This sub is a more reliable source of current events than /r/news. This place is among the most reliable news sources I know. Think about that for awhile.

128  2016-07-20 by [deleted]



I was thinking about this today before reading this post. I was all like "man I haven't visited world news or news subs since I subscribed here.

That being said this subreddit has also caused me a lot of anxiety. I'm finding it difficult lately to cope with life and the direction the world is going. The Nice attacks in France really fucked with me. I mean the graphic videos I shouldn't have watched really fucked with my mind.

I just have a really bad feeling about the remainder of 2016 and beyond. Nothing is what it seems. This recent air strike in Syria killing 140 innocents made me think. We are all watching our leaders murder and pillage from afar and there is nothing we can do about it. I feel so helpless and can't help but think this is all going to eventually hit home.

I tell you right now when shit hits the fan I am packing up and going camping in northern Canada for a few years. Just can't handle it anymore

The only answer to all of this lies in your ability to focus alone on your emotions and bringing the battle back to the objective feelings rather than their source. Once you are able to take care of that then the knowledge you are acquiring can further expand the options of what is real rather than overwrite previous thoughts.

The more we learn, the more we learn that there is always more to learn about anything. Be awake not afraid.

We all go through that. It's sort of like going through the stages of death acceptance, there's an anger, bargaining and acceptance phases. You'll be fine, just keep a critical mind. There is a Taoist saying: "When there is doubt, there is freedom."

We all benefit when people start doubting more, and being more critical of mainstream information, and looking at alternative sources.

Wag the dog homie. Only a fraction of what you see is real, good and bad.

Take a break. I had to. It is okay and healthy to ignore the world for a day or two, especially when it is causing mental stress. I was freaking the hell out.

Yep. On the bright side, at work my day goes by super fast because im just thinking about everything trying to decypher whats actually happening rather than looking back and forth at the clock!

Ive had anxiety my whole life so its nothing new. Just the live videos of the Nice, France attack really hit home for me being Canadian. This shit is going to hit home eventually and when it does i will have a sign that simply says "Not in my name"

Welcome to blue pill detoxification depression, also known as withdrawal. Did you recently awake?

Keep in mind that just because everything is not what it seems, there is a lot of that here as well. This sub is heavily frequented by people who are intentionally misleading.

I agree with /u/deadlyjrmint and personally I've found mindfulness based stuff helpful. There's a ton of apps and websites with information on it. One book that was really helpful though was Gorilla Mindset by Cernovich - could be worth checking it out

The Headspace App is very good and I highly recommend. It helps train you rather than giving you a guided mindfulness approach whilst also containing lots of scenarios for "emergencies"

When it gets too overwhelming, take a break. Avoid the news, social media, and conspiracy forums for awhile, and use the time to relax. Spend some time outdoors, read a book, visit some friends; whatever you decide, make it sure it doesn't involve dwelling on bad news. I guarantee you will feel recharged and regain some perspective on the things in your life that truly matter.

I've been into conspiracy theories most of my life. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've had to take long breaks from the news and conspiracy forums in order to maintain my mental health. The world does not deserve our emotional sacrifices. Take a break and focus on the things that truly matter in your life. It helps.

its almost addictive. My escape is video games and music. I make music to soothe my soul and play games to take out my anger! lol. Whatever works right!

Ive also been into conspiracies my whole life but this subreddit changed a few perspectives. Before this subreddit it was casually watching conspiracy documentaries and what not, this sub is just 24/7 every 10 minutes new evidence to another conspiracy is posted lol. And they are all current conspiracies that are directly affecting the entire world around us as we speak. Its very troubling man!

Going for walks, working out helps too. Also make metaphysics your religion.

Thank god my boyfriend lives in Canada, just as soon as shit starts getting too real, I'm flying my happy ass to stay their permanently

2016 may be rough, but things can get better if we have hope and keep fighting for the good of humankind

I also wouldnt trust this place much either as there are a lot of people here pushing agendas just like everywhere else on reddit.

People here who are ProDonald pushing AntiClinton and ProClinton pushing AntiDonald.

Then you have debunking of terrorists events yet in the same breath they are anti Islam because terrorism.

The worst was this week when the whole sub was running with Turkish coup as an inside job just like the rest of reddit and the mainstream media.

Sometimes however you get the odd one or two postings that are on point, there is less censorship than anywhere else and you get a much wider variety of topics that no one else would dare discuss.

As someone who joined herea few weeks ago, i find this sub is not in favor of any candidate really

lots of anti Clinton stuff which is justified as she is corrupt and should go to jail. However not much about Donald and he is seen as the "anti establishment" outsider when he is clearly just as bad as Clinton.

I honestly would not classify Trump as being nearly as bad as Clinton. To look at how Trump will run his presidency you have to focus on his VP. Trump is just 100% publicity. That's it thats all. When people have low intelligence they follow whoever they see the most. America is full of folks with very low intelligence thanks to the whole fluoride and lead in the water thing!

