11:13PM/ET: Bernie just sealed it for me during his DNC speech.

108  2016-07-26 by [deleted]




This is designed to ruffle your feathers and sell you the idea of real governance. Those who make decisions are behind the scenes. Obama is nothing more than a spokes person for the criminal elite. Stop buying the charade.

Seriously, these fucking morons man. Everyone is so caught up with Dem vs Republican that they're just blind man. Bernie, Hilary, Trump, they all jerking each other off behind the scenes over how much they have played each and everyone of YOU, jerking off over how much money they have stolen from each and every one of YOU.

Yet everybody just falls into the shit, or just wants to blow it all up. What a buncha fucking cowardly fucks. This sub country man, buncha fucking morons.

The Clintons, Trumps, and Bushes are all friends with each other. I hope people understand that.

Don't forget the Bin Ladens.

Source? Although, it would not surprise me...

Yeah, it's pretty interesting how all throughout the rigged primaries Obama didn't step up even ONCE and say something. What does he do? Endorses the cunt. Even with the leaked documents out, proving the corruption beyond any doubt... Still nothing. If that doesn't show you how deep in the elites pocket nobama is then you should go drink some battery acid.

The email leaks should trigger an investigation into the corruption that it revealed: that our system is rigged to the fucking core.

Absolutely. It's beyond disgusting! How can Hillary get away with being so arrogant as to immediately bring the shamed DWS onto her campaign, when the DNC is publicly admitting (and blaming it all on her) she singlehandedly rigged the election on 100% her own accord? WHY ISNT THIS BEING TALKED ABOUT?! We all need to do ourselves a favor and cancel our cable subscriptions.

My mind boggles. The FBI wants to investigate the hack itself rather than what the hack uncovered.


Here's my two cents: I always thought of Snowden as being controlled opposition, as in Snowden was their way of letting us know we are being spied upon. I think the email hack is their way of letting us know this ain't no democracy.

Ah, empires come and empires go.

I tried pointing out when he first started campaigning that Bernie was a career politician and therefor not to be trusted. But still people flock to him as if any one person could alter this system to benefit the people.

I honestly believe the only choice is to divest, divorce, and secede from the US government in order to establish a system that actually does represent the people.

We should all vote "none of you bastards".

I'm going to change my name to "No Confidence" for the 2020 elections, to make it real easy for people.

That's the thing though, I completely see what you mean cuz I can see how he would have been a pawn too. But at the same time, if he was a pawn, why did the media censor him so incredibly much. They always twisted his words, always created lies about him and ALWAYS put the heat on him when he was live and he still managed to make them look like fools. I was even at one of his rally's in New Haven, CT and somebody fainted during the rally and the guy stopped the whole speech to make sure that dude was okay. Bernie is a genuine guy and I honestly believe that he was threatened and pressured a little too hard behind closed doors to endorse Hillary and end his cute movement. Because he literally just flip-flopped out of the f****n blue when that happened. Plus if he was a pawn I'm not sure as to why Hillary's entire campaign spent millions of dollars to troll him and strategically bash him if she already knew he was going to cave for her in the end.

It became a choice between the safety of himself and his loved ones, and he wasn't willing to risk his life to save the country. Shame.

Have you ever read "The Road"?

Yeah, and I honestly think that's where we're headed. September/October will be interesting ...

-Registered Democrat, now voting for Trump. It's time for it all to come crashing down. Why not be entertained while we descend into the depths..

You're being ridiculous.

The world has gone mad and you are calling him ridiculous?

Trump's in on it too. Yes, that's being ridiculous. Not voting is the way to show them their charade is up.

It's hilarious to me that it is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to vote specifically to keep a member out of the Presidency, rather than voting for the RIGHT PERSON.

People are likely to vote Trump over Hillary, and TPTB know this. Trump is butt buddies with the Clinton's................................................

Use your brain.

"Not voting is the way to show them"? Slap yourself. Not voting is by far the worst thing we could do, aside from voting the shrillary, that is. By not voting you allow them to continue their charade, uninterrupted.

If America collectively decided to not work, not vote, and dont spend, it would cripple our government. Literally half of America could do thisand it would work. They'd beg us to come back to work. They need us to keep the machine running.

