It's odd the r/conspiracy gets no love when all of these conspiracies are coming out in the open

366  2016-07-25 by [deleted]

Especially with the DNC actually rigging the campaign towards Clinton.

It looks like when ever a former "conspiracy theory" ends up being right people stop treating it like it was ever a conspiracy theory and then continue to shit on all other conspiracy theories.

Not a healthy outlook from the mainstream

Edit: People are fixating on this sub as a whole not getting love. Should've titled it "It's odd conspiracies in general get no love when a lot of them have ended up being true".


we're not here to be loved or appreciated. only to discuss that which is not allowed to be discussed elsewhere openly on this site.

No praise is needed when truth is involved. Only the hope that lies are exposed and truth be brought to life.

thats the problem me boy, people more often choose the lies over truth even when the truth has been brought to light. ignorance is bliss i suppose.

precious ego...precious one must protect. too fragile.

For every decent post there's 19 going on about the builderberg group, flat earth, the illuminati, UFOs, Satanism and symbology, etc. While there might be some truth in some others things 90% is bogus nonsense.

No one takes r/conspiracy seriously because there's some awful crap on here.

I'm not saying all these things are in of themselves wrong or terrible (most are) but people have associations about them. Negative associations.

R/conspiracy is never going to get love as long as it continues to allow posts about whackjob theories. Especially those around right wing Christian conservatives who post about Satanism and the occult. Those posts make people roll their eyes.

the builderberg group,

Yeah, the Bilderberg group is fiction ...

I thought the same thing. haha Nice way to try to group together two things, known by us as gov psyops, with something very real and troubling. Nice try but the ball is in the builderberg cup. You would think they would put the less talented on facebook and twitter. That shit may work on the normies, but I've been here more than ten or more years and probably read his dads disinfo.

like a professional shill but a look at this tools post history shows its what it is.

I certainly did, obvious, for sure.

I'm just going to quote myself cause I know it's not explicit.

"I'm not saying all these things are in of themselves wrong or terrible (most are) but people have associations about them. Negative associations."

Yes, the Builderberg Group is actually something we should be more aware and very wary of. But the general public doesn't have that association. They see it as a whack job conspiracy theory. The words "Builderberg Group" are associated with negative and dismissive thoughts in the public's mind. Which is why I included it on the list.

It doesn't matter what is actually being said in r/conspiracy, as long as people associate it with crazy whackjobs, everything posted here will be put under the pressure of extra scrutiny and doubt because "this has just gotta be crazy people, right?!"

That's what I was trying to highlight.

But no, I'm a government shill. Stop being so quick to judge and try to read between the lines. My original post has very clear context. My opening words are "For every decent post there's 19 going on about [things people think are crazy conspiracy things]". For every DECENT post. There is good stuff happening here. But it will be ignored so long as people think 95% of the stuff here is whack.

That's my point.

all these things are in of themselves wrong or terrible (most are)

Gee guys, why am I getting downvoted?

"(most are)"

  1. Builderberg Group: - Ok, this is real.
  2. Flat Earth: - Bogus.
  3. Illuminati: - Are rich people working together? Yes. Are they the actual Illumanati? I seriously doubt it what with there being not a single piece of evidence for that.
  4. UFOs: - They're experimental aircraft. It's what? 5-10% they can't explain? That's interesting. But I usually see the 90% obvious stuff on here.
  5. Satanism: - This is a special form of paranoia that's as dangerous as Islamic terrorism, if you ask me.
  6. Symbology: - Quite similar to above. Sure, there are common symbols and themes everywhere you look. Might have something to do with a common, shared global culture what with people taking inspiration from each other and from past relics/ideas/etc. So basically, bogus.

So, what one, maybe two things are actually a thing? The rest are just fantasy.

There's also a weird tendency to dismiss an entire person's argument when the say one tiny thing you disagree with. I've been banned for suggesting that the main narrative might actual be right before. There's as much free discourse on this sub as there is on r/worldnews.

What's that?

"The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954."

It's sketchy as fuck and is what people are actually referring to when they say "Illuminati". No one knows what happens in there but these are the guys that literally run the Western World. They're not talking about Game of Thrones.

I know my sketch when I see it.

and that is the sketchiest shit I've read so far.

Because they're lead by the fucking nose. Egotists with short attention spans; if it doesn't impact their person or isn't served in their trough then they all default to apathy or derision, depending how much testosterone hasn't yet been sapped out of them.