If Trump is actually running for President, which i dont think he is...But if he is, he has run a genius campaign. Like it has been pure genius! He is a shitbag cuntface prick but he is a master at appealing to the masses of dumb fucks across America. It's actually unreal how well his "Publicity stunts first, politics second" approach has got him the support he has.

Hey now, just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean you should go around comparing him to a demonstrably corrupt murderer.

That's true. I push the agenda for legalizing all drugs by getting the UN to repeal their 1971 convention on psychotropic substances. And an end to mass surveillance.

If you are a republican who thinks the government is your friend by keeping drugs out of your hands and watching you pee so that they can determine heuristically whether or not they should advertise Depends to you, (erm: 'Depend'), while taking your taxes to kill your kids in the desert in the name of honor which is really for enriching halliburton and raytheons's shareholders wealth, using your kids overseas to guard the producers of the drugs you aren't allowed to have and/or for pharma companies, then you'll probably not like my posts one bit.

Exactly. And also be aware of the conspiracies created to discredit conspiracy theories - Moon landing hoax, aliens, flat earth

I think the points you made are precisely all that's good and holy about this sub. The fact that you have hyper-critical knit-pickers with opposing views on pretty much everything is exactly what ensures everything is picked apart and critical thinking gets applied to everything. Sure there are people pushing agendas, but when the posts aren't super ridiculous, the community is a somewhat self-policing watchdog. That it contains contributors biased in every direction is crucial to meaningful function and analysis of events.

There are certainly some BS agenda pushing baseless posts daily, but they usually don't get much traction, and when they do, you get an indicator of other users' credibility. Just have to look at the big picture and stay critical.

Totally agree with your points, just another way of looking at it.

One hope i really have is that the military is on the side of the people. But...brainwash. What the world needs is for our military folks to wake the fuck up and refuse orders. We need police officers to put down their riot shields and pick up signs. We need to abolish the IMF asap and implement a government controlled system.

The solutions are so obvious but the media has everyone completely brainwashed man. Like i dont know how to get through to people. Too many people are content with their lives and dont understand it is about to get flipped upside down on them. A large portion of Americans have lost all forms of empathy due to media brainwash. A bombing in Syria killing 140 civilians is just the norm on the news at this point.

Ill tell what really scares me. The Obama Administration appears to be pushing to disarm America while at the same time instigating world war 3. It just doesnt make sense unless there is an evil fucking treasonous plot behind it all. I mean who removes the defenses of their civilians and starts a war at the same time? It doesnt make any sense not even considering how fragile the global economy is currently.

^ best comment of the day. I'd give gold, but I don't trust Reddit nor do I want to fund it.

I am guessing almost 400k Reddit users would agree with you.


Do you ever search by controversial? Next crisis try that and watch the evidence that's kept off the hot queue.

Yup. last time I visited r/worldnews, it was nothing but Israeli propaganda.

Sort by new always.

If you aren't banned from several of the main subreddits like r/news, r/worldnews, r/futurology etc you aren't doing your job ;)

Conspiracy usually figures things out first. News and politics always are watered down versions that eventually publish whatever good articles come here, but man, people sure are misinformed for several days.

There are some journalists who's articles seem to follow the sub a couple of hours later.

I watched the news today after over a year of avoiding it. Watched it today with my dad and I could't keep my mouth shut. It was a constant stream of "what are they even talking about?" "why does that even matter?" and "where is the frikkin news?"

The best (or should I saw the only) info I got was that the bars here will have a much later last call during the DNC.

Here used to be better.

agree. stay woke.

edit: for the most part, this sub is on top of things.

There's still a lot of bullshit here but none of it is censored and that's what makes this place great.

Mostly true. Some of it is though censored by downvote brigades. If you complain, people will say, 'well your post wasn't that good', and then over time, you'll start to see comments like 'wow another underrated post'...'this is the best post ever, i wonder why it has such low karma'

Or anything related to freemasons, jesuits, jehovah's witness conspiracies, any legit and not horseapples conspiracies related to monarchs; or even anything related to Hillary that has not yet been hit by the mainstream....all those get downvoted to nothing also. And yet, you know that people here are quite interested in new muck dug up on Hillary.

And anything related to

  • gangstalking
  • biological directed energy weaponry
  • morgellons
  • satanic ritual abuse
  • occultism generally

Also true but I checkout the down voted stuff so for me personally it's okay.

I keep wondering when reddit admins are going to shut this place down.

/r/news is not news. It's a nationwide compilation of the most mundane local news.

  • police kill people
  • people kill police
  • police shoots dogs
  • court case about child abuse/rape
  • state makes billions from legal weed
  • some kid's life is ruined because he had 4 grams of weed

95% of all posts fall in that category.

I don't know if it's more reliable, but the propaganda is often less obvious.


But then again, how do we know if some redditors are sharing propaganda articles to push an agenda?