Vicious pro-Law Enforcement users online

6  2016-07-12 by [deleted]



No. Lots of astroturf.

Although now the BLM movement is conflating criticism of police with their movement, and a lot of people out there only think in black and white, either/or terms.

I have literally never seen so much misinformation being spread on anything.

Yes, BLM can go over the top Yes, some people have used their message as a cause for violence (however minimal in the grand scheme of things)

That doesn't make them a terrorist group, an anti-police group, or a hate group. I think the Internet is being spammed to shit by somebody trying to get all the black people to shut their mouths

I think the fact that Soros funds them, Obama praises them, and they are race-based turns a lot of people off to ANY criticism off police now.

It's like there are two conspiracies happening at once and both of them cannot succeed

They are a terrorist group. They are funded by a foreigner, operate based on tenants that are proven false, and commit crimes en masse of all sorts.

They are terrorists and they are anti-police. “Hate” groups imply the existence of “hate speech”, which doesn’t.

Under what definition are they terrorists that would not also be met by the Fraternal Order of Police?

They are not anti-police, they are anti-corruption. They have killed precisely zero people, and they have attacked precisely zero targets. Unless of course you are implying that opportunistic rioters represent the BLM movement. Then logically you would have to agree that violent, narcissistic sociopaths who do not value human dignity represent all cops.

Under what definition are they terrorists that would not also be met by the Fraternal Order of Police?

We’re not discussing the FOP. We’re discussing BLM. Your whataboutism is pathetic.

They are not anti-police, they are anti-corruption.

“What do we want? No corruption! When do we want it? Now!”

Oh, no, my mistake. I’m sorry. The real chant was “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”

They have killed precisely zero people

Well, more than five.

and they have attacked precisely zero targets.

More than two.

Unless of course you are implying that opportunistic rioters represent the BLM movement.

That’s literally all they are. Paid, opportunistic rioters, initially designed to destroy land values so that their organization’s owner could buy it more cheaply.

Then logically you would have to agree that violent, narcissistic sociopaths who do not value human dignity represent all cops.

Nope. That’s literally not how anything works, anywhere. Even with that sentence out of context and with the word ‘cops’ redacted, the sentence proves you to be a leftist. Only leftists believe in a solely black/white paradigm.

And no, that doesn’t mean race.

Where is you source that Micah Johnson was a BLM supporter? Until you can prove unequivocally that he was part of the group and they encouraged his attack, your assertion that they have killed people is moot.



try libertarian


'The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings of black suspects. He said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,’ Dallas Police Chief David Brown revealed at a 7.30am press conference.

and they encouraged his attack

“What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”

try libertarian

Oh, so literally the only thing that is worse, then. My mistake.

So being upset about the group is the same thing as being a part of and being encouraged by the group? Nice gymnastics there m8 but you're reaching too far on this one.

you're reaching too far on this one.

“What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!” “What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”

Most people believe most cops are good. And they are. Likewise, most of the pro-cop comments are real.

Do you guys think the number of people who blindly believe the police are the good guys is really as high as it appears to be online?


excuse the inexcusable

Or how about you look at the actual statistics that show the only inexcusable behavior comes from the people they “viciously ““““““““““““murder””””””””””””.

Go home unless you have something to contribute to the conversation

I contributed. YOU didn’t.

Get wrecked.

Do you have a link to a study that was sponsored and/or performed by a reputable source? The New Century Foundation is essentially a neo-Nazi organization.

This is your “argument”.

The sources of the data are federal institutions. Get wrecked.

Statistics can be skewed to meet any agenda. Including your utterly asinine one.

You don’t seem to understand what ‘statistics’ are. Please consult a dictionary before entering into a discussion about a topic you don’t understand.

Still waiting for a refutation.

Numbers don't take historical, economic, geographical, or social context into account. They can be manipulated to prove anything. BLM does this as well.

Numbers don’t take historical, economic, geographical, or social context into account.

They do. And where they don’t, it’s because they don’t matter. That’s how statistics works.

They can be manipulated to prove anything.

So prove manipulation in this case.

Ok, then explain why your study is not taken seriously by the scientific community. Is it because of all of those stupid liberal scientists and their research?

Ok, then explain why your study is not taken seriously by the scientific community.

Because it is. Do you really think that if you say something it is magically true?

The Southern Poverty Law Center

Hey, how about that. A racial supremacist group calling out people of other races. Still has absolutely nothing to do with the contents of the link, though! Still waiting for your refutation thereof.

Shocker. You call a group that fights hate a hate group. We are done here.

You call a group that fights hate

Nope. Try again.

a hate group.

Nope. “Hate groups” are predicated on the existence of “hate speech”, which doesn’t. The SPLC (and ADL, FOD, etc.) is an institution of slander and libel, unconstitutional in function.

We are done here.

Yep, because you still have no refutation of the link or its contents. You’ve lost, as you have admitted that the link is correct.

According to the actual statistics, the police are the real terrorists in this country.

When an unarmed person of any color is shot and killed by anyone else, including a cop, it's still murder. It's concerning that people like you see it as anything other than that.

It’s concerning that

No, learn what words mean.

people like you


Such a lazy effort. 1/10

Already blew you the fuck out.

You blew me lol?

Your words, not mine !

I contributed. YOU didn’t.

Get wrecked.

Do you have a link to a study that was sponsored and/or performed by a reputable source? The New Century Foundation is essentially a neo-Nazi organization.

Statistics can be skewed to meet any agenda. Including your utterly asinine one.

Under what definition are they terrorists that would not also be met by the Fraternal Order of Police?

They are not anti-police, they are anti-corruption. They have killed precisely zero people, and they have attacked precisely zero targets. Unless of course you are implying that opportunistic rioters represent the BLM movement. Then logically you would have to agree that violent, narcissistic sociopaths who do not value human dignity represent all cops.


'The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings of black suspects. He said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,’ Dallas Police Chief David Brown revealed at a 7.30am press conference.

and they encouraged his attack

“What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!”

try libertarian

Oh, so literally the only thing that is worse, then. My mistake.