I propose Bradley Manning is not a trans woman, but is being tortured by gender reassignment.

33  2016-07-27 by lily_levasseur

"I had to ask for permission to use a toothbrush, toothpaste, and toilet paper, and when I was done, I had to give these items back," she says. "I only got through it through humor. I just laughed at the entire situation. It became such a comical joke to me after a while. Unfortunately, you can't reason with absurdity. It's hard to lose your sanity when you're living in such an insane situation."

She gets visits from friends and relatives, including regular visits from her sister. The prison forbids visits from people Manning did not know prior to her confinement.

She works out in the gym and has a job in a woodworking shop, which she describes as "very fun, actually."


In a first for the Army, Chelsea Manning, the convicted national-security secrets leaker, has been approved for hormone therapy for transition to a woman at the Army's Fort Leavenworth prison, according to a memo obtained Thursday by USA TODAY.

Manning sued the federal government for access to the treatment.



Every now and then, a story comes along that captures everything wrong with modern America.  The Army’s decision to pay for hormone treatments so that convicted national-security leaker Bradley Manning can transform into Chelsea Manning while doing time in Leavenworth is such a story.


In contrast:

"...in keeping Manning locked up alone for 23 hours a day over an 11-month period in conditions that he also found might have constituted torture.


He said Manning's conditions were being used "as a warning to future whistleblowers" and added: "I find it tragic that it is Obama's administration that is pursuing whistleblowers and imposing this kind of treatment."


Manning faces four charges including disrespect, disorderly contact and medicine misuse after officials discovered an expired tube of toothpaste in her cell, according to a statement on ChelseaManning.org out Wednesday.



I have always thought there was something suspect about this. In what world would someone who is being kept in Manning's conditions be considered mentally stable enough to qualify for reassignment therapy?

This is an excellent point. No one in prison should be considered sane enough to endure reassignment.

I did not mean that being in prison would signify that he was not mentally stable enough- I don't know anything about that. I just mean that gender reassignment is a big deal and patients normally have to go through some psychiatric evaluation. Being alone with nothing to occupy his mind for nearly 24 hours a day for months on end would no doubt take a toll on his mental health.

The thing that got me is that I've always understood transitioning to be a long process with at least a year's worth of preparation after the decision has been made by a doctor to go ahead. How long was he in prison before getting the snip? It's also a bit odd that a new prisoner convicted of something a bare step away from spying should be given such a big 'reward' so early in the sentence.

I've asked this before to no avail but has anyone ever looked into the existence of Chelsea before Bradley joined the military? It wouldn't be the first time a woman has posed as a man and gotten away with it and I could see the trans story as neat cover-up of such a monumental blunder.

Of course. It's a good point, regardless. Thank you.

>"Do you remember how we thought of Franco?" says his wife. "Imagine being able to turn off the Generalisimo." Delgado responds "But who could have put the electrodes into the dictator? With electromagnetic radiation we could have controlled the dictator from a distance. We did some experiments at Yale where we influenced the brain from up to 30 meters away."

Psychocivilization and Its Discontents: An Interview with José Delgado http://cabinetmagazine.org/issues/2/psychcivilization.php

Some of Dr. Delgado's "accomplishments" with mind control, obtained through FOIA, are discussed here: > Brain electrode experiments were also conducted in humans. Dr. Jose Delgado, [51][52][53][54][55][56][57] a neurosurgeon and professor at Yale, received funding for brain electrode research on children and adults. He was able to control the movements of his animal and human subjects by pushing buttons on a remote transmitter box. In one paper, Dr. Delgado describes the cats as "mechanical toys." P. 87-89

>An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remote stimulation of his brain electrode: [58] "Electrical stimulation of the superior temporal convolution induced feminine striving and confusion about his own sexual identity. The patient, an 11-year-old boy, said, 'I was thinking whether I was a boy or a girl, which I'd like to be,' and 'I'd like to be a girl.' After one of the stimulations the patient suddenly began to discuss his desire to get married to the male interviewer. P. 89


>We take up Delgado's research on electromagnetic fields and their effect on people. "I could later do with electro-magnetic radiation what I did with the stimoceiver. It's much better because there's no need for surgery," he explains.


My friend /u/curiosity36 posted this reply to someone else who commented this same theory.

