag the US into an 11 year, unsustainable war, the cost which helped lead America to an incredible financial crisis. If a bunch of cave-dwellers struggling with the cocking handle of soviet era AK-47s can keep a war going for 11 years, think of what well-educated, well-armed, partially experienced American citizens could accomplish.


A drone strike might look effective when shot at some desert hut, but it doesn’t translate well to domestic civil war. Every citizen the US bombs is one less taxpayer, one less worker, one less consumer. Every building is one less factory, one less office building, one less residence. Every bomb the US would drop on its own soil and people is destroying its own precious resources. Hardly a sustainable way to wage war. Every bomb dropped also invites more and more revolutionaries. If you thought civilian deaths in the Middle East brought outrage here, think about what American civilian deaths would bring. Let’s say that 200 people gathered outside the Pentagon, protesting and screaming for blood. What is the government going to do, bomb their own military installation? How is that drone going to stop an unarmed protest, or even effectively distinguish between an unarmed protest and an armed one? How will that drone confiscate weapons and apprehend major revolutionary figureheads? It has been said before and I’ll repeat it–police states need police. Grunts on the ground. And that grunt is in for a bad day when he is head to head with an equally armed American citizen behind every door. In a few seconds, a simple search can show you all the shortcomings of drones and how one could combat them.


Killing rag-heads video game style is one thing, but how is that drone operator going to feel when he is forced to drop bombs on his own countrymen? His brothers and sisters and friends. How quickly are those politicians (who we are so quick to call slimy and self-interested) switch sides to save their own skin? Even without this almost certainly occurring variable, military and police amount to a few million while civilians equal hundreds of millions.


NATO is quick to enter revolutions in other countries when the government massacres its people, so what would their reaction be when the US government indiscriminately bombs its own people? Other nations would also assist in any civil war for their own reasons (perhaps they have a vested interest in seeing the US weakened by domestic warfare).


Even if the government and military was infinitely more well armed and the chances of victorious revolution against its tyranny was one in a million, so what? Should we just give up without trying and submit to oppression? Whatever happened to Live Free Or Die? Aren’t our freedoms worth fighting for no matter then odds, are they not worth dying for?

The people who wrote the Second Amendment understood what government oppression was. They knew what revolution entailed. And they understood that the American people may have to do something similar to what they just did to ensure they remained free. So they kept guns available for citizens. But the main reason their ownership should continue is not to fight a war but to prevent it. The Second Amendment protects the rest and is a constant reminder to the government that an act of unwarranted aggression against its people can be swiftly retaliated against. Ultimately it’s not about guns. It’s about freedom.

I'm not arguing to get rid of the guns, but the points you make here are equally applicable to peaceful revolt, without some of the drawbacks. It would have to be on a scale far greater than OWS, for sure, which would mean the impetus would have to be far greater as well, but let's compare OWS to the Bundy Ranch and Oregon standoff.

OWS was ignored, ridiculed, and maligned by the media, yet millions still supported the idea of the cause, if not the methods or the strategies. The civil rights movement might even be a better example, as they did achieve many of their goals (while still being placated and somewhat subdued by the end.)

When you use violence against the state, they will spin it as violence against the people. The Bundy Standoff is viewed by many as a bunch of crazy right-wingers, even by many on the right, because when you use violence, the state can justify their use of force.

But when you choose not to use violence, even in the face of violence, you bring people to your side. They see who are the ones who use brutality, and who are the ones being brutalized.

This is me honestly asking, do you know of any group who has taken up arms against their government and improved their lot? I will ask you to exclude the American Revolution, as that can very much be seen as a people seeking their sovereignty from a foreign power. I know the distinction might not mean much from our current situation, but in terms of rallying the people, it was much easier to paint the British as an enemy.

That's true. Even with all the police murdering civilians, now that there has been violent backlash, people are sympathizing with the cops, despite it only being a handful of deaths in comparison to the hundreds of people killed and beaten by cops this year so far.

Yep, and now even better, this time it's a black guy killing cops, so you now have a lot of the right-wing militia-types at least subconsciously sympathizing with the police, and more divided with the left in the country.


Meh, the Unions in France are doing a great job grinding the country to a halt without violence, and I'm a proud gun owner.

The French gov doesn't seem to be murderous and psychotic, tho.

We do, just not fancy schmansy semi autos for the general public :).

We still have some nice pump-actions/lever actions though ....

Look at this guy. Are you going to use your guns for the purpose set out in the second amendment? No you sure as shit won't.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I assume you are talking about security of a "free state" right?

Most people feel MERICUHLICIOUS and can't fathom any opposing opinions. So perception in the states is not there yet, start pricing their electronics at "living wages" prices and you will see panties in a wad. Until then we just subsidize indentured servitude in Asia and get fat.


Great argument. Molon labe, motherfucker.

