Two racial shootings in a day help push Clinton/FBI Conspiracy aside

160  2016-07-07 by IanPhlegming

Probably a co-incidence right?


Personally I think the agenda is bigger than getting Hillary in power. To me it seems they're inciting a race war, with full on rioting. That's how it looks to me. If you consider Trump's narrative, the consistent persecution of black people in the prison system, then all these videos of black people literally being executed by white cops with the full protection of the law, it looks very much like division by race and making people seem so powerless and downtrodden that they react with violent disorder... And then when they have us fearing and fighting each other? Who knows. Martial law? More cop powers? It's no coincidence that it is beginning to happen in Europe too. A sudden surge in hate crimes and racism in the UK, persecution of Muslims... It's surely part of the same objective.

This is my thought also. I have seen this mentioned in more then one place and it seems very plausible. Honestly both cities they picked for the RNC and DNC both will bottle neck and prevent people from leaving the city in general. Cleveland has a shit load of construction every where that everyone here knew they weren't going to finish, and Philly has taken most of their trains off the track from a mysterious stress fracture that was missed in their routine checkups and just found. Not to mention both cities have some big impoverished areas with a good amount of cop hate.

Someone else is speculating that with these big groups caught above ground MSM will create the storyline and police will heat up conflict trying to herd these people who may just want to go home. This is what happened when the main riot sparked in Mondawmin, Baltimore and this is what ended up declaring Marshal law. But it seemed like over kill honestly, especially if you were watching the live helicopter feed of it.

This also may be a wild speculation, but just a thought. The Cavs winning the second to last game didn't make sense, something was up with the Golden State, a heard some few floating comments about a possible rigging. But, when Cleveland did win and we had our parade of 1.3+ million people in the city (which is the most we have had in a while, our St. Patties day parade is our yearly biggest at half of that gathering). I think it was to test our public transport out of the city when dealing with huge crowds or to map foot traffic to leave the city. Some interviewed people said it took 4/6 hours to get back to their cars.

Just some thoughts though.

i have been skeptical about the NBA for some time now. After the finals I am convinced it's scripted. Nice tie in to the political climate!

As much as I love Cleveland winning for once, it just seemed like a real push. Thank you!

nobody could stop the warriors ALL season. the cavs couldn't either in the first 2 games. then all of a sudden it was like golden state forgot how to play basketball. then that suspension... bs!

But, when Cleveland did win and we had our parade of 1.3+ million people in the city (which is the most we have had in a while, our St. Patties day parade is our yearly biggest at half of that gathering). I think it was to test our public transport out of the city when dealing with huge crowds or to map foot traffic to leave the city. Some interviewed people said it took 4/6 hours to get back to their cars.

Same thing happened in KC when the Royals won. Cars were literally parked on sidewalks and pulled off onto ramp walls. People were so desperate to come to downtown to have a big party. It was a literal nightmare.

not "literal"

Yes, they were literally parking in any locations possible. I drove by dozens of them.

i meant not "literal" nightmare

As a misanthrope who hates sports, it was for me. But I see you're point, it was probably just a disorganized fun event.

yeah sorry was just being grammar pedantic. sounds insane.

It's no coincidence that it is beginning to happen in Europe too. A sudden surge in hate crimes and racism in the UK, persecution of Muslims... It's surely part of the same objective.

If you consider what Regan and Clinton both said about us needed an existential threat to mankind to unite under a common goal. What greater existential threat than global civil war ?

"Report from Iron Mountain"

You may be interested in this. I forgot who commissioned the report, but it was by a connecting shoot of the Cecil Rhodes foundation. I ran into it reading Creature from Jekyll Island. Anyways, Part of the report is on what would possibly unite a world. The main conclusion/speculation was environmental destruction such as global warming.

Thanks for that, I'll have to check it out.

No problem, If you'd like a more summarized version I'd check out the chapter where it is mentioned in The Creature from Jekyll Island. It gives a little more background too if that's what you need.

Perhaps they wont stop until police are further militarized and privatized. You think there's brutality now, wait for that to happen. People ask, "When will it all stop?!" It won't ever stop, its just going to keep coming and coming like a boot stamping on a human face for all eternity. It wont stop even if all guns are banned. It wont stop even if the crimes are no longer committed against a single group of people. But there will be a standing private army that maims, kills, and jails indiscriminately. All races, creeds, genders, religions, dissenters, free thinkers, artists, in and outside of free speech zones.

It's not a race war. It's masters VS the slaves.

My only reply on the persecution of Muslims, probably has a lot to do with the current behaviors of certain refugees coming into Europe.

Now, obviously the media picks and chooses what it will and will not show to the people and a lot of times, it's hyper-inflated. But if anything like this is actually happening in Europe, I can understand why people are bent out of shape:

As for the media airing these two shootings in America, it seems very clear to me that it's a way to get people's attention on something other than what is happening in the political sphere. And it's enough to ignite civil war among the people.

My thoughts on this are, I'm not convinced there is a sudden crisis with sexual assaults being committed by migrants. At best it is hyper-inflated, at worst it is flat-out lies to (successfully) incite hatred. I mean, the media would have us believe the migrants are sex-starved savages, yet Europe has had migration from these countries for decades and we know that simply isn't the case. So I ask myself, why all of a sudden would these migrants be unable to control themselves in their host country? An easier question to answer might be- What motive might the media have for claiming that these people are raping and assaulting native Europeans? We know their persecution would further a political objective, so is it a stretch of the imagination to think that fitting up a bunch of immigrants who can barely speak English with a crime might be incredibly easy and effective?