Another way of saying this is that the problem seems so beyond their capability to deal with, or effect. I think most people have a general understanding of what's happening. I just don't think they know how to process and deal with it.

Or don't know how to fight back. It's like being in the middle of a hundred thousand forest fires with one bucket full of water.

One bucket is already overstating it. We have bladders full of piss but fires so huge it will take Goldman Sachs levels of golden showers to put them out.

Yes. Guess we could piss on Goldman ATM machine. Feel so helpless to fight back.

I would agree with this. Furthermore, I would say the average person is bombarded with too much information on a daily basis to care.

Add to that the fact that many people are uninterested in politics. Once this is out of the mainstream news cycle it will be back to status quo.

There are some very crazy conspiracies like Flatearth that have come across this sub. Things universally reviled and made fun of. It's hard to divorce yourself from that reality... especially when the sub's cover picture is Apollo 11.

very crazy conspiracies like Flatearth that have come across this sub.

planted here by payrolled peoples determined to smear all conspiracy with the crazy label.

Oh no, I know real flat earthers, they post here.

Cognitive dissonance.

Yep, only 2 weeks ago, people were lighting fireworks and having a BBQ, nervously saying nothing is wrong.

Exactly. The sentence "conspiracy theory" is a stop-think. It's never meant to be used by rational individuals. If a conspiracy theory turns out true, then it belongs to the memory hole.

When you call it early: "You're a nut job!"

When the truth comes out: "Yeah, that's no surprise, lol."

First they ignore you, they'll laugh at you and hate you, then they'll fight and then you'll win. (Robbie Williams lol)

News of this and what it really means is being suppressed. Also, forum sliding is a real thing especially lately.

the goal posts are always moved when a conspiracy is proven to be true. 10 years ago there were a lot of people calling people conspiratards for thinking the government would spy on people but once it is brought into the light people think how could the government do this while continuing to call people idiots for believing in other things.

All they have to do is put a few subtle cues in a show here or a movie there and certain groups get pegged as tin foil hat wearers.

Their game is deep, but I have no man's hand up my ass (like paid trolls do and politicians and corrupt judges do), so I say bring it on.

The difference is having evidence. That's not the goalposts moving.

So only ridicule and demean things until evidence accidentally gets leaked, gotcha.

I'm not ridiculing anything.

I'm just saying many things are accepted as true, when historically there's no evidence for it. Like saying all but a few countries have central banks owned by the Rothschilds.

A fucking toad a so

It just goes to show how well the MSM does in keeping a certain narrative about how John Q. Public should act.

they forget as soon as they hear about it.

oo pokemon

When some conspiracies become fact everyone suddenly say that they knew it all along. What's the big deal? The truth is that most people feel the conspiracies at a deep level, but are unable to accept it consciously.

People hate the truth. Ignorance truly is bliss in todays world.

To acknowledge the Lies would shake the Foundations upon which their material and psychological Comfort rests. If they suddenly change and acknowledge certain Truths, then they risk losing Job and/or Career, Fellowship and Esteem of various Friends, Home, Family, essentially everything save for their own SelfRespect. Should you choose to accept the Humiliation, Pain and Suffering associated with acknowledging the Truth anyway, the Trick to surviving is to immediately build oneself a new Life, seek a new Circle of Colleagues and Friends and find a new Partner and/or Family with whom you can at least tolerate and maybe even accept the Truths you espouse. Failing any of the above, adopt a Dog. They are great Listeners (although not always good at following Instructions).

People are afraid of the truth (many of them are also weak in the body, mind and spirit) and rather wear pink glasses and live in fantasies and delusions.

it's obviously an MSM conspiracy to not mention /r/conspiracy in their newspapers and magazines and websites and youtube channels. As for people who forget something in 2 days and move on i think there should be a youtube channel called "What Happened" which regularly posts updated videos and blog posts about what the current status of various hot topics of the recent past is.

study this series of 'conspiracys', see how they attempt to distort and smear, yet admit and infer damning details in the descriptions.

I was berated by a guy at work several years ago after I claimed the NSA was scooping up data on all citizens. I had heard of Russ Tice, Bill Binney, and Thomas Drake and suggested this only to receive ruthless insults, accusations of being a "conspiracy theorist" (of course), and made fun of publicly.

Several years later after the Snowden thing, I never got an apology. Ah well.

It's because for every one REASONABLE theory posted here there are TEN other conspiracies that are just batshit and stupid.