You mean for the purpose of joining a state-run militia to support the government of the US in a time of need? Because that's what the second amendment's purpose was.


The process of corruption in the US govt has been going on longer than my whole life and longer than my parents or maybe even my grand parents. We are so deep into it that the only real answer is a giant revolution. We see people like Bernie Sanders making calls for this revolution, we've seen occupy wall street make the news, we're just at the beginning of this crazy thing, it might take a long time. As more people in the US wake up to the fact that our government is not acting in our interests and taking us for a ride the louder and stronger this revolution will be but for now it is slow. Cakes and circuses rule the day and it's tastier and more immersive than ever, I'm just as guilty as anyone for partaking in it. But I see it, I see this growth in a serious revolution growing. This isn't going to be easy and it's not going to happen over night, one by one, brick by brick people will see that we need real actual change in how things are run just like how our rights and our actual say has drip by drip been dissolved.

We need a new plague/ or be invaded. Nothin we really can do against someone who is above the law.

And what exactly would you propose we replace it with?

I've often wondered this myself. If my country's politicians were doing this kind of shit they'd be dragged out from their offices and have the living shit kicked out of them. And we are completely unarmed. And we've got about a 10th the population.

With all their guns and all their people and their freedom, America just sit back and do absolutely nothing. Weird.

Get angry, U.S.

Americans ARE angry, you can be sure of that. The problem is that there exists a multi trillion dollar entertainment-propaganda complex and we live at the center of it. Trying to look out of the grand illusion to see the truth is difficult. And if this system is working for an individual, its downright improbable that person is going to be interested in any higher "truth".

In fact, that person will fight anyone trying to disrupt the illusion, because that person sees it as an attack on their personal stability, and not the power structure at large.

In this way, the American system of slavery polices itself.

Well put.

It's also seen as a crime(to a degree) to speak out against the US government. I've talked to people about some of the shit that goes on, conspiracies and what not, and I'm told I'm crazy, even tho they're borderline proven. When you speak out, you literally get out on a watch list.

My cousin was on tour in Afghan during the war. (this was at least 5 years ago). He called my mom by cell phone and she called back. Well, they still had our home line tapped because they were watching us because my mom called a US soldier while on active duty. We got rid of the line because of cell phones, but up until that point, you could hear little clicks in the phone and hear people whispering sometimes on the line. The shit is crazy.

What country are you from?

Obviously blackmail is winning. No other explanation for someone of Comeys stature to give HRC a pass. But what could be bad enough that they had to do this? Ok I'll suggest worst case: the clintons bought a nuke and hid it somewhere inside the country and threaten to set it off unless we do as they say.

Holy shit. This was EXACTLY the thought I had today.

There is something special about this age, no doubt. But, here's one thing in common with all others:
It takes a lot to get average, ordinary people to actually revolt. The vast majority in every age are 'the little people.' They just wanna get through the day, the week, etc. They want to provide for their families and they generally shut out everything else, especially politics. There's nothing wrong with that per se, but when an evil regime manipulates that to stay in power...

I suggest hammering your local incumbent politicians.

You single them out on their bullshit, they get embarrassed and hopefully lose their seat.

That's over simplified but true nonetheless.

Justin, I understand where you are coming from.

There are way, way, way more of us if we could only organize.

It only takes 3.5%.

What has anyone done historically speaking?

Used force.

Tough to overpower the worlds foremost military superpower (budget wise).

So we battle for the minds of the majority. Until this war is won, the rest of the discussion doesn't mean a fucking thing. It's pointless to go out and physically fight what you know will be a losing battle.

I don't really like the use of force unless completely necessary.

The MSM will spin it against us, and mostly innocent people die.

Saying that, the most corrupt politicians should be treated the same as what their policies encouraged.

the hippies used no force to stop vietnam war

ghandi used no force to make the brits leave india


Unless you have any suggestions?

I just edited my post


Dallas, is that you?

hi, late to the party.

But what a lot of people don't see in the US is that how much is washed over, how much even we as US citizens don't see. There's been over 150 shootings/mass shootings this year alone in the US and most of them have never even been touched on.

As "what's it going to take?" question, I ask myself that question every day. Fuck, in some states, I literally can't even take a piss in peace.

