I've got to be honest. After seeing Trump Jr. Last night I feel a whole lot better about Trump senior.

6  2016-07-20 by CaucasianEagle

Heres a link to his speech if you missed it.



If you think that the public speaking skills of the child of a candidate makes the candidate more qualified to be President, then I hope you are too young to vote, because... geez. Just geez.

fuck off. Raising a child the right way carries some merrit.

Public speaking is just a skill, nothing more. Being good at giving a speech does not reflect on your character, upbringing, views, or moral standing, in any way.

I felt that I saw sincerity in his message and at some point you've got to go with your instincts.

I felt that I saw sincerity in his message

That just means that you fell for the persuasiveness and manipulation tactics that he strategically deployed.

Come on man, this is /r/conspiracy we are in, and you are going to tell me that a keynote speaker at the RNC is being genuine and honest? Don't be so naive. Every word and action from those people are completely calculated.

At some point you've got to believe in something. I am as critical as they come, look at my post history. But separation of the body and mind is a destructive thing and you must trust your instincts to be whole. That means listening to something that at times can be irrational.

You know what I believe in? Evidence driven decision making. And guess what, the evidence does not support your position.

But hey, different strokes for different folks, right?

You know what I believe in? Evidence driven decision making.

It is the quickest path to righteous sloth.

What is your evidence exactly?

For what? Are you asking me for evidence of a negative? That's not how this works.

You made a claim (Trump Jr.s speech is a reflection of Trump seniors personality and ability to be president). So the burden of proof rests with you.

So I ask, where is the evidence that supports your claim?

I agreed with much of the content of his speech and I felt he was sincere. You are claiming that is foolish. But I would like to know how your high powered brain works and how you came to the conclusion that Trump Jr.'s speech was bullshit.

+1 on that

This sub is controlled opposition and anti semetic. Most of these idiots hate Trump. Dont listen to them.

Fuck off back to r/the_donald, where someone might actually care about what you have to say.

Yup. Hit a nerve. Must be one of the Stormfront users right here. Let me guess, every conspiracy is about the joooze

Got any more ad hominems to throw in? I'm sure if you think real hard you can come up with a few more.

You know you are talking to a liberal when they say ad hominem....

or better yet all the way back to 4chan and he can take the rest of the /donald clowns with him

He was like Christian Bale's antihero of American Psycho. I expected him to pontificate on the meaning of Huey Lewis lyrics.

GOP faithful are the definition of sheeple.

Agree. And the other sheeple are following the DNC. Vote Jill Stein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbDh5Ju9ru4

This ain't the same old GOP. I thought he was getting choked up and had some points Trump doesn't even mention.

A nicely crafted speech but all his claims about work ethic and such just don't match his dad's past and present actions.

Family this much involved as a power behind the strongman usually ends up as a nepotistic force that leads to corruption. I can imagine this guy's pals (not blue collar workers, for sure) already licking their fangs with the promise of access to power.

Trump has used people no doubt. I don't know of any claims of him having poor work ethic however.

how many times has he declared bankruptcy again?

The collapse of Atlantic City was not his fault. He got out, can't blame him for what happened.


You're going to realize about 12 months into his 4 year stint that he's no different to all the other cunts.

Have you ever asked yourself why he put his son up to do a public speech?

It is just a part of the dog-and-pony-show, nothing more, nothing less.

You aren't stupid, far from it, you're just really fucking over the bullshit and live in hope, I understand, but don't settle for this dude. Seriously, this sets a dangerous precedent for your kids (if you have any) or your nieces, nephews or anyone that looks up to you.

Vote independant. Stop feeding the two party rape system.

Perhaps. I see it like Texas Hold'em. You're getting dealt shit all night, at some point you gotta make a stand with your pocket jacks.

It doesn't matter what you've got in your hand if you're playing their game.

Send a message to the bastards. Tell them you aren't happy with what's on offer. Tell them it's NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Tell them you want to keep your guns, your freedom, your jobs, your health and your future.

How did that work out for the native americans?

So..... The message is don't try? Just stick with the same shit situation, get let down and keep whining about it?

Sounds great.

No, but you've got to play the game.

It's not a game and should not be treated as such.

It's all about probabilities.

