[Assuredly A News Agency] The Popular Website Reddit is in Open Revolt, as the User Base Comes to Realize that Only 4% of Reddit Traffic is Exposed to /r/all, While the majority of traffic, directed at the "Logged Out Front Page", consists only of subreddits hand picked by the admins.

223  2016-07-29 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

In light of the recent developments around reddit, there has been a large user uprising regarding what have been deemed "unfair practices" on the part of the reddit admins. This outrage centers primarily around the curious case of an Donald Trump's AMA from /r/the_donald, which quickly fell from the top of /r/all within minutes of being posted.

Users were quick to point out this strange behavior of the /r/all listings, which induced a response from reddit ceo Steve Huffman (/u/spez); in which spez detailed how the post had not in fact been subject to outside influence by the admins, but instead had fallen naturally as a result of voting patterns. However, some users were quick to point out that other submissions which has been posted simultaneously, and had far less voting activity, were still at the top of /r/all as the AMA was falling from view.

In a misguided attempt to quell user anger, spez was quick to point out that only 4% of reddit's overall traffic is driven from /r/all. This relatively innocuous statement may have been otherwise left to fall by the wayside, were a few quick thinking individuals not inclined to look a bit more into the ramifications of such a claim.

Staffers at the long running publication, Assuredly A News Agency, were able to reach out to a former reddit admin for comment. Asked if this pattern of behavior, only limited traffic being driven for reddit from /r/all, has been in existence for more than five years, the reply from this unnamed source was simply "yes".

In light of these circumstances, the only conclusion that can be reached in such a situation is that the reddit admins are acutely aware of the fact that the "logged out front page" (which consists of content culled only from "default subreddits") drives a majority of traffic for the site, therein rendering the votes and opinions of the sites most active users (those with accounts) irrelevant to the majority of the content on the site.

The danger of this type of situation exists when default moderators are given "special access" to the admins, via private communication channels, in such a way wherein reddit users have little to no say in the way content is curated for a majority of reddit's readership.

As of now, a request for comment from the reddit admins has gone answered at the AANA offices. We will update this story with any new developments.


This is why Aaron Swartz had to go.

And he wasagainst the sale of reddit as well.

It was sold to the seventh largest media family in the world. .and no it isn't "independent now". They still own it and control it.

Maybe they are trying to take away an open forum of info for when the shtf this fall?

What's supposedly going to happen this fall?

I don't know, but it sure looks whack as shit.

Why is anyone here still surprised at this? Reddit is media.

Lets see if I can get shadowban.

First off many here know how reddit works and some don't so lets outline the methods. Number one is reddit makes money or its goal is to. So how do they do it? Well reddit gold that is give. By admin isnt tallied in the percentage of goal each day.

I know this because an admin on the way out gave me 6 years cause he and I are good friends. So seeing as gold is just a way to seed posts into view we can assume much is given away more so then bought.

When I got it I checked daily percentage for a jump in the amount. It never did. Thats how I came to this reasoning.

So what's another way to get money? Well clicks and views from ads. There is almost always a promoted post now each time I get on a page.

So then how is it that they can make the money? Its simple exposure to the user base from the ads. This is where it gets tough to explain .

Some subs existence is toxic to say the least. Well SRS is one of the worse. Thing is they are not normal users on the mod team. Its admin and the way you can tell is how they are still here.

They also defend reddit standing by attacking other sites like voat. When the last exodus happened (after the blackout when chooter left) voat got a massive spike in membership. Well SRS went full defence.

They tried to take over many defaults. It didnt work because of the methods akto set up. So they had to cut the money since voat worked on donations. They did this by planting child pornography onto a subverse and instantaneously reporting it to paypal.

It happened within minutes of the report to akto saying the paypal donate was gone because they didnt want to be associated with that.

That was a massive hit to voat because it was on everything they were part of. Then SRS laughed and joked about it in a post. The post was quickly deleted from reddit. I saw that shit and just shook my head.

Then after thst slowly more and more subreddits that were against reddit got taken over it was and is always SRS. Reddit is controlled by them in so many ways. They wanted to make a common enemy because its much easier to unite a group with a common enemy then it is a hero.

They made this to generate controversy within each community. Like punishable faces. A message sent to agentlame and flytape? Yeah we dont know what message was sent first. Its just them always.

Now they control every default in one way or another. Its no free speech anything reddit never was. It is media control. Many users have admitted to using reddit as a source for news that is breaking.

Think about that and how sad it is you would use this place as a source for news.

Interesting write up, thanks for sharing.