Edit: Much like the Germans in WWII, afterwards, they had so much guilt over what they had done. In the US, it's almost celebrated (in a lot of rural and/or southern areas) that we put fucking human beings into slavery. That we have this guy in office that's pretty much the new age Hitler. That's what's wrong with the US. I hear people coming from other countries, so happy to be here and I just look at them and ask why. My best friend's dad jumped across the Mexican boarder to start a better life here in the US and I asked him one day if this is all worth it. He told me yes because of how bad Mexico is but he says that it wasn't what he dreamed it would be. I think in Germany (some fact check me if I'm wrong because I'm not 100% on this), it's illegal to fly the Nazi flag, or at least it is in public. That's what should happen with the Confederate flag. And in some places, you can't wear or fly anything with the confederate flag because of its ties to slavery and the KKK, not to add in today's standards, the South in the American Civil War would be considered traitors. I bring this up whenever I see someone flying it, people who are so "proud to be an American", I ask them, "I know you're proud to be an American, but you obviously never paid attention in history, especially since it's been shoved down your throat since you could read, that the South lost. And they are considered traitors in today's standards so, I'm glad to know you support the KKK, slavery, and American traitors."

That's an interesting take on it, and I agree with half of it.

I'm deliberately staying away from those issues, because I believe they will get better if the bad people up top are held accountable.

Yes it is illegal to fly the nazi flag in Germany.

People should be allowed to fly the confederate flag--I have no problem with that at all.

Well we can't let the government buy any more of our property. Cause when shit hits the fan guess who's land we will be on...? The gov's, they won't have to "ask" to come into our property, they will just do it. Oh and the "Jade Helm" training... We better stop letting them "train" locally in the big city states. They've already got police uniformed in military suits participating in the patrol. It's all martial law taking place, the more we allow them to patrol and train the more they are going to be around. It's going to start being normal for them to be around and then once they have the right crisis, BOOM. They are down already in patrol already "training". You see if they tell us they are "training" we the people won't have the idea they are actually just down here patrolling more and more military until it's normal for them to just "be down here" (in the cities patrolling/pvt property training). Then what? They try and come to take our guns and when we say no what can we do? There are hundreds of military police and officers around us... We can't stop this shit, it's already here. All we can do is put our hands in the faith of God and ask for his protection. And then shoot them bitches when they try and violate the constitution.

I had a holy shit moment when I landed at an airport and was going to the baggage claim. I can't identify gun models just by looking at them but a cop was walking around with a gun that looked something like this and I said "what the fuck?" really loud without thinking about it and a lady walking 5ft away from me looked at me and nodded her head and said "I know..." with a look of worry on her face.

Trump is the answer.


Rules 1 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Nah, I don't like it this way but it's not like I'm gonna get off my ass and do something about it. As long as my well-being isn't in danger, all I plan on doing is complaining about it online.

That really is the best option I think.

Dunno. When are you going to do something about yours?

So op, where you from? Believe it or not America is leading the charge toward regaining their sovereignty. Britain (brexit) is not far behind. Somewhat tired of these post blaming the usa for the world's corruption. Wake up, your country is right there with us.

What do you recommend that we do? (serious question)

Did you not notice we just overwhelmingly voted for Trump the outsider and kicked the shit out of the the corrupt establishment presumed nominee Bush's?

Are you fucking blind? Its the biggest revolution in politics in the usa since the revolution.

And even the ducks in the democrat party are slowly catching on ....


I plan to...

This thread gives me hope that America is waking up afterall.

America is fucked up because people are fucked up. But not all people are fucked up, which means not all of America is fucked up. The people who know that true freedom is equality will never let our dream slip away.

A war is coming, but there will be more than two sides: the left, the right, and the middle. The middle is the truth. The truth is love. As long as you stay true to love, love will stay true to you.

May we all soon be one.

We could always boycott the government. But that would be pretty hard. We could all use natural water and food supplies and only buy from other citizens. We could altogether stop paying taxes. I mean, what are they going to do? Arrest everyone? Then we have the issue of lawlessness and murder, pillaging, etc. We could also make our own governments. All in all, it would be very difficult. We would need almost everyone to be involved and more than enough people and defense to overthrow our leaders. And I'm pretty sure there would be many military personnel who would join in. I probably sound crazy, but that's because I AM going crazy. I already have paranoid personality disorder and the stuff that's been going on here lately doesn't help.

Think smaller. Start by harassing your local incumbent member. I cannot stress this enough.

What I find so lol about this is (put on tin foil hat) /r/worldnews is more conspiratorial than this sub these days. You'll all work it out soon don't worry :)


While I agree, I don't think we'll ever be successful until we can learn to trade using alternative currencies. The enemy owns the banks who print the US Dollars. Therefore, the only way to starve them is to learn to trade with others using alternative currency, such as bitcoin. It seems like a monumental task.

No they will let criminals and gangs start a insurection in the cities so the suburbian sheep call for National Guard .

don't know what country the OP lives in, but my advise is this... mind to your own government first... If you do happen to live in the states... mind your own local government first and foremost... If you can't take time to at least watch some of your city counsel meetings on video then mind your own fucking business...

If you actually read the post text and not just emotionally comment based on the title, you'd know I'm quite involved

Were trying to get Trump in there now to sort this out.