I don't understand that in such a broad term, can you provide context for it?

in life nothing is certain. You've got to go with what you think gives you the best probability to attaining your goal. Probabilities are how the universe works and is certainly how the government maintains power.


What's the conspiracy?

Are you trying to give an example of propaganda targeting outliers in the general election?

Trumps whole campaign has flirted with conspiracy theories. The mentioning of his campaign is relevant to this sub.

Where's the conspiracy? Keep this shit in r/the_donald

The whole campaign is a conspiracy, just chill the fuck out.

Yeah as a registered dem he did a great job. Only a Republican could get away with having his 5 kids from 3 babies mama talk him up and then have the followers give Trump the candidate points

I would think only a democrat could do that

Every since he said he was running for president I was going to vote for him. Reason is because he is something different.

People fear change and will justify their complete hatred in order to keep change from happening. Honestly I don't care if he burns the mother fucker to the ground.

I just know that without change we will stay on the course to decline. So fuck it.

I have to disagree and heres why- what if he expediates our decline? Hes advocated for foreign policies that would only escalate the situations in tge Middle East and around the world. His domestic policies arent much different.
But thats not the real danger of his presidency, the real danger is the emboldening of the people who agree with his sentiments. Maybe he doesnt really believe what he says, its just theatrics to garner media attention- thats a possibility. But the possibility that someone in his cabinet equally denounces and despises people of certain races or religions, agrees with his agressive foreign policy and nationalist domestic policies sets a dangerous precedent. We could see decades of his continued beliefs and sentiment. It wont just be a flame that burns down the whole dustem all at once, it will be a slow burn that flickers for decades to come-especially considering he could appoint several supreme court judges, we would see a conplete shift in our country completely. And to be honest it wouldby be too dufferent from some Muddle Eastern country either, because alot if the decline in the past decades has been due to an increase in radically charged regime changes, like Afghanistan, Turkey abd Iran- those places used ti be more progressive than they are now.
Not just that but his election means that his beliefs reflects the majority of our country. People are angry and hurt but its not mexicans or muslims faults.

Take fir example thw wall he wants to build- sure, illegal immigration is (potentially, theres no dara that actually suggests it) a problem, but building a wall doesnt actually solve any of the issues that cause the immigration. A more appropriate term fir these immigrants are "economic refugees", people leaving thwur homes as a last resort ti survive- imagine what It would take for you to leave your home, probably alot, if not anything. Anyways, my solution would be to end the drug war, which has among other many horrible things, legitimized the cartels who basically own all of the border towns in Mexico, and have alot if power in ither Latin American countries. People flee because the only option other than working for the Cartels is death.
Of course the situation is more conplex and nuanced, but ive never heard this idea proposed by any serious politician- theres always an extreme idea that doesnt address the cause of the problem, and if you spend enough time around here, you'll find alot of the problems in the world have been manufactured.

The alternative, Clinton is just as bad, IMO. But I feel like if everyone who said they would vote third party, if it mattered, voted third party, it would matter.

What if he does the opposite and makes america a great country again?

Your being negative for the sake of just making a point. I just want to say what's the harm? You got two evils with this election. So best just try to roll the dice.

When was America a "great country"?

It has always been a great country. Just that some aspects are better when others are worse.

I'm not being negative, I'm extrapolating upon a probability, one that has a potentially very negative outcome.

Roll the dice and many may suffer, and it may hit closer to home than ever before...

Please tell me the lies I want to hear. In the meantime, your back yard is full of the most disgusting corpses proving your depravity.

Lol the Republican party has just crowned Hilary by nominating Trump. They are openly mocking their supporters with the vp nomination. Just look up the definition of Trumpence.

I'm not so sure about that. The party seems to be uniting.

Yes joining together to roll out the red carpet for Clinton.

The only ones rolling out the red carpet is the mainstream media.

Dude has a lot of support.

Don't let your political bias get in the way of seeing how events are playing out.

Im not sure what bias youre referring to I dont vote down party lines. Of which Trump doesn't even have the support of true conservatives in the Republican party. Just useful idiots who I imagine also believe that pro wrestling is unscripted.

Of which Trump doesn't even have the support of true conservatives in the Republican party.

The Bush's, McCain, and the rest of the Republican establishment are NOT true conservatives. Them not supporting Trump is a good sign.

just look up the definition of Trumpence

It has no definition.