You should slap yourself for telling me to slap myself.

So how do you guys feel about Gary Johnson? I seen he's been gaining traction and is pro gun and pro small government.

The world hasn't gone mad. Rather, people are acting irrationally all around. The world is mad because people are ridiculous, not the other way around.


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Ron Paul had a REAL chance too. He wasn't bullshit. The global elites stole it from him using the media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_WBo4sfmi4


Dr. Paul has the most integrity of any man I have ever met. Please do not lump him in with Bernie Sanders


Oh fuck off.

RP and Bernie boy were going to audit the fed in 2012.

Guess who pulled out last minute?

Kinda the same thing that happened just now. A leopard never changes its spots.

OP is really butthurt his savior has no principles. Ron Paul... He never lost sight of his principles.

I'm sorry but we are speaking on integrity here. Not whether he succeeded in auditing the Fed. What he did accomplish is bringing attention and discussion to the true nature of the beast. I'm starting to think you're an idiot or troll. Ron Paul was blacked out by the media during is 2012 campaign. Bernie was not. Why? Because Ron Paul would have never sold out like this.

he'd of

he'd have

Anyway, Ron retired after 2012 campaign and refused to capitulate to RNC talking points and thereby chose not to speak at the convention. Bernie is and has been a mealy-mouthed do-nothing his whole career. To compare Ron to Bernie is express ignorance of what Ron accomplished and what he stood for. You probably don't know it, but the RNC committee changed the Party Rules during the Primaries to keep Ron off the convention ballot. The details are out there - you should read about it.


Who said he had "groundbreaking insight"? Why do you make up words to put in other people's mouths? Does that make you feel like you have a point, because it doesn't, and you don't.


He kept the Libertarian party and sentiment alive and strong for years, such that it is the largest 3rd party in the US and thus the most likely party to unseat one of the existing major parties. Not all games are short, and instant satisfaction doesn't always work out.

Ron retired after his 2012 run. It's next to impossible to run as a 3rd party in America. The Dems and Reps control the debates. (seriously) And the rich corps (and Wall St.) own the media. You can't get airtime or press coverage as a 3rd party candidate. Ron started a foundation and is working on education. If I were a Bernie financial supporter, I'd be asking The Democrats for a refund. But, most campaign funds go to buy airtime or print ads so, there's nothing to refund.

Um, he has found other avenues to pursue. There are a lot of people who watch his show. http://ronpaulinstitute.org/


He tried working within the system.. now he's trying a way outside of the system. WTF is your problem, seriously?

He's too butthurt over Bernie right now to give Paul any credit at all


Well your problem is with the MSM, the deep state, etc, why you taking it on my homie RP? He is trying! What are you doing, getting into fights on the Internet with strangers on the same team..? smh

Bernie's a pussy so you're mad at Ron? You probably kick your dog when the Jets don't cover the spread.

In 2012, Ron Paul laid the foundation for youth involvement and managing a 'guerilla' campaign via the Internet. Bernie picked up this structure (with some of the same people) for 2016 and took it a lot further. In 2020 -- if we still have a country -- someone will pick up the youth+internet apparatus and try again.

We have 4 more years to lay kindling and fuel to burn these fuckers out. Might actually get it done, if we can pick a candidate with actual principles next time.

He's too old to sell his soul to the machine. I wish he gave them hell :(

Does he have kids ? When the fbi director decided not to prosecute he talked about his family for no apparent reason, just like how lynch said she talked about family with Bill on her plane, and then decided to follow the fbi.. coincidence I guess

Do you have the links to the vids of them talking about this?


Yes I know I couldn't agree more but he's already sold.

Kinda like George Carlin. He knew he didn't have much time left so he layed it all out clearly in his last big show. He went out with a bang and will be loved forever for it. Bernie, unfortunately, will be less respected as time goes on I think.


He was diet Ron Paul with added Judaism.

total pussy. hate hillary, hate trump. if they arent holding someone hostage or something, and forcing him to sell out, hes part of the sham. less and less hope in all this public bafoonary. i really thought he might have spoken up once at the mic, and really dropped some shit. but nothing, just a hillary commercial.