I recall years ago when Paris, France's public transportation system (pension issues) was being protested by not only the workers strike, but the public as a whole. The streets were flooded with people, and I mean FLOODED with thousands who were in disagreement with the government's actions (police violence and all resulted). The city being built on a grid was in a complete lock down and none of the public transportation was active. Eventually, the authorities caved and the Parisians got back to life with the rights they had worked for and deserved. What is the difference between our culture where they act and we do not? Is it at the start of schooling? Or is it from being oppressed for SO LONG that they finally fight back? I understand that the elite are always seeking to oppress, but has it not been going on long enough that people are not ready to say "enough"

That's an M4A1 Carbine, fully automatic in their case. Yeah. All I can say is stick up on guns, food, because once you start recognizing military patrolling everywhere... We are in BIG trouble

This criminal government knows we won't do anything as long as they centralize power in a far off city (Washington D.C) and they continue lie to us. Most people are too busy trying to make ends meet in this Obama economy to care.


There is no hope. Get out while you still can.

Look, money rules. People who have a cushioned job with a house, car, big flat screen tv, beer in the fridge, and children are too content with their life to give a shit about anything but when they are going to eat and watch football.

It's just how it is, and will be until the money or football(sports) is taken away.

I live in Texas and have only just begun to pay attention to government and politics this year. I want to have a thought on a website but am having a difficult time commenting on the news articles web page . The comments on this web page seem so concerning to me and it all feels political and manipulated. I live here and wouldn't even know where to begin to preach peace and make things right as a plane old citizen. How do I, as a nobody, help my country?

Where the hell are you from Justin Hergina?

Sydney, Australia. And you?

Cool. I was wondering because of the title of your submission. What do you do about the corruption in your country that you recommend Americans do for ours? I think you may have already answered that though.

The main point I've been trying to get across is that taking on the government head-on will most likely fail.

My suggestion is to use some of their own tactics. Ie singling out people, harassing them, swaying public opinion on them)

So in essence, single out the shitty incumbent members, smash them constantly on social media everyday by asking difficult questions, starting online petitions asking WHY they haven't answered those questions (make sure the questions aren't softball questions, ask about local politics & corruption with land developers/mining/infrastructure projects that locals get no profit out of just to name a few. Don't ask questions that party rhetoric can answer.

Getting a few local journos on side can't hurt, as well as mum bloggers, old people, students.

Putting it in your life, will put it into other people's lives.

Oh make it clear from the start that you aren't interested in the two party system.

Your lack of/non responses give me the impression that you want more of my personal information than I am willing to provide.

I am very suspicious, and I don't think I will continue conversations with you.

I don't want any personal information, its just the "you people" aspect of your title had me wondering. I'm from the U.S. myself as I implied in my previous response with the word "ours" Peace. No worries.

I don't know about you, but most of your country seem to have no idea about the profound influence the US has on our daily lives. That's why we ask what you guys are doing about it because it affects the rest of us more than you know.

I agree. Many of us here are trying. Clearly not enough or effectively enough. Thanks for your suggestions.

Unless you have bill gates's money, you can't take them head on.

Just sayin'

Does Australia have privatized currency like in the U.S. or do you have public currency?

The Secret of Oz

It's apparently wholly government 'owned', but seeing as Australia is a part of the British Commonwealth, there's no doubt that were influenced by them who are in turn influenced by 'higher powers'.

It's actually a good question that I'm going to follow up on.

Ps ill get to that video when I have a spare two hours, probably on the weekend.

I don't want to discourage anyone, but your suggestion seems flawed to me. Every movement has a face, usually backed by people with similar views but with less charisma, confidence or resources. Hypothetically if I was to try to find and get an honorable candidate elected in my region, what would stop the PTB from just kennedying my ass? That is what I think would ever happen if we did get a decent candidate into ANY solid public office. They would be approached by men in suit and shown a version of the zapruter film but from the angle where you can see the two gunmen on the grassy knoll. We would need a nearly endless supply of selfless honorable candidates as they would all either succumb to fear and give in to the PTB demands or be killed. I mean if you look around you can see that whistleblowers and honorable people "commit suicide" by 2 shots to the back of the head, or another "normal" circumstance.

I want to fight so badly but sadly I am also afraid as I have a family. If there was a real platform that I thought could make it I would do EVERYTHING I could to help it along, but until then I am going to keep hiding.

Publicly supporting a candidate won't get you killed. Neither will talking about public information. The risks you see are inherent within actual journalism, not public candidacy.

Get your friends, family & the public talking about a candidate, the more people that talk about it, the less 'dangerous' it is.

Don't let the fear campaign get on top of you, because that's its purpose. Don't let operation mockingbird be a success. Don't let YOU be your own worst enemy.


Now they're allowing U.N. Military in the country

We're fucked. They control everything and most people are to scared of the effects of revolution to support it. We would be in a better spot if there was a military coup.

