The Suppression of the Film, "Factor-8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal" -- documentary of how Clinton cronies knowingly sold HIV and Hep-C tainted blood to Bayer, et al, which infected hemophiliac children, killing hundreds and infecting 20,000 or more

180  2016-07-28 by 911bodysnatchers322

This blood scandal 'getting out' is widely believed to be why Vince Foster 'committed suicide'. It's been remembered as a "bayer blood scandal" since bayer got sued many times over from this, although their source was the arkansas prison system which sold the blood to canada. It is important to understand that this was a very widespread problem from the late 70s to 80s (7 yr period) among at least 3 major pharma blood brokers, bayer, baxter, and cutter and the origin was in fact a prison in arkansas.

Every company involved is at fault since they were supposed to 'trust but verify', have some semblance of quality control. That means you check the blood routinely, AND MOST SPECIFICALLY YOU DON'T SOURCE IF FROM A PRISON, since injection drug use and MSM (men-who-have-sex-with-men) sex and male-rape are commonplace; thus failing the first criteria of donorship, you don't take blood from someone knowingly HIV+ or having HEP-C. Furthermore, it would seem there was a financial incentive both on the donor side and the seller side to lie about the potential contamination factors.

The film was a comprehensive treatise on the subject, according to blogs. I wouldn't know. I've not seen it. Nor will I ever. And nor will you, unless you dig up a copy, for example in Russia or Japan or something.

The film disappeared because the filmmaker was threatened with murder. He was stonewalled by our government, by the prison system, by the police, by the FBI, by the DOJ. These 'authorities' broke into his home and stole his research materials, and committed other acts of intimidation including burgularizing him and slashing his tires. He's had to sue for information when it should be free under the FOIA. His private, personal information has appeared on the internet to intimidate and shame him, suggesting intelligenc-mafia tactics.

  • Factor-8 : The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal [Film] Suppression : Kelly Duda produced the documentary film[1] about the Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal[2][3], in which Clinton cronies knowingly sold HIV and HEP-C tainted blood collected from prisoners to Canadian pharma companies including Bayer, which was ultimately culpable for lawsuits when hemophiliac children were infected and died as a direct result.[4]. Although it was an award-winning film, Duda was sued, robbed, intimidated[5][6] and ultimately this film has been scrubbed from the internet.[6]
    • According to Joseph Farah of WND, "Duda, who has worked with CNN, the Canadian Broadcasting Company and Associated Press Television in their coverage of the blood-scandal story, says he was followed, sued, burglarized and had his tires slashed while working on the documentary" quoting Duda as saying,
    • “While making this documentary, I lost several things. I lost my president, my home state, my family, many friends, and my innocence.”
    • Despite having "worked as a consultant in two major class-action lawsuits in Europe and Japan where plasma from Arkansas’ prison system showed up." and having "assisted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in its investigation of the Arkansas prison plasma sales.",
    • "he has also been in talks with the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI about a possible investigation in the United States."[7].
    • Duda added, “It may sound sensational, but I assure you it’s true. In the process of making ‘Factor 8,’I received strange phone calls, I was followed, my house was broken into, my tires slashed, and sensitive information – including my personal notes – mysteriously appeared on the Internet,” recounts Duda. “I also had a gun pointed at the back of my head, there was a murder, and a key inmate informant was whisked out of state and put into isolation.”
    • ... Farah's article continues, 'He says when he went looking for Clinton’s governor’s papers to find state documents relevant to his investigation, he was told that 4,000 boxes had been hidden away in private storage and could not be found.'
    • “When I went to the Arkansas State Health Department to request records regarding disease rates at the prison and anything about the plasma program, I was stonewalled,” he said.
    • “I actually had to sue the state agency just to get access to its files that by law are supposed to be a matter of public record. When I went to the Arkansas State Police Headquarters key documents had disappeared. When complete strangers showed up out of the blue asking me what I was doing and with whom did I work for, I had to ask myself, ‘What’s going on here?"

For the "doubting thomases" who are so incredibly lazy that they just want to shit on this article with doubt, not bothering themselves to follow my links that took me a very long time to put together. HERE:

The president of HMA at that time was Leonard Dunn, a close friend of Bill Clinton and Vincent Foster.[1] He chaired Clinton's re-election campaign and was appointed by Clinton to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission.