Yes. And having, like, credible evidence helps a bit too.

By definition, a cover-up is not going to have any evidence.

What would have happened 20 years ago before we had wikileaks and email leaks? We would have been looking at the facts we have and speaking the truth, and people like you would have been towing the corrupt government line.

Thats why you simply need to look at the facts we do have and use your own brain (wow) to separate truth from shilling.

While we are being validated. most of these people are dealing with their reality being shattered.

Cognitive dissonance is real.

Because they knew conspiracies happen all along duh. Retroactive opinions.

Not so long ago this sub had 50,000 subscribers.

Now we have that many, times seven. Now 366,779 of us are all still early arrivals.

Redditmetrics says otherwise. This sub had 88,000 subscribers already in 2012 and growth has been pretty steady since then.

I came in at 50,000 whenever that was. 700 percent growth is still pretty good.

It's because the term, "conspiracy theory", has become a household name for wacko's, nut jobs, ignorance, tin foil hats, reptilians, and anything completely far fetched that the PTB have been able to completely redefine it thanks to television and entertainment.

Thanks CIA

Same with the Turkey coup. Albeit maybe that one was more obvious but I noticed a lot of people were willing to quickly accept that as a massive fraud.

It's too ahead of the curve but that's what its here for

Why would we get any love?

In the end,

We are just conspiracy theorists.

We get no attention because Americans fucking suck. People get irritated with me when I bring up the facts about Clinton. With credible sources to back it up. They then go back to discussing Clinton v. Trump. Deciding which would be best because they have become so accustomed to pretty-word politics, that facts and truth mean nothing anymore.

Americans have become complacent in most aspects of their lives. They have been manipulated into learning to ignore the negative in favor of looking at the positives while the negatives get worse and worse.

It's also like 1984. One week it's the Eurasians we are fighting, the next week it's Eastasia when in reality, the government is the true enemy. The only ones increasing the negatives while dangling positives in front of us like twinkies on a stick.

People are going to bash the content no matter what, it's just human nature. Things are starting to come to light and I see more people taking a liking to what this sub has to offer. It's getting pretty exciting if you ask me.

When a sub has both golden and rotten eggs in the same basket as a matter of policy, it will suffer in popularity as a result.

I always hated and mocked Conspiracy theorist and considered myself a skeptic. now I see that skeptics are really cowards who wont investigate and like to call critical thinkers conspiracy theorists

Apparently it's not a "conspiracy theory" if it's pro-western establishment.

  • Erdogan's coup was a FALSE FLAG HOAX!

Apparently this isn't a conspiracy theory and is totally reasonable even though we've know for MONTHS that the gulenists were working with a certain intelligence agency to oust Erdogan. But THAT'S crazy!

  • Putin is working with trump and wikileaks to criticize hillary and the DNC

I'm not saying it's wrong, but is there ANY evidence of this at all? As soon as the DNC is proven to have been conspiring against sanders, now they're hiding behind a conspiracy theory? But we were called crazy by these shills for even suggesting that the DNC was actively working against sanders. I'll bet they'll STILL deny it.

There's no love lost so...

Who cares about the copper tops that live in Disneyland, and the idiotic things they think are real.

Don't worry, they are slowly starting to wake up

They really aren't. The 28 pages were released (although probably not true) no one noticed. The ones that did said "meh" completely forgetting 100s of 1000s people died in 2 completely unrelated countries. They now have their perpetrators but couldn't care less.

Neat how they released 28Pages right before both major PartyConventions.

the 28 pages proves or claims that Saudi payed money to agents (could just be boring spies), its obvious that the four planes and the 19 hijackers are TLA/MSM fantasy, so any supporting details to back up the official story is suspect.

Scared to realize they are actually one of us. When the veil comes off it is quite frightening.

No one likes you, because you are crazy idiots who think every terror attack is a false flag.
You harassed the parents of Sandy Hook victims and stalked a day care facility.
You think everyone is a conspiracy, you have to be right in some cases.

To be perfectly honest I myself believe in less conspiracies than the majority of this sub.

However, I was commenting on a larger societal issue. One where people disregard that some conspiracy theories are true, and proceed to act like they're all impossible.

It seems to me that any rational individual would believe in at least some level of conspiracy, given how many have been proven true in the past. It's undeniable that our government has been up to shady stuff they don't want us to know about.

Disregard what I said about this sub getting no love then. It's understandable when people see things like the moon landing being faked.