They control everything but the numbers. There are only about 30M of them, assuming the military would fight the public.

Legislative (Congress) Executive (President)
Judicial (Supreme Court) Publicative (TV,..) - most powerful

America isn't like the EU! We're huge and scattered, fragmented and good hell! Let each Union Stand By States Rights!

Fucking hell! if I would see Blue Berets come into America to Count Votes for Hillary!

NATO should be parked on some Volcanic Island, not on any Sovereign Soil of any Nation! Do you see this?

Our Electoral Process is so broken and I'm so damned tired and older that I would fucking Welcome a Purple Thumb for once! One Person! One Vote!

Not gonna happen in the USA!

THEY decide and YOU pretend to Vote!

We The People of America ceded our rights, our voice, when we allowed the Bankers to Enslave US.

Reddit, dream well! Dream great dreams!


You are a fool for believing that all of these brain washed shit heads could ever do anything to the American Government. There is no reprisal against the American Government. Saying you'd commit acts of treason against our government or buying a laundry list of items that could be considered a "terrorist threat" is a great way to have a party van show up at your door.

What do you want us to do "write our local congressman"? Any voice of dissent has you put on a watch list. There's no strategic advantage in America logistically. What would you have us do?

How am I as a US citizen suppose to end government corruption. Asking us to stop the American government is asking us to fight local law enforcement, FBI, CIA, NSA, DOD. It's an impossible task. A fight that even millions of citizens could not win.

With that being said the odds of millions of citizens organizing themselves against the tyranny of the American government is a pipe dream at best.

There is no beating this and you are a fool to think anyone could.

Pull your pants down & bend over then.

What do you think I've been doing for 18 years.

Good stuff, keep up the good work friend.

Don't try to act like you aren't getting blasted in the ass by Government friend.

I haven't admitted defeat.

I'm not pulling my pants down.

I don't think it's admitting defeat as much as it is admitting a grandiose delusion...

That's not what you said though.

Re-read what you wrote

I may be a fool, but I am a hopeful fool.

In order for things to change, think smaller. From a previous comment:

The main point I've been trying to get across is that taking on the government head-on will most likely fail. My suggestion is to use some of their own tactics. Ie singling out people, harassing them, swaying public opinion on them) So in essence, single out the shitty incumbent members, smash them constantly on social media everyday by asking difficult questions, starting online petitions asking WHY they haven't answered those questions (make sure the questions aren't softball questions, ask about local politics & corruption with land developers/mining/infrastructure projects that locals get no profit out of just to name a few. Don't ask questions that party rhetoric can answer. Getting a few local journos on side can't hurt, as well as mum bloggers, old people, students. Putting it in your life, will put it into other people's lives. Oh make it clear from the start that you aren't interested in the two party system.

What about all the other corrupt governments? Are we just going to pretend America is the only one while places like Australia and England continue to pass laws that Americans are still fighting off?

Nah this is r/conspiracy. There's no logic or reasoning here. Just a bunch of morons whining about shit they don't understand.

I think you underestimate the importance of YOU in the scheme of things.

The US affects so many of us in the world. We need you to do something, anything.

Some people have taken offence at this post, and I'm not sure why. I've received a lot of deflective comments like this, and from I gather from them, absolves themselves from any responsibility for trying to do something other than save your guns.

Guns are important, but they are just a tool in the fight. They aren't THE FIGHT.

Justin, why is this all on the US? The big bankers are global. There are no boundaries. The populace of the world needs to stand up. Its not just the US. When it all comes down to it, we are all one. Money, greed and power are whats drowning the world. Namely money. Fact is as Bob Marley said... it ain't no use, no one can stop them now.

Nothing better to replace it with... not until humanity has another 10,000 years of technological evolution.

Nah, we'll just watch Bush dance and laugh our asses off while the whole ship sinks

If history tells us anything.... nope!

All Americans are dormant assassins. We as a society need to understand that you don't need a fancy name or an organized group to overcome the government, this only makes it easier for them to identify and subvert the cause. What truly strikes fear into the hearts of the elite is many lone wolves that can help each other by proxy. Arm yourself and pick a target and make damn sure they're not innocent. The "elites" are just bags of meat like us and they die just the same when you plant the "antiseed".

Lol we cant do anything, what we live in everyday society is corruption. Very rarely are there good people that are hi up in any kind of ladder and obviously we can't do anything to stop them. Everything is connected the media, celebs, govt, trust me its like all big one thing that work together to fuck common people and just to make more money among themselves. It's not just America either. edit: money or anything other thing that benefits themselves


But what are we supposed to do when things are rigged such as elections and the DNC e-mail leak has proved it but she still might have a shot at being our president. That just shows how much power they have lol. You think someone with normal secret clearance fuck something up 1/100th the ratio of that would be in jail for a fucking while. This is something Edmund Burke never faced, because now we have a world that can be easily controlled because of technology. Times have changed and so have the chances on ever fixing this stuff.

