We can not let them delete /r/SandersForPresident. The subreddit is too important to the movement and it isn't the mods place to decide they will delete it.

37  2016-07-26 by [deleted]



ROFL! They took all your money and now they're closing up shop. Socialism!

We're all frustrated, but you can't believe this was closed from the inside?

Either way, it was the ending that many of us saw coming ever since they began pushing for donations.

Start a new one sanders2.0 or something why would you want to stay in the current one when you know the mods are compromised... at least you have a chance of starting fresh with better mods... a subreddit isnt the movement the people are... if you build it they will come


Nope, try making a post. Nothing has been allowed in the last 3-4 hours.


Even the excuse makes no sense. The mod said he did it because his name is linked to his account and he was getting death threats so he decides to shut down the entire subreddit. Wouldn't that just piss more people off and in return make it more likely that he will receive hate mail? Why not just stop being a mod and delete your account. It makes no sense.

The mod let the EnoughSandersSpam subreddit know about the shutdown before he informed his own subreddit.
This link is from a now deleted submission on EnoughSandersSpam

What did that say I'm curious

Not sure what you are referring to but here is a screenshot of what vermonty_phyton submitted to the EnoughSandersSpam subreddit.

Incidentally, it appears r/EnoughSandersSpam has been hijacked by somebody

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So how will you stop them? It's business. They can do what they want.

They have no problem killing us

r/Political_Revolution is where you need to be

It's Hilary's camp's choice, guaranteed. After Sanders receiving a standing ovation for nearly 5 minutes and being the only speaker who didn't receive a single boo, The Cunt probably paid someone off with the means of getting the sub cancelled. Don't be mistaken, this sub has been corrupted for a while. I was banned months ago for saying "#NeverEverEverHillary, and was never un-banned. Every attempt I made at messaging the mods ended up in me being muted, despite how polite and composed my inquiries were. Scumbags. I think we all know what the next step in this dance is... The powers that be have made it clear they aren't going to give us anything.

We can't let them take the Internet from us, and Hillary will in a second if she's ever elected. Let's meet them in the streets, at their houses, at their places of work. And do what needs to be done

The balcanization of S4P

I'm fine with it. Bunch of suckers.

Hillary Hillary Hillary!!!! Hey BernieBros thank you for your contribution to the Clinton campaign. We will honor bernies views and work hard to make an America that you and Bernie can be proud of. Bernie, Hillary and the rest of us welcome you with open arms. r/hillaryclinton #imwithher #unity #endorsedbybernie

Is this a joke account? Everyone knows that Hillary supporters are only shills online. You do know that, right?