The US Government is a Factory whose Chief Export is "Plausible Deniability"

29  2016-07-16 by 911bodysnatchers322

US Outsources its Human Rights Abuses

Since the US cannot allow torture within its own borders, because of "rights abuse" protections the US had itself helped craft along with other countries in the UN, it sends detainees elsewhere for tortured confessions. In the case of Islamic prisoners, that means Guantanimo Bay Cuba or various sites in Iraq, for rectal rehydration/feeding and physical/sexual abuse, respectively.[1][2][3][4]

Likewise, for those "Really sensitive" confessions (aka "extraordianary renditions" aka 'platinum care package'), the US Government sent detainees to Libya for rapetorture by "madman" Gaddafi[5], a man who happened to run a stable, secular arab country in north africa for decades making it the richest country there with few people beyond political dissidents complaining about life there. Until of course, in the act of spreading freedom, when the arab spring gave us the opportunity to side with the then isis-like revolutionaries, we blew up Gaddafi's forces, putting him on the run, later killing him, and turning Libya into into a ruinous wasteland, in the act of spreading freedom[6]. Mission Accomplished.

US Outsources its Domestic Prisoner Abuse

We've created slave labor for the public sector through private management of prisons.

The US would love to torture prisoners, but we have regulations against it. Therefore, they've privatized the prisons, and that way not only can they get away with abuses, they don't need to adhere to expensive protocols for detaining criminals[7][8][9][10][11][12]. Instead, they actually can make money, by having prisoners manufacture goods used by the public sector, such as notebooks, uniforms, pens, etc, for which they get an artificial subsidy of prisoners not having to receive minimum wage for their labor.[13][14][15]

US Outsources its Psychological Abuse

It's well-known by now that the NSA has hired contractors to 'cognitively infiltrate' social media, including reddit, including this very post![16][17][18][19] (well, not at the time of this writing but shortly thereafter I guarantee you). Their weapon of choice is typically 'doubtmaking' as a means of 'consensus cracking'[20]. Their treachery is an extension of their findings on mind control and mass control through the years of interacting with Nazi scientists imported into the eschelons of military intelligence during operation paperclip, which naturally and predictably led to abuse within such Intelligence Community programs such as artichoke, mkultra, cointelpro, mockingbird and many more, utilizing the latest findings of social psychology to gaslight, or cause injurious factitious beliefs about reality within the public's collective understanding and consensus.[21]. For example, a forum spy will come here and make an attempt on myself, instead of my footnotes and rhetoric. Something like:

"'OP' doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm a veterin insider and I can tell you where fighting for our freedom. He should be embarrassed at posting this kind of carpy anti-US drivel. He's hurtin' merica, and hurting you because of him of the hurting of america. Because he's a anti-american anti-paytreeot conspirasy terrorist who hates america and hates your freedom and hates apple pie and is literally a Hitler. He probably secretly loves and support Hitlery because I read clicked his history over 30 paginations to find one thing where he contradicted himself to discredit him... like for example he supported socialist Bernie and says bad things about Trump. But now he hates Sanders, what is that about? He's a spy!! I mean. Like for Putin. What a libtard idiot SJW Jewbag retard f4gg0thitler."

Trust me, I've heard every manner of adhom accusing me of being a semitic jew for JIDF to being a neonazi. I know exactly what kind of people I'm dealing with. Low information, low history high authoritarian returning veteran-robot-traitors, that have been trained by the military to create a mililtary caste that thinks it can abuse people by taking their taxes, and use those taxes to hire Booz-allen-hamilton and HBGary contractors to gaslight the public.[22][23][24][25]

And what's funny is they think they will win this game. We're proving that they aren't, and that they will not.

CIA Outsources it's 'Security' / Murder

Plausible Deniability is our Chief Export

When you send your hot messes to other countries to deal with, outsourcing human rights abuses, crimes, etc, you make other countries accountable for those abuses.

That way, those countries get the negative press, the watchful eye of Interpol, the UN. Also, if you don't like what those countries do politically, you reserve the 'justification' (ie: "Human rights abuses") to war with them, infiltrate them and blow them up, culturally / financially / politically.

Too bad other countries are so FUCKING STUPID they can't figure out this game. It's too bad it takes rogue hackers and conspiracy theorists and "Open Source Intelligence" such as James Corbett's altmedia channel to figure this stuff out where the CIA has ostensibly wholly failed ("depends on what your definition of failure", is-is (ISIS)).