Any little thing you do to help is a step forward. If you think you can't do anything then you won't. It's about believing you can. It's not impossible. It's tough to do yes. But it can be done

Are You people (US citizens) going to do something about your corrupt Government?

lol they sure as shit won't.

Yeah why don't you guys use your second amendment rights that you all jizz about to use your guns to take over the government? I mean, that's the reason you have guns, right? That's literally the only argument you have for owning guns?

It'll never happen and the US will drag the rest of us into another bullshit war and we will all die.

|That's literally the only argument you have for owning guns?

Not the only argument for owning guns.

Self defense, hunting, collecting/investing and for (,) our well regulated militias.

I wasn't car jacked once because I had a handgun. The other guy just had a tire iron. My dad has given me guns that my grandfather gave him and I will give to my kids. Hunting wild hogs as population control can save native species that now have to compete for food. I once bough an AR15 before the assault weapons (cosmetic features) ban in the 90's. I sold it for a very nice profit a few years later. A gun is a tool. Your supposition that no one will use their guns to take over the government is probably correct but specious in it's causality for owning guns.

I'm with her

how would they? most topics are over their heads. their immediate threat is the neighbour next door. most of them are blokes who fail to impress chicks, so they need to open carry everywhere.

they must think theyre in syria or something. thats how backwards most americans are. cant figure out shit.

Here's my proposal--

First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world.

Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already)

Sadly, many people think Donald Trump is the answer to that. That's how brainwashed the general population is here.

Hillary vs trump.

Piece of shit vs shit sandwich.

lol it's crazy to think that the government would go this far to cover up Hillary


Hurrdurr#1 says it is time.

LOL you asshurt liberal idiot, you just want Bernie to cheat and win somehow.

Oooooooh look its the big man being tough with his alt.

So Brave

Your vocabulary seems limited to "butthurt" "asshurt".

Are you sure you're not projecting some hidden sexual confusion?

It certainly would explain your random angry trolling, name calling and your weird infatuation with Donald Trump.

Fuck yeah we are going to do something, its called not leave our houses in fear of criminal blacks and terrorists and then come out on election day and vote Trump. (not at all afraid of rich black businessmen and professionals)

It's all one big circle, lets say we do overthrow our government. (Which will NEVER happen) what's next? Come up with another imperfect form of government? We're just going to repeat everything. Nothing will ever be better for this world. If you haven't come to terms with that you're very very ignorant.

Governments are a reflection of people. The perfect government can't exist because the perfect person and perfect culture doesn't exist.

Government begins noble when times are hard, strong idealists take control and form a democracy or democratic republic. Life becomes comfortable under the rule of strong idealists, people live cushy lives and cease to care about government. Government loses accountability and becomes overrun by corruptible opportunists at this point, and the opportunists use country as bank account and as leverage to get money from infringing corporations. At this point the country becomes as much an oligarchy as a republic/democracy, the country falls into chaos after years of neglect, the people rise and create a government of strong idealists.... rinse and repeat.

I'm not sure if the 300 years of modern democracy/non-monarchs are enough historical evidence to validate your theory. I hope it is not

Look up the "Iron law of Oligarchy" not saying that that is proof but it's the work of a respected philosopher.

Jesus. Do you REALLY think America is the first and only democracy in the history of the world?

Not with that attitude it will ;)

Hey if you told me that all of us that are subscribed were going to meet somewhere and fight the government, I'll be there as fast as possible.

Unfortunately I'm a lover not a fighter :)

To each their own, my friend.

And youd be the first one blackbagged.

Your attitude enables your assertions. I hope one day you realize that.

still a better government than north korea.

No, we're not going to do anything about it, because the government is generally good, full of lots of good people, and because our system of government has resulted in the most profitable/powerful/wealthy/best-living that anyone has ever seen on our continent. The corruption will change gradually on it's own as culture progresses over the next 100 years with the advent of the internet and constant omnipresent awareness of everything everyone does -- and with the influx of new kids in the government and spy agencies who very likely grew up hating "the spies and the corruption".

It's the same as racism changing, eventually things improve because the awareness of the problems spread. We've progressed pretty far since the slavery days, and the gay-hanging days, and the witch-burning christian fundamentalist days. Things change and progress naturally, we can't MAKE IT happen by "doing anything", it's natural social evolution we're all witnessing, not something that can go away just because you prosecute or imprison one specific "corrupt person" or criminal group.

all anyone needs to do is talk about the problems they see. the internet allows this and will help social evolution progress because we're not stuck in controlled/corralled institutional idea exchanges like we used to be, where only the few could attend college (or a good college), and the views disseminated are controlled by the staff - or when you had to be in a specific hippy group to have access to specific ideas, nowadays the ideas of social progress spread on the internet.

you're safe, you have access to more resources than anyone else on earth, you have enough to eat, easy credit, generally reliable basic laws, no one is going to "do" anything, and no one should "do" anything. positive social change will happen naturally as the internet generations come to power and leadership roles throughout society. Nothing dramatic needs to be done about it.


