The American Dream has turned into an American nightmare

43  2016-07-20 by LightBringerFlex

I know at least 80% of Americans are scrambling to make ends meet. Some working 2-3 jobs. Bills coming in like bullets. Oh and if you have kids, you better put on a superman cape because you really are super human. How you do all that in a day with such little money is beyond me.

All this scrambling for nothing. The economy is powerful in reality. There is enough for all except for one small problem. All of our shit is hidden in stockpiles (wood, glass, plastics, oil, ect..) and then sold to us at sky high prices (due to artificial supply and demand). They just store it all while pumping it out of the earth at rapid rates. They dig it up so fast that they harm Mother Nature through greenhouse gases and other things. We pay them top dollar for all this which means we are making the elite a fortune.

Not to mention, the elite are vacuuming all the money up in a whole variety of ways (military, prisons, healthcare, even taxes). Then they send the money into tax free havens. A guy working at McDonald's pays more in taxes than the elite.

These mother fuckers have grown so powerful that they have infiltrated our very government. Some university (I think princeton) has research that proves we live in an oligarchy system. Democracy is a thing of the past but it can also be a thing of the future.

God forbid you get too desperate and commit a crime for cash. They will immediately throw you in some medieval style prison where psychos butt fuck you, give you STDs, and turn you into their bitch. If you go too far, they cook you in the chair.

Whatever you do, don't crack up. People who lose their minds under tyrants like Soros, the Bushs, Clintons, and Walmart are rejected by them. They look at you in shame with absolutely no consideration of what they have put you through.

The bottom line is that hellish, inhumane conditions erupt as all wealth, power, and resources are siphoned out of the lives of the masses. It is like a cancer that feeds on the body until the body is bone dry and a priest has to be called in to pray on this poor, soon to die being.

America has cancer and the cancer has spread across the country for the past 50 years. The elite started small by targeting the blacks. Black neighborhoods crumbled to nothingness and so they started to target Latin and Asian neighborhoods. They sucked those neighborhoods dry and then had no choice but to target the whites. Whites were drained too. Hardcore gang hoods popped up across the country as people had to resort to crime to feed themselves. As morale goes down so does morality.

Down and down goes America. It is on its knees looking at its slave master hoping it will throw it a bone to chew on. The slave master doesn't even recognize America and continues feasting on his 3 course lobster and filet mignon dinner while sipping on his pink, bubbly champagne.

America bangs and bangs it's head on the ground because it cannot believe what it's seeing. America's partner, the government, has turned on it and enslaved it. It's the ultimate back stab.

Since I can't predict the future, I will leave it at:

To be continued.......


They perpetrate the false flags on themselves because they are not only shitbag cowards, but are also terrified of the people they've fucked for the last 60+ years.

Central America was fucked by the US/central banks and the United Fruit Co, through fake wars and "regime change". After "helping" to build Costa Rica their railroads with loans that would obviously default through monetary manipulation like always, they forced land owners to hand over hyper-valuable coffee land along the railroad. This is just one of a thousand blips in the history of the US ass-raping anything within reach, and worth $$.

These days it's heroin poppies and oil fields in Arabia. Nothing but a zionist wet dream.. now, then, and always. Excellent post.

Oh god. I forgot about how they exploit poorer countries.

I read works by Soren Kierkegaard (philosopher) who said that we need to stop and think. He laments that society goes to quick, that we never stop and think about our current situation. I must say that the global elite have played their hand very well. Nobody stops and thinks. There is no time for that. And if you don't stop and think, you cannot change the system.

True. Anonymous says you can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of reality.

This is why work days are becoming longer instead of shorter even with an oversupply of available laborers.

The US is a colony for the UK. It is a slave state for the 1%. It is the military enforcement arm for the Banksters.

Beautiful writing man. You have a talent and you are using it well!

Tx. :;

It was never a dream, it has always been a nightmare and I base that on the fact that we are all slaves and mindless zombies here; only a few of us are awake to what's really going on.

economy is not powerful ... right now we have a big debt bubble. and economy looks only good because banks lend virtual money to eachother and throw credits on everyone even when he can never pay it back.

just wait ... it will burst

shtf fast & furious. people have to stay (or try to make every effort) to be prepared mentally. we might not be able to predict the future, but many can see/sense what's real.

The nazis didn't lose. Look at Dulles and Prescott Bush, listen to Mae Brussell and Peter Levenda. This corporate coup d'etat goes back decades ....and it's global scale.

If you can manufacture scarcity you can control the people.

Oh god. I forgot about how they exploit poorer countries.