US Military Rape of young Iraqi children

45  2016-07-16 by 911bodysnatchers322

Rectal rehydration and rectal feeding[1][2] are just the tip of the iceberg of detainee abuse. We did much worse than just give the war prisoners various enemas. The CIA and Iraqi Ministry of Interior ritually, sexually abused Iraqi children/young teens.

[Wikileaks Rape Cable]

SUMMARY: On May, a joint U.S.-Iraqi inspection of the "Site 4" Iraqi National Police (INP) detention complex discovered more than 1,400 detainees in squalid, cramped conditions. Forty-one detainees interviewed had bruising and lash-marks consistent with violent physical abuse. Thirty-seven juveniles were illegally held at the facility, many alleging sexual abuse. Ministry of Interior (MOI) officials appear to have been comfortable engaging in large-scale violence against detainees at a well-known Baghdad facility that had been officially inspected twice since December 2005 (and visited unofficially half-a-dozen times by Post), indicating that MOI's capture-and-confess culture is Unabashedly tolerant of physical abuse


  1. (SBU) Of the forty-one detainees interviewed on May 30 who displayed bruising, broken bones, and lash-marks, many claimed to have been hung by handcuffs from a hook in the ceiling and beaten on the soles of their feet and their buttocks. A hook was discovered on the ceiling of an empty room at the facility; attached was a chain-and-pulley system ordinarily used for lifting vehicles. Apparent bloodspots stained the floor underneath. (NOTE: The pulley was confiscated and is now at Post. END NOTE.)

(A bloody Torturehook. Just like in the movies and in authorityworship intelligence TV shows like Homeland or 24)


  1. (SBU) A number of juvenile detainees, mostly young teenagers, alleged sexual abuse at the hands of MOI personnel -- specifically, that MOI interrogators had used threats and acts of anal rape to induce confessions and had forced juveniles to fellate them during interrogations. These allegations were also raised independently with inspectors by adult detainees who claimed knowledge of juvenile rapes.


  1. (C) COMMENT: It would be difficult, if not impossible, for senior MOI INP leadership responsible for Site 4 to be unaware of the prevalence of detainee abuse at the facility. This is suggested by the large number of detainees with serious physical injuries present at Site 4, the obvious and illegal presence of 37 juveniles, and the fact that hooks and pulleys used to hang detainees from the ceiling were kept in plain sight. END COMMENT.

That word allege. Kind of lets them off the hook, doesn't it. The blood hook, I mean.


Iraqi Army, Iraqi Ministry of Interior, and the CIA are NOT the US Military. Fix your title to reflect your content please.

Take it from a former professional soldier (professional killer if you want to call it that, fine). The vast majority of US military personnel are just normal people, even the trigger pullers. We take orders, we follow them, but truly bad shit like this is not what we are as a whole. Outliers exist, like in all walks of life. If we are given orders that we know to be morally fucked, we are held responsible if we follow them, not just those who issue them.

That being said, in my experience, IA and MOI's way of doing things is sooo fucked. I've seen CIA interrogations, and they don't hold a candle to what the IA especially will do to you during "questioning". For a declassified example, I was on a joint IA/US Army patrol while turning over a patrol base. The patrol was ambushed by EFP and small arms fire, and when it was all done whoever was doing the ambushing hit the trigger too soon, because the Iraqi Army vehicle was the one that was struck by the EFP, killing 2 out of the 4 occupants. IA went after the butcher (meat market) at the corner who is there every day because he would have seen who set it, and within minutes that butcher was impaled on his own hanging meathook, with his sons watching, while the IA captain was shallow cutting into him. He went after the eldest son next when information was not to his satisfaction. According to my interpreter (reliable one, former IA tanker during desert storm, American citizen for 15 years and small business owner) The IA captain was berating them for not hitting the Americans, and hitting them instead.

I can't talk about what I've seen of MOI stuff, lets just say Iraqi courts aren't half as civilized as you would even see in the worst parts of the western world.