Why don't just pull your pants down and bend over then.

anything other than passivie and peaceful promotion of positive change will cause more problems than it solves at this point in american history.

That's why you're in this mess.

Your method is fundamentally flawed in the fact that you depend on the goodness of those in power, and the timespan you need for it to happen is way too long. The next 50 years are where it's going to happen, and sitting around waiting for it is lazy, intellectually & physically.

Get off your arse and put yourself out there. Show that you give a shit by confronting the bullies in government. Show them you've had enough.

The grass you've been eating is not the watership.

I asked God's permission a long time ago to let me do what I could to save my country and He said No. He said if I did that I would be working against Him. Apparently the sins of my fellow countrymen and women have become so great He's going to let the US be destroyed.

Who the fuck are you? What perfect country do you live in?

Wrong answer.

As if I give a damn what you think?

You responded, so yes. On some level you clearly do.

Answer me this; do you think America perfect, that only someone from a more perfect country can speak about it?

do you think America perfect, that only someone from a more perfect country can speak about it?

I think people who live in other countries should reserve judgement about places they don't fully understand. I don't go on rants about the Brexit, I'm not a Brit nor a citizen of the EU. I don't question Russia's foreign policy, they have a right to determine their own future despite what their neighbors believe. I think people who don't live in America and don't have anything invested here should keep their opinions to themselves. Why doesn't OP try and make a positive change in his own home? Oh, I know... because he's just an opinionated douche.

US corruption? Even Trump and his ex-lawyer Roy Cohn and their TBTF corruption was tame compared to Russian oil klepto's. Troll brigades from closed societies go crazy over MKUltra, COINTELPRO. Imagine the Stalinist or Putin updated FSB Russian versions? Then you hear NSA CIA DHS Hillary does it and gets off, Snowden defects to Russia. Simple minded updated John Bircher National Enquirer manipulated blends of PSY-Ops true lies.

Known as "alternative" news or "what Hillary and her NWO government and lamestream media don't want you to know." What "really" happened at Benghazi?? Wikileaks has all her emails and soon you'll have them too and SHE will concede and bow to Trump and bla bla bla. Probably just the opposite will happen.

Thousands of bogus You Tube Russian troll channels align perfectly with Brit and US conservative Murdoch tabloids, NRA, neo Nazi websites, blogs (NY Post, Fox News, Breitbart, Drudge, The Observer, Daily Caller, Koch libertarians, RT, National Enquirer) making them difficult to tell apart. Right wingers forever wrapping themselves in flag, country and religion pointing righteous fingers at everyone else. As if in a mirror. Lefties aren't half as bad although they do try.

Why do Russian brigades concentrate on You Tube & domestic and foreign comment sections? Their own sad excuse of a government is so broke with corruption it's like the air, it's everywhere & isn't even noticed anymore (unless you're in Beijing). Which means they have to showcase the faults of open societies and repeat and repeat them until the Russian Gov. starts to look good.

A Russian politician or journalist murdered? (Yawn) Putin's former RT "Minister of Truth" & disinformation found dead in DC? (Laughs) Which happened only days after the Russian Olympic scandals broke? (What again?)

The US isnt run by its government, it's run by corporations. That being said, it's not a bad system considering we have control of a majority of the worlds resources because politicians and corporations have hoarded it all from third world shit holes that wouldn't of been able to do anything with the resources in the first place. America was founded because we kicked a bunch of people off their land and used the resources available to thrive. It's time to start supporting our country in developing the wasted space in the Middle East, Africa, and South America.

You traitorous swine. I hope you fucking rot.

good ass post bud, glad you made it /s

The problem there is that corporate influence has rewritten the laws of our once constitutional republic, and that too, is worthless now.

You mean for the purpose of joining a state-run militia to support the government of the US in a time of need? Because that's what the second amendment's purpose was.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I assume you are talking about security of a "free state" right?

Most people feel MERICUHLICIOUS and can't fathom any opposing opinions. So perception in the states is not there yet, start pricing their electronics at "living wages" prices and you will see panties in a wad. Until then we just subsidize indentured servitude in Asia and get fat.

Mob rule does not constitute democracy. I know that's a popular thing to say here, but it's not what any serious person ever means by the word.

Democracy guarantees inalienable individual rights, precisely as in a Constitutional Republic. That's because the sort of Constitutional Republic you're talking about is a democratic form of government.

