Is Bernies is blowing off Clinton???? This whole speech is him saying "I am with you if you are still with me"

13  2016-07-26 by FluentInTypo

he isnt even mentioning her, lololol.

Did Bernie just say "I look forward to your votes tomorrow night?" Without saying...for Hillary? Oooooh. Speech is not done yet, but hell, that sounded like he is not fucking done yet. Whoa.

Edit: this doesnt sound like a pro hillary speech at all. It sounds like a "I am with you if you are still with me" speech. No fucking mention of Hillary at all yet.

Oh jesus, I hope this is real. I cant vote for Hill or Trump. Its Gary or Bernie only.


Between the DNC leaks and the posssible Clinton Foundation keaks (tomorrow maybe for maximum impact?) The DNC could allow for a rollcall vote tomorrow night in which delegates get to vote - and they can (i believe) vote for anyone, including Bernie if they wish. Half his speech tonight was 75 percent him hinting that he woukd be "with the people" if the "people were with him". Half the speech was talking about what the campaign was was about all the things he fought for. He never mentioned clinton during all of that. He spent the last small portion of his speech talking about Clinton - but even that was more " his platform" ideas being embraced by her (finally) and that that was a good thing. It the Clinton Foundation or her server emails come out tomorrow, that roll call vote will be historical methinks.

Not anymore. All about Hillary now.

Precisely. It's more of a cuckspiracy than a conspiracy for Sanders at this point. He's happy to march to the beat of the drum of a rigged system and sell out his "revolution" rather than speak up against the corruption of his own saboteurs.

You're expecting a superhero. At least Bernie is human.

Who needs superheroes. We just need people who can be human beings before playing silly roles of democrats, republicans, libertarians, etc. If his loyalty was truly aligned with humanity, there's no way he would endorse Clinton. But he still chose to be a trooper for a party that pretty much conspired to fuck him over from the get-go. There is no validity to the 'lesser of two evils' rhetoric this election season. Both candidates are walking disasters. He needs to wisen up and call an ace an ace and a spade a spade if he is indeed a man of integrity.

I agree. We do need superheroes. But where are we going to get them?

What's wrong with Dr. Jill Stein? She's offered the VP to Bernie publicly

Why would he care about a VP position that is a nothing position. He might as well be first lady.

Freedom to travel?

What's wrong with Dr. Jill Stein?

Ludicrous beliefs, split loyalties, and desire for treason?

But no, I honestly totally support him going third party in any way possible.

Erasing student debt would change my life. Those fuckin loans were unrated when I got them. Now I'm earning $500/6months in interest...

On the other hand, some people try to make sound financial decisions and it doesn't seem entirely fair to make their tax dollars go to subsidize massively expensive mistakes that other willfully made.

Of course, we already subsidize massive corporations so the principle is already broken, and at least students would be able to contribute better to society without massive debt.

Like I said, when I signed those papers, they had an impact on my credit report, but not my credit score. I didn't change the fuckin rules after the housing bubble scam played out....

Erasing student debt would change my life.

Indeed it would; you would starve to death within two months as the global economy collapses.

And that wouldn't happen with the two evils?...

It’d happen with the whore queen.

Nope. That was him playing with people who are hopeful. What a shame. Fuck hillary. I'll probably vote trump out of spite, and I hate him too.

yes he is mentioning her, lololol. a lot.

Only at the end, and after he shoved her own catch phrase in her face. He said "I am with you" pointing to all the Bernie chanters" ratyet than delivering her tag line of "I am with Her".

75 percent was him talking Bout his campaign, his platform and looking forward to the rollcall vote tomorrow (unprecendented that, when there is only one candidate in the race) no need for roll call unless they want the votes public.

That LAST part of the speech he talked of her, but mostly in a "she worthy because she is finally incoporating my ideas"

He is playing both outcomes - if they vote for him, he will take it. If they stick with Hillary, he will support it. The majority of that speech was him talking about his platform and campaign, not hers.

Every pundit said he had to deliver and unequivical full supoort speech of clinton tonight to calm down his suporters, get line. That, he did not do at all. He got himself a rollcall tomorrow. Thats amazing. Yes, he would support Clinton if she wins, but why even have a roll call if she is garanteed to win? Why does he look forward to it right after he tells "us", that he is with " us" admist cheers of Bernie Bernie! when Clintons suporters are all using the tagline "I am with HER".

They have it because it reinforces the illusion of democracy -- there is no chance at all at this point that it will be a contested conventiogn -- he just gets to hold onto the already pledged votes

And if Wikileaks releases the Clinton Foundation or Hillarys private server emails (deleted by her, unread by FBI or anyone else) tomorrow morning? If our choices become a President Trump who will likely be impeached for some assinine act or a President Clinton who might be indicted? Whatever the leaks are, its said that the DNC are mild compared the the Hillary leaks on their way.

Sanders is the only one implicated in it all. He was the victim. And he coukd have the votes. Dont underestimate how many people, esp those over 35 who remember the Clinton year who really really dont like her.

if they had the whole election rigged and what they did in nevada for just 2 voters they will probably do the same thing here.

and we get to watch america become great again! :(

I see the chance of that happening as like .0001 percent, but if it does I'll be pleasantly surprised

All I heard is that there is a chance!

Where's the conspiracy?

Eh, your right. No "conspiracy", just new developments in the DNC due to the leak. There was never going to be a roll call as Bernie dropped out. Now there is going to be one tomorrow night.

Between the DNC leaks and the posssible Clinton Foundation keaks (tomorrow maybe for maximum impact?) The DNC could allow for a rollcall vote tomorrow night in which delegates get to vote - and they can (i believe) vote for anyone, including Bernie if they wish. Half his speech tonight was 75 percent him hinting that he woukd be "with the people" if the "people were with him". Half the speech was talking about what the campaign was was about all the things he fought for. He never mentioned clinton during all of that. He spent the last small portion of his speech talking about Clinton - but even that was more " his platform" ideas being embraced by her (finally) and that that was a good thing. It the Clinton Foundation or her server emails come out tomorrow, that roll call vote will be historical methinks.

Second reply: I also posted here because you guys allow conversations rather than vote brigade unpopular opinions or "correct the record". Youre right, its not really a conspiracy per sa, but it is related to the leaks as fallout.

All I heard is that there is a chance!