What do you have against /r/GaryJohnson?


You might be surprised by the Libertarian stance on certain issues. Legalize drugs? Yep. Justice reform? Yep. Basically, they want to follow the Constitution and get the Federal Government under control. It makes a lot of sense. Johnson was former governor of New Mexico. Weld was former Governor of Massachusetts. They have the experience and the vision to actually start fixing things in this country. All the Democrats and Republicans are doing is dividing people and tearing things apart.

I don't believe in giving corporations more handouts. He wants to get rid of their taxes. No. Fuck that and fuck him. Trickle down doesn't work. How many times do we have to go through this bullshit??? Giving the wealthy tax cuts does nothing for the average person.

It's funny too because I voted for Gary last election. But enough is enough.

Giving the wealthy tax cuts does nothing for the average person.

That's not necessarily true. It could have large benefits for the average person in that it reduces the overhead of doing business. You look at big business, who have already figured out how and can afforded to get around paying taxes, meanwhile those corporate taxes are really hurting the small business.

The current system we are under is not Capitalism anymore, its crony Capitalism. What Johnson and Libertarians believe is that the government has chosen the companies that succeed by giving them lucritive gvt. contracts that are guarenteed to pay out reguardless of the quality of work done. This has been the case for many decades and it has gotten us to where we are now. Johnson will work to end this fraudulant type of Capitalism and will bring back true Capitalism that made this country so great prior to crony Capitalism.

I'd concur. Mind you, I'm not from the US, but to me it seems that the current system is the Ultimate capitalism. It was never about the lay people, it was always about the capitalists. And the capitalists are the ones in control right now (and if I recall correctly since president Carter). The only reason people in America seem to think capitalism has ever worked is because every other capable country was trying to catch up after the destruction of WW2. I'm interested however in how things turn out now. I really wish it is for the best of both, the Americans, and for the foreigners. (I have this dream to work at Boulder, CO too..)

OK, so you'll vote for Hillary (or Trump) over Johnson because ... Johnson wants to reduce the corporate tax rate? How oddly picayune.

First step, change party affiliation. Choose none of the above.


Oh I'm with you. What I mean, is that at least in my state, it takes about 2 minutes in an online thing. They are going to shit their pants when they see how many people leave the party. Call it pettiness. It's richly deserved. HRC hired DWS not 2 hours after she stepped down. What a slap in the face.

I'm entirely in agreement about the system. It's a fucking farce. A blatant, open, festering wound, and they need to realize it. That's why I say first step, flick your affiliation back in their face.

HRC hired DWS not 2 hours after she stepped down. What a slap in the face.

I noticed that too.

"She's a reprehensible cunt........ but....... I just love her to death! Get in here... and give mama a hug... Who wants a new job? Who's a good girl?"

Her hatchet girl. Not exactly like turdblossom Karl Rove, but she did the dirty work. Her reward will be great. PS, DWS is an Israeli dual national.


I don't think Bernie is actually. But has been there, lived in a kibbutz when young. Oh well, stick a fork in it, it's done. I agree, it should be illegal.

The entire system needs rebuilt around our modern society.

Oh, fuck that shit. Take a course in constitutional law from a CONSERVATIVE university.


You're fucking nuts. If world government is what you want go vote for Hillary, because she's fucking bringing it. World government is on it's way so I don't see why you're upset. FreeEarth2020? For real dude? Free from the restrictions of a constitution, more like. Who needs liberties when we have the TTP? Shit supercedes governmental constitutions. That's your world government. All Hail the United Corporate State of the Rothschild Consortium.


Governments always start out with good intentions, but inevitably become corrupt. The Constitution isn't some paper we should blindly follow, it's a letter to a future society that serves as a warning in case the gov't starts to mess with those rights.

What do you think your world government will looks like in 200 years? It will be about as corrupt and insidious as the US gov't is today. Except on a global scale.

Anarchy rules.


we've only discovered one means to effectively govern--or so we say

You need to read up on some history. For example check out sortition from ancient Greece.