This is all a parlor trick. It's a misdirection. They are constantly throwing other countries in front of them, as a kind of human shield against the burning wind justice. It's like there's a chase between the CIA as an institution and World Justice, the CIA is jumping over crates, knocking over stands of fruit and bootlegged DVDs as escapes down narrow marketplace corridors.

By outsourcing repugnant, immoral, illegal activities, the US Government can then disavow themselves of wrongdoing. In essence, they create plausible deniability to get away with torture, crime, etc. They also plant bogus documents in eyewashing to cover their tracks in the event of a congressional inquest[1]

The US Government does this all day long. They demand accountability of everyone but themselves. They outsource their crimes while they invent new ones to make every citizen a potential criminal.

In fact, my constitutionally protected speech here may be considered illegal, that I may be myself considered a 'terrorist' because I'm saying bad things about the government that I can prove with main stream sources and these godd_mnable things called 'facts', which really get in the way of being such a more perfect tyranny. If they had their druthers. But they outsource their druthers also. To the UN and NATO. But that's another story.


Fantastic write-up man.

Thanks man

I propose to you that the problem with Martial Law as it stands is that no man, however fluoride and hormone conditioned, would be likely to fire on his own countrymen. There have been a number of multi-billion-dollar agreements made between Russian and Chinese Governments and various South and Central American States (particularly those that have what you might consider history with the whole 'United States' experiment), not to mention the positioning in certain seas by both East and West. West is spread very thin, one might think, on purpose. That's the thing. If a two-puppet system is possible on the small then it follows that such is free to play on any macro level. So, in the play of fancy, I propose to you that what is most beneficial for all at this stage (and by all, I certainly do not mean all of us) would be to play a global game of trading places in which the occupying forces won't be hamstrung by cultural conditioning toward the occupied, less inclined to hesitate to shoot to kill. So the larger plan may be a simple game of trading not just players but teams. You get your mexibeans to fry American burgers down south while Putinmania tears through Northern plains like Kerouac was back on the road. Chinese food, subs and ID checks suddenly the rage in the colonies (particularly CA and AU, while the respective cultures respond with shit food and manners, or food and shit manners, respectively), US and Colony troops protecting the 'Strip, learning Krav Maga and dressing up like extras in pink floyd animations. Great time to be alive, is it not?

no man, however fluoride and hormone conditioned, would be likely to fire on his own countrymen

No [good] man


Plenty of police murder their own countrymen every day. Drone operators fire on americans whether they are here or whether they are serving the interest of humanity in a hospital in Syria (doctors without borders that were fired upon). Rogue intelligence mafias perpetrate false flags, most notably 9/11; our own agents killed our own president and tried to kill another (reagan). Or burn them to death iin for example, Waco, for being part of a religious cult that hasn't gained enough numbers to have real power, as scientology, jehovah's witness or mormonism has for example.

Yes american fire upon americans, either as part of criminal mob or because they are instructed to do so and by their high authoritarian nature and bystander / lucifer effect, they will do so. It turns out the people at the top giving the soldiers and police instruction are themselves cut from the same cloth as the mafia--they are criminals, and this is why the evil in the world has come to pass

Sometimes you have to capitalize Russians in order to socialize Americans. Blacks who think they're white, Mexicans who think their Americans, Police acting like Criminals, Americans speaking positively about intelligence, Russians thinking for themselves, Cats and Dogs all the way down.

That's not what's happening though. It's George H W. Bush acting as a elitist, corporatist (read:fascist) criminal mastermind that engineered the fall of the soviet union (read: capitalizing russia) using junk bonds (brady bonds) and the central bank's petrodollar hegemony to bully the western economic leadership (ie: globalists) into consent for perpetrating 9/11--which was itself a coverup for those aforementioned economic hit job activities (destroying said brady bonds when they came due), insasmuch as it was a false-flag to get us embroiled in the middle east to enrich halliburton and the oiligarchs and allow their secretive network of friends in intelligence to perpetrate insider trading since event forecasting (from having performed those events yourself) is a lucrative business.

In other words, it's not about mixing capitalism and communism or 'socializing democracy' or extending neoclassical economics into an illiberal society; NO. It's about a fascist coup d'etat by corporatists who have been since Cecil Rhodes pushing for a global system of governance and psychological / financial control to enslave humanity into a neofeudal framework that acts 'very much like the beehive' that is emblematic of a well structured hierarchy used as a sacred symbol among the elite.

Meanwhile, they're commiting species-cide and causing colony collapse disorder in the actual world, thus ensuring we will all die. Perhaps they already have greenhouses on mars and rocketships to get themselves there and that's why they just act like they don't give a shit about us or our planet.

Pass the buck is the name of the game, quite literally and figuratively.