I'm not fighting with you at all, and I don't deny that our military commits crimes too. Thing is is that is not as common as you think. Like I said, outliers, not the norm. When you are in the military, you are there for the man next to you, to cover keep him alive, because he keeps you alive. You're both in the same shitty situation of operating at the behest of someone with their own political or financial self interest, but that is going to happen either way. I'd rather it be me doing the hard shit, because I can go to sleep at night, live through the nightmares and the horrible anxiety, because I can tolerate it more than most. I see it as sparing someone with lesser constitution from the same fate.

And by the way, that was my former profession. Now I am in the information business, and fighting for you, me, and everyone else that is tired of being a slave to a financial/political overlord. I am just saying that I know the whole concensus around here is that "military=evil tools of evil overlords" is a gross oversimplification and not at all accurate.

If you want to go by the reasoning that the US Military, being the invader in iraq, is the driver of the car.. then your post's title should be "US Military culpable in CIA, Iraqi Army and Iraqi Interior Ministry Rape of young Iraqi Children and widespread torture"

Off topic but i seize the opportunity to tell everyone in the military:

Can i tell you something? You soldiers are the ones the people need to wake up. In light of an increasing militarized police force and an inevitable state of emergency (Martial Law) on the horizon why is it that soldiers protect the establishment at all costs? America is going to shit and everyone knows it, except Law Enforcement and the military. Can you soldiers not see what is going on? Fascism is taking over and the military appears to be protecting it.

The only way these wars will ever end is if the soldiers wake up out of their brainwash to fight for the light side instead of the darkside. Sounds crazy I know, but that is who is in charge of the military right now, crazy sociopaths. The people are counting on you guys to do the right thing. Always remember your mind is your own. You do what you feel is right. Dont fall into the herd of cattle because thats all soldiers are to Politicians. Remember the people appreciate you, the politicians do not. You get sent into dangerous situations to protect the business interests of the super rich. Why do soldiers put up with it? Fuck a chain of command, I bet many Nazi soldiers regret following orders.

You soldiers are the ones the people need to wake up. Fascism is taking over and the military appears to be protecting it.

What's most funny is that the soldiers (specifically those exvet contractors at HBGary and Booz-allen-hamilton; ie the

  • "forum spies"
  • astroturfers
  • shills
  • trolls
  • goons
  • social media gatekeepers
  • social media state actors
  • social media provocateurs

...working for the NSA and military intelligence) are the very same ones that pushed a narrative about SJW's as well as CUCKservatives. So as to divide and conquer society as a means of control. This is a strategy of tension by Obama's Ministry of Truth.

But the true cucks (cuckhold) are those that are so completely unaware of what's going on around them that they are inculcated (incuckated) into committing treason against americans. Keep in mind, conspiracy is colluding to cause injury. Disinformation is psychological injury on the public.

And it's done for the aims of corporations, not people. That's what 9/11 is about. That's what the last 15 yrs have been about. A coup d'etat by corporations. A fascist (corporatist = fascist) coup.

So my point is that soldiers have become 'useful idiots' of this rogue cadre of military intelligence superiors. They've become the ultimate cucks.

Shortcut to their hearts and minds

Off topic but i seize the opportunity to tell everyone in the military:

Can i tell you something? You soldiers are the ones the people need to wake up. In light of an increasing militarized police force and an inevitable state of emergency (Martial Law) on the horizon why is it that soldiers protect the establishment at all costs? America is going to shit and everyone knows it, except Law Enforcement and the military. Can you soldiers not see what is going on? Fascism is taking over and the military appears to be protecting it.

The only way these wars will ever end is if the soldiers wake up out of their brainwash to fight for the light side instead of the darkside. Sounds crazy I know, but that is who is in charge of the military right now, crazy sociopaths. The people are counting on you guys to do the right thing. Always remember your mind is your own. You do what you feel is right. Dont fall into the herd of cattle because thats all soldiers are to Politicians. Remember the people appreciate you, the politicians do not. You get sent into dangerous situations to protect the business interests of the super rich. Why do soldiers put up with it? Fuck a chain of command, I bet many Nazi soldiers regret following orders.