It happened within minutes of the report to akto saying the paypal donate was gone because they didnt want to be associated with that.

Did you notice that within weeks of that happening to vote, reddit introduced "quarantined subreddits" which don't support gold (paypal)...

Think about that and how sad it is you would use this place as a source for news.

Well, users in the know do have the ability to find the uncensored subs; but I take your point, for the average user this is no longer a mechanism for breaking down narratives and propaganda within news.

Interesting write up, thanks for sharing.

Not a problem I hope it helps others to understand more of reddit.

Did you notice that within weeks of that happening to vote, reddit introduced "quarantined subreddits" which don't support gold (paypal)...

Not really. Soon as reddit banned coontown I was only coming to view this page and all. Before you go with the reeeeeee you are racist. Ask my reasoning and I will explain as I got nothing to hide. Also I moderate the equivalent to coontown on voat. I hate the name. Wish we could change it.

Well, users in the know do have the ability to find the uncensored subs; but I take your point, for the average user this is no longer a mechanism for breaking down narratives and propaganda within news.

How many people do you think really care enough to dig for shit of substance on reddit? How many really just are here to pass time while they are on the shitter?

I have burned thru two accounts. One you might know adhdferret as I was shadowban when cupcake1713 cut the sandy hook thread where the user linked all the home owners info and family history.

She said something cant member what but pissed me off. I called her on it and boom ban. Later asked her she said I was a creep. Likely bans so many she doesnt member. I went and looked into her username.

Found out why she was involved in the thread.

as I was shadowban when cupcake1713 cut the sandy hook thread where the user linked all the home owners info and family history.

I do indeed remember...

Later asked her she said I was a creep. Likely bans so many she doesnt member. I went and looked into her username.

Found out why she was involved in the thread.

Uhh well I wont ask you to go into detail, but you're always welcome to come chat on irc sometime if you'd like to dig into the issue more. Cupcake has always been interesting as a reddit persona, but she has left the company at this point fyi.

Ask my reasoning and I will explain as I got nothing to hide.

Indeed, so why did the coontown banning upset you?

The banning of coontown was because of theyllowrose. She mods many subreddits based on black community. Thats fine actually as I see it.

She and her marry band of sjw saw fit to rid reddit of coontown soon as it got popular. Well coontown was always said to be stormfront run. It wasn't and it was heavily moderated. The slurs are just stupid people being stupid.

My role as I saw it was middle ground. People keep saying I am racist when all thruout my adult life its always been black people that caused problems. And its somehow ok to allow it.

When you notice it and say something you are a racist. Just instant. Screw that. Now I for one know killing anyone isnt going to help. Either is deportation. The only way is with kids and education. Thats my main deal and I push that.

Recently there was a story about kids mowing lawns in poor areas. Well fuck yeah! They wont take money either they do take gofundme which I did donate too. Because that is the tyoes of shit we need.

On via we have a problem which we are trying to keep in check. The Jews hate angle. Its tough and when I see it i always delete the post. Its got no place there as its not even the topic of the subverse.

White guilt is not an option. Thats the narritive reddit wants thou.

My role as I saw it was middle ground. People keep saying I am racist when all thruout my adult life its always been black people that caused problems. And its somehow ok to allow it.

Yeah, I would see that as racist. Talking about the skin color of people 'causing problems' and then ignoring the worst actions in history being caused by whites (wars/genocide). I don't think 'white' caused the issues anymore than I think 'black' is a cause.

You say history as if I live in the past. I am living right now. Thing is that Baltimore was torn down by BLM. As was the blacks that ordered whites to the back of the march at the DNC.

Time and time again society says oh poor impoverished minorities. Why not everyone? I dont see cities like Bismarck ND getting torn down or Butte MT.

Why is that?

Maybe because the justice system there isn't screwing over people based on race/income as much as those other places.

What would you do if you are continually screwed over by the justice system and targeted, just lay there and take it?

Look at the outrage by the right complaining about hillary 'getting away with things'. Now, finally, the right is talking about how justice isn't equal - they wouldn't listen before, blew it off, but suddenly they see it as an issue.

Oh please. Blah blah broken record.

Dont break the law dont go to deal with the justice system. Thats nothing anyone cant figure out is it?

Before you throw some shit at me about police force I ask you what was the findings of the investigation? What was the history of the suspect?

If you are saying just cause I am native american I wont get fucked with by police you got some serious problems. I dont break the laws set by society. Thats how I dont get fucked with.

I dont give a damn about Hillary. I care about the fact that I cant travel within many black violent prone areas of Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, Jamaica NY, or anywhere else there is a congregation of blacks.

My wife will get messed with as will I. They see whites as a target and thats inherently wrong.

Each week black on black violence kills more then police do in a year. Innocent kids or parents get killed then no one saw shit and they blame police cause whatever bullshit.

I honestly wish they would legalize all drugs and let people kill themselves. Usually thats what shit stems from in this culture.

Each week black on black violence kills more then police do in a year.

So? Blacks aren't an institution. How many times does that to be explained to the less intelligent among us? The police are part of a broader institution run by the government so many around here whine about. And they are paid by us - but protected by others.

You can influence an organization you technically control (and that you employ) but only an idiot believes that you can do the same with every individual in the country.

So you protest and work for change in a realistic manner.

I dont break the laws set by society. Thats how I dont get fucked with.

Driving while black, arrested/detained because your skin color makes you suspicious, convicted at a higher rate because of same color, etc.

Seriously dude, you sound very ignorant - but that is common with racists (aka conservatives/republicans/trump lovers).

Tell you what then. You go ahead keep hating the world you live in and die miserable, but least you are still right in your mind......or you can grow the fuck up and realize that no one is out to get you or anyone else.

This world hates you....all of it. Dont worry it hates me and everyone else too. Doesn't mean I will sit around and cry about it. I will find ways to make it good for me. Unlike you that will do nothing save make reasons of why you can't do this or that.

You say I am ignorant, but I am not defending a bunch of people who's interest isnt my own. Thats what you are doing. Tell you what I want you to go in the middle of Chicago where crime is the most abundant and tell them how you will fight for their best and well being.

You wont thou cause you will get murdered. Bet it wont be a cop that does it either. Your whole thing is that you have no common sence. You think you do cause you can label someone so quickly and smile that you told of some racist trump supporter.

You didnt do any such thing. Because while you sit there in your hatred for the system that is so against you I am watching the sunrise across the field next to my house right now.

Telling my cat how insignificant you truly are.

LOL. You are dramatic, will give you that.

It isn't about hatred of the system, it is about fixing what is broke with it. Let me guess, you believe government is perfect and doesn't need any changes at all. That's ok. Not everyone does though.

And I have been to chicago several times (hit weiner circle up if you go there). And I don't have to walk about telling people shit, you simply vote for and/or support those with the same ideals as you. You educate folks as to the problem, and you point out problems where you see them - something you don't see because you believe our government is run perfectly and obama is a god I guess to you.

Remember kids, follow this guy and don't complain, just smile and accept the government you have.

Let me guess, you believe government is perfect and doesn't need any changes at all.

Strawmanning like a champ I see.

Go team Hillary !

No I am aware their are problems with the government, but if its not something I can change and doesnt directly effect me I wont dwell on it as it will do nothing but anger me.

You sure do make many assumptions upon my ideals. It only figures since you do nothing save speculation upon everything and little action.

I refuse to go into Chicago until the murder rate drops to less then 5 a week. Every week it averages around 12 killed. Unless they do something drastic even the 5th generation welfare mommy's cant hatch them fast enough to keep the ranks up.

"5th generation welfare mommy's"

You realize welfare has time limits, etc, right?

It is there to help those in need and most get it when they need it.

And remember, conservatives have been telling us that thanks to obama there aren't any jobs for people to get, unless they are making that up.

This is the types of people I am speaking of. She says someone needsto pay for all her 15 kids. Yeah she does.

Its not society that should foot the bill when she cant keep her legs closed. This isnt an isolated issue either. Its wide spread in urban areas with large numbers of minorities without jobs because someone will have them feelz.

worst actions in history caused by whites

Yet another imbecile who hasn't studied more history then reading from the back of cereal boxes.

You racist dimwit, ever head of the Assyrians ? You know what they used to do the the people they conquered ?

Or how about Chinese ? Ever heard of them in your silly little life ? Just look up how many peoples were erased from the face of the Eart by the Han people.

Or how about the Mongolians ?

Or the fucking arabs who massacred their way across Northern Africa, from the Sinai all the way to Gibraltar.

There have been countless wars of EXTERMINATION throughout human history, the vast, vast majority of them being waged by people from other continents besides Europe.

But you kill a couple of pow-wows and a few rabbies, and bam, your "the worst in history"

Ohhhh, I see. So now you are saying race isn't the cause and that it is everyone, not just blacks.

I agree.


we're all the fucking same

Except for the Belgians, fuck those Belgians

How is it that you imagine a group of people who wield the least amount of socioeconomic power in our society could possibly be causing most of the problems? Why, when you factor in the vast numerical odds against them as well, black people must be among the most efficacious humans in all of history to be majorly responsible for our society's problems!

Because of course black people aren't the source of problems in society. If society is wrecked(it is) and you are searching for the culprit, look for those who wield the power that could cause the damage you see. You are very likely focusing on a symptom of our broken society(I'm guessing crime rates in the AA community) and confusing it for a cause.

How is it that you imagine a group of people who wield the least amount of socioeconomic power in our society could possibly be causing most of the problems?

MO, MD, ILLINOIS. Want me to keep going?

Why, when you factor in the vast numerical odds against them as well, black people must be among the most efficacious humans in all of history to be majorly responsible for our society's problems!

Lol odds against them. All you focus on is history well I dont live in the past. Pretty much present time right now. I see them causing problems killing cops telling white people we owe them something when I had nothing to do with their problems.

You make excuses for shit behavior cause its easy to justify when shit happened way back when. Get your shit together and fix it.

You cannot fix a problem a problem if you ignore its cause. Understanding the root drivers of behavior has nothing to do with excusing any adult transgression against the rights of others. If you cannot separate understanding from judgment that's your problem, but I cannot imagine how any sane person could argue for societal level correction without first understanding the issue they want to redress.

Education of children is the best way to get change. That wont happen so the cycle begins again. Way it really started was affirmative action. When that started it told the generation that they will be accepted just cause of their race.

Until we repeal affirmative action its going to continue.

Yep, our education system is faaaar outdated. I remember doing a college paper on how ineffective our education system is. It is the way it is for a reason.

You're deflecting to a different canned argument. I don't think affirmative action is an ideal solution, but neither can I see any balanced assessment placing it anywhere near the top of the fix-it list. Focusing so strongly only it seems like a classic wedge issue tactic, to be honest. Divisive and distracts from the real issue and obvious solution, which would be focusing on the crushing income inequality currently robbing us all of a future.

Race politics is a rich man's trick to keep the poor fighting among themselves.

Its a step towards fixing it. Rich mans soultion or whatever it breeds ineptitude to minorities plain and simple. Same as no child left behind.

This country or any others that I can think of was made in fairness. It was made to give quality of life by the sweat of your brow. You dont like you current situation then alter it. Your job sucks? Find a better one.

Making excuses doesn't get you into a better situation. I see no reason to complain about such things as I have the ability to change. Those that I cant yeah I will.

Bunch of black people blocking the road so that it impedes my travel or say an ambulance with a dying man in the back yeah that is some shit we can change thru bringing it to light with sources.

Bunch of BLM activist telling white people to get behind them at a march for the DNC? I can show that shit too.

People say it should be fair. Well fuck that it isnt nor will it be and forcing people thru threats or riots is bullshit.

You see me as something that is easy to label and I doubt you will ever agree with me because its just an argument to you. I would rather a discussion without your pandering to those you say are less fortunate.

I have had no fortune in my life save finding the woman I married and her and I having a son. That is the ONLY fortune I have ever had. Everything else I busted my ass for and I dont mind continuing to do so cause that is what americans have always done.

These that say or livable wage and reddit is supposed to be the bastion of free speech need to put away the participation trophies and work for things they need or want.

so flytape is a prostitute, huh?

No. Why would you even ask that?

The front page gets spammed with "feel good" stories to divert attention from controversial stories etc

And irreverent nonsense to placate the masses and keep the mired in ignorance, yes.

I've seen this happen again and again since the 1990s. Kuro5hin opens as a counter to Slashdot editorial abuse. Only to gain a huge following and have its content taken over and the site destroyed by a minority with a mix of parochial and commercial interests. Then the same happened at Digg. And Reddit stepped in to enjoy the fleeing user base. Now Reddit abuses their user base. But there's no serious competitor to Reddit to counter.

USENET worked better. It was uncensored. And distributed, with no central point of control. And much easier to search.

The only way out of this mess is with a distributed system developed using traditional free software licensing and development techniques.

Then let's just go back to usenet

uh, Voat now maybe

Voat will be coopted as soon as it gains enough audience share to make it worth the effort.

good way past time the fact our social medias being gammed makes the news sad to see what reddits turned into from where we started as a bastion of free speech.

5 But the Admin came down to see the internet and the subreddits the people were building.

6 The Admin said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

Every time this shit happens, this dumb asshole gets on here to lie to us.

Ohhhh, I see. So now you are saying race isn't the cause and that it is everyone, not just blacks.

I agree.