Trump's AMA has gotten 13000+ upvotes. It's just been taken off /r/all.

230  2016-07-27 by -INFOWARS-

Censorship at it's finest.


It's on the second page of r/all but yeah this is blatant censorship from the admins

He responded to about 12 questions and they are cumming on themselves. This website has been a shit show for awhile but especially recently. It is entertaining. It is also interesting watching a country fall apart.

I was pretty disappointed that he didn't answer more tbh. What he did touch on seemed like a lot of fluff.

He didn't actually have any concrete answers

I noticed that too. Apart from what is posted on his site, and press releases about issues that he's asked about, it doesn't ever appear he has anything substantial to give you on the spot.


Despite the lackadaisical performance he put in last night with the AMA. I still think he is one of the more genuine candidates. Not saying I agree with him on everything or really fully support him.

I just think it is fishy that the MSM makes all this effort to publicize him in a bad light since he's announced his candidacy.

It's looking more and more like there is nothing we can do but sit back and watch...

Unfortunately, that is what we will go down in history as. The generations who watched while the greed and corruption eroded our core.

The baby boomers ruined US.

Why are we just watching? I feel so helpless...

We are comfortable and dependent on very delicate system. It will be extremely hard and disruptive to try and change that system. The western type of lifestyle is not sustainable or achievable for billions of people though and something has to change.

I suggest localizing and generating as much as you can at home. Growing food, generating power, conserving water and generally trying to remove ourselves from the sick system. I have always wanted to build an Earthship but there are plenty of other building options too. I feel fortunate being born on Lake Superior and the vast majority are not as fortunate. Water will be important more than ever in the future and I am not moving.

Was there a time when Greed and Corruption didn't exist?

Before humans probably. It is a part of our nature.

I'd say its part of conditioning, money being the prime motive. If money wasn't there, people would still work and do things. It just may not work on a 7bn+ population, but it would work on smaller scale.

It was up for over an hour and Trump only responded to 1 comment when I saw it.

he's at a rally right now

Yeah I just checked again and he finally started answering....if it is him. Crazy amount of gilding over there.

I couldn't find it on the_donalds daily top , had to get it linked to me.

This isn't a Conspiracy. It wasn't going to be on /r/all because more people would have just flooded the AMA with Trump hate. I don't know why it matters, the mods would have just banned anyone that wasn't sucking Trumps dick anyway.

Unless it was changed, only pre-approved people are allowed to ask questions.

I believe it was something along the lines of having so much comment karma and your account being older than a month or so.

I see. Doesn't seem too unreasonable.

Thats not true at all It was a total cluster fuck in there

It's over 9000!

13k upvotes. But how many downvotes? Reddit's algorithm will move controversial posts down. Frankly, the guys answered 8 queations and banned +2500. You wanna talk censorship? Get real.

Edit: ready to receive hatred.

I understand that it likely had a TON of downvotes, but so did the nude Trump image and that stayed up long past the time the AMA got shoved to the second page.

And now the ama says it only has under 7,000 total votes (upvotes and downvotes).

It was stickied, stickied posts don't show up on the front page. Blame the_donald mods for that, there is no censorship.

Oh the irony. The most censor happy subreddit is complaining of censorship.

That is because no one is interested in Trump/


Maybe people simply aren't as stupid as you and don't want to waste their time reading shit said by a retard.

Because sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "lalalalalala" isn't retarted.

I noticed that too. Apart from what is posted on his site, and press releases about issues that he's asked about, it doesn't ever appear he has anything substantial to give you on the spot.