But the fact is conspiracy theories in general have a bad stigma. Again, even though a large amount of them have been proven true. This doesn't make sense.

You said it's odd that this sub gets no love.

I myself believe in less conspiracies than the majority of this sub.

The reason it gets no love is because of the amount of bullshit conspiracies.

That's why, it's nothing crazy here. It's not a societal issue. It's the fact that many in this sub just go all out on every possibility in life as a conspiracy. Many who frequent here will go after anything without ANY PROOF. Asking for a source or proof can provide you with many people who will say you're a shill.

It seems to me that any rational individual would believe in at least some level of conspiracy, given how many have been proven true in the past. It's undeniable that our government has been up to shady stuff they don't want us to know about.

Yea people do believe in at least some level of conspiracy. Yet most of us aren't going to act like a "sheep", I want fucking proof. How hard is that to understand? Proof. Proof. Actual proof, not some weird conspiracy site that says they saw the boogeyman fuck Obama.

Again, even though a large amount of them have been proven true.

And here we have the problem. A large amount of them have not been proven true. So stop there. If you actually follow conspiracies you'd know a small portion have been proven true.

You even state yourself you believe in less conspiracies than this sub, why don't you believe in a large amount of them if they're largely true?

Because they aren't largely true.

The reason this sub isn't loved is simple. You deny wanting to have facts. You deny waiting for all the information. You make up tons of things without any actual proof. Tons of threads like that. Great 1 out of 1000 gotten right. My cat could poop out better answers than that.

Yeah just ignore that part in my post where I clearly said.

Disregard what I said about this sub getting no love then. It's understandable when people see things like the moon landing being faked.

Obviously I should've named the thread something else. I don't deny what you've said, but conspiracy in general has a negative stigma. It's not just from people that want proof, it's people that treat anyone that believes any conspiracy as crazy.

Yes, everybody here is exactly the same.

This sub currently has a "the moon landing is fake" picture on the sidebar.
If you are an active member of the sub, don't be surprised if people think you are crazy.

I wouldn't listen to anyone that doesn't know how to disable CSS in their browser.

If you are an active member of the sub, don't be surprised if people think you are crazy.

Same idea as before, differently worded. Just your standard BRD, I'm sure.

No one likes you, because you are crazy idiots who think every terror attack is a false flag.

Old intel belches forth the same tired routine.

"I'm relevant! I swear!"

Equivocate the actions of one with the actions of the group. Shame them for things they never did. Make broad generalizations about the group, then show how any perceived success can be explained away by statistics.

No one likes you. They merely tolerate you.

This is the almost incoherent rambling people expect from /r/conspiracy and why everyone thinks you are crazy.

With you i meant /r/conspiracy not a specific person.

And disabling the CSS doesn't stop /r/conspiracy from supporting the moon landing conspiracy theory...

This is the almost incoherent rambling...

Good to know it was coherent. And I would suggest that you are expressing your opinion, which is divorced from the fact. But, again, you rely on an attack on the credibility of those interacting in this sub. "Crazy." A good litmus test for when you should be exceptionally skeptical of someone, is their use (or over-use) of the word "crazy."

And disabling the CSS...

Stops that image from coming up for me... I don't care to see what image is promoted, so I remove it myself.

What /r/conspiracy supports will require a better definition of /r/conspiracy. Is that the user base of readers and/or subscribers or do you mean the mod team? Or something else?

Is there a reason you are so upset with our sub?

Better that way

And that's what's odd. Cause this sub should look odd... But now its odd for bit being not odd

*I'm giving myself a medal for clarity...

this sub is nothing more than an anti hillary clinton circle jerk.

Anti-government corruption circle jerk. FTFY

Nope. Just anti Hilary as far as I can tell. Nothing interesting or insightful. Just Alex Jones/fox news b.s. hype machine.

Intellectual dishonesty. Or perhaps, the right mixture of apathy and ignorance.

Because you guys hate Jews

Same racial premise we have fought since inception. More low effort attempts at discrediting the sub. Notice how it implies that everyone here must "hate Jews." It's just flung into the air, so it can land on as many people as possible.

You should drink your username's sake.

It's because you fucking cucks post actual news that is not a compiracy on this sub reddit. Making people think it's not facts.

Care to try again? Is English a second language, for you?

study this series of 'conspiracys', see how they attempt to distort and smear, yet admit and infer damning details in the descriptions.