[wikipedia, for lazy fucking dumb shit sockpuppet doubters]

sorry to everyone else for the language.


The fact that someone downvoted this just gives me no hope whatsoever.

Yep! But keep in mind. It's not "someone". You are a person interested in facts and the truth. Just like all other regulars here. It's HBGARY doing this vote manipulation on behalf of the Clintons / CIA. That's what's really going on.

They are trying to manage an internet based civil war and losing! Because we are the union and they are the confederates, ideologically and logistically


It's the concept of a hillary shill that gets me. The fact that nothing matters to them except their god head. Expecting someone to save you in politics is not different than religion and idolotry.

Facts are very dangerous to people who they could hurt. Each fact is a candle burning away their spiderwebs of lies.

I imagine their asses are pretty sore at this point, being they're spinning these webs desperately at double and triple time, as the awakening spreads globally.

They are just as steadfast in their agenda as we are in getting these criminals to hang in Victory Square.

I miiiight be able to get a copy of F8. I know the filmmaker...

The shit he's told me is nuts.

Edit: here's a video he had made for a Kickstarter campaign he tried a while back to to a sequel:

EDIT2: A user below found this on YouTube:

SERIOUS If you do post it, make sure you do so from a library, or using TAILS from a coffee shop. I AM DEAD SERIOUS. Don't use this username, create a new one, and post it through 7 proxies. I suggest actually getting a brand new laptop from walmart using an anonymous prepaid credit card from CVS, using tails from a coffee shop; then do your biz and then return it to walmart.

Given the nature of this particular content. That's what I would do.

Actually if you're a technical person, you could also load it up on freenet. It's slow as junk and terrible and absolutely no good as a replacement for TOR but it is censorship proof--that's it's point over speed. You put that crap on freenet and it's on LOCK and their whole london bridge will be falling down once it hits reddit

Nah brah I'll just post it on Facebook lol

Normally I'd laugh at that but not in this case.

Know with whom you're dealing. These people are mafia far worse than al capone.

Thanks for putting it here. Bodysnatchers is right though, people die all the time.

Wouldn't it be pretty easy for Assange to get a copy and post it World Wide?

You do great research work u/911bodysnatchers322 and people need to see this! I have watched Blood Brothers but I had never heard of this movie! Thanks for the post!

Edit: Here's some additional leads to research.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it and talk about it. Our awareness is key and very timely. I really just dug up something that wasn't well buried. The real credit goes to the filmmaker. I know he probably doesn't want anything more to do with this as he knows exactly what kind of mafia with whom he would be dealing. Which sucks. I kind of wish we had our own private Country so we could not have to deal with these vicious, reptilian assclowns

Get down to the bottom of this link! u/Btsftr just posted open links 1-10 of the movie!

Just up from the garden and my mighty self requires mineral salt soak, a rinse and some quiet, for a a few!

There are others, similar in here, that have fought and railed against these minions all their lives!

Dudda should be protected, secured and Free to disseminate his Reasearch! Keep pushing envelopes!

For those still interested **

Here it is. It's in ten parts. This is the playlist.

Use some plugin to download from Youtube and splice with a freeware util, if you like.

Got this one from 'the donkey' back in the day. Keep those p2p networks alive guys!

Edit: No fear ;)

** (paging /u/911bodysnatchers322 & paging /u/Rossaroni & paging /u/ridestraight & paging /u/unruly_mattress & paging /u/CaucasianEagle).

Holy shit!

Everybody! Archive this!

Thanks for finding this for us, Btshftr :):):) I just gilded.

Thank you for posting this.

Please, take 90 minutes and watch this film. And save it. Multiple times.

No problem! Cheers,

Question: was blood being taken from the prison used for blood transfusions for sick kids? Or to what purpose, if you know?

Tainted blood/plasma sent into Canada, UK, Japan that killed and infected untold hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. Watch "Blood Brothers" (on youtube) to get a snippet of the process that was being used. Also, the trailers for Factor 8 are still there...but one cannot find the full documentary!

