Conspiracy theorists only: WTF is going on?

4  2016-07-26 by [deleted]



What's going on with this sub is a better question

Where is Jessica Hyde?

Becky is a rat.


Yes she is, Arby.

My name is Piertre.

Don't the chocolate covered raisins make you fart?

Tell me why you think Becky is a rat.

If you have to ask the question you wouldn't understand the answer.

Ok sure bro.

Something really bad is going to happen. Pretty much next year we might see world war iii and the end of America.

A whole bunch of conspiracies, theoretically, man...


Until they actually start rounding up the guns, I'm not sure they're going to make their move. Maybe they release some kind of virus. Not sure at all.

I don't really understand your question. Edit: I tried to answer it anyway. We'll see if I'm in the ballpark or not.

If our problem in the US can be summed up in one word, I think it's "plutocracy." The solution is to restore democratic function to the forms of our government. That's a start, anyway. It will be necessary to reverse court decisions that have redefined corporations as persons and money as speech, for example. This will require mass public protest driven by the recognition that a state of class warfare exists between the super-rich (including corporate and government decision makers) and the American public.

Instilling this awareness is very difficult, but it seems to be coming along pretty well these days.

Re-regulating the financial sector (which is currently based on accounting fraud and public bailouts) and rebuilding the US manufacturing sector would be key steps following campaign finance reform. Ending regulatory capture in general, not just in the financial sector, will be necessary.

On a different note, I wonder if the country can change without a change of heart. And personally, I only know of one power that can change a person's heart for the better. So I would say that this country needs to get spiritual, and I don't mean churchy.

We also need to rededicate ourselves to democratic principles and universal human rights.

We need to teach language, writing, logic, and rhetoric in primary and secondary schools so that we equip ourselves with the ability to think critically and to self-reflect. Citizens need these tools to govern themselves effectively and to guard against would-be usurpers of authority.

Those are a few things I can think of off the top of my head.

Wet shits + fan = 2016 in a nutshell

There is an unsettled undercurrent of panic / unease here on the east coast. Just from personal experience, people are driving crazy, road rage is up, everybody seems on-edge. I'm 36 -- talking to people of my parents generation, nobody can remember a time when the power elite / political elite have not bothered to hide the background process of "democracy". Its almost like they don't care to hide the corruption - the populace is alternating between being scared of the police, tuned out by TV or firmly set in tribal camps (not trump / not hillary). I think a spark is all thats needed to set off a lot of people. Either way I see the spark happening - if Trump wins, there are going to be lots of angry pissed off, scared people who are terrified of his persona / public image. He might be a pragmatic president - but I don't think he'll be given the benefit of the doubt. If Trump loses, I see lots of angry disaffected primarily white men possibly taking to the streets. They don't have the job skills to function in the new on-demand tech based economy, they don't like the coming demographic change that is happening in the US and they are finally understanding that the party that was supposed to be looking out for their interest sold them a bill of goods while shipping jobs overseas. Not that the Democrats did them any better.

We thought we were change. We thought we were contributing to change.

Turned out we were bored and just needed infotainment.

Alternative media is infotainment

/r/conspiracy is infotainment

We are docile. We will do as we are told. Some will whine more than others, but that's about it. We have no balls. There are no men.



The solution is to forget the system and focus on yourself. Introspection. The rest are just distractions and mind poison.


Rule 5 first warning.

how can I be " inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic" on a post entitled "WTF is going on?"?

There's no content...

I have no idea what you're talking about, rule 5 is "no stalking or trolling". And the rule applies to all posts here, regardless of what you think of them.

Yes. I followed the link in the sidebar. I'm certainly not stalking anybody...

I haven't made an argument as there's no thesis here to counter. There's no thesis so therefore I can't be extraneous or off topic. Considering the implication of vulgarity in the title of the post, it's unlikely that I've upset anybody or provoked an emotional response beyond what is expected in a post titled WTF... Just an odd place to get warned about trollin is all... good times tho.

You have the perfect username for being shadowbanned. You should mod tipofmytongue.