Holy fucking shitsnacks.

75  2016-07-29 by Balthanos

So I just heard some crazy shit.

There was a chick crying next door outside and I couldn't help but find out what was going on.

Her house she's renting was just bought out from her previous owner. The previous owner calls her and tells her the new owner is a scammer. The check used to purchase the property bounced.

The new owner of the property has a fake name. Dream green Abu mohammed or someshit. They LLC'd on Mecca street in Detroit. The checks are sent to an address in Dearborn that's not registered to any company.

This new landlord called her up and told her he needed her birth certificate, ss and license. She refused to hand over her birth certificate.

He calls back and says he needs to raise her rent to 550. She can't afford 550 and negotiates down to 450.

He then starts sending her threatening messages stating that he's going to evict her and gives her an ultimatum. Vacate the property immediately and collect 75$ or she's out at the end of the month regardless.

She tells him that she can't move within that time and is unwilling to negotiate. He gives her a typical mafia threat.

"You don't know me and the people I know. You don't want to mess with us."

After asking around I think this guy is related to


The name of the LLC they are working under is 10 sons and 2 sisters or someshit and everything about them links them to Dearborn.

I think these guys are going around and buying property in order to acquire identification and launder money.

She called the local police and they aren't taking the threats seriously.


I just want to let everyone know that the young lady went directly to detectives downtown and handed over her phone conversations and text messages. I've also handed them the articles you guys linked. I personally think feds need to get involved due to his behavior and profile.

DO NOT contact this guy or harass him. He probably is really dangerous.


Jesus, that is pretty fucked up. Poor girl.

She called the local police and they aren't taking the threats seriously.

What fucking good are these worthless "law enforcement" pieces of shit if they don't take these things seriously? Man. This is such a fucked up world and country.

Tell her to fucking arm herself. Get a shotgun and get ready to start blasting.

I know that's not realistic...but still.

I actually told her to Populate the house with male friends, get a gun and a giant dog. Today. I also told her to go downtown and talk to a detective. If the detective doesn't listen call the FBI.

All sounds about fucking right. Tell her to seriously do that shit.

Move anything valuable out of the apt assuming they have the ability to get in. Stop paying rent. If someone shows up to evict her. Slam the door, lock it and call the cops saying "I think someone is trying to break into my house". Also, consider talking to the neighbors and getting a group to complain. Harass the local enforcement until they actually do something. Just an idea...

Wouldn't disagree w/most of what you said, but the part about "stop paying rent" will play right into the hands of any law enforcement official against you. Don't do that. Pay rent, but fight against all the other shit that's going on as well.

Good point. If youre still in the lease, don't pay more than you've agreed to, and get proof of payment.

Exactly. Not only that, but even without a lease, you can show proof of precedent - i.e. show all the check stubs or credit card receits, etc or your rent payments establishing what your actual rent amount is. That way you'll have at least some sort of legal argument for how much you've actually been paying.

She might want to tell her story to local TV/radio news. These days, busting scams on local TV news seems to be a pretty big ratings booster (all the main channels in my city have a reporter that does nothing but that, every night), she could use that to her advantage if any of this is true. Especially with the terrorist angle. Good luck to her either way.

That's actually a really good idea. Use the MSM against them. The cops won't help, but if she goes to the news, they can run a story and get the word out on what's happening.

Agreed. Good thinking.

She needs to go to the dept of housing and urban development (hud) or dept of consumer affairs or CFPB, see if they can intervene, get her a new place quickly and cancel her lease with their superpowers. This is why that agency exists--to protect renters against abuses.

She could explain this to her boss and get time off to deal with this situation. If they don't give her time off, she could get HUD after them as well

This is all very correct. Well-stated.

"law enforcement" lol

Yeah...exactly. :/

More like "protectors of the corporate state".

officers of the court

I'd say many don't even deserve the term officer applied to them. Too good for a lot of them.

Not all of them, of course...but far too many, unfortunately.

coffin-sirs of the court

i fix for you

Definitely that too, unfortunately.

if this is happening in the detroit-area, then you should know they are some of the laziest, corrupt, drug-planting piece of shit cops in the nation.

Jesus. That's frickn' terrible. As said elsewhere in this thread, however, it might not be a bad idea for the girl to actually take this situation to the MSM news. They'll likely cover it given that they're often hard up for covering any type of situation like this w/a headline like "grave miscarriage of justice!" or something. Any angle they can use to sensationalize shit...but on this occasion, that tendency by the MSM can actually be used to the girl's advantage if they really play up all the horrible shit that's in fact really happening.