Also.. I don't understand how you can write everything you just did, but advocate for a world government? Corruption seeps into every power center. No matter what schemes are devised for accountable governance.. after a few hundred years corruption will have found it's way back in.


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It is normal to hold out hope against hope that somehow the system is going to revert to what it used to be, or to what they told us it was. But, the system was never what they said, and nothing is going to "change" no matter how hard we "hope".

The USA is not a democracy. It is a type of Fascist state where the elections, political parties, and the government are controlled by the wealthy people and corporations.

The US has 319 Million people and 2 political parties. Think about this fact for a moment.

The only way out would be massive organization. Most people are too busy working, or too burned out, or drunk, or high, or watching TV or porn or whatever to know or care.

We have no good future ahead of us.


Well, we have the technology so that we could have direct voting at least in the US about every issue. But, this will never happen because it would mean that the 1% could not control the outcome.

Porn Party for the win ;-)

Maybe merge it with the booze faction?

Sarah Silverman has probably..and actually may have eatin a bag of dicks during her time on earth

vote trump


ironic as I feel a vote for Hillary would be the way to make the world truly burn.


im with you. Go Trump fuck Hillary.

He's old, he's tired.. He's had his fun, got a little taste of some success, he can pack it in now, have a nice retirement with the stashed funds from the campaign and probably the extra bonus he got for this endorsement, tax free too I bet, this way he gets to enjoy his retirement a bit. Can you really blame him? I mean if he didn't bend the knee, murdering Killary would either have him Michael Hastings'ed or heart attack gunned.

YES! The fact that he is old and he can affect the whole youth community is the main main take-away point here. By sacrificing himself, he could finally have a made a huge difference. Instead, he chose the indirect way, hoping that his followers would sense the trickery and back off the establishment, whipe ensuring himself a rich and plentiful pension. (Or he sold out and became the puppet tonthe worst possible person on US soil)

Like they'd let an actual savior get anywhere near us.

Bernie is not our savior.

Took you long enough.

Almost just as bad. Surrounding himself with neocons already, can't you see this? George Bush 2.0 motherfucker. Mr 9/11 himself Rudy Guliani could not be more excited, doesn't that tell you something? Or do you not care about 9/11, only in r/conspiracy for the sick political memes.

Or do you not care about 9/11

Who did it.

Who pulled off 9/11? A group of supranational figures from the shadow government, specifically of Israeli Mossad and US intelligence, likely CIA. The 28 pages are just a ploy, because ultimately we are going to throw down the hammer on Saudi Arabia to make way for a Greater Israel project. Everything since 9/11 has been a conjoined effort towards the Greater Israel, including Syria, Libya, Iraq, and probably within the next decade we may see a war with even Iran, especially if Mrs. Clinton is to be the commander in chief.

Israeli Mossad

Good. You pass.

make way for a Greater Israel project.

Flying colors.

Thank you, it's the only conclusion that makes any sense to me.

we've all been fucked for awhile but bernie put the nail on the coffin

Don't compare Bernie to Ron Paul. Ron Paul has conviction with his principles.

Ron Paul was the real deal. He just came too early. He's still publishing, he's created homeschool curriculum, and from a personal perspective, I've read more books, studied more history and philosophy in my adult life than I likely ever would have.

For some reason I kept thinking about Bernie Sanders being no Mance Rayder at the moment he uttered those final words endorsing Criminal Hillary.

Sad to see Bernie bend the knee.... Yeah, I know, the allegories run thick through the entire scene. (for some laughs that are not so funny think of the Electing of Trump as The White Walkers, Hillary as Stannis and Melisandre as the DNC-MSM)


I did not want to cast Bernie as Jon Snow for some reason...my head works kind of funny, the best I could do was to cast Bernie's supporters as The Free Folk who were watching, and Bernie as both Jon Snow and Mance Rayder..

But then I sort of vacillated and tried to cast "The Bernie I Wanted" as Mance Rayder in my head...if that makes sense...lol

Eh, Ron Paul wasn't pretending. He never turned around and endorsed the establishment's selected war pig.

that's the meme.

Me and Nate Diaz called it already.


it's not over ;)

Wonder how much Silverman got paid to say that

Yes, yes! Let the rage flow through you.

