Try submitting ANYTHING to r/politicaldiscussion asking about the DNC email leaks. Good luck.

33  2016-07-23 by [deleted]



uh..because theres already a big post on it?

It's good moderation to delete duplicate questions when there is already a thread people are actively participating in

And to push all the comments into a big long list and hide any real discussion?

do you know how reddit works? have you ever modded a subreddit? IM guessing not

I'm a current moderator actually, how do you expect to have any coherent discussion when it is all lumped into one thread? What about people who want to discuss different aspects of a crisis they are all herded into one thread and its completely fucking useless.

Im not going to say its the most effective thing, but for a bigger subreddit it's definitely an option in terms of moderation.

What it's definitely not is a conspiracy to stifle conversation about a controversial topic.

Maybe its not a conspiracy but it's awful moderation in my opinion.

That sub was taken over by the establishment shills. A few years ago it was a decent place for political discussion. Similar to much of reddit it went downhill.