Thank you.

Yes it was. Well for money for one; I am not sure they knew it would go to hemophiliac children initially, but certainly they found out after they got phone calls about it after the first couple of cases. The problem is, 1) they did this for over a decade. 2) they got it from prisoner blood which is ALWAYS a problem. Diseases spread through prison like wildfire, esp hiv/hepc from fighting, drug use, prison tattooing with pens and male rape. They didn't screen, they clearly didn't inform the recipients of the source (canadian pharma affiliates). It's very possible they even fenagled certifications and lied about the blood being 'clean'.

They knew what they were doing. They were extremely callous and inhuman in knowingly continuing the program. One could argue this was a genocide against victims of a particular disease, kind of a eugenicidal program. I think if the UN / World judiciary bodies had any integrity whatseover they'd have given this a much better investigation.

But that they didn't suggests that the clinton network extends out in ways we cannot even imagine (ie: freemasons, smom, jesuits and even well up the chain to the pope or something---I'm serious about this also--this is suggestive of empire-class mafia dealings)

I never heard this part of the story and I am not surprised at all but sickened.

Makes me think of that movie the Constant Gardener. And of all the "conspiracy theories" that HIV was created yo kill gays and blacks and junkies and purposely released again and again into the populations of certain cities and countries and is being done even today in 3rd world countries. The AIDs epidemic in Africa is created and sustained on purpose and as in the movie they hand out free drugs but are actually using these people as non consenting lab rats.

Today I lost respect doe an author I love when U found her on Twitter and saw just endless HRC love posts and Trump hate tweets. Now I want to show this to her and ask her if the wise healer and spiritual guide Nevyn would have voted for HRC. I couldn't vote for either but as HRC gets more and more heinous the more I learn I wish I had voted Trump. He probably is Goldman Sachs and TPTB puppet but at least he hadn't yet used his political office to profit off killing people whatever his crimes happen to be.

This matter of HIV is personal to me. I have hiv. I told my uncle--who lives in SF, is a progressive liberal with lots of gay friends and such, and who strongly supported Hillary--about this arkansas prison blood scandal. He didn't reply to me. He thought it was political. He ignored it. I wrote a follow up with the documentary. I said "this documentary was made well before she ran for office". I said, "hillary and bill knowingly gave 60,000 sick children hiv and hep c coinfections, killed 800 right away and foreshortened their lives by decades". He hasn't written back and won't talk with me. Which is fine, because I've already decided he's dead to me. If he didn't watch that documentary, then I have no reason to consult with him for the rest of my life. The world is full of really good people--I'm going to choose to spend my time surrounding myself with them.

Clinton has had this really good effect of helping you find out who is immoral around you and cut you off from them in a permanent way. She's made it very clear that there's a battle between light and dark and you telegraph your affiliation by which side your on.

This says nothing about Trump. He's not even a player in this conversation. This is about 1) you're for hillary, 2) you're against hillary.

And finally: when you know this story about the arkansas prison blood scandal, you realize that all the "trump is a nazi" accusations fall completely flat: because the clintons participated in a huge, suppressed, nazi agenda, genocide of sick children (eugenics / genocide) and have never faced the music for it.

Wow =( not even a look over for his nephew/niece? I'm so sorry. And not at all surprised based on my family experiences and so called friends. They are there until you ask for support that is unpopular or uncomfortable to them and their carefully constructed version of reality. It's a harsh lesson realizing people I had given so much of my love and time and energy and money to would turn their backs if I inconvenienced them at all.

And to have HIV and see this story and have people ignore it. =( I am so sorry. I have some serious health issues and they disabled and disfigured me and I know I am preferred kept at a distance. I need help finding a surgeon and convincing my insurance but not a single one is willinh to even let me stay with them if I need to be in Dallas for a drs appt.

Well, shame on them! You are absolutely right. We only have so many hours in our day why not choose to spend it with positive and caring people and not phonies and hypocrites.

I don't know if there are any links but we had a big scandal here in he 90s for something that happened in the 80 with infected hemophiliacs. 23 deaths. 1985 to 1987. This woman was implicated:

Don't know if there's any connection.