Now say it with me:

Open source direct democracy or death.


Yes! For those that stand in the way of the future.

Its about time you figured that out.

Even though a majority of Bernie Sanders supporters will disagree with his economic policy, I think that you and they should take a hard look at Gary Johnson. The anti-corruption candidate as I like to think of him.

I'm voting for him.

Unfortunately the system has been designed to make people counter-vote. So, for instance, whenever I encourage someone to vote for Johnson they always say the same thing: "You are wasting your vote because he can't win." After I explain to them that is a self-defeating approach to voting. They follow up with "You have to vote for major candidate A because major candidate B will win otherwise." (Insert the Democrat/Republican pair for A and B). So people never end up voting for someone, instead they vote against the other guy from the pair given to them by the MSM and DNC/RNC.

Essentially it amounts to the perfect system of fake democracy.

Isn't it obvious that Hillary bought Bernie's support for the price of killing or delaying/changing the TPP? TPP is Obama's baby; Obama will give a speech at the DNC and Bernie just declared the Hillary will kill the TPP. This is huge.

Could not agree more.

Check out Gary Johnson, please.

It will do your heart and the country some good.


I'm fucking pissed, and not quite sure why I expected anything to go differently.

Hope. You thought Bernie was the Hope and Savior. Hope and fear, the 2 emotions that control us.

If it makes you feel better, he and his family was probably threatned. Still a man of courage would have followed through.

and not quite sure why I expected anything to go differently.

I'm not quite sure why anyone expected Bernie to be the real deal. I'm not from the US though, so I'm just watching the circus from the outside, but it was quite obvious from the start that it was all a charade and that Bernie and Trump are actors on the pay roll of Wall Street, Israel and the military industrial complex. They might claim otherwise, but it's really nothing more than empty rhetoric.

Feel the Bern out.

I find little peace in joining you all in this thread. It saddens me that Bernie did not stand up for himself. I've seen more pro Bernie car stickers than any other candidate. Trump came second, then Hillary for prison in third. Believe me, I've been counting.

All I can say now is this...I hope we've been wrong all along about Hillary. I hope she does a good job. I hope her actions succeed in Bernie's vision, after she constantly claimed they were the same. I hope we don't fuck with international matters that we don't belong in anymore. I hope she does indeed make the banks to "cut it out". I hope universal healthcare becomes a reality. I hope our theories about her remain just theories. But I know I'll be proven wrong on most of those. If we lived in a world where those would be realities, then Bernie would have won...

We killed our saviour a long time ago.


He may have made mistakes, but he told the truth. And because of his mistakes the enemy will never let us tell the truth again.

Bernie was never on your/our side. He was always with them.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ Some context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROGnoNJc6Nw

Oh and neither is Trump. It's all just a game to them. And their goal is complete domination.

Thanks for this good link.

I have seen this video before, but perhaps it was version 1.

It is very interesting to see what he was actually saying instead of just hearing the speech without any translation.

The only man to ever fight the banks.

edit: oh, and Andrew Jackson.

Man I just can't believe we live in a world where this man is universally recognized as the most evil person ever. Seriously? What the fuck, man. Listen to him. Then listen to Hillary. What the fucking fuck.

Unfortunately both Hitler and Jackson also had the awful vice of targeting an ethnic group with violence. So no they weren't our saviors by any means. But unlike most of what we always hear, they did hold to other ideals that went a long way toward it. It's very unfortunate b/c so much of the good got thrown out with the bad -- and that is largely why things are the way they are today.

Oh I'm with you. What I mean, is that at least in my state, it takes about 2 minutes in an online thing. They are going to shit their pants when they see how many people leave the party. Call it pettiness. It's richly deserved. HRC hired DWS not 2 hours after she stepped down. What a slap in the face.

I'm entirely in agreement about the system. It's a fucking farce. A blatant, open, festering wound, and they need to realize it. That's why I say first step, flick your affiliation back in their face.

The entire system needs rebuilt around our modern society.

Oh, fuck that shit. Take a course in constitutional law from a CONSERVATIVE university.

The email leaks should trigger an investigation into the corruption that it revealed: that our system is rigged to the fucking core.