I'm all for exactly that. And I'm against any form of government that fails to recognize and respect certain individual rights.

The US has democratic forms. It's just that they have ceased to function democratically. The people have no representation. Democratic elections are necessary to begin turning that around. But how to reform the electoral system?

Anyway, a functioning Constitutional Republic would meet most people's definition of a democratic form of government. I'd certainly take it. And the whole legal framework is already in place. It feels strange to say, but if you and I are in favor of revolution, it's a revolution that restores the rule of our highest laws according to their original purpose and intent. We are talking about replacing our current government with a legitimate and legal one. Which is really to say that a revolution has already happened, a usurpation, and all we want to do is reverse it.

It makes me sad that this hit me so close to home.


Great argument. Molon labe, motherfucker.

Do you know people trying to stand up and unify?

I agree with you, America is a great country.

Exactly, if he's not offering up suggestions of his own then he might simply be another agent provocateur that got lucky enough to have his post stickied to the top of this subreddit.

Seconded. And if you like COTS, I recommend The TRAP, which I think is his best work. "It felt like a kiss" can only be fully appreciated on cannabis, but if you do that, you'll totally totally get it and it will be glorious. Power of nightmares is good for a while, but boring at times (imho). All Watched over By Machines of Loving Grace is basically the Trap redux, with some confusing stuff at the end related to AIDS and failed rocketry. Bitter Lake is his newest and it has revelations on Afghanistan that no one has said before, related to big dam projects in the mid 1900s.

This brilliant clip on nonlinear warfare will give you a sense of his hard-hitting style

Wow. That's terrible.

I think you guys need to think smaller. You need to bash your local incumbent members with hard questions. Smash them on social media with those hard questions. And if/when they don't answer, start a petition and demand they commit to a stance or they won't get the petition signers vote. Simple as that.

You'll never win by going head on with the government, you have to single the bastards out and use our numbers to put the pressure on THEM.

A successful uprising requires organized leadership. It requires being able to break out of the status quo group think that has engulfed us. It requires those willing to stand up without their neighbors, without recognition, without egocentricity but with unbreakable conviction. We need leaders.

Another must watch documentary is Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It exposes the corporation's secret control of everything going back to the Second World War.

I second this

Why do you love your country? What purpose does it serve? Does it make you feel good? Do you feel like you have been coerced to love your country? Have you been taught to love your country? Would you fight for your country? Would your country fight for you? Would your country protect you? Would your country hurt you? Would your country lie to you? Would you still love your country if it lied, killed, cheated, robbed or acted maliciously to your fellow country men or people from other nations?

Don't love a country.

You need to 'gear down' then. I can send you a PM on how to do this.

I think alot of us have given up. I can't blame them though., its not their fault entirely.

What exactly have got tired before you (plural) gave up?

I lived in the US for a year and was supposed to stay there indefinitely, so I was getting used to the American lifestyle and all. Now that I look back, I find it absolutely fascinating the systems they have in place to keep you distracted. I saw intelligent people originally from other countries (and myself) resign themselves to keeping their heads down one by one.

One friend, who came from Europe and was incredibly well-educated and critical, moved to the US for college. I watched through the years as he got beat down by his professors and lost his love for knowledge, then as he took a "temporary" office job with a corrupt CEO and lost faith in doing any good for the community because such CEOs wouldn't let it happen. Now he's exactly the kind of person you described.

Same thing happened to me. Of course I wasn't gonna question anything that happened around me; I was too busy trying to find a job and preparing for all these different standardized tests I had to take to get into a school where I had to pay $70K a year. Anything I had left at the end of the day went into deciding between Hulu and Netflix and finding the best deal for video games on Amazon.

They don't even need 12 years of education to brainwash you, it literally takes a year or two.. and the worst part is, the whole time you have this empty sense of righteousness and pride for no good reason ("Oh I read an article about politics off CNN instead of going on Facebook; I'm sooooo smart"), so you don't think you need to learn or do anything anymore.

It is much easier to buy the few representatives in a republic than the entire mob in a democracy.

We have now witnessed how easy it was and the public has not shifted even one tenth as far to the right as the paid for, republic, style representatives.

Can you show me a single petition in the last 30 years which has succeeded? They don't give a shit.

I'm young and I figured this out five years ago.

It makes me lose hope some days and angry others

Divide and rule still alive and well in America my friend.

I read it, I hear it and yet I can't never get an answer to this simple question: can anyone share same actual, hard DATA that suggest that the US is "the greatest country in the world"?

Geeze, as part of the younger generation you speak of, I would hardly say I've had everything handed to me. Or my peers. Maybe my perspective is off but most of my peers were living in ghetto's when we were younger. Some of us are trying to come out of it through hard work and sweat. I think more can be done for me and my peers considering how much money seems to be being made off my back.

And probably all your backs too.