"he was told that 4,000 boxes had been hidden away in private storage and could not be found" This is at least the 4th time I've heard some version of this in relation to a Clinton scandal. At what point do we collectively acknowledge that no one is that lucky and these documents are being lost on purpose? Or at least acknowledge that we shouldn't keep putting them in charge.

You make a good point. Considering the other forms of harrassment I'd say those documents weren't lost but maybe taken away by that 'yup' guy on storage wars and set on fire.

Lost with the DOD trillions at the Pentagon and Enron at WT7 on 911 kind of lost. Maybe they were stored at OKC. Oops sorry judge those docs on the subpeona were hit by a plane and blew up.

MSNBC video interview regarding Bayer company selling Aids tainted blood. After they were caught, the US government allowed them to sell it over seas.

This sounds a lot like the song by B.O.B - Dr Aden.

Give it a listen, sounds borderline on the same topic.

This is getting ridiculous. Presumably tomorrow there will be a post proving that Clinton eats little puppies.

And yet she still won't be prosecuted for animal cruelty.

Why don't you look into the information to decide if it's legit instead of going on how it's ridiculous. You have to be able to at least entertain the possibility that the Clinton's are monsters.

I will, when I get home, but I know ehat I'm expecting to find.

So, u/Btsftr just posted the video! What have you found so far in your search?

Absolutely no credible information linking this story to Clinton. Haven't watched the video yet. I don't have high hopes.

Will you come back in and comment after you've seen the video?

Also, have you viewed the Clinton Cash video? If so, your comments?


Strawman would be me saying you're wrong because Clinton doesn't eat little puppies.

We can see right through your attempts to 'manage the dialogue' with doubt. You've been added to the list. You had better be ready to leave the country when she goes to jail.

Omg can't stop laughing

You're so dumb, Trevor

I'm not the one who keeps posting information that's mostly incorrect, making obviously wrong connection, claiming that doubt is a negative thing, deludes himself into thinking he's Madame Defarge, knitting people to death on an online forum and sharpens their swords cometh the revolution. I think that's pretty dumb.

Madame Defarge

I don't know / care who that is and stuff I post is sourced.

Why is it you sound like you're on the intended recipient side of said sharpened sword? I thought if you were here with us, you'd be on our side.

If I didn't know you think the NSA is disrupting your Internet connection, maybe I would care more what you think about me.

Oh... you gave yourself away there. You definitely don't belong here.

Are you going to threaten me too?

Take it easy on the weed man

The president of HMA at that time was Leonard Dunn, a close friend of Bill Clinton and Vincent Foster.[1] He chaired Clinton's re-election campaign and was appointed by Clinton to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission.


I'm just supposed to believe that Google Sites page you're quoting, right? Okay then.

Try wikiepedia. You'd know that if you weren't a worthless piece of human garbage. Here's the link TO THAT QUOTE you tried hard to pretend didn't exist because you think it's your job to gaslight the public with disinfo and doubt

The president of HMA at that time was Leonard Dunn, a close friend of Bill Clinton and Vincent Foster.[1] He chaired Clinton's re-election campaign and was appointed by Clinton to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission.

Finally an acceptable source for something.

Obviously there was wrongdoing there. Nothing by the Clintons though.

Please make a concerted effort to do your own research!

At this point, if you've ever lived in the same town or state as the Clintons, you're considered a crony, or if you die, it's a suspicious death.

Go eat a bullet Sorry that wasn't nice. Educate yourself or STFU

The president of HMA at that time was Leonard Dunn, a close friend of Bill Clinton and Vincent Foster.[1] He chaired Clinton's re-election campaign and was appointed by Clinton to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission.

Oooh, touchy.

Imagine that your mom got aids from a pharma company. I guess you'd be born with severe malfunctions from her weird drugs.

Oh wait, sorry man I just described your life and mind. My bad

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it and talk about it. Our awareness is key and very timely. I really just dug up something that wasn't well buried. The real credit goes to the filmmaker. I know he probably doesn't want anything more to do with this as he knows exactly what kind of mafia with whom he would be dealing. Which sucks. I kind of wish we had our own private Country so we could not have to deal with these vicious, reptilian assclowns