OP needs to tell the girl to take it to the MSM.

The IRS is always interested in money laundering scams and tax fraud. Time to call and leave a tip!

Or other Three Letter Agencies. If the links to certain activities from those guys are real, this could stir some action.

Unless they are there under their knowledge and those tipping on them are... reprimanded for interfering on some covert op. Damn it :/

Let her know that you can't have the rent raised on you like that nor can you be evicted in a short timeframe. If she has a lease he has to honor it and if he tries to evict her she needs to call the cops.

If she doesn't have a lease then she's month to month and he had to serve her proper notice and give her, typically, 60 days before he can start the eviction process. The cops will only get involved if he's physically kicking her out, otherwise it's a civil matter.

This is something you should post in /r/legaladvice, not /r/conspiracy

And how the fuck does a cheque for a house purchase bounce? Why would you transfer ownership before having the money? None of any of this makes sense.

Post it in /r/RBI. They get this sorted out in no time.

There should be a local "renter's rights" type of organization (either in the city or the state). Every state has different laws which govern real estate--but in general I don't hink it's possible for a new building owner to just call up a renter and inform them "I'm the new owner, Fuck You rent is now $xxx." Obviously none of this matters if the renter is facing a crime syndicate--but you would think the police would definitely want to know. Always much better to go to the station and talk to someone in person than over the phone.

One of the most important things to consider is: IS THE RENTER UNDER A WRITTEN LEASE and when does that contract end? When new owners buy a house with a renter--they are taking over whatever contract that renter is under (sometimes there is NO CONTRACT, but just a month-to-month). Every state has different laws--so best thing to do is for her to go to the police station--they might even help her find a local/county or state renter's rights organization...

Aye, I printed out all that info and gave it to her. There are free services for tenants dealing with unjust landlords in this city. I also gave her contact info for legal aid and housing authority.

Good Luck to her--hopefully she has a signed lease. If she does she should bring that with her to station along with the new owner's contact number. If the officer at the desk doesn't want to hear what she has to say she should ask for a higher up. If there is a syndicate in town--that could be a threat to the community (not just her). She should also be asking to see a copy of the sales contract which the new owner purchased the property with--THIS COULD BE A SCAM to get personal info.

Her house she's renting was just bought out from her previous owner. The previous owner calls her and tells her the new owner is a scammer. The check used to purchase the property bounced.

Looks like the key to solving the problem, right there.

The check used to purchase the property bounced.

Is this even possible?

Not really. No one with a functioning brain is going to accept a personal check for a transaction like this. They are done through a wire transfer and the funds are verified prior to closing.

Yeah, which makes me think that the original owner hasn't sold the property at all - HE is the scammer.

Yeah none of this story makes any sense. The girl has lots of rights as a tenant but it sounds like she might not want to get in these people's way. If she doesn't have a lease she should start looking for a new place.

Yeah, the detectives told them since the check bounced that Mr. Blue has no rights as a landlord.

I'm mostly interested to see if this guy is taken into custody. After seeing that he's been doing this same shit in multiple cities and had already been targeted by the media I'm wondering how he's still in operation in the first place.

Can you provide some more info on the scam LLC? The actual business name?

Ten Brothers and one sister Investments LLC

O, rly?



ID Num: E6003P


Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company


Registered Office Address: 13694 MECCA ST DETROIT MI 48227

Mailing/Office Address:

Formation/Qualification Date:2-27-2015

Jurisdiction of Origin:MICHIGAN

Managed by: Members

Status: ACTIVE

Date: Present

what the fuck type of name is SExual Sindeun Abdul Blue?

Yeah I noticed that. I would suppose it's a made up name.

Did you follow the link I posted and look at the scans of the original documents?

Yeah, very strange man.

Mister Blue is the name their landlord uses.

(213) 321-1106

That's a phone number I found registered to the LLC. I can't spoof my number right now so I didn't talk to them, but a man answered when I rang.

Dearborn Michigan is the most populated Islamic city per capita in the US, no surprise it came from there


Removed: Rule 1


She called the local police and they aren't taking the threats seriously.

You bet, this is pure unadultered crap, i would stay without paying anything ever again until justice gets involved, i would prepare for the eventuality that someone shows up though.

Tell her to call the feds.

Why is he the new landlord if the check bounced?

a rare instance where the three-letter-agencies can be your friend...

tell her to start here, and use every federal avenue possible


What a revolting fucking scumbag. Girl needs a big dog and some firearms. Can she bypass local PD and contact Homeland Security?