Wow. Fascinating. Thank you. :)

Lots more info at my site if you're interested: www.unitedagainstmindcontrol.wordpress.com

bookmarked! thank you :)

You're welcome! It's worth looking into. Even if it's not happening to Chelsea, the this presented are true. The best thing to do is understand what is happening around us so we can make choices based on a clearler understanding. :)

Thanks, hope you're doing well :)

Or it could be a psyop, to eliminate support for Manning and his leaks among trans-phobic conservatives and libertarians, who would have been more apt to be supportive of him otherwise.

I actually agree with this one. When you factor in how long Manning was kept in solitary confinement there was plenty of time for some 'testing' and to make an example out of him for other whistle blowers. The fact that the government is picking up the tab and expediting treatment when the VA is a total mess and many others are having a hard time waiting to even see a doctor is icing on the cake.

Right? Most vets can't even get a flu shot!

Edit: thanks

Why wouldn't he say something about this though? Doesn't he write letters to fans or make blog posts somehow? Wouldn't he speak up about this torture?

I'm positive any outgoing correspondence would be filtered or censored first by prison operators as to not let him tell the full story.

I had this very thought the first time I read it. That they sissified him on purpose as a humiliation tactic because he is weak and small; and they wanted also to send out a mafia message to all would-be whistleblowers; and finally this served as confirmation that the CIA/Intelligence Community has been subverted by a cadre of occultists executing a grand globalist game plan (scroll to goals:singularitarianism) that includes indentity and gender-contortions as a human-instrumentality avenue towards human transgeneics and cybernetic transhumanism. The "get you to the robot" plan.

Wouldn't doubt it.

All “reassignment” is torture, by definition. Trannies are mentally ill and need actual help, not enabling.

Ah, but this is something different. This is forced transition as torture.

I believe so as well. Why would they otherwise allow an inmate to voluntarily undergo the surgery and pay for it as well

That alone is worth questioning. We are a country who waterboards, rapes & electrocutes prisoners for fun. Why in the world would we ever help out someone with a dismorphic issue? It's bizarre - unless it pushes the narrative.

Just. Dumb .


Seriously, why? What kind of silly shit is this? The government has the power to do WHATEVER it wants. And you think making someone a girl against their will is their first choice? Humor me. Why do you think this? He/she clearly has mental issues. The STATE prisons will pay for and allow gender reassignment surgery. Why is Bradley any different in a Federal prison?

It's not silly - bear with me on this. There are several comments above I'd implore you to read.

But meantime, let's ask ourselves:

Why would a prisoner get such special treatment? Why would we spend money to help him transition?

Those questions should be major red flags right there.

But then consider: What would be the best way to shame him? What are most of our troops afraid of? What torture could keep him silent after his release? How is he most discredited amongst other troops?

It's a plausible theory. It's not only torture, but sends a stern message: keep your mouth shut - keep your dick.

Oh. Ok. This is not A sane argument. He is not getting "special treatment" http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-inmate-transgender-20150810-story.html

He could be killed to be silenced. I think that seems a little more plausible. I'm done now.

But seriously, my supposition is (I'm conjecturing here, not stating any facts) that Bradley Manning's transition is not voluntary at all. One of the biggest clues to me is that they named him "Chelsea" after Secratary Clinton's daughter (when she would've been the person harmed most by his leaks). I'm not saying he's not gay or straight - I'm not making any statements about him at all except that I believe he may be being tortured by forcibly going through gender reassignment as torture & an attempt to publicly shame him as well as sending a concise message to future leakers.

It would be a strong message, no?


Wow, you've convinced me. Powerful argument there.

3 comment history. Thanks for joining in.

"Throwaway" is right. You are dismissed.

Removed. Rule 10.

He is not getting "special treatment"

Actually - it was a first. The manning release was made 2-15, your link (also a "first") is 8-15. That's about as "special" as it gets.

Indeed. Why would they do that for someone they consider a traitor and are already torturing? It makes no sense.

He could be killed to be silenced.

That wouldn't silence anyone else. People who do this expect they might be killed.

What could be a better deterrent for cis male potential whistle blowers than the idea that they might be forced to come out to the world as trans and get sex reassignment surgery? They want people to suspect it's forced. They released the photo with the wig and black eye, for crying out loud.

Lots more info at my site if you're interested: www.unitedagainstmindcontrol.wordpress.com

You're welcome! It's worth looking into. Even if it's not happening to Chelsea, the this presented are true. The best thing to do is understand what is happening around us so we can make choices based on a clearler understanding. :)