What I do know for sure is, I'm a white guy who's lived in an area with a huge Muslim majority for about 8 years until recently, and I've had nothing but positive experiences. Certainly there is not a high percentage of sex crimes committed by the immigrants who settle there so i cannot imagine why it would be different elsewhere.


For the 'sudden increase in sexual assaults'? No. There has always been predominantly males seeking asylum, it's the nature of migration. And never before has there been stories of groups of foreign men roaming the streets believing they have the right to assault women due to their culture or the ignorance to believe they can. We used to be told that all these men were coming here, stealing our jobs and then sending the money earned back to their families living in their country. Remember that? Seems that isn't enough any more. Now these males coming to this country are also sex-starved predators stealing our women in order to get people's blood boiling. I don't buy it, I don't believe it.

That's a fair assessment. Thanks for the insight.

I tend to forget that the media's job is to mess with our perceptions.

I thought the pool thing was later shown to be bogus.

I'm not sure. I haven't heard that they were, so I'll have to look into it.

With global warming, there may be a hot summer too. Always good for riots in election years....

They do this all the time, push something that would have been buried in the news to the front.

It doesn't work as well as it used to.

People won't forget hillary's situation.

I'm glad that the mainstream media, are highlighting the fact that unarmed people are being shot or killed by cops. We need to keep pressing for inquests and inquiries into blatant murders. Its a shit shame when people are saying that these shootings are staged. They've just had the attention of the mass media, and managed to become viral, because the OP is probably correct, the MSM is trying to distract us from something.

Its not just Hillary they're trying to distract us from though. I'm not sure what's going on right now, because there ain't too much in the news at the minute. I'm sure we're in for a moderately large story breaking within the next few hours or days. ... Or like right now

I remember Smiley Culture, Mark Duggan,Ian Tomlinson.

Hillary has the black vote clinched. But there's nothing black people hate more than rich white people getting away with things. The shootings are to distract the black vote away from the Hillary scandal.

Do you think someone powerful told two pairs of cops to go out and kill unarmed black men. Or is it more likely that America has a race related police brutality problem?

Do you think someone powerful told two pairs of cops to go out and kill unarmed black men

No, why bother when it already happens every day. What I find more likely is that the media selectively picks and chooses when to pursue these every day occurrences, when it suits them.

No, why bother when it already happens every day.


You fool. He's not suggesting that these murders happened because of Clinton, he's suggesting that they're being made front-page news right now because of Clinton. This happens everyday. Why are we getting it on the front-page of Reddit and all over the news stations today? That's the question you should be asking. People die from police officers everyday in America, there are several thousand police-related deaths a year in America. Do you get it? Why are you just hearing about this now?

It's more like there are people manipulating reddit submissions to control the narrative of current events.

Cops vs blacks will ignite the next civil war.

It's inevitable, just a matter of when.

Add in black lives matter planning chaos at both conventions, that could be the spark that's needed.

This country is in desperate need of a reset, lets hope it happens sooner rather than later.

Yes and also to help steer The Nation of Islam into joining The Islamic State or some crazier shit.

The Alton Sterling shooting now that we have the different angle is completely justified. You see him move for the gun.

Idk about the new one though at the traffic stop.

Can I get a link to that please? All i've seen so far makes it look like murder.

TIL all black people have guns at all times.

Co-incidence? What are you talking about? The Clinton email investigation has been pushed aside since Day 1. Don't use the unfortunate racial shootings to suggest they were even going to discuss the truth on the Clintons/FBI.

One of the real questions is, why after all these shootings, has there not been a bigger push for more stricter punishment on police for excessive force, requiring bodycams to on at all times while on duty, and more diversity training?

That's a good question that I honestly cannot bullshit my way to an answer on. People see what they want to see, and you are right, shit wasn't going to happen to Hillary any way so why even need a distraction? People want to get out and expose all this corruption, great, but what are we going to do to address the root of the problem?

i try to not let this shit ruin my day, I know it happens often, but it's hard right now. Times like this feel truly hopeless.

Media reporting about 2 racial shootings in one day while police shootings happen about 3 times a day, every day.

Wow, now a good old fashioned lynching* of a black man in Piedmont Park in the news. I guess this is the big push, people. We're watching the beginning of something big, I can feel it. Edit to say, That has been rules a *suicide

I was just thinking this when I heard about the shooting this morning. Glad I'm not the only one.

Staged or real... this can only be good against the gun-grab and the martial law police state on the horizon... but also terrible that Hillary is now out of the spotlight. I don't even know how to use my emotions anymore.

Do you have free will?

edit: shills down voting a question.

Sure. But I'm not making this about me.

You are though. You could have taken the time to post about anything else, but instead you post about some perceived distraction; completely subjective.

What do you mean?

I mean that op is trying to push the topic aside by suggesting that this race baiting posted topic is more important.

More important than what

Good question. The post suggests that "2 racial shootings" are more important than FBI related investigations regarding previous and potential future leaders of "the free world". This is like a matter of comparing apples and oranges.

edit: op is comparing people who haven't had a day in court yet and suggesting racial motivations with no evidence.

The post doesn't suggest these shootings are more important. He's suggesting these shootings are a way to shift mass focus away from the FBI decision of HRC.

You are completely wrong.

You think suggesting racial motivations is unrealistic and out of line?

Nor am I suggesting 'that "2 racial shootings" are more important than FBI related investigations regarding previous and potential future leaders of "the free world".'

The engagement and up votes of this post indicate there may be veracity behind it. I am clearly not the only one thinking this way, although there are a variety of tangents as to how orchestrated it may have been compared to the media attention about it.

Does anyone?

Fucking anti-free will shills.

TIL all black people have guns at all times.

Yes, they were literally parking in any locations possible. I drove by dozens of them.

Can I get a link to that please? All i've seen so far makes it look like murder.