Question for the mods and general discussion: With the recent revelations of DNC collusion with clinton, the email scandals and all the other bullshit the DNC is pulling, including the possible cover up via murder, has there been an increase in traffic to /r/conspiracy?

40  2016-07-26 by ZapPowerz


It's kind of hard to tell because May/June numbers were down (lots of users partying, enjoying weather?)...July 21st shows a spike in unique users, but not in page views.

I'm going to ask the other mods if I can post an imgur of the numbers (shouldn't be an issue but might take a few minutes).

Im just shocked that with all the conspiracy confirmations lately, there has not been an increase in traffic here. Are we in some kind of reddit black hole? LOL

Well, yes. The vast majority of redditors never see a post from /r/conspiracy on their front page. Reddit admins ensure that you only see our posts if you have actively subscribed to the sub.

That explains why i never see the content of this sub when i am in work, can't have logged in sessions

I suspect a great many browse reddit without ever creating an account or logging in. Add them to equation and we're invisible to about 99% of people who use reddit.

I did not know that. Thats some censorship right there.

Not the results I expected. Thanks.

That's because all those users are going to r/the_donald where they can get the same news you'd get here minus the disinfo pushed here, all the shills and the all-knowing 15 year olds. I used to come here multiple times a day, now all that time is spent at r/the_donald, not because I'm a trump fan as much as I enjoy all the woke people conversations there.

Lol satire I assume.

i used to be here a few years ago when there were 90K subscribers, now there are 4 times that

it pays to shill these days.

and 28 pages

I'm here from /r/s4p with sadness and suspicion

Lol satire I assume.

That explains why i never see the content of this sub when i am in work, can't have logged in sessions

I did not know that. Thats some censorship right there.