I know a thing or two about this election, and can confirm that it's been rigged for Hillary Clinton since 2008

13  2016-07-30 by [deleted]



Hahahha, oh my god.

"I'm super high up on the political chain bro, trust me. Satan is controlling this nation, bro I've set foot in the white house. Bro I deal with the Illuminati on a daily basis man, they're for real. They wanna rule the world and reduce the population man."

And with 0 proof, as usual. Fucking hell dude, come on. Not everyone in this subreddit just swallows what they're told, hell I'd say that the majority are here because they're sick of people who do.

This part cracks me up the most though hahah

" I have had very little dealings with the Illuminati until recently, when I was approached to be put on track for a highly successful career eventually leading to the Presidency of the United States. But I have declined their offer."

Like wow, just wow. Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

Lmao. This guy is full of shit. Like all these "insiders"

What you are saying has been said in this sub numerous times. I'd like to believe that you are an insider but you haven't brought anything to the table that we haven't already discussed ourselves.

Tell us something that we can use to vet your statements.

/r/creativewriting, really. That's basically all this is, and the wrong crowd to post to, tbh....

It reminds me more of one of those nosleep posts.

Lol. Anyone actually believe this shit. No wonder everyone thinks we are crackpots.

So what's the name they use? The Illuminati, I mean?

Not telling us is the "tell" that this is a scam, IMHO.

Well, hope the NSA doesn't catch you hanging out in conspiracy forums...

Any info on the Rockefellers or 9/11 ???

oh good more fanfics from wanna be "insiders"

/r/WilliamCooper (murdered in 2001) talks about how they killed JFK Jr bc he was planning to get into politics officially by running for the same senate seat /r/HillaryClinton eventually ran for when they left the White House..Cooper also has an excellent recording from one of his radio shows about how the US was planning something big and was going to blame it on Osama Bin Laden to scare people into giving up our liberties..this is BEFORE 2001 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JLT-bEPBed4

This was part of the PNAC agreement. It was thoroughly discussed and agreed that America needed "another Pearl Harbor" to get their agenda in motion

do you remember all the predictions that he made that didn't come though. Maybe I should start making pridctions and whne something close comes true I'll be famous. 1) there will be another mass shooting before obama leaves office. 2) there will be another terrorist attack in europe or the mideast 3) a team that is a longshot will come close to wining a major league sporting event. 4) some unknown will win a little known sporting event in the olympics.

lets see how many I get right in the next year or more.

William Cooper has something Alex Jones or David Icke does not have: "Street Credibility". Milton William Cooper had a federal-level target on his head!

"Milton William Cooper is the most dangerous man in America because of the issues he addresses on his radio show." - Bill Clinton, 42nd U.S. President

"We are in an information war and we are losing that war." - Hilary Clinton

So she conspired to lose the election in 2008 so she can spend 8 years waiting? Boy she is smart.

She was Secretary of State. That's not exactly 'waiting'.

I see now, she gave up being president so she can become Secretary of State and go through a whole election cycle again. I'm now seeing that being Secretary of State is helping her get elected president.


wouldn't they want an orange man first?

1/10. Try harder.

She had no problem getting "fluffed" for eight years. She just dug in with her rich donors/handlers, ran a charity/slush fund, and bought off/appointed the DNC chair and VP nom.

I guess that makes more sense then getting elected 8 years sooner and then retiring to do what you want. If elected and serves 2 terms she'll have a lot more life and quality life when she finally retires. I guess the next few years of drinking the blood of virgins and injections of alien DNA will allow that.

Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. Never thought they would be equal opportunity conspiracy group.

Thanks for coming back but not answering any of the legit questions that might actually reveal you're not some lying narcissist merely trying to jerk us around.

What do this "Illuminati" actually call themselves, pal? How about putting something NEW on the table for us, instead of regurgitating a bunch of stuff all of us already know?

She was playing some of that 4d Chess I keep hearing about

Yeah, shut the fuck up.

If what you have written is true, and I accept it as truthful, then rest assured that you have done your job. I am grateful to you without qualification for your comments here and I hope that you will continue to be forthcoming in some fashion. If they know who you are because you are disclosing that you have been approached then you may have crossed a line. I hope this isn't the case. Again, thank you.

Talk to somebody about your delusions of grandeur.

Satan, you say? You seem like a reasonable chap.

Santa is real mate.

What about Sanka?

He ded, mon.

Paul Sanka is real too

Satan, as is also the case with God, exists, but only in the minds of men. Satan is real because people are evil. God exists for the same reason, because people are evil.

I actually believe God is real and Satan is fiction.

Who's at the top of illuminati?

Black pope

Load of dogshit.

Ben Carson, is that you??

Except for the fact you're wrong about Obama. He was made into the shill he is through careful manipulation. Surely you must know that. He's 100% manufactured.

What about Sanka?

1/10. Try harder.

She had no problem getting "fluffed" for eight years. She just dug in with her rich donors/handlers, ran a charity/slush fund, and bought off/appointed the DNC chair and VP nom.

I guess that makes more sense then getting elected 8 years sooner and then retiring to do what you want. If elected and serves 2 terms she'll have a lot more life and quality life when she finally retires. I guess the next few years of drinking the blood of virgins and injections of alien DNA will allow that.

Lmao. This guy is full of